247 research outputs found

    De destinos turĂ­sticos inteligentes a regiones turĂ­sticas inteligentes

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    There is growing interest in developing smart tourism beyond individual smart destinations, but research and practice currently do not supply the necessary conceptualizations that could inform smart tourism development at a regional level. This paper argues that this is the case because of smart tourism’s roots in smart city ideas and literature. It discusses the main pillars of smart tourism and smart destinations and then illustrates how pervasive urban biases are in the smart development arena. The paper then highlights the many ways in which these are problematic for reaching regional smart tourism understandings and designing appropriate regional-level strategies. It calls for smart tourism regions to be defined beyond clusters of individual smart destinations and across all domains of smartness.Existe un creciente interĂ©s en el desarrollo del turismo inteligente mĂĄs allĂĄ de los destinos inteligentes individuales, pero actualmente la investigaciĂłn y la prĂĄctica no son capaces de ofrecer las conceptualizaciones necesarias que permitan conformar el desarrollo turĂ­stico inteligente en un nivel regional. Este artĂ­culo plantea si esto se debe a las raĂ­ces que el turismo inteligente tiene en las ideas de ciudades inteligentes y en la literatura. Se discuten los pilares principales del turismo inteligente y de los destinos inteligentes y, despuĂ©s, se ilustra cĂłmo los sesgos urbanos generalizados existen en el ĂĄrea de desarrollo inteligente. Este artĂ­culo, despuĂ©s, resalta las mĂșltiples formas en las que estos sesgos son problemĂĄticos para la consecuciĂłn de un entendimiento sobre el turismo inteligente regional y para el diseño de estrategias apropiadas para un nivel regional. Es necesario que las regiones turĂ­sticas inteligentes sean definidas como algo mĂĄs que agrupaciones de destinos inteligentes individuales y en los que sean aplicables todos los dominios de inteligencia

    Wineries\u27 involvement in promoting tourism online: the case of Texas

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    Wine tourism has become an important driver of business for wineries in many regionsaround the world, while Texas wine regions are only starting to emerge as important tourism destinations.A study was conducted to investigate how effectively Texas wineries market tourism to their ownestablishments as well as in a regional context. A specific focus was placed on indications of collaborativewine tourism marketing practices on winery websites. The results indicate that wineries providebasic visitor information but are missing out on strategic opportunities to market wine tourism to theirareas

    The Influence of Virtual Representatives on Recommender System Evaluation

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    Virtual representatives are increasingly used in recommender systems to guide users and add conversational aspects. However, the impacts of virtual representatives on users’ evaluations of the recommender system have not been investigated. This study specifically examined the influence of virtual representatives’ anthropomorphism cues on system users’ perceptions of system credibility and liking. The results revealed that system users’ perceptions of the virtual representative’s credibility have a significant influence on users’ perceived credibility and liking of the system. Also, the human-like appearance of a virtual representative significantly influences users’ perceived attractiveness of the virtual representative, while voice outputs from the representative were found to have a significant influence on users’ liking of the recommender system
