20 research outputs found

    The effects of storage temperature and storage time on the somatic cell count of anatolian buffaloes

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    This research examined the effects of storage temperature and storage time on the somatic cell count (SCC) of milk from Anatolian buffaloes, which was measured with the DeLaval cell counter (DCC). Storage temperature and time are among the different factors that potentially affect the SCC of Anatolian buffalo milk. In this context, 20 milk samples were collected from Anatolian Buffaloes and analyzed. The milk samples were divided into two groups according to their measured level of SCC. These two groups were the low score (?3.16 cell/ml) group and the high score (>3.16 cell/ml) group. The mean logSCC values of the low score and the high score groups were determined as 2.27±0.045 and 4.06±0.019 cells/ml, respectively. In this research, the effects of storage temperature (4ºC, 21ºC) and storage time (fresh milk, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 24 h) on logSCC were determined to be statistically significant (P<0.01). Thus, increases in storage temperature and storage time were associated with an increase in the logSCC of the milk samples. © 2019, International Buffalo Information Center, Kasetsart University. All rights reserved

    Carcass yield, non-carcass parts, internal organs and meat quality characteristics of karayaka male lambs with different birth weight fed free-choice feeding

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    In order to investigate the changes in meat quality characteristics and some serum metabolites as well as carcass yield, non-carcass parts, internal organs of lambs as influenced by birth weight (BtW) and feeding system (FS), 28 Karayaka male lambs (150 days of age) obtained from four comparable groups that consisted of seven replicates according to a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement for 2 BtW (low, 4.1 ± 0.06 kg and high, 5.0 ± 0.09 kg) and 2 FS (total mixed ration, TMR and free choice feeding, FCF) were used. After weaning (90 days of age), lambs with low BtW and high BtW were fed individually a TMR ad libitum or fed on the same ingredients (FCF) as that of TMR. The TMR was consisted of 80% of a compound feed and 20% of roughage based on a dry matter basis (140 g crude protein and 10.7 ME MJ/kg). The carcass weight and yield of lambs were not affected by the BtW, FS and BtWxFS interaction. The slaughter body weight, cold carcass weight and yield of FCF-fed lambs were higher than those of TMR-fed animals. The pH45 and shear force of semitendinosus muscle decreased and increased by the FCF systems, respectively. These results showed that BtW of lambs did not affect the studied parameter and that feeding system created more differences in terms of some parameters due to the fact that the FCF lead to improvement in carcass and some meat quality traits

    Fatty acid and conjugated linoleic acid content of Anatolian buffaloes at different muscle types and slaughter weight

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    This research was performed to detect tissue fatty acid (FA) composition and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) content in Anatolian buffaloes at different muscle types (MTs) and slaughter weights (SWs). The research was carried out on a private commercial livestock farm in Tokat. The research's animal material comprised 20 Anatolian buffalo calves with approximately 100 kg body weights, weaned at about 150 days of age. Before the experiment started, the calves were randomly divided into two slaughter groups (SW) as low weight (LW=225 kg) and high weight (HW=325 kg). Ten calves from each of the two experimental groups, which were intensively fed, were slaughtered in two different weights. After the slaughtering, FA composition and CLA content of the Semimembranosus (SM), Semitendinosus (ST), and Triceps brachii (TB) muscle tissues of the animals were examined. The study determined that palmitoleic acid (C16:1) and stearic acid (C18:0) were affected by MTs and oleic acid (C18:1) and alpha-linolenic acid (C18:3 n-3) were affected by SW (P 0.05). With the increase of SW (in LW and HW groups), n-6/n3 (SM: 7.783 and 6.533; ST: 8.115 and 7.859; TB: 8.416 and 8.215) (P > 0.05) and PUFA ratio decreased (P 0.05). Again, with the increase in SW, AI and TI values increased in SM and ST muscles, while the same index values decreased in TB muscle (P> 0.05). In conclusion, when considering the PUFA/SFA ratio and the beneficial effects of CLAs on human health, ST in the MT and LW groups in SW, and thus ST and LW in MT and SW were prominent in Anatolian buffaloes

    Determination of Direct and Indirect Effects on Milk Yield of Anatolian Buffaloes Using Path Analysis

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    This study aimed to determine the direct and indirect effects of the independent variables presented by the lactation length (LL), age of calving (CAGE), and daily milk yield (DMY) on the dependent variable of lactation milk yield (LMY) in Anatolian buffaloes. In this study, 3761 LMY records of the 834 Anatolian buffaloes calving between 2012 and 2017 in Tokat province and around were used as the research material. In the study, the simple correlation coefficients between the dependent variable of LMY and independent variables were determined to be positive and significant (P[removed

    Fatty acid profilies and some meat quality traits at different slaughter weights of Brown Swiss bulls

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    This research was done to detect some meat quality traits and tissue fatty acid combination of the longissimus dorsi thoracis (LT) muscle of Brown Swiss bulls at the different slaughter weights (SW). The animal material of the study comprised 20 Brown Swiss bulls. In the study, Brown Swiss bulls were divided into two groups according to their SW as low (LSW (n = 10); 431–503 kg) and high (HSW (n = 10); 504–583 kg). In the study, the LSW group showed the lowest final pH value (pHF) (5.44) (P 0.05). In the research, the differences observed between the SW groups considering a* (redness) and C (chroma) values were found significant (P 0.05). Freeze–thaw loss (FL) and ether extract (PEE) were found 4.35% and 1.01% higher, respectively, in the HSW group than the LSW group (P 0.05) in the LT muscle decreased with the increase of SW. As a result, when LSW and HSW slaughter weight groups were evaluated considering the water losses causing financial losses in meat and fatty acids having beneficial effects on human health, it was seen that the LSW group came to the fore. © 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature B.V

    Comparison of diferent lactation curve models of Anatolian Bufaloes

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    Bu araştırmada, farklı işletme koşullarında 2011-2013 yılları arasında yetiştirilen Anadolu mandalarına ait kontrol günü süt verim kayıtları kullanılarak sekiz farklı laktasyon eğrisi modeli karşılaştırılmıştır. Bu amaçla, laktasyon eğrisinin tanımlanmasında Wood, Cobby ve Le Du, Üssel, Parabolik Üssel, Kuadratik, Ters Polinomiyal, Logaritmik Kuadratik, Logaritmik Linear modelleri kullanılmıştır. Laktasyon eğrisini en iyi tanımlayan modeli belirlemek için belirtme (R2) ve kalıntı standart sapma (KSS) katsayıları kriter olarak kullanılmıştır. En yüksek R2 ve en düşük KSS değerlerini veren Logaritmik Kuadratik ve Kuadratik modellerin en iyi uyumu gösteren modeller olduğu belirlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak, Logaritmik Kuadratik veya Kuadratik modeller ile tahmin edilen parametrelerin ıslah çalışmalarında kullanılması, bu yönde yapılacak araştırmalara önemli katkı sağlayacaktır.In this study, eight diferent lactation curve models were compared by using test day milk yield records belonging Anatolian Bufaloes raised in diferent Farm conditions between 2011 and 2013. To identify the best lactation curve models of Wood, Cobby and Le Du, Logaritmic Quadratic, Exponential, Parabolic exponential, Quadratic, Inverse Polynomial and Logaritmic Linear mathematical functions were used. The coefficient of determination (R2) and residual standard deviation (RSD) statistics were used for determination of best fitted model in lactation curve. Logaritmic Quadratic and Quadratic functions are the best goodness of fit model as having the highest R2 and lowest RSD coefficients. As a result, the parameters are estimated by logarithmic quadratic or quadratic models, for use in breeding programs will make an important contribution to research in this field

    Review of sheep breeding and genetic research in Türkiye

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    The livestock industry in Türkiye is vital to the country’s agricultural sector and economy. In particular, sheep products are an important source of income and livelihood for many Turkish smallholder farmers in semi-arid and highland areas. Türkiye is one of the largest sheep producers in the world and its sheep production system is heavily dependent on indigenous breeds. Given the importance of the sheep industry in Türkiye, a systematic literature review on sheep breeding and genetic improvement in the country is needed for the development and optimization of sheep breeding programs using modern approaches, such as genomic selection. Therefore, we conducted a comprehensive literature review on the current characteristics of sheep populations and farms based on the most up-to-date census data and breeding and genetic studies obtained from scientific articles. The number of sheep has increased in recent years, mainly due to the state’s policy of supporting livestock farming and the increase in consumer demand for sheep dairy products with high nutritional and health benefits. Most of the genetic studies on indigenous Turkish sheep have been limited to specific traits and breeds. The use of genomics was found to be incipient, with genomic analysis applied to only two major breeds for heritability or genome-wide association studies. The scope of heritability and genome-wide association studies should be expanded to include traits and breeds that have received little or no attention. It is also worth revisiting genetic diversity studies using genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphism markers. Although there was no report of genomic selection in Turkish sheep to date, genomics could contribute to overcoming the difficulties of implementing traditional pedigree-based breeding programs that require accurate pedigree recording. As indigenous sheep breeds are better adapted to the local environmental conditions, the proper use of breeding strategies will contribute to increased income, food security, and reduced environmental footprint in a sustainable manner

    Carcass Yield, Non-Carcass Parts, Internal Organs and Meat Quality Characteristics of Karayaka Male Lambs with Different Birth Weight Fed Free-Choice Feeding

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    ABSTRACT In order to investigate the changes in meat quality characteristics and some serum metabolites as well as carcass yield, non-carcass parts, internal organs of lambs as influenced by birth weight (BtW) and feeding system (FS)

    Some environmental factors effect on milk yield estimated with different methods in anatolian buffaloes

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    Bu çalışma, Tokat ili ve ilçelerinde yetiştirilen Anadolu mandalarının farklı metotlar ile belirlenen süt verimlerine ait düzeyler ve bunlar üzerindeki bazı çevre faktörlerinin etkilerinin belirlenmesi amacıyla yapılmıştır. Çalışmada etkisi ölçülebilir çevre faktörleri olarak bölge, malaklama yaşı ve malaklama mevsimin etkileri üzerinde durulmuştur. Verilerin analizlerinde, çevresel faktörlerin etki paylarının belirlenmesinde minimum kareler metodu ve bunların karşılaştırılmasında DUNCAN çoklu karşılaştırma testi kullanılmıştır. Anadolu mandalarının Hollanda, İsveç, Vogel, Trapez I ve Trapez II metotlarına göre tespit edilen laktasyon süt verimi sırası ile 734.0±16.0 kg, 735.4±16.0 kg, 761.4±16.4 kg, 657.7±13.7 kg ve 654.7±13.5 kg olarak saptanmıştır. Ayrıca, laktasyon süresi ve günlük ortalama süt verimi sırası ile 146.55±1.79 gün, 5.21±0.096 kg olarak belirlenmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda, tahmin edilen süt verimleri ve laktasyon süresi üzerine bölge, malaklama yaşı ve malaklama mevsiminin etkisinin önemli olduğu bulunmuştur (P<0.01).The objective of this study was to determine the effects of some environmental factors on milk yield levels that were estimated with different methods in Anatolian Buffaloes raised in Tokat Province in Turkey. The effects of region, calving age and calving season were analysed in terms of measurable environmental factors. The data was statistically analyzed by means of the least square method for the determination of the effects of environmental factors and by DUNCAN multiple range test. In this study lactation milk yield estimated by Holland, Sweden, Vogel, Trapezoid I and Trapezoid II methods were 734.0±16.0 kg, 735.4±16.0 kg, 761.4±16.4 kg, 657.7±13.7 kg and 654.7±13.5 kg, respectively. Also, lactation length and daily milk yield were determined 146.55±1.79 days, 5.21±0.096 kg, respectively. The effects of regions, calving age and calving season on lactation milk yields and lactation length were found as statistically significant (P<0.01)

    Entansif Şartlarda Yetiştirilen Karayaka Erkek Kuzuların Kesim ve Karkas Özellikleri Üzerine Farklı Kesim Ağırlığının Etkisi

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    Bu araştırma, farklı kesim ağırlıklarında Karayaka kuzuların karkas özelliklerinin araştırılması ve kuzularda uygun kesim ağırlığının belirlenmesi amacıyla yapılmıştır. Araştırma hayvan materyalini, 20 kg canlı ağırlığında Karayaka erkek kuzular (n=30) oluşturmuştur. Kuzular 30 (GI; n=6), 35 (GII; n=6), 40 (GIII; n=6); 45 (GIV; n=6) ve 50 (GV; n=6) kg. olmak üzere beş farklı kesim ağırlığı grubuna rastgele dağıtılmıştır. Besi süresince yem materyali olarak kuzu besi yemi (ad libitum) ve mercimek samanı (100 g/kuzu/gün) kullanılmıştır. Hedeflenen kesim canlı ağırlığına ulaşılan kuzular kesime gönderilmiştir. Kesim sonrası sakatat ağırlıkları, kuyruksuz sıcak ve soğuk karkas ağırlıkları alınmıştır. Karkaslar but, kol, sırt, bel, boyun ve diğerleri olmak üzere altı parçaya ayrılmıştır. Kuzularda karkas kompozisyonunu araştırmak amacıyla fiziksel olarak diseksiyon yapılmıştır. Araştırmada, kesim özelliklerine ait oranlardan sadece karkas randımanları ve deri oranları bakımından kesim grupları arasında farklar önemsiz bulunmuştur. Kesim ağırlığın artışıyla karkas yağ oranı artmış, karkas et ve kemik oranı azalmıştır. Sonuç olarak, tüketicilerin yağsız eti tercih etmeleri durumunda Karayaka kuzular 30-35 kg arasında kesime sevk edilmeleri uygundur. Ancak, ülkemizdeki kırmızı et açığı ve pazar durumu ile yetiştirici tercihleri de göz önünde bulundurulduğunda bugünkü şartlarda en uygun kesim aralığının 40-45 kg arasında olabileceği ifade edilebilir.The present study was conducted to investigate the carcass traits of Karayaka lambs slaughtered at different slaughter weights (SWs) and to find out optimum SWs. Male Karayaka lambs with 20 kg live weight (n=30) constituted the animal material of the study. Lambs were randomly divided into five SW groups; 30 (GI; n=6), 35 (GII; n=6), 40 (GIII; n=6); 45 (GIV; n=6) and 50 (GV; n=6) kg. Lamb fattening feed (concentrate feed, ad libitum) and forage (lentil straw, 100g/lamb/day) were used as the feed material. Lambs were sent to slaughter at target SWs. Following the slaughter, non-carcass components, tailless hot and cold carcass weights were taken. Carcasses were separated into six sections as leg, foreleg, back, loin, neck and others. Physical dissection was performed to investigate carcass composition. Only the differences in carcass dressing and skin percentages of slaughter groups were not found to be significant. Increasing carcass fat percentages and decreasing carcass lean and bone percentages were observed with increasing SWs. Considering the consumer preferences, current findings revealed that Karayaka lambs should be sent to slaughter at weights between 30-35 kg. However, considering the red meat deficit of the country, current market conditions and producer preferences, the optimum SW for Karayaka lambs were recommended to be between 40-45 kg