23 research outputs found

    Strong and bitter vegetables from traditional cultivars and cropping methods improve the health status of type 2 diabetics:A randomized control trial

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    Vegetables rich in bitter-tasting phytochemicals may exert enhanced beneficial effects against key factors associated with type two diabetes (T2D). This study investigates whether selected cultivars of bitter and strong-tasting (BST) Brassica and root vegetables exert greater health benefits on T2D patients compared to equivalent modern mild and sweet tasting (MST) vegetables. A 12-week randomized, controlled, parallel intervention study involved 92 T2D patients, who were allocated three different diets: (1) 500 g daily of bitter and strong-tasting (BST) vegetables; (2) 500 g daily of mild and sweet-tasting (MST) vegetables; (3) 120 g daily MST normal diet (control). Both vegetable diets contained root vegetables and cabbages selected based on sensory differences and content of phytochemicals. Prior to and after the study, all participants underwent an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), 24 h blood pressure measurements, DEXA scans, and fasted blood samples. Both diets high in vegetables significantly reduced the participants’ BMI, total body fat mass, and HbA1c levels compared to control, but in the BST group, significant differences were also found regarding incremental area under the curve glucose 240 min (OGTT) and fasting glucose levels. A high daily intake of root vegetables and cabbages showed significant health improvements in both vegetable groups. BST vegetables had the greatest impact on insulin sensitivity, body fat mass, and blood pressure compared to control; moreover, they further improved glycemic control compared to MST vegetables

    The influence of total hysterectomy in a cervical cancer screening population: a register-based cross-sectional study

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    Abstract Background High coverage of a screening program is essential to program success. Many European screening programs cover only 10–80% of their target population. A possible explanation for the low coverage may be that some women in the screening population have had a total hysterectomy, thus they are not at risk of cervical cancer. The aim of this study was to identify the prevalence of hysterectomy in the target population of the Danish National Cervical Cancer Screening Program (NCCSP) and to recalculate coverage after excluding women with total hysterectomy. Furthermore, to analyze the association between hysterectomy and sociodemographic factors within the screening population. Methods A population-based cross-sectional study using register data on all women in the target population of the NCCSP on January 12, 2012 (women born January 12, 1947, to January 12, 1986). The total coverage included women with hysterectomy in the target population whereas the recalculated coverage was calculated excluding women with total hysterectomy. To test the differences between the total coverage and the recalculated coverage, a two-sample z-test between the proportion of covered hysterectomized women and the proportion of covered non-hysterectomised women were used. A logistic regression model adjusted for age and sociodemographic characteristics was used to analyze the association between sociodemographic factors and total hysterectomy. Results The coverage among women aged 26–49 years and 55–64 years were 77.4% and 72.7%, respectively. The recalculated coverage was 78.2% (26–49 years) and 79.4% (55–64 years). Recalculating the coverage did not result in coverage higher than 82.7% at any age. The effect of excluding women with total hysterectomy increased with age, reaching its maximum of 8 % points for the oldest women. Women with higher socioeconomic status (higher education and higher disposable income) had lower odds of being hysterectomized compared to other women. Also, immigrants and descendants had lower odds of being hysterectomized compared to ethnic Danes. Conclusions Excluding women with total hysterectomy only partly explained the low coverage of the NCCSP. Thus, initiatives must be made to improve acceptability of and accessibility to the NCCSP, especially in the youngest and the oldest women