534 research outputs found

    Nurses\u27 Alumnae Association Bulletin - Volume 3 Number 6

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    My Thirty Months in a Jap Camp Alumnae Day Hi-Lights of the Alumnae Association Meetings New Linen System at Jefferson Welcome! Miss Jackson Condolences and Miscellaneous Items A Step Forward Bits of Chatter Concerning Jefferson Streptomycin Improvements in the Nursing Arts Laboratory Thirty-Eighth General Hospital News of Teaching Staff Graduation Prizes Student Anesthetists On Furlough Graduation Staff News Changes and Improvements in the Hospital Positions Overseas Boxes Deaths Army Nurse Corps Navy Nurse Corps Marriages Engagements Marriages of Nurses Overseas New Arrivals New Addresse

    Voluntary Repatriation of Refugees and Customary International Law

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    Online Course Delivery Standards: Defining Quality

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    As a result of training in the Quality Matters course quality process, Ottawa University adopted Standards for Online Course Design and Development in October of 2006. However, we felt the need for a separate set of standards that outline institutional expectations for instructor engagement while an online course is in session. In March 2008 Ottawa University, Ottawa Online adopted its first Standards for Online Course Delivery. The presenter will share the standards and discuss the results following over a year of implementation

    Effective Differentiation Strategies For Engaging English Language Learners In The General Education Classroom: An Implementation Study

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    Because of the growing population of English Language Learners (ELL) (U.S. Department of Education, 2020) and lack of time, training, and resources for teachers, there is an intense need for identification of effective differentiation strategies for teachers to implement in the general education classroom, which allows ELL students to engage in grade-level curriculum while acquiring English. This mixed methods research study examines who ELL students are, barriers to success faced by ELL students, barriers to teachers when planning and delivering curriculum in the general education classroom. The investigation additionally explores the identification and implementation of effective differentiation strategies for ELL students and contributes to the research on effective use of differentiated strategies for ELL students. Results from the research quantitative survey identified four specific differentiation strategies that were effective within the respondents’ practice: (1) providing comprehensible input; (2) activating prior knowledge/building background knowledge; (3) explicit vocabulary instruction; and, (4) use of graphic organizers. The identified strategies were then incorporated into a Professional Learning Community (PLC) with respondents completing four qualitative surveys to report ELL engagement resulting from each strategy. Results showed that although implementation of the strategies increased ELL engagement, lower English Language Development (ELD) level students showed more benefit. Additionally, through triangulation of the qualitative data, it was determined that the implemented strategies provide more ELL engagement in grade level curriculum when used in tandem, rather than in isolation

    Review of \u3cem\u3eAsk Me\u3c/em\u3e by Bernard Waber

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    Review of \u3cem\u3eWait\u3c/em\u3e by Antoinette Portis

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    Preparative, Enactive, and Intertwined Theories of Change: Cultural Practitioners Influencing Conflict in Ecuador

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    The use of arts-based work as a form of conflict intervention is still an emerging field, and scholarship often focuses more on the theory of this work than the application. This research article seeks to contribute to the bridge between theory and practice, by presenting the findings from a study of narrative interviews conducted in June and July of 2017 with cultural workers in Ecuador who were members of the Cultura Viva Comunitaria movement. The goal of the study was to explore practitioner’s theories of change of how arts-based cultural work influenced conflict. Through an analysis of the many theories identified, three notable categories emerged. Some practitioners described preparative impacts, impacts that came about because of the process of preparation of a work of art or cultural project. Others described enactive impacts, which were driven by the actual performance of the work. The final category was intertwined impacts, in which practitioners included both preparative and enactive elements to describe the impacts that were created. Different theories of change often corresponded to different contexts and purposes of practice.El uso del trabajo basado en las artes como una forma de intervención en conflictos sigue siendo un campo emergente, y la academia a menudo se centra más en la teoría de este trabajo que en la aplicación. Este artículo de investigación busca contribuir al puente entre la teoría y la práctica, presentando los resultados de un estudio de entrevistas narrativas realizadas en junio y julio de 2017 con trabajadores culturales en Ecuador que eran miembros del movimiento Cultura Viva Comunitaria. El objetivo del estudio era explorar las teorías de cambio de los profesionales sobre cómo el trabajo cultural basado en las artes influía en el conflicto. A través de un análisis de las variadas teorías identificadas, surgieron tres categorías notables. Algunos practicantes describieron los impactos preparativos, impactos que surgieron debido al proceso de preparación de una obra de arte o proyecto cultural. Otros describieron los efectos enactivos, que fueron impulsados por el desempeño real del trabajo. La categoría final fue los impactos entrelazados, en los cuales los profesionales incluyeron elementos preparatorios y enactivos para describir los impactos que se crearon. Diferentes teorías de cambio a menudo correspondían a diferentes contextos y propósitos de prácticaO uso do trabalho artístico como forma de intervenção em conflito ainda é um campo emergente, e a bolsa de estudos geralmente se concentra mais na teoria desse trabalho do que na aplicação. Este artigo de pesquisa busca contribuir para a ponte entre teoria e prática, apresentando as conclusões de um estudo de entrevistas narrativas realizadas em junho e julho de 2017 com trabalhadores culturais no Equador, membros do movimento Cultura Viva Comunitária. O objetivo do estudo era explorar as teorias de mudança dos profissionais sobre como o trabalho cultural baseado em artes influenciou o conflito. Através de uma análise das muitas teorias identificadas, emergiram três categorias notáveis. Alguns praticantes descreveram impactos preparatórios, impactos que ocorreram devido ao processo de preparação de uma obra de arte ou projeto cultural. Outros descreveram impactos de enação, que foram impulsionados pelo desempenho real do trabalho. A categoria final foi de impactos entrelaçados, nos quais os profissionais incluíram elementos preparativos de enação para descrever os impactos criados. Diferentes teorias de mudança frequentemente correspondiam a diferentes contextos e propósitos da prática

    Review of \u3cem\u3eThe Skunk\u3c/em\u3e by Mac Barnett

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    Review of \u3cem\u3eThe Bear Ate Your Sandwich\u3c/em\u3e by Julia Sarcone-Roach

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