928 research outputs found
Accretion onto Some Well-Known Regular Black Holes
In this work, we discuss the accretion onto static spherical symmetric
regular black holes for specific choices of equation of state parameter. The
underlying regular black holes are charged regular black hole using Fermi-Dirac
Distribution, logistic distribution, nonlinear electrodynamics, respectively
and Kehagias-Sftesos asymptotically flat regular black hole. We obtain the
critical radius, critical speed and squared sound speed during the accretion
process near the regular black holes. We also study the behavior of radial
velocity, energy density and rate of change of mass for each regular black
holes.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figures, Accepted for publication in Eur. Phys. J.
Effects of Thermal Fluctuations on Non-minimal Regular Magnetic Black Hole
We analyze the effects of thermal fluctuations on a regular black hole (RBH)
of non-minimal Einstein-Yang-Mill theory with gauge field of magnetic Wu-Yang
type and a cosmological constant. We consider the logarithmic corrected entropy
in order to analyze the thermal fluctuations corresponding to non-minimal RBH
thermodynamics. In this scenario, we develop various important thermodynamical
quantities such as entropy, pressure, specific heats, Gibb's free energy and
Helmothz free energy. We investigate first law of thermodynamics in the
presence of logarithmic corrected entropy and non-minimal RBH. We also discuss
the stability of this RBH using various frameworks such as factor
(comprises of ratio of heat capacities), phase transition, grand canonical
ensemble and canonical ensemble. It is observed that the non-minimal RBH
becomes more globally and locally stable if we increase the value of
cosmological constant.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figure
Thermodynamics of Black holes With Higher Order Corrected Entropy
For analyzing the thermodynamical behavior of two well-known black holes such
as RN-AdS black hole with global monopole and black hole, we consider
the higher order logarithmic corrected entropy. We develop various
thermodynamical properties such as, entropy, specific heats, pressure, Gibb's
and Helmhotz free energies for both black holes in the presence of corrected
entropy. The versatile study on the stability of black holes is being made by
using various frameworks such as the ratio of heat capacities (), grand
canonical and canonical ensembles, and phase transition in view of higher order
logarithmic corrected entropy. It is observed that both black holes exhibit
more stability (locally as well as globally) for growing values of cosmological
constant and higher order correction terms.Comment: 23 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication by Canadian Journal of
Physics. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1701.08650 by other
Tidal Forces in Kiselev Black Hole
The aim of this paper is to examine the tidal forces occurred in Kiselev
black hole surrounded by radiation and dust fluids. It is noted that radial and
angular component of tidal force change the sign between event and Cauchy
horizons. We solve the geodesic deviation equation for radially free falling
bodies toward Kiselev black holes. We explain the geodesic deviation vector
graphically and point out the location of event and Cauchy horizons in it for
specific values of radiation and dust parameter.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figure
Accreting Fluids onto Regular Black Holes Via Hamiltonian Approach
We investigate the accretion of test fluids onto regular black holes such as
Kehagias-Sfetsos black hole and a regular black hole with Dagum Distribution
Function. We analyze the accretion process when different test fluids are
falling onto these regular black holes. The accreting fluid is being classified
through equation of state according to features of regular black holes. The
behavior of fluid flow and the existence of sonic points is being checked for
these regular black holes. It is noted that three velocity depends on critical
points and equation of state parameter on phase space.Comment: 25 pages; 10 Figure
Light field super resolution through controlled micro-shifts of light field sensor
Light field cameras enable new capabilities, such as post-capture refocusing
and aperture control, through capturing directional and spatial distribution of
light rays in space. Micro-lens array based light field camera design is often
preferred due to its light transmission efficiency, cost-effectiveness and
compactness. One drawback of the micro-lens array based light field cameras is
low spatial resolution due to the fact that a single sensor is shared to
capture both spatial and angular information. To address the low spatial
resolution issue, we present a light field imaging approach, where multiple
light fields are captured and fused to improve the spatial resolution. For each
capture, the light field sensor is shifted by a pre-determined fraction of a
micro-lens size using an XY translation stage for optimal performance
Void growth in high strength aluminium alloy single crystals : a CPFEM based study
The author thankfully acknowledges the financial support of EPSRC funding (EP/L021714/1).Peer reviewedPostprin
Implementasi Peraturan Daerah Kabupaten Siak Nomor 11 Tahun 2006 Tentang Pembentukan Badan Usaha Milik Daerah (Bumd) PT. Permodalan Siak dalam Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Masyarakat di Kabupaten Siak Tahun 2007-2012
This research aims to describe the implementation of Siak RegencyRegulation No. 11 Year 2006 on the Establishment of provincial enterprises(enterprises) PT. In the capital Siak Economic Empowerment In Siak seen in theimplementation. The usefulness of this study are as material information regardingthe implementation of the Peoples Empowerment held by PT. Siak starting capital togrow, develop and nurture, so as to provide input to the PT. Siak capital andprovincial governments to the realization of equitable empowerment of the people.This study uses the theory proposed by (Riant Nugroho, 2006: 158) theimplementation of the policy in principle is a way in order to achieve a policy goal,nothing more and nothing less. To implement public policy, then there are twooptions available measures that directly mengeimplementasikan in the form ofprograms or policies regulai derivative or derivative of such public policy. Themethod used in this study is qualitative methods of data that can not be expressed interms of numbers but in the form of an explanation that describes the shape of thestate, a process, a particular event. Data collection techniques using interviewtechniques and documentation of the results of this study can be concluded that theimplementation of the Regional Regulation No. 11 of 2006 is not running optimally. Itcan be seen from this type of loan can not reach the poor, not the course of 11 typesof loans that are provided and the misappropriation of funds by customers.Key Word : Implementation, PT. Permodalan Siak, Economic Empowerment
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