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    Pengaruh Pelaksanaan Isoman (Isolasi Mandiri) di Desa dan di Kota Terhadap Hubungan Sosial Kemasyarakatan

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    ABSTRACTIn breaking the chain of the spread of Covid-19, one of the efforts that can be done is to undergo self- isolation (isoman). The purpose of implementing this isoman is to limit a person or area suspected of being infected from transmitting the virus to other people or to groups of people at risk. However, the various polemics that occur are often the community views negatively people who do isoman such as distancing themselves, lack of social sense and empathy. Therefore, this study aims to determine whether there is an effect of isoman implementation on community social relations that occur in the village area, namely Tawang Hamlet, Driyorejo Village, Nguntoronadi District, Magetan Regency and the City area in Jaya Maspion Permata Housing Block B4-63 Bangah Village, Gedangan District, Sidoarjo Regency. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative to describe the reality in the field, through data obtained from interviews, observations and documentation. The results of the study indicate that there are differences in the availability of health facilities where the city area has complete facilities in terms of the use of hand sanitizers and oxygen cylinders, in contrast to Driyorejo Village where the availability of health care programs is still limited. Meanwhile, based on the results of respondents, social relations, both city and village residents, on average during self-isolation, residents work together and are enthusiastic to help fulfill logistics, such as basic needs, medicines, and other