162 research outputs found

    Molecular detection of New Delhi metallobetalactamases in escherichia coli and klebsiella pneumoniae in clinical isolates of a tertiary care hospital

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    Enterobacteriaceae are inhabitants of human, animal gastrointestinal tract and various other environmental sites.Escherichia coli and klebsiella pneumoniae initially responded to betalactam antibiotics but there was an increase in resistance to betalactam antibiotics due to beta lactamase produced by them. Resistance to carbapenems has now become more prevalent due to production of carbapenemases. NDM-1 is a novel metallo betalactamase that is capable of hydrolysing all beta lactam antibiotics except Aztreonam NDM-1 was detected in 82% 0f samples. Appropriate detection of emerging mechanism of resistance will prevent unnecessary mortality and morbidity. Carbapenamase carrier state was 8% and the less incidence is probably due to the infection control measures

    A study to evaluate the effectiveness of lumbar stabilization exercises on low back pain disability among women working in fireworks factory of selected villages at Tirunelveli district

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    This study was undertaken to assess the effectiveness of lumbar stabilization exercises on low back pain disability among women working in fireworks factory of selected villages at Tirunelveli district. The study carried out in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Science in nursing at Sri. K.Ramachandran Naidu College of Nursing, under the Tamilnadu Dr.M.G.R. Medical University, Chennai during the year of October 2018. OBJECTIVES: 1. To assess the pre and post test level of low back pain disability among women in experimental group and control group. 2. To find out the effectiveness of lumbar stabilization exercises on low back pain disability among experimental group. 3. To compare the pre and post test level of low back pain disability among the women in experimental group and control group. 4. To associate the post test level of low back pain disability among women with their selected demographic variables in experimental group. HYPOTHESES: H1: Mean post test level of low back pain disability among women in experimental group will be significantly lower than the mean pre test level low back pain disability in experimental group. H2: Mean post test level of low back pain disability among experimental group will be significantly lower than the mean post test level of low back pain disability among control group. H3: There will not be significant difference between mean pre test and post test level of low back pain disability in control group. H4: There will be a significant association in the post test level of low back pain disability among women with their selected demographic variables among women in experimental group. Researcher adopted the Faye G. Abdellah’s (1960), helping art of clinical nursing theory, which focused patient centered approach as the basis for her typology of 21 nursing problems, it directed action towards the explicit goal, this theory has 3 sections. • Health care need. • Problem solving approach. • Health care need management. The research design selected for this study was quasi experimental pre test and post test control group design. The study was conducted in selected villages Varaganoor (experimental group) and Maiparai (control group) at Tirunelveli district by using convenient sampling technique. The tool used for data collection consisting of demographic variables like age, type of family, nutritional status, monthly income in rupees, marital status, educational status, occupation ,years of suffering with low back pain disability, years of working in fireworks factory etc. The Modified Quebec scale was used to assess the level of low back pain disability among women working in fireworks factory. The tool was validated by five experts consisting of four nursing experts and one medical expert and the reliability of the tool was confirmed by test re-test method. The value of the reliability was r=0.9, and hence the tool was highly reliable. The pilot study was conducted and the findings revealed that the tool was feasible and practicable to conduct the main study. The main study was conducted in Varagnoor (experimental group) and Maiparai (control group) village. Sixty patients were selected by using non-probability purposive sampling technique. MAJOR FINDINGS OF THE STUDY: • With regard to the age of women with low back pain out of 60 samples, 3 (10%) were between the age group of 25-30 years, 11 (36.66%) were between the age group of 41-45years in the experimental group. Whereas 5 (16.66%) were between the age group of 25-30 years, 9 (30%) were between the age group of 41-45 years in control group. • In relation to marital status out of 60 samples, 19 (63.33%) were married in experimental group. Whereas 17 (56.66%) were married in the control group. • With respect to the educational status out of 60 samples, 7 (23.33%) were uneducated, 11 (36.67%) were completed middle school education. Whereas 5 (16.66%) were uneducated, 11 (36.67%) were completed middle school education in the control group. • On analysis of nature of occupation out of 60 samples studied, 14 (46.66%) were filling chemicals in empty crackers, 3 (10%) were labeling individual cracker pieces and assembling. Whereas16 (53.33%) were filling chemicals in empty crackers, 5 (16.66%) were labeling individual cracker pieces and assembling in the control group. • With respect to income per month in rupees out of 60 samples, 7 (23.66%) were earning between 3,000-4,000, 13 (43.33%) were earning 4,001-5,000, 9 (30%) were earning 5,001-6,000 and 1(3.33%) were earning 6,001 and above in the experimental group. Whereas (13.33%) were earning between 3,000-4,000, 16 (53.33%) were earning 4,001-5,000, 8(26.66%) were earning 5,001-6,000 and 2 (6.66%) were earning 6,001 and above in the control group. • On analysis of the nutritional status out of the 60 samples, 2 (6.66%) were underweight, 11 (36.66%) were overweigh in the experimental group. Whereas 4 (13.33%) were underweight, 12(40%) in the control group. • With regard to family type out of 60 samples, 13 (43.33%) were in the joint family, 15 (50%) were in the nuclear family in the experimental group. Whereas 12 (40%) were in the joint family, 17 (56.67%) were in the nuclear family in the control group. • With regard to years of working in the factory out of 60 samples, 1 (3.33%) were suffering from 6 months to 1 year, 17 (56.66%) were suffering more than 3 to 5 years and above in the experimental group. Whereas in control group 2(6.67) were suffering from 6 months to 1 year, 15 (50%) were suffering more than 3 to 5 years and above. • With regard to years suffering with the low back pain disability out of 60 samples, 4 (13.33%) were suffering for 6 months to 1 year, 11 (36.66%) were suffering more than 3 years to 5 years and above in the experimental group. Whereas in control group 5 (16.67%) were suffering for 6 months to 1 year, 12 (40%) were suffering more than 3 years to 5 years and above. • The comparison of mean and standard deviation of pre-test and post-test on day 10 level low back pain disability in experimental group. In the experimental group mean pre-test value was 29.63 and SD was 5.09 and the Mean post-test on day 10 value was 22.96 and SD was 4.84.Their mean difference was 6.66 The calculated “t” value was 13.74. • The mean pre-test value was 29.63 and SD was 5.09 and the mean post-test value on day 21 was 18.70 and SD was 4.50. Their mean difference was 10.93. The calculated “t” value was 10.93. • The comparison of mean pre test level of low back pain disability in the experimental group was 29.63 and SD was 5.09 and for control group the mean pre-test value was 30.80 and SD was 5.06. Their mean difference is 1.17, and the calculated “t” value was 0.893. • The comparison of mean and standard deviation of post-test on day 10 and 21 level of low back pain disability between the experimental and control group. The mean post-test day 10th value for experimental group was 22.96 and SD was 4.84.Their mean difference was 4.26, for control group the mean post-test on 10th day value was 31.43 and SD was 5.02.Their mean difference was 1.53. The calculated “t” value was 6.66. • The comparison of mean and standard deviation of post-test on 21stday level of low back pain disability between the experimental and control group. The mean post-test on day 21st day value for experimental group was 18.70 and SD was 4.50, for control group the mean post-test day 21stvalue was 32.96 and SD was 4.16. Their mean difference is 14.26. The calculated “t’ value was 12.76. • Chi-square test to associate the post-test level of low back pain disability with the selected demographic variables in the experimental group. While analyzing the statistical significance at (P < 0.05) level it shows that, there was significant association of the post-test level of low back pain disability with the selected demographic variables like age, nature of work, nutritional status, years of suffering with low back pain and years of working in factory except marital status, type of family, income and educational status at p < 0.05 level. • The chi-square test to associate the post test level of low back pain disability with the selected demographic variables in the control group. While analyzing the statistical significance at (P < 0.05) level it shows that, there was significant association of the post-test level of low back pain disability in the selected demographic variables like age, nutritional status, years of suffering with low back pain and years of working in factory except marital status, type of family, income, educational status, and nutritional status at p < 0.05 level. RECOMMENDATIONS: The following studies can be undertaken to strengthen the study regarding effectiveness of lumbar stabilization exercises to reduce low back pain disability. 1. A Longitudinal study to assess the effectiveness of lumbar stabilization exercises to reduce low back pain disability. 2. A study to assess the effectiveness of lumbar stabilization exercises to reduce low back pain disability among workers in fireworks factory. 3. A study to assess the knowledge regarding effectiveness lumbar stabilization exercises to reduce low back pain disability among staff nurses working in orthopedic ward. 4. A comparative study to assess the effectiveness of lumbar stabilization exercise and yoga on reduction of low back pain disability among bus drivers. 5. An experimental study to assess the effectiveness of lumbar stabilization exercises on reduction of low back pain disability among software company workers. Nursing personnel should develop sound knowledge about the low back pain disability among working women in fireworks factory. The Nurse educators need to be equipped with adequate knowledge regarding lumbar stabilization exercises to reduce low back pain disability. Nurses should assist in implementing public health awareness Campaigns aimed at promoting lumbar stabilization exercises to reduce low back pain disability. Nurses should conduct research to further clarify the beneficial effects of lumbar stabilization exercises to reduce low back pain disability. CONCLUSION: From the result of the study, it was concluded that administration of lumbar stabilization exercises to reduce low back pain disability was effective in reducing the low back pain disability. Therefore the investigator felt that more importance should be given to lumbar stabilization exercises to reduce low back pain disability

    A clinical study on role of endonasal dacryocystorhinostomy in the treatment of acute dacryocystitis and its outcome

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    AIM OF THE STUDY: To determine the role of the endonasal Dacryocystorhinostomy in the treatment of acute dacryocystitis and to assess the success rate of the procedure. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A prospective study was carried out on 30 patients at Orbit and Oculoplasty clinic, RIO-GOH, Chennai during the period of from October 2013 to August 2014. SELECTION CRITERIA: 30 patients who presented with acute dacryocystitis were included in this study. Out of 30 patients 26 were female patients and 4 were male patients. They were in the age group of 20-58 years and there was no history of major systemic illness like diabetes or hypertension among them. All the patients underwent primary endonasal DCR. Inclusion Criteria: All the cases of acute Dacryocystitis with abscess with established nasolacrimal duct obstruction were included in the study. Exclusion Criteria: 1. Cases with canalicular and punctal obstruction. 2. Cases with ectropion or entropion. 3. Cases with noticeable lower lid laxity. 4. Cases of congenital malformations of lacrimal apparatus and craniofacial anomalies. 5. Cases of tumours of the lacrimal apparatus and nasal cavity. 6. Cases with lacrimal fistulae and chronic dacryocystitis. 7. All recurrent cases due to failed external dacryocystorhinostomy. 8. Cases with deviated nasal septum on the same side. DISCUSSION AND RESULTS: Acute dacryocystitis is more common on the right side Acute dacryocystitis is more common among females. This is because of the narrow lumen in the bony canal which leads to partial or complete closure of the NLD. Acute dacryocystitis is more common in 5th decade. Acute dacryocystitis presents with complaints of pain, watering, discharge, swelling in the lacrimal sac region and occasionally with pre septal cellulitis and lacrimal abscess. ROPLAS test and lacrimal syringing are contra indicated in the acute phase of the disease. The diagnosis is made exclusively on clinical signs and symptoms. The conventional treatment for a case of acute dacryocystitis includes warm compresses, use of systemic antibiotic therapy, percutaneous route of drainage of the abscess and plan for external DCR after complete resolution of infection. This however may result in formation of cutaneous fistula formation, risk of incidence of recurrent infection before external DCR, prolong the illness and intake of antibiotic therapy. The procedure of external DCR is contraindicated in acute dacryocystitis. Because it spreads the infection via the tissue planes, exacerbates inflammation and causes septicemia. An endonasal approach reduces these complications since the lacrimal sac abscess is approached via the noninfected and less inflamed tissue areas. Endonasal drainage of the abscess causes rapid resolution of symptoms and signs. If the acute dacryocystitis is left unattended it may lead to the formation of lacrimal abscess which may burst open and leads to the formation of lacrimal fistula. These complications can be avoided by timely intervention by endonasal DCR. Endonasal DCR is associated with less intra operative and early postoperative complications like injury to neighbouring structures. CONCLUSION: Endonasal dacryocystorhinostomy is proved to be the treatment of choice in cases of acute dacryocystitis, compared to previous conventional external DCR. Endonasal DCR is a real boon in this world of upcoming cosmetic surgeries. As capsule endoscopies in gastroenterology and micro incision phacoemulsification in cataract surgery, endonasal DCR is now dominating the field of lacrimal surgery. It gives less pain, edema, bleeding, fistula formation. Being aesthetically more acceptable it causes no scar, no adhesions. It lessens the hospital stay, and provides an additional economic benefits for the patient by avoiding readmission for external DCR and prevents fistula formation. The overall success rate of this procedure in this study is 90%


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    Objectives: To find out the effect of the extract of Calophyllum inophyllum leaves on the streptozotocin-induced oxidative stress complications in mice.Methods: The plant extract was first checked for its radical scavenging activity by the 2,2-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl hydrate (DPPH) method andL-ascorbic acid was used as the standard. DPPH assay activity of the plant extract was found to be close to the standard drug ascorbic acid. Acutetoxicity was conducted as per OECD 425 guidelines. From the results obtained, 250, 300, and 350 mg/kg dose were chosen for further experimentation.After 16 days of drug treatment, glucose, cholesterol, triglyceride and enzymatic antioxidants levels were estimated in serum samples.Results: C. inophyllum leaves extract has significantly reduced the glucose, cholesterol, triglyceride and enzymatic antioxidants levels. Hence, thisproves that the plant has anti-diabetic property. However, vitamin E had no effect on the triglyceride level. Antioxidant activity was monitored bysuperoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase, malondialdehyde assay and it was found that the plant extract has effectively increased theantioxidant activity as the dose increases.Conclusion: C. inophyllum leaves extract have anti-diabetic activity and effective in curbing the oxidative stress complications.Keywords: Calophyllum inophyllum, Oxidative stress complications, Anti-diabetic activity, Free radicals

    Using Support Vector Machine For Classification And Feature Extraction Of Spam In Email

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    We provide an overview of recent and successful content-based e-mail spam filtering algorithms in this article. Our main focus is on spam filters based on machine learning and variants influenced by them. We report on significant ideas, methodologies, key endeavors, and the field's current state-of-the-art. The initial interpretation of previous work demonstrates the fundamentals of spam filtering and feature engineering in e-mail. We finish by looking at approaches, procedures, and evaluation standards, as well as exploring intriguing offshoots of recent breakthroughs and proposing directions of future research

    Neurodevelopmental outcome of babies with hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy

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    Background: The aim of the study was to find out the neurodevelopmental outcome of babies with hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy at 6 months of age and to predict early markers of abnormal neurological outcome in those babies.Methods: 50 babies admitted with hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy were enrolled in this prospective study and followed up at 3 and 6 months of age at Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Government Hospital, Trichy. The neurological outcome of the babies was assessed by CDC grading of motor milestones, Trivandrum development screening chart, Amiel Tison angles head circumference and weight measured. USG cranium was done for all the babies and MRI brain was done in babies with abnormal neuro sonogram and abnormal outcome. Vision and hearing were tested clinically.Results: The incidence of abnormal neurological outcome was 14%. The early markers predicting abnormal neurological sequele are identified.Conclusions: Early identification of abnormal neuro behaviour helps in starting early intervention to improve the long term outcome

    Painlev\'e Analysis, Prelle-Singer Approach, Symmetries and Integrability of Damped H\'enon-Heiles System

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    We consider a modified damped version of H\'enon-Heiles system and investigate its integrability. By extending the Painlev\'e analysis of ordinary differential equations we find that the modified H\'enon-Heiles system possesses the Painlev\'e property for three distinct parametric restrictions. For each of the identified cases, we construct two independent integrals of motion using the well known Prelle-Singer method. We then derive a set of nontrivial non-point symmetries for each of the identified integrable cases of the modified H\'enon-Heiles system. We infer that the modified H\'enon-Heiles system is integrable for three distinct parametric restrictions. Exact solutions are given explicitly for two integrable cases.Comment: Accepted for publication in Journal of Mathematical Physic

    Effect of chemicals treatment and fiber loading on mechanical properties of borassus (Toddy palm) fiber/epoxy composites

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    Abstract: The aim of the present study was to investigate and compare the mechanical properties of untreated and chemically modified Borassus fiber reinforced epoxy composites. Composites were prepared by hand lay-up process by reinforcing Borassus fibers with epoxy matrix. To improve the fiber-matrix adhesion properties, alkali (NaOH), and alkali combined with silane (3- aminopropyltriethoxysilane) treatments on the fibers surface were carried out. Examinations through Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were conducted to investigate the structural and physical properties of the Borassus fibers. Tensile properties such as modulus and strength of the composites made by chemically modified and untreated Borassus fibers were studied using a Universal Testing Machine (UTM). Based on the experimental results, it was found that the tensile properties of the Borassus reinforced epoxy composites were significantly improved, as compared with the neat epoxy. It was also found that the fiber treated with combination of alkali and silane exhibited superior mechanical properties as compared with alkali and untreated fiber composites. The nature of fiber/matrix interface was examined through SEM of cryo-fractured samples. Chemical resistance of composites was also found to be improved with chemically modified fiber composites

    Investigation of Antidiabetic, Antihyperlipidemic, and In Vivo Antioxidant Properties of Sphaeranthus indicus Linn. in Type 1 Diabetic Rats: An Identification of Possible Biomarkers

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    The present investigation was aimed to study the antidiabetic, antihyperlipidemic, and in vivo antioxidant properties of the root of Sphaeranthus indicus Linn. in streptozotocin- (STZ-) induced type 1 diabetic rats. Administration of ethanolic extract of Sphaeranthus indicus root (EESIR) 100 and 200 mg/kg to the STZ-induced diabetic rats showed significant (P < .01) reduction in blood glucose and increase in body weight compared to diabetic control rats. Both the doses of EESIR-treated diabetic rats showed significant (P < .01) alteration in elevated lipid profile levels than diabetic control rats. The EESIR treatment in diabetic rats produced significant increase in superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and decrease in thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) levels than diabetic control rats. Administration of EESIR 200 mg/kg produced significant (P < .01) higher antioxidant activity than EESIR 100 mg/kg. The high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis of EESIR revealed the presence of biomarkers gallic acid and quercetin. In conclusion, EESIR possess antidiabetic, antihyperlipidemic, and in vivo antioxidant activity in type 1 diabetic rats. Its antioxidant and lipid lowering effect will help to prevent diabetic complications, and these actions are possibly due to presence of above biomarkers
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