80 research outputs found

    Ethno-Specific Codes: Metaphor and Everyday Symbolization of Objectified Space in Anna Nerkagy’s Story “The White Moss”

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    The features of decoding ethnospecific codes of metaphorization in the literature of the peoples of the North are considered on the material of A. Nerkagy’s story “The White Moss”. This article is intended to reveal certain “algorithms of speech behavior” embedded in the language, the principles of mythologization and metaphorical objectification of the real world, to reveal more deeply the structure of understanding a literary text. The relevance of the study is due to the need to search for new tools to identify ethnospecific cultural models that determine the vision of the world of representatives of a particular national community, structuring the field of expressiveness of a literary text. Attention is paid to the formation mechanisms of figurative meanings, when the dynamics of the narrative, which is not bright at first glance, is compensated by a careful detailing of the description of a northerner life, which is achieved through the actualization of the sacred elements of the symbolic picture of the world. So, for A. Nerkagy’s creativity, mythological codes of imagery become ethnospecific: bird, wolf, stone, fire, time, water, man. The personification of objects of nature and the perception of the world through the prism of one’s own body are traced. Each of the listed semantic elements is an element of metaphor, metonymy. The symbolic image is indivisible; it is based not just on an associative component, but on a ritual, a myth

    Visible light photoluminescence in TiO2/CdS nanopowders synthesized by sol-gel route: Effect of gel aging time

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    A series of sol-gel TiO2/CdS, TiO2 powders and coagulated CdS nanoparticles were studied by XRD, HRTEM and Raman spectroscopy to elucidate the effect of low-temperature gel aging time on visible photoluminescence (PL) emission of the TiO2/CdS composites. With an increase in aging time a content of amorphous titania and incorporated CdS nanoparticles decreases in composites. For all composites, visible PL emission includes bands attributed to surface oxygen vacancies and hydroxyl group of TiO2 nanocrystals, as well as yellow-green and red bands related to lattice defect states of CdS nanoparticles. It was found that gel aging time is a crucial parameter to influence visible PL emission in composites. This emission is suppressed with increasing aging time, and its evolution shows that healing of oxygen vacancy defects and hydroxyl group affect visible emission more significantly than improving crystallinity degree. The correlation between visible PL emission in TiO2/CdS and their visible-light photocatalytic activity was discussed. © 2020, ITMO University. All rights reserved.The research was carried out in accordance with the state assignment for ISSC UB RAS and financial support from ISSC UB RAS (theme AAAA-A19-119031890025-9). TEM study was supported by RFBR (grant No. 20-02-00906). The authors are grateful to Dr. Kozhevnikova N. S. and Dr. Gorbunova T. I. for the provided samples TiO2/CdS and CdS

    Species identification of spider mites (Tetranychidae: Tetranychinae): a review of methods

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    Spider mites (Acari: Tetranychidae) are dangerous pests of agricultural and ornamental crops, the most economically significant of them belonging to the genera Tetranychus, Eutetranychus, Oligonychus and Panonychus. The expansion of the distribution areas, the increased harmfulness and dangerous status of certain species in the family Tetranychidae and their invasion of new regions pose a serious threat to the phytosanitary status of agroand biocenoses. Various approaches to acarofauna species diagnosis determine a rather diverse range of currently existing methods generally described in this review. Identification of spider mites by morphological traits, which is currently considered the main method, is complicated due to the complexity of preparing biomaterials for diagnosis and a limited number of diagnostic signs. In this regard, biochemical and molecular genetic methods such as allozyme analysis, DNA barcoding, restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP), selection of species-specific primers and real-time PCR are becoming important. In the review, close attention is paid to the successful use of these methods for species discrimination in the mites of the subfamily Tetranychinae. For some species, e. g., the two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae), a range of identification methods has been developed – from allozyme analysis to loop isothermal amplification (LAMP), while for many other species a much smaller variety of approaches is available. The greatest accuracy in the identification of spider mites can be achieved using a combination of several methods, e. g., examination of morphological features and one of the molecular approaches (DNA barcoding, PCR-RFLP, etc.). This review may be useful to specialists who are in search of an effective system for spider mite species identification as well as when developing new test systems relevant to specific plant crops or a specific region

    The choice of antibiotic for community-acquired pneumonia – the results of a survey of doctors and an analysis of real outpatient practice

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    Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) remains an urgent problem in the structure of infectious diseases worldwide including the Russian Federation. According to medical statistics the incidence rate of CAP increased by 19.1 % by December 2018 as compared to year 2017. The authors addressed the problem of rational choice of antimicrobial agents (AMAs) for outpatient treatment of this disease. The aim was to assess structure and rationality of choice of AMAs for outpatient treatment of CAP by primary care physicians in municipal outpatient clinics in Moscow. A two-stage single-center pharmacoepidemic study was conducted. The survey involved 45 primary care physicians with average age 48.5 ± 13.2 years and medical experience 22.7 ± 13.6 years. Relevant information was also copied out from 650 ambulatory records of patients receiving AMs for CAP. According to the results of our survey the leaders of the respondents’ preferences are beta-lactam antibiotics — amoxicillin/clavulanate (49.0 %) followed by amoxicillin (25.5 %) and cephalosporins (15.7 %). Analysis of real clinical practice brings different picture: cephalosporins become comparable to amoxicillin/clavulanate in terms of frequency of administration, The latter significantly loses popularity, as does amoxicillin as monotherapy These data match with similar survey of 233 Moscow primary care physicians conducted earlier in 2013-2014 by one of the authors where amoxicillin/clavulanate accounted for 43.6 % of total AMAs recommendations. Thus, the initial choice of AMAs for outpatient treatment of CAP in most cases does not comply with current clinical guidelines. Physicians tend to start initial outpatient management of CAP with second-line AMAs (amoxicillin/clavulanate, cephalosporins, less commonly fluoroquinolones), underestimating macrolides and almost neglecting doxycycline. These circumstances result in unwarranted increase in drug load on the patient, decrease in safety of treatment and ineffectiveness of antimicrobial therapy in case if CAP is caused by atypical pathogens

    Approaches of Russian oil companies to optimal capital structure

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    Oil companies play a vital role in Russian economy. Demand for hydrocarbon products will be increasing for the nearest decades simultaneously with the population growth and social needs. Change of raw-material orientation of Russian economy and the transition to the innovative way of the development do not exclude the development of oil industry in future. Moreover, society believes that this sector must bring the Russian economy on to the road of innovative development due to neo-industrialization. To achieve this, the government power as well as capital management of companies are required. To make their optimal capital structure, it is necessary to minimize the capital cost, decrease definite risks under existing limits, and maximize profitability. The capital structure analysis of Russian and foreign oil companies shows different approaches, reasons, as well as conditions and, consequently, equity capital and debt capital relationship and their cost, which demands the effective capital management strategy

    Influence of health resort treatment on the level of systemic inflammation in patients after new coronavirus infection

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    Background. Low-grade inflammation is currently one of the main risk factors for the development of adverse events in the cardiovascular system, including death from cardiovascular diseases or their complications that cause mortality in the postCOVID period.The aim of the study. To assess the impact of health resort treatment in the conditions of the Southern Coast of Crimea on clinical and functional parameters, as well as on the level of systemic inflammation in patients after a new coronavirus infection.Materials and methods. The study included 67 patients (54.9 ± 9.05 years) in the post-COVID period who underwent health resort treatment at the I.M. Sechenov Academic Research Institute of Physical Treatment Methods, Medical Climatology and Rehabilitation. Methods of health resort treatment included climatic treatment on the Southern Coast of Crimea, therapeutic breathing exercises, terrainkur, and various methods of respiratory therapy. In all patients, the study of the C-reactive protein (CRP) in peripheral blood upon admission and at discharge was carried out.Results. Despite a statistically significant improvement in most clinical and functional parameters, the level of CRP and the number of leukocytes and their subpopulations in peripheral blood in patients who underwent health resort treatment did not differ significantly (p > 0.05) from the baseline values obtained upon admission at the I.M. Sechenov Academic Research Institute of Physical Treatment Methods, Medical Climatology and Rehabilitation. The CRP index upon admission and at discharge corresponded to the lower limit of the interval specific for low-grade inflammation (from 3 to 10 mg/l).Conclusion. Our results indicate the lack of effectiveness of the presented plan of health resort treatment in the correction of low-intensity inflammation, as well as the necessity for deeper scientific research in the direction of studying the mechanisms of low-grade inflammation development and the methods of its management

    Acid-Base Properties Of Glass Substrate And SiO[2]-Bi[2]O[3]Thin-Film Systems Obtained On It

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    The article describes an experimental research as a result of which SiO[2]–Bi[2]O[3] films have been synthesized of film-forming solutions based on tetraethoxysilane and bismuth nitrate (III). Acid-base properties of a glass substrate and SiO[2]–Bi[2]O[3] films obtained on it have been studied. The dependency of physical and chemical properties of SiO[2]–Bi[2]O[3] composites on their percentage composition have been revealed

    Разработка идентификационных критериев плодовых водок (Часть 1. Способы пробоподготовки)

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    The  development of reliable identification criteria for various  types of foods,  including fruit  vodkas,  is one  of the top-priority directions of scientific research in the field of quality control. The review examines different approaches to solution to a problem of searching identification criteria for fruit vodkas that will allow differentiating products by a type of fruit  raw materials, their grade  and region of origin.  To this  end, instrumental methods of analysis were used, including spectral, high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and gas chromatography coupled to mass  spectrometry (GC–MS) as the  main  method. When  detecting minor  aroma-forming substances using  the  latter method, it is necessary, first  of all, to  carry  out  the  special  sample preparation that includes extraction and  concentration of target substances. The  present review  examines three main  types of sample preparation (liquid  extraction, solid-phase extraction, supercritical fluid extraction) and  modifications of these methods. Their  comparative analysis was carried out  with  respect to  labor  intensity, extraction effectiveness, volatile aroma-forming compounds significantly different by polarity, reproducibility and  sustainability. It has been  shown  that a type of sample preparation affects  reproducibility and sensitivity of an instrumental analytic method, which is especially important for identification of some  minor  compounds, which concentration can be regarded as indicators for identification of fruit  raw materials. It has been  concluded that among  the  examined methods of sample preparation, the most  promising for the development of identification criteria for fruit vodkas is headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) as this  method is highly  effective in terms of extraction of target components including minor.Разработка надежных идентификационных критериев для  различных видов  пищевых продуктов, в том числе  плодовых водок,  является одним из приоритетных направлений научных исследований в области контроля качества. В обзоре рассматриваются различные подходы к решению проблемы поиска идентификационных критериев для  плодовых водок,  позволяющих дифференцировать  продукцию по  виду фруктового сырья, его сорту и региону происхождения. С этой  целью  использовались инструментальные методы анализа, в том числе спектральные, высокоэффективная жидкостная хроматография (ВЭЖХ) и газовая хроматография в сочетании с масс-спектрометрией (ГХ–МС) в качестве основного метода. При использовании последнего, в первую  очередь для обнаружения минорных ароматобразующих соединений, необходимо проводить специальную подготовку пробы анализируемого образца, включающую выделение и концентрирование целевых веществ. В настоящем обзоре рассмотрены 3 основных вида пробоподготовки (жидкостная экстракция, твердофазная экстракция, сверхкритическая флюидная экстракция) и модификации данных методов. Проведен их сравнительный анализ с точки  зрения трудоемкости, эффективности  выделения, значительно различающихся по полярности летучих  ароматобразующих компонентов, воспроизводимости и экологичности. Показано, что вид  пробоподготовки влияет на воспроизводимость и чувствительность инструментального метода анализа, что особенно важно  при определении некоторых минорных соединений, концентрации которых можно рассматривать в качестве показателей для  идентификации вида  фруктового сырья. Сделано заключение о том,  что  среди  рассмотренных методов пробоподготовки наиболее перспективным при разработке идентификационных критериев плодовых водок является твердофазная экстракция из паровой фазы  (HS-SPME), так как этот метод обладает высокой эффективностью извлечения целевых компонентов, в том числе минорных


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    Anti-idiotypic antibodies (Ab2), according to the network theory of Jerne, are second-generation immunoglobulins that are produced against the idiotype of an antibody to a specific antigen. Despite the large number of works devoted to the study of the properties of these proteins, their role in the regulation of the immune system is not fully known. It may consist in maintaining or blocking a minimal immune response to the antigen. The study of Ab2 is of great practical and scientific importance. The special properties of Ab2, namely, the ability to partially reproduce the structure of the primary antigen and, upon immunization, induce the appearance of tertiary antibodies, which, like first-generation antibodies, can bind to the antigen, have found application in the development of Ab2-based vaccines, in particular, for the treatment of tumors. In view of the presence of a number of limitations on research related to psychoactive substances, the development of Ab2- based vaccines against drug addiction also seems promising. To example, anti-idiotypic antibodies obtained for this purpose possessing a cocaine-like structure are described in the literature. In this work, murine monoclonal anti-idiotypic antibodies (mAb2) mimicking the structure of various morphine derivatives were obtained. Rabbit polyclonal antibodies to the 6-hemisuccinyl derivative of morphine conjugated with bovine serum albumin isolated by affinity chromatography were used as primary antibodies for immunization. Four hybridoma clones were obtained as a result of the fusion of immunized mice lymphocytes with mouse Sp2/0 mouse myeloma cells by the Milstein-Köhler method. After growth in animals, mAb2 produced by hybridoma cells were affinity purified. We investigated the physicochemical and antigenic properties of the isolated antibodies. It was shown that the obtained mAb2 differ in immunological specificity, competing in different degree with morphine derivatives for binding to first-generation antibodies. We tested the possibility of using the obtained mAb2 as antigen analogues in the solid-phase enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay to determine the titer of primary antibodies against morphine in the blood serum of laboratory animals immunized with morphine derivatives. Based on the obtained anti-idiotypic antibodies, it is proposed to develop test systems to determine the serum opiate-specific antibodies in people after specific vaccination for therapeutic or prophylactic purposes to avoid the use of drugs as antigens immobilized on the solid phase in the analysis


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    NIR photoluminescence was found in Ti(O,C)2/C with anatase/brookite matrix synthe-sized by thermolysis of titanium glycolate. Effect of carbon content on the NIR PL was ob-served. NIR PL is associated with radiative recombination at Ti3+ centers, which are formed under reducing condition of synthesis.Работа выполнена в соответствии с государственным заданием ИХТТ УрО РАН (тема AAAA-A19-119031890025-9)