6 research outputs found

    Dill seed oil as a possible contraceptive agent: antiangiogenic effects on endothelial cells

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    Dill (Anethum graveolens L.) essential oil is wide spread in the food, beverage and pharmaceutical sectors. Dill is a member of the Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) family. It has the following biological activities: antioxidant, antifungal, antibacterial, antimicrobial, antihyperlipidemic, antihypercholesterolemic, antispasmodic, antiproliferative and anti-inflammatory. Aqueous extract of dill seed has reported effects on sex hormones and infertility potential. Moreover, boiled dill seed has an impact on reducing labor duration in giving birth. Implantation and placentation are necessary for a healthy pregnancy in the early stages. Angiogenesis is responsible for these essential processes. This study aimed to investigate dill seed oil’s cytotoxic and antiangiogenic effects on rat adipose tissue endothelial cells (RATECs). Dill seed oil showed dose-dependent cytotoxicity on RATECs. It disrupted endothelial tube formation and depolymerized F-actin stress fibers. According to this study, depolymerization of F-actin stress fiber by dill seed oil could inhibit angiogenesis by suppressing endothelial cell proliferation, tube formation and motility. In other words, dill seed oil can be a new anti-angiogenic agent and a novel contraceptive

    Gossypol'un anti-anjiyogenik etkisinin in vitro ve in vivo yöntemlerle araştırılması

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    Bu tez çalışması pamuk bitkisinden (Gossypium hirsitum)elde edilen bir madde olan Gossypol'ün anti-anjiyogenik etkisini araştırmak içinin vitro ve in vivo ortamlarda yapılan deneysel çalışmaları kapsamaktadır. Bu çalışma ile hücre kültürü çalışmalarında HUVEC (Human UmbilicalVein Endothelial Cell) hücreleri ile Gossypol'un anjiyogenez sürecinin temel basamakları olan hücre canlılığı, endotel hücre göçü ve tüp oluşumu olaylarına olan etkilerine dayanılarak anti-anjiyogenik etkisi gösterilmiştir. Hücre kültürü çalışmalarından elde edilen sonuçlara dayanılarak Gossypol'unRoss-308 cinsi tavuk yumurtaları kullanılarakCAM (ChorioallantoicMembrane)Assayve Balb/c farelerde oluşturulan Ehrlich tümör modeli ile anti-anjiyogenik etkisi araştırılmıştır. Test maddemizin HUVEC hücreleri üzerinde,doz artışına bağlı olarak hücre canlılığında azalma meydana getirdiği,hücre göçü ve tüp oluşumunda inhibisyona neden olduğu, CAM üzerinde kılcal damar gelişiminde ve Ehrlich tümör deneylerinde tümör gelişiminde inhibisyona yol açtığı saptanmıştır. Ayrıca Balb/c farelerde Gossypol uygulanmış tümör gruplarında deneyin başlangıcı ve bitişi kıyaslandığında biyokimyasal ve hematolojik birtakım parametrelerde değişiklikler, histokimyasal çalışmalarda tümör yoğunluğunda azalma, apoptotik hücrelerde artış, VEGF ekspresyonunda azalma gözlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak Gossypol'un anti-anjiyogenik etkiye sahip bir madde olduğu görülmüştür. Fakat kanser tedavisinde bir alternatif yol olan anti-anjiyogenik tedavide kullanılabilecek hammadde olup olamayacağının tam olarak ortaya konulabilmesi için daha ileri çalışmalar yapılması gerekmektedir.This thesis includesin vitro and in vivo experimental studies to evaluate theeffects of Gossypol which is derived from cotton (Gossypium hirsitum) on angiogenesis. This study revealed the anti-angiogenic effects of Gossypol in cell culture studies with HUVEC (Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cell) cellsdepending on the effects on cellular proliferation, endothelial cell migration and tube formation which are basic steps of angiogenesis.Anti-angiogenic effect of Gossypol was evaluated with CAM (Chorioallantoic Membrane) assay using fertilized Ross-308 chicken eggs and Ehrlich tumor model on Balb/c mice depending on the results of the cell culture studies. It was seen that Gossypol decreased cell viability, inhibited cell migration and tube formation on HUVEC cells depending on the dose, inhibited capillary formation on CAM and tumor formation on Ehrlich tumor model.In addition, when the beginning and the end of the experiment of Gossypol applied tumour groups in Balb/c mice compared,changes in some biochemical and hematological parameters, reduction in tumour density in histochemical studies, increment in apoptotic cells, reduction in VEGF expression were seen. As a result Gossypol is a substance having anti-angiogenic effect. However, further studies are needed to determine its convenience as a natural product in anti-angiogenic therapy which is an alternative way of cancer treatment

    Dill seed oil as a possible contraceptive agent: antiangiogenic effects on endothelial cells

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    Abstract Dill (Anethum graveolens L.) essential oil is wide spread in the food, beverage and pharmaceutical sectors. Dill is a member of the Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) family. It has the following biological activities: antioxidant, antifungal, antibacterial, antimicrobial, antihyperlipidemic, antihypercholesterolemic, antispasmodic, antiproliferative and anti-inflammatory. Aqueous extract of dill seed has reported effects on sex hormones and infertility potential. Moreover, boiled dill seed has an impact on reducing labor duration in giving birth. Implantation and placentation are necessary for a healthy pregnancy in the early stages. Angiogenesis is responsible for these essential processes. This study aimed to investigate dill seed oil’s cytotoxic and antiangiogenic effects on rat adipose tissue endothelial cells (RATECs). Dill seed oil showed dose-dependent cytotoxicity on RATECs. It disrupted endothelial tube formation and depolymerized F-actin stress fibers. According to this study, depolymerization of F-actin stress fiber by dill seed oil could inhibit angiogenesis by suppressing endothelial cell proliferation, tube formation and motility. In other words, dill seed oil can be a new anti-angiogenic agent and a novel contraceptive

    Cellular targets and molecular activity mechanisms of bee venom in cancer: recent trends and developments

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    Bee venom therapy is known as a traditional approach to curing many medical conditions such as arthritis, pain and rheumatism. Bee venom also provides promising potential for treating many cancers such as breast, lung, ovary, stomach, kidney, prostate, cervical, colon and esophageal cancers, osteosarcoma, leukemia, melanoma and hepatocellular carcinoma. We therefore focused not only on the molecular activity mechanisms and cellular targets of bee venom and its components, but also on modern solutions as cutting-edge nanotechnological advances to overcome existing bottlenecks, and the latest advances in the anticancer application of bee venom in clinical settings