31 research outputs found

    Optimal control of a buoyancy-driven liquid steel stirring modeled with single-phase Navier--Stokes equations

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    Gas stirring is an important process used in secondary metallurgy. It allows to homogenize the temperature and the chemical composition of the liquid steel and to remove inclusions which can be detrimental for the end-product quality. In this process, argon gas is injected from two nozzles at the bottom of the vessel and rises by buoyancy through the liquid steel thereby causing stirring, i.e., a mixing of the bath. The gas flow rates and the positions of the nozzles are two important control parameters in practice. A continuous optimization approach is pursued to find optimal values for these control variables. The effect of the gas appears as a volume force in the single-phase incompressible NavierStokes equations. Turbulence is modeled with the Smagorinsky Large Eddy Simulation (LES) model. An objective functional based on the vorticity is used to describe the mixing in the liquid bath. Optimized configurations are compared with a default one whose design is based on a setup from industrial practice

    On iterative subdomain methods for the Stokes--Darcy problem

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    Iterative subdomain methods for the Stokes--Darcy problem that use Robin boundary conditions on the interface are reviewed. Their common underlying structure and their main differences are identified. In particular, it is clarified that there are different updating strategies for the interface conditions. For small values of fluid viscosity and hydraulic permeability, which are relevant in applications from geosciences, it is shown in numerical studies that only one of these updating strategies leads to an efficient numerical method, if this strategy is used in combination with appropriate parameters in the Robin boundary conditions. In particular, it is observed that the values of appropriate parameters are larger than those proposed so far. Not only the size but also the ratio of appropriate Robin parameters depends on the coefficients of the problem

    An assessment of solvers for saddle point problems emerging from the incompressible Navier--Stokes equations

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    Efficient incompressible flow simulations, using inf-sup stable pairs of finite element spaces, require the application of efficient solvers for the arising linear saddle point problems. This paper presents an assessment of different solvers: the sparse direct solver UMFPACK, the flexible GMRES (FGMRES) method with different coupled multigrid preconditioners, and FGMRES with Least Squares Commutator (LSC) preconditioners. The assessment is performed for steady-state and time-dependent flows around cylinders in 2d and 3d. Several pairs of inf-sup stable finite element spaces with second order velocity and first order pressure are used. It turns out that for the steady-state problems often FGMRES with an appropriate multigrid preconditioner was the most efficient method on finer grids. For the time-dependent problems, FGMRES with LSC preconditioners that use an inexact iterative solution of the velocity subproblem worked best for smaller time steps

    Modeling, simulation, and optimization of geothermal energy production from hot sedimentary aquifers

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    Geothermal district heating development has been gaining momentum in Europe with numerous deep geothermal installations and projects currently under development. With the increasing density of geothermal wells, questions related to the optimal and sustainable reservoir exploitation become more and more important. A quantitative understanding of the complex thermo-hydraulic interaction between tightly deployed geothermal wells in heterogeneous temperature and permeability fields is key for a maximum sustainable use of geothermal resources. Motivated by the geological settings of the Upper Jurassic aquifer in the Greater Munich region, we develop a computational model based on finite element analysis and gradient-free optimization to simulate groundwater flow and heat transport in hot sedimentary aquifers, and investigate numerically the optimal positioning and spacing of multi-well systems. Based on our numerical simulations, net energy production from deep geothermal reservoirs in sedimentary basins by smart geothermal multi-well arrangements provides significant amounts of energy to meet heat demand in highly urbanized regions. Our results show that taking into account heterogeneous permeability structures and variable reservoir temperature may drastically affect the results in the optimal configuration. We demonstrate that the proposed numerical framework is able to efficiently handle generic geometrical and geologocal configurations, and can be thus flexibly used in the context of multi-variable optimization problems. Hence, this numerical framework can be used to assess the extractable geothermal energy from heterogeneous deep geothermal reservoirs by the optimized deployment of smart multi-well systems

    ParMooN - a modernized program package based on mapped finite elements

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    {\sc ParMooN} is a program package for the numerical solution of elliptic and parabolic partial differential equations. It inherits the distinct features of its predecessor {\sc MooNMD} \cite{JM04}: strict decoupling of geometry and finite element spaces, implementation of mapped finite elements as their definition can be found in textbooks, and a geometric multigrid preconditioner with the option to use different finite element spaces on different levels of the multigrid hierarchy. After having presented some thoughts about in-house research codes, this paper focuses on aspects of the parallelization for a distributed memory environment, which is the main novelty of {\sc ParMooN}. Numerical studies, performed on compute servers, assess the efficiency of the parallelized geometric multigrid preconditioner in comparison with some parallel solvers that are available in the library {\sc PETSc}. The results of these studies give a first indication whether the cumbersome implementation of the parallelized geometric multigrid method was worthwhile or not.Comment: partly supported by European Union (EU), Horizon 2020, Marie Sk{\l}odowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks (ITN-EID), MIMESIS, grant number 67571

    Stokes-Darcy equations: analytic and numerical analysis

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    This book offers a thorough guide starting from fundamental functional analysis leading to the coupling of Stokes and Darcy equations, including numerical analysis and scientific computing. Almost all intermediate results are given with complete, rigorous proofs, including theorems which can be rarely found in the literature such that this book serves well as a reference on the topic. Special care is taken to analyze the difficult cases of non-smooth interfaces which are not completely enclosed in one subdomain, i.e, intersect with the outer boundary. This can hardly be found in the literature. Additionally, known and new subdomain iterative methods are introduced, analyzed and applied to standard examples as well as one example motivated by a geoscientific setting