195 research outputs found

    Analysis of housing risk factors for the welfare of lean and heavy pigs in a sample of european fattening farms

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    SIMPLE SUMMARY: Animal welfare is a major challenge that most European pig producers have been facing in recent decades to comply with EU legislation and to meet the increasing societal and market demand for pork produced in a sustainable way. Pig welfare is ruled in terms of minimum requirements for housing and management, but stakeholders have considered that both farm-level and animal-based indicators are fundamental to monitor animal welfare. Some of the welfare issues still affecting fattening pigs are the lack of space, bedding and manipulable material, and the continued practice of routine tail docking of pigs. Tail docking is applied routinely across most European countries to reduce the occurrence of severe tail biting lesions, despite its ban in the EU. An observational study on 51 pig farms in seven EU countries, aimed at investigating housing risk factors for the welfare of finishing pigs, showed that body weight and presence of bedded solid floored resting area (BED) identify three clusters of farms. The outcomes of this study confirmed that BED and larger availability of space per pig, above the minimum requirement of EU legislation, can limit the occurrence of lesions in pigs with undocked tails. ABSTRACT: Pig welfare is affected by housing conditions, the minimum requirements of which are set up by EU legislation. Animal and non-animal-based measures are useful indicators to investigate housing risk factors for pig welfare. An observational study on 51 pig farms in seven EU countries, aimed at investigating housing risk factors for the welfare of finishing pigs, showed body weight and presence of bedded solid floored resting area (BED) identifying three clusters of farms. Farms with BED were featured by no or limited tail docking, larger availability of manipulable materials and lower number of pigs per farm and per annual work unit. In these farms, less skin and ear lesions were found, compared with lean pigs of farms without BED, which were characterized by lower pig space allowance, mortality rate and medication cost. In farms without BED, heavy pigs were featured by more space per pig, more pigs per drinker and higher mortality rate and medication cost per pig, compared to lean pigs. No statistical difference in tail lesions was found between the three farm clusters, although tail docking was performed in all farms without BED and not performed on most farms with BED

    Chemical Characterization Of Commercial Balsamic Vinegar Glaze

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    The present study reports the chemical characterization of commercial balsamic vinegar glaze (BVG), a side product of the world-famous Aceto Balsamico di Modena (ABM). BVG, originally a homemade sweet and sour sauce, is now produced on an industrial scale and is gaining a growing success. The determination of total titratable acidity, dry matter, ash, metals, sugars, phenolic acids and furfurals is reported for BVG samples of different batches and years of production. Principal component analysis (PCA) and ANOVA test were applied to evaluate the experimental data. The results showed that the chemical characteristics of the product are almost unchanged in the investigated years and well reflect the characteristics of the ABM. Moreover, it was found that potentially harmful species, namely furfural compounds and heavy metals, were at a lower concentration than that of homologous products. In particular, the concentration of heavy metals, such as Cu, Zn and Pb, suggests that a preventive demetallization of the BVG starting raw materials occurs

    Colourgrams GUI: A graphical user-friendly interface for the analysis of large datasets of RGB images

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    Colourgrams GUI is a graphical user-friendly interface developed in order to facilitate the analysis of large datasets of RGB images through the colourgrams approach. Briefly, the colourgrams approach consists in converting a dataset of RGB images into a matrix of one-dimensional signals, the colourgrams, each one codifying the colour content of the corresponding original image. This matrix of signals can be in turn analysed by means of common multivariate statistical methods, such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA) for exploratory analysis of the image dataset, or Partial Least Squares (PLS) regression for the quantification of colour-related properties of interest. Colourgrams GUI allows to easily convert the dataset of RGB images into the colourgrams matrix, to interactively visualize the signals coloured according to qualitative and/or quantitative properties of the corresponding samples and to visualize the colour features corresponding to selected colourgram regions into the image domain. In addition, the software also allows to analyse the colourgrams matrix by means of PCA and PLS

    Mixture design and multivariate image analysis to monitor the colour of strawberry yoghurt purée

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    Food colour is a commercial added value, since it represents the first appealing factor for consumers. In this context, this study was aimed at evaluating the effect of strawberry yoghurt purée (SYP) formulation on the corresponding colour and on its variation over time, which is mainly due to degradation and browning phenomena. To this aim, a combined approach was used that included mixture design and multivariate analysis of RGB images. Strawberry purée, sugar, lemon juice and two types of thickener were mixed in different proportions by I-optimal mixture design to obtain 44 SYP formulations. The samples were subjected to light and temperature stress conditions for five weeks; during this time the RGB images of the samples were acquired using a flatbed scanner, along with the images of the corresponding control samples. The dimensionality of the acquired images was reduced by two different approaches: i) the conversion of images into signals, namely colourgrams, which can be seen as the colour fingerprint of the imaged samples, and ii) the calculation of the median values of various colour-related parameters. The colourgrams dataset was then subjected to exploratory data analysis using Principal Component Analysis, while the median values of colour-related parameters were analysed using Response Surface Methodology and Partial Least Squares-Discriminant Analysis. The aim of data analysis was both to find the best colour parameters to describe colour variability over time, and to investigate the cause-effect relationship between mixture proportions and colour response. The results highlighted that, among the considered colour parameters, relative green (i.e., the ratio of green to lightness) and red could be used to monitor colour changes. Colour variation due to stress conditions was more pronounced for samples with a high percentage of strawberry purée, and the type of thickener also affected the colour degradation kinetics

    Exploring the potential of NIR hyperspectral imaging for automated quantification of rind amount in grated Parmigiano Reggiano cheese

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    Parmigiano Reggiano (P-R) is one of the most important Italian food products labelled with Protected Designation of Origin (PDO). The PDO denomination is applied also to grated P-R cheese products meeting the requirements regulated by the Specifications of Parmigiano Reggiano Cheese. Different quality parameters are monitored, including the percentage of rind, which is edible and should not exceed the limit of 18% (w/w). The present study aims at evaluating the possibility of using near infrared hyperspectral imaging (NIR-HSI) to quantify the rind percentage in grated Parmigiano Reggiano cheese samples in a fast and non-destructive manner. Indeed, NIR-HSI allows the simultaneous acquisition of both spatial and spectral information from a sample, which is more suitable than classical single-point spectroscopy for the analysis of heterogeneous samples like grated cheese. Hyperspectral images of grated P-R cheese samples containing increasing levels of rind were acquired in the 900–1700 nm spectral range. Each hyperspectral image was firstly converted into a one-dimensional signal, named hyperspectrogram, which codifies the relevant information contained in the image. Then, the matrix of hyperspectrograms was used to calculate a calibration model for the prediction of the rind percentage using Partial Least Squares (PLS) regression. The calibration model was validated considering two external test sets of samples, confirming the effectiveness of the proposed approach

    Evaluation of the effect of factors related to preparation and composition of grated Parmigiano Reggiano cheese using NIR hyperspectral imaging

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    The present study is focused on the evaluation of the effect of grater type and fat content of the pulp on the spectral response obtained by near infrared hyperspectral imaging (NIR-HSI), when this technique is used to determine the rind percentage in Parmigiano Reggiano (P-R) cheese. To this aim, grated P-R cheese samples were prepared considering all the possible combinations between three levels of rind amount (8%, 18% and 28%), two levels of fat content of the pulp and two different grater types, and the corresponding hyperspectral images were acquired in the 900–1700 nm spectral range. In a first step, the average spectrum (AS) was calculated from each hyperspectral image, and the corresponding dataset was analysed by means of Analysis of Variance Simultaneous Component Analysis (ASCA) to assess the effect of the three considered factors and their two-way interactions on the spectral response. Then, the hyperspectral images were converted into Common Space Hyperspectrograms (CSH), which are signals obtained by merging in sequence the frequency distribution curves of quantities calculated from a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) model common to the whole hyperspectral image dataset. ASCA was also applied to the CSH dataset, in order to evaluate the effect of the considered factors on this kind of signals. Generally, all the three factors resulted to have a significant effect, but with a different extent according to the method used to analyse the hyperspectral images. Indeed, while fat content of the pulp and rind percentage showed a comparable effect on the spectral response of AS dataset, in the case of CSH signals rind percentage had a greater effect compared to the other main factors. However, CSH were also more sensitive to differences ascribable to the natural variability between diverse Parmigiano Reggiano cheese samples

    Multivariate image analysis for the rapid detection of residues from packaging remnants in former foodstuff products (FFPs)–a feasibility study

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    From a circular economy perspective, feeding livestock with food leftovers or former foodstuff products (FFPs) could be an effective option aimed at exploiting food leftover resources and reducing food losses. FFPs are valuable energy sources, characterised by a beneficial starch/sugar content, and also fats. However, besides these nutritional aspects, safety is a key concern given that FFPs are generally derived from packaged food. Packaging materials, such as plastics and paper, are not accepted as a feed ingredient which means that residues should be rigorously avoided. A sensitive and objective detection method is thus essential for an accurate risk evaluation throughout the former food production chain. To this end, former food samples were collected in processing plants of two different European countries and subjected to multivariate analysis of red, green, and blue (RGB) microscopic images, in order to evaluate the possible application of this non-destructive technique for the rapid detection of residual particles from packaging materials. Multivariate Image Analysis (MIA) was performed on single images at the pixel level, which essentially consisted in an exploratory analysis of the image data by means of Principal Component Analysis, which highlighted the differences between packaging and foodstuff particles, based on their colour. The whole dataset of images was then analysed by means of a multivariate data dimensionality reduction method known as the colourgrams approach, which identified clusters of images sharing similar features and also highlighted outlier images due to the presence of packaging particles. The results obtained in this feasibility study demonstrated that MIA is a promising tool for a rapid automated method for detecting particles of packaging materials in FFPs

    Multivariate Analysis in Microbiome Description: Correlation of Human Gut Protein Degraders, Metabolites, and Predicted Metabolic Functions

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    Protein catabolism by intestinal bacteria is infamous for releasing many harmful compounds, negatively affecting the health status, both locally and systemically. In a previous study, we enriched in protein degraders the fecal microbiota of five subjects, utilizing a medium containing protein and peptides as sole fermentable substrates and we monitored their evolution by 16S rRNA gene profiling. In the present study, we fused the microbiome data and the data obtained by the analysis of the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the headspace of the cultures. Then, we utilized ANOVA simultaneous component analysis (ASCA) to establish a relationship between metabolites and bacteria. In particular, ASCA allowed to separately assess the effect of subject, time, inoculum concentration, and their binary interactions on both microbiome and volatilome data. All the ASCA submodels pointed out a consistent association between indole and Escherichia–Shigella, and the relationship of butyric, 3-methyl butanoic, and benzenepropanoic acids with some bacterial taxa that were major determinants of cultures at 6 h, such as Lachnoclostridiaceae (Lachnoclostridium), Clostridiaceae (Clostridium sensu stricto), and Sutterellaceae (Sutterella and Parasutterella). The metagenome reconstruction with PICRUSt2 and its functional annotation indicated that enrichment in a protein-based medium affected the richness and diversity of functional profiles, in the face of a decrease of richness and evenness of the microbial community. Linear discriminant analysis (LDA) effect size indicated a positive differential abundance (p < 0.05) for the modules of amino acid catabolism that may be at the basis of the changes of VOC profile. In particular, predicted genes encoding functions belonging to the superpathways of ornithine, arginine, and putrescine transformation to GABA and eventually to succinyl-CoA, of methionine degradation, and various routes of breakdown of aromatic compounds yielding succinyl-CoA or acetyl-CoA became significantly more abundant in the metagenome of the bacterial community

    Tracing geographical origin of Lambrusco PDO wines using isotope ratios of oxygen, boron, strontium, lead and their elemental concentration

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    Wine identification is one of the most important aspects in the classification of wines and consumer protection. In particular, assuring wine authenticity is a crucial issue on which researchers are focusing on. This study aims to evaluate the feasibility of using chemical (B, Pb and Sr concentration) and isotopic compositions (δ11B, 20yPb/20xPb, 87Sr/86Sr and δ18O) of wine samples to trace their geographic origins. Different PDO Lambrusco wines coming from a confined area of northern Italy were analyzed and all the isotopic systematics were monitored by using a multi collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (MC-ICP/MS). The obtained results showed that boron isotope ratio measurements led to a satisfactory degree of accuracy and precision (measured value, n = 28, 11B/10B of NIST SRM 951a equal to 4.04343 ± 0.00178, (u = 2s) with a certified value of 4.04362 ± 0.00136 (u = 2s). Furthermore, in the present study, it has been possible to highlight significant differences among samples by means of one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and post hoc Tukey-Kramer test. Finally, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was also carried out in order to evaluate to which extent the different PDOs can be distinguished from each other, taking into account the whole set of geographical origin descriptors. Although δ11B provided more sensitive information, the obtained results highlighted the important to consider the synergistic combination of all the investigated parameters to trace the different samples and the need to combine the obtained values with the same parameters evaluated in the soil, water and fertilizer as well

    Former Foodstuff Products (FFPs) as Circular Feed: Types of Packaging Remnants and Methods for Their Detection

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    Alternative feed ingredients in farm animal diets are a sustainable option from several perspectives. Former food products (FFPs) provide an interesting case study, as they represent a way of converting food industry losses into ingredients for the feed industry. A key concern regarding FFPs is the possible packaging residues that can become part of the product, leading to potential contamination of the feed. Although the level of contamination has been reported as negligible, to ensure a good risk evaluation and assessment of the presence of packaging remnants in FFPs, several techniques have been proposed or are currently being studied, of which the main ones are summarized in this review. Accordingly visual inspections, computer vision (CV), multivariate image analysis (MIA), and electric nose (e-nose) are discussed. All the proposed methods work mainly by providing qualitative results, while further research is needed to quantify FFP-derived packaging remnants in feed and to evaluate feed safety as required by the food industries
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