108 research outputs found

    The roles of the classical and alternative nuclear factor-kappaB pathways: potential implications for autoimmunity and rheumatoid arthritis

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    Nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) is an inducible transcription factor controlled by two principal signaling cascades, each activated by a set of signal ligands: the classical/canonical NF-κB activation pathway and the alternative/noncanonical pathway. The former pathway proceeds via phosphorylation and degradation of inhibitor of NF-κB (IκB) and leads most commonly to activation of the heterodimer RelA/NF-κB1(p50). The latter pathway proceeds via phosphorylation and proteolytic processing of NF-κB2 (p100) and leads to activation, most commonly, of the heterodimer RelB/NF-κB2 (p52). Both pathways play critical roles at multiple levels of the immune system in both health and disease, including the autoimmune inflammatory response. These roles include cell cycle progression, cell survival, adhesion, and inhibition of apoptosis. NF-κB is constitutively activated in many autoimmune diseases, including diabetes type 1, systemic lupus erythematosus, and rheumatoid arthritis (RA). In this review we survey recent developments in the involvement of the classical and alternative pathways of NF-κB activation in autoimmunity, focusing particularly on RA. We discuss the involvement of NF-κB in self-reactive T and B lymphocyte development, survival and proliferation, and the maintenance of chronic inflammation due to cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor-α, IL-1, IL-6, and IL-8. We discuss the roles played by IL-17 and T-helper-17 cells in the inflammatory process; in the activation, maturation, and proliferation of RA fibroblast-like synovial cells; and differentiation and activation of osteoclast bone-resorbing activity. The prospects of therapeutic intervention to block activation of the NF-κB signaling pathways in RA are also discussed

    New method for detection of complex 3D fracture motion - Verification of an optical motion analysis system for biomechanical studies

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Fracture-healing depends on interfragmentary motion. For improved osteosynthesis and fracture-healing, the micromotion between fracture fragments is undergoing intensive research. The detection of 3D micromotions at the fracture gap still presents a challenge for conventional tactile measurement systems. Optical measurement systems may be easier to use than conventional systems, but, as yet, cannot guarantee accuracy. The purpose of this study was to validate the optical measurement system PONTOS 5M for use in biomechanical research, including measurement of micromotion.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A standardized transverse fracture model was created to detect interfragmentary motions under axial loadings of up to 200 N. Measurements were performed using the optical measurement system and compared with a conventional high-accuracy tactile system consisting of 3 standard digital dial indicators (1 μm resolution; 5 μm error limit).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found that the deviation in the mean average motion detection between the systems was at most 5.3 μm, indicating that detection of micromotion was possible with the optical measurement system. Furthermore, we could show two considerable advantages while using the optical measurement system. Only with the optical system interfragmentary motion could be analyzed directly at the fracture gap. Furthermore, the calibration of the optical system could be performed faster, safer and easier than that of the tactile system.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The PONTOS 5 M optical measurement system appears to be a favorable alternative to previously used tactile measurement systems for biomechanical applications. Easy handling, combined with a high accuracy for 3D detection of micromotions (≤ 5 μm), suggests the likelihood of high user acceptance. This study was performed in the context of the deployment of a new implant (dynamic locking screw; Synthes, Oberdorf, Switzerland).</p

    PPARγ Loss Leads to Reduced Fertility

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    The peroxisome proliferation-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ) is expressed in many cell types including mammary epithelium, ovary, macrophages, and B- and T-cells. PPARγ has an anti-proliferative effect in pre-adipocytes and mammary epithelial cells, and treatment with its ligands reduced the progression of carcinogen-induced mammary tumors in mice. Because PPARγ-null mice die in utero it has not been possible to study its role in development and tumorigenesis in vivo. To investigate whether PPARγ is required for the establishment and physiology of different cell types, a cell-specific deletion of the gene was carried out in mice using the Cre-loxP recombination system. We deleted the PPARγ gene in mammary epithelium using WAP-Cre transgenic mice and in epithelial cells, B- and T-cells, and ovary cells using MMTV-Cre mice. The presence of PPARγ was not required for functional development of the mammary gland during pregnancy and for the establishment of B- and T-cells. In addition, no increase in mammary tumors was observed. However, loss of the PPARγ gene in oocytes and granulosa cells resulted in impaired fertility. These mice have normal populations of follicles, they ovulate and develop corpora lutea. Although progesterone levels are decreased and implantation rates are reduced, the exact cause of the impaired fertility remains to be determined

    Monocytes Do Not Transdifferentiate into Proper Osteoblasts

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    Recent publications suggested that monocytes might be an attractive cell type to transdifferentiate into various cellular phenotypes. Aim was, therefore, to evaluate the potential of blood monocytes to transdifferentiate into osteoblasts. Monocytes isolated from peripheral blood were subjected to two previously published treatments to obtain unique, multipotent cell fractions, named programmable cells of monocytic origin (PCMOs) and monocyte-derived mesenchymal progenitor cells (MOMPs). Subsequently, MOMPs and PCMOs were treated with osteogenic differentiation medium (including either vitamin D or dexamethasone) for 14 days. Regarding a variety of surface markers, no differences between MOMPs, PCMOs, and primary monocytes could be detected. The treatment with osteogenic medium neither resulted in loss of hematopoietic markers nor in adoption of mesenchymal phenotype in all cell types. No significant effect was observed regarding the expression of osteogenic transcription factors, bone-related genes, or production of mineralized matrix. Osteogenic medium resulted in activation of monocytes and appearance of osteoclasts. In conclusion, none of the investigated monocyte cell types showed any transdifferentiation characteristics under the tested circumstances. Based on our data, we rather see an activation and maturation of monocytes towards macrophages and osteoclasts

    Impaired HCV clearance in HIV/HCV coinfected subjects treated with PegIFN and RBV due to interference of IFN signaling by IFNαR2a

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    Enhanced endogenous interferon (IFN) stimulated gene (ISG) signature has been associated with nonresponsiveness to hepatitis C treatment using pegylated-IFNα (pegIFNα) and ribavirin (RBV) in human immunodeficiency virus/hepatitis C virus (HIV/HCV) coinfected patients. Using a proteomic approach, we identified high levels of IFNα receptor 2a (IFNαR2a) in the serum of null responders to pegIFNα/RBV. IFNαR2a inhibited antiviral activity of all formulations of IFNα in JFH/Huh7.5 cells. Furthermore, serum from null responders, but not from those who achieved sustained virologic response, suppressed IFN-signaling and ISG expression in IFNα-stimulated PBMCs of healthy donors in an IFNαR2a specific fashion. An IFNαR2a transgenic mice model (C57BL/6) was generated that had significantly higher levels of IFNαR2a in the serum than the controls (P=0.001). Total ISG expression in the lymph nodes was significantly higher compared to wild-type mice (P value=0.0016). In addition, IFITM1 and SP110 had significantly increased expression in the liver, IFITM1 and ISG15 in the lymph node, and ISG15 and PLSCR1 in the spleen (P value\u3c0.05). The underlying mechanism of resistance to hepatitis C treatment may involve transsignaling of the JAK/STAT pathway by the sIFNαR2a-IFNα/β complex and result in the enhanced ISG signature observed in null responders. In this regard, the transgenic mice model simulated nonresponders to IFNα therapy and provides valuable insights into the role of sIFNαR2a- IFNα interactions in vivo. © Mary Ann Liebert, Inc

    TRAF3IP2 mediates TWEAK/TWEAKR-induced pro-fibrotic responses in cultured cardiac fibroblasts and the heart

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    Persistent inflammation promotes development and progression of heart failure (HF). TWEAK (TNF-Related WEAK Inducer Of Apoptosis), a NF-κB- and/or AP-1-responsive proinflammatory cytokine that signals via TWEAK receptor (TWEAKR), is expressed at high levels in human and preclinical models of HF. Since the adapter molecule TRAF3IP2 (TRAF3 Interacting Protein 2) is an upstream regulator of various proinflammatory pathways, including those activated by NF-κB and AP-1, we hypothesized that targeting TRAF3IP2 inhibits TWEAK-induced proinflammatory and pro-fibrotic responses in vitro and in vivo. Consistent with the hypothesis, forced expression of TRAF3IP2 upregulated TWEAK and its receptor expression in cultured adult mouse cardiac fibroblasts (CF). Further, exogenous TWEAK upregulated TRAF3IP2 expression in a time- and dose-dependent manner, suggesting a positive-feedback regulation of TRAF3IP2 and TWEAK. TWEAK also promoted TRAF3IP2 nuclear translocation. Confirming its critical role in TWEAK signaling, silencing TRAF3IP2 inhibited TWEAK autoregulation, TWEAKR upregulation, p38 MAPK, NF-κB and AP-1 activation, inflammatory cytokine expression, MMP and TIMP1 activation, collagen expression and secretion, and importantly, proliferation and migration. Recapitulating these in vitro results, continuous infusion of TWEAK for 7 days increased systolic blood pressure (SBP), upregulated TRAF3IP2 expression, activated p38 MAPK, NF-κB and AP-1, induced the expression of multiple proinflammatory and pro-fibrotic mediators, and interstitial fibrosis in hearts of wild type mice. These proinflammatory and pro-fibrotic changes occurred in conjunction with myocardial hypertrophy and contractile dysfunction. Importantly, genetic ablation of TRAF3IP2 inhibited these TWEAK-induced adverse cardiac changes independent of increases in SBP, indicating that TRAF3IP2 plays a causal role, and thus a therapeutic target, in chronic inflammatory and fibro-proliferative diseases

    Quercetin Protects Primary Human Osteoblasts Exposed to Cigarette Smoke through Activation of the Antioxidative Enzymes HO-1 and SOD-1

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    Smokers frequently suffer from impaired fracture healing often due to poor bone quality and stability. Cigarette smoking harms bone cells and their homeostasis by increased formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). The aim of this study was to investigate whether Quercetin, a naturally occurring antioxidant, can protect osteoblasts from the toxic effects of smoking. Human osteoblasts exposed to cigarette smoke medium (CSM) rapidly produced ROS and their viability decreased concentration- and time-dependently. Co-, pre- and postincubation with Quercetin dose-dependently improved their viability. Quercetin increased the expression of the anti-oxidative enzymes heme-oxygenase- (HO-) 1 and superoxide-dismutase- (SOD-) 1. Inhibiting HO-1 activity abolished the protective effect of Quercetin. Our results demonstrate that CSM damages human osteoblasts by accumulation of ROS. Quercetin can diminish this damage by scavenging the radicals and by upregulating the expression of HO-1 and SOD-1. Thus, a dietary supplementation with Quercetin could improve bone matter, stability and even fracture healing in smokers

    RECK suppresses interleukin-17/TRAF3IP2-mediated MMP-13 activation and human aortic smooth muscle cell migration and proliferation

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    Sustained inflammation and matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) activation contribute to vascular occlusive/proliferative disorders. Interleukin-17 (IL-17) is a proinflammatory cytokine that signals mainly via TRAF3 Interacting Protein 2 (TRAF3IP2), an upstream regulator of various critical transcription factors, including AP-1 and NF-κB. Reversion inducing cysteine rich protein with kazal motifs (RECK) is a membrane-anchored MMP inhibitor. Here we investigated whether IL-17A/TRAF3IP2 signaling promotes MMP-13-dependent human aortic smooth muscle cell (SMC) proliferation and migration, and determined whether RECK overexpression blunts these responses. Indeed, IL-17A treatment induced (a) JNK, p38 MAPK, AP-1, NF-κB, and CREB activation, (b) miR-21 induction, (c) miR-27b and miR-320 inhibition, (d) MMP-13 expression and activation, (e) RECK suppression, and (f) SMC migration and proliferation, all in a TRAF3IP2-dependent manner. In fact, gain of TRAG3IP2 function, by itself, induced MMP-13 expression and activation, and RECK suppression. Furthermore, treatment with recombinant MMP-13 stimulated SMC migration in part via ERK activation. Importantly, RECK gain-of-function attenuated MMP-13 activity without affecting its mRNA or protein levels, and inhibited IL-17A- and MMP-13-induced SMC migration. These results indicate that increased MMP-13 and decreased RECK contribute to IL-17A-induced TRAF3IP2-dependent SMC migration and proliferation, and suggest that TRAF3IP2 inhibitors or RECK inducers have the potential to block the progression of neointimal thickening in hyperplastic vascular diseases