285 research outputs found

    Trials with different feeds to reindeer

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    When changing over from natural pasture to artificial feeding it is often neccessary to supplement with the natural fodder lichen in order to avoid digestibility disturbances. The high contant of water makes it difficult to store and transport lichen. We have therefore observed whether dried lichen in form of pellets can subsitute natural lichen as a fodder for reindeer. In a feeding experiment with 6 calves which were brought in from natural pasture just before the experiment started, 3 calved were fed natural lichen and the other 3 pelleted lichen for a period of 5 weeks. The calves on pelleted lichen had a higher feed intake and a correspondingly higher weight gain compared with a 38 g weight loss pr. day (Fig. 1) in the other group. Another experiment was conducted to test the effect on digestibility disturbances when changing over from natural pasture to artificial feeding. Two new fodders were composed, RF-80 and RFL (The chemical an biological compositions are given in Table 1 and 2). The feed intake during the first days of the experiments is used as a measure of the digestibility disturbances. The calves were in poor condition and starved one day before the experiment started. Compared to RF-71, the commercial reindeer fodder in Norway, both turned out to be usable. The animals did not seem to have digestibility disturbances when feeding on the new fodders.Porojen ruokintakokeita erilaisilla rehuilla.Abstract in Finnish / Yhteenveto: Kun porojen ruokinnassa siirrytåån våkirehun kåyttoon, on usein vålttåmåtontå ruuansulatushåirioiden vålttåmiseksi antaa elåimille ensimmåisinå påivinå lisarehuna jåkålåa. Jåkålån suuri vesipitoisuus vaikeuttaa sen varastoimista ja kuljetusta laiduntamispaikalle. Sen vuoksi olemme tutkineet voiko puristeen muodossa oleva kuivattu jåkålå korvata tavallisen jåkålån poron rehuna. Erååsså ruokintakokeessa kåytettiin kuutta poronyasaa, jotka nuodettiin suoraan luonnolliselta talvilaitumelta. Nåistå kolme vasaa sai tavallista jåkålåa ja kolme puristejåkålåå (pelletteinå) viiden viikon ajan. Jåkålåpuristetta nauttivassa rynmåsså rehun kulutus oli suurempi ja sen seurauksena elåinten paino lisååntyi 97 g/pv kun taas tavallista jåkålåa saavien porojen paino våheni 38 g/pv (kuva 1). Painon muutoksissa havaittu ero johtuu todennåkoisesti myos jåkålåpuristeen korkeammasta ravintosisållostå (kts. taulukko 1), mikå taas johtuu siitå, ettå ennen pelletointia jåkålå puhdistettiin risuista, lehdistå ja kanervista. Ne elåimet jotka saivat tavallista jåkålåå, soivåt vain puhtaan jåkålån ja antoivat tåhteiden jåådå jåljelle yhdesså rehun loppujen kanssa. Eraåsså toisessa kokeessa tutkimme kahden uuden rehutyypin, RF-80:n ja RFL:n )koostumus on esitetty taulukoissa 1 ja 2) kåyttokelpoisuutta siirtymåvaiheen ruokinnassa. Sitå, miten nålkiintyneet elåmiet heti ruokintajakson ensimmåisinå påivinå kåyttåvåt rehua, on kåytetty rehun kåyttokelpoisuuden mittana. Verrattuna tavallisesti kåytettyyn poron våkirehuun, RF-71:een oli molemmilla kokeessa kåytetyillå rehutyypeillå positiivinen vaikutus elåimiin, jotka eivåt nåyttåneet kårsivån ruuansulatusvaikeuksista.Foringsforsøk med ulike typer for til rein.Abstract in Norwegian / Sammendrag: Ved overgangsforing av rein til kraftfor er det ofte nødvendig å tilleggsfore med lav de første dagene for å unngå fordøyelsesforstyrrelser hos dyrene. Det høye vanninnholdet i lavet vanskeliggjør lagring og transport til beiteplassene. Vi har derfor undersøkt om tørket lav i form av pellets kan erstatte vanlig lav som for til rein. I et foringsforsøk med 6 kalver som ble hentet direkte fra naturlig vinterbeite, fikk 3 kalver vanlig lav og 3 pelletert lav i en 5 ukers periode. Det pelleterte lav ga et høyere foropptak som resulterte i en gjennomsnittlig vektøkning hos dyrene på 97 g pr. dag, mens de som fikk vanlig lav tapte seg 38 g pr. dag (Fig. 1). Forskjellen i vektendring skyldes sannsynligvis også det høyere næringsinnholdet i pelletert lav (se Tabell 1), som kommer av at lavet var forurenset med kvister, løv og lyng før pelletering. Dyrene som fikk vanlig lav spiste bare det rene lavet og lot kontaminantene ligge igjen sammen med forrestene. I et annet forsøk undersøkte vi brukbarheten av to nye typer for, RF-80 og RFL (sammensetning er vist i Tabell 1 og 2) i en overgangsforingssituasjon. Foropptaket de første dagene i en foringsperiode hos sultede dyr er brukt som mål for forets brukbarhet. Sammenlignet med det vanligst brukte kraftfor til rein, RF-71, hadde begge fortypene positiv virkning på dyrene, som ikke lot til å bli plaget av fordøyelsesforstyrrelser med disse to fortyper

    Magnetic survey over brick kiln remnants at Veldbæk near Esbjerg (Denmark)

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    Detailed magnetic total field and gradient measurements over remnants of a tile kiln at Veldbæk (55.46°N, 8.50°E) near Esbjerg in SW-Jutland (Denmark) have showed marked magnetic anomalies of up to 200 nT, revealing the rectangular shape of the kiln as well as specifically depicting the heating channels. The bulk susceptibility also showed markedly increased values of the kiln-area as compared to the surrounding unheated smelt-water sands

    Syng med til det sidste!:Reaktioner fra landets plejehjem

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    Brick kiln from SW Jutland: the kiln, historical outline of brick production and farm building in Jutland, magnetic and luminescence dating of the kiln

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    The paper presents investigations of a brick kiln at Veldbæk east of Esbjerg excavated in connection with construction of a motorway. The kiln, a "farmers kiln", is described and the history of brick kiln construction and farm building in West Jutland is outlined. Magnetic and luminescence dating of the Veldbæk kiln are discussed and dating results presented. The magnetic and luminescence dates are 1790 ± 40 AD and 1795 ± 20 AD, respectively and these are in excellent agreement. A brick from one of the ash pits gave a luminescence date of 1550 ± 40 AD; this indicates that the brick was fired and used elsewhere prior to its use at Veldbæk

    Feed intake, rumenal pH and lactic acid in reindeer during transition to a complete ration added buffer and fat

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    Feed intake, general condition, rumenal pH and lactic acid content was followed during feeding of starved reindeer on a coventional diet (RF-71). The result was a dramatic decrease of rumen pH (pH=5.1 in experiment no. Ill) a few hours after feeding of the coventional diet, but this could be counteracted significantly by addition of buffer (pH=6.4 in experiment no. Ill) of hydrogenated marine oil (pH=6.1 in experiment no. Ill) to the ration. The highest content of the lactic acid in the rumen was 40 mM in animals fed RF-71, whereas addition of buffer or hydrogenated marine oil completely supressed accumulation of this acid.Foropptak, pH og melkesyre i vomma hos rein under overgangsforing med kraftfor tilsatt buffer og fett.Abstract in Norwegian / Sammendrag: Forinntak, almentilstand, pH og melkesyreinnhold i vom ble registrert under foring av sultede rein med konvensjonelt kraftfor (reinfor 71 = RF-71). Det ble funnet et sterkt pH-fall i vomma (pH=5.1, forsøk III) få timer etter at dyrene startet å spise RF-71. Denne effekten ble redusert ved tilsetting av buffer (pH=6.4, forsøk III) eller herdet marint fett (pH=6.1, forsøk III) til dietten. De dyr som ble foret med RF-71 hadde et melkesyreinnhold i vomma på opp til 40 mM. Tilsetting av buffer eller herdet marint fett til dietten forhindret akkumulering av melkesyre.Poron rehunkäyttö, pötsin pH ja maitohapposisältö siirtymävaiheen ruokinnassa käytettäessä väkirehua, johon on lisätty puskuria ja rasvaa.Abstract in Finnish / Yhteenveto: Rehunkäyttoä, yleistilaa, pötsin pH:ta ja maitohapposisältöä tutkittiin ruokittaessa nälkiintyneitä poroja tavanomaisella väkirehulla (poron 71 = RF-71). Joitakin tuntejaruokinnan aloittamisen jälkeen havaittiin voimakas pötsin pH:n lasku (pH 5.1, koe III). Tämä vaikutus väheni kun poron nauttiman ravinnon joukkoon lisättiin puskuria (pH 6.4, koe III) tai merikaloista valmistettua kovetettua rasvaa (pH 6.1, koe III). RF-71 rehua nauttineiden eläinten pötsin maitohapposisältö oli 40 nM. Puskurin tai kovetetun merellisen eläinperäisen rasvan lisääminen ravintoon ehkäisi maitohapon kasaantumista

    Pulmonary exposure to carbonaceous nanomaterials and sperm quality

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    Abstract Background Semen quality parameters are potentially affected by nanomaterials in several ways: Inhaled nanosized particles are potent inducers of pulmonary inflammation, leading to the release of inflammatory mediators. Small amounts of particles may translocate from the lungs into the lung capillaries, enter the systemic circulation and ultimately reach the testes. Both the inflammatory response and the particles may induce oxidative stress which can directly affect spermatogenesis. Furthermore, spermatogenesis may be indirectly affected by changes in the hormonal milieu as systemic inflammation is a potential modulator of endocrine function. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of pulmonary exposure to carbonaceous nanomaterials on sperm quality parameters in an experimental mouse model. Methods Effects on sperm quality after pulmonary inflammation induced by carbonaceous nanomaterials were investigated by intratracheally instilling sexually mature male NMRI mice with four different carbonaceous nanomaterials dispersed in nanopure water: graphene oxide (18 μg/mouse/i.t.), Flammruss 101, Printex 90 and SRM1650b (0.1 mg/mouse/i.t. each) weekly for seven consecutive weeks. Pulmonary inflammation was determined by differential cell count in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid. Epididymal sperm concentration and motility were measured by computer-assisted sperm analysis. Epididymal sperm viability and morphological abnormalities were assessed manually using Hoechst 33,342/PI flourescent and Spermac staining, respectively. Epididymal sperm were assessed with regard to sperm DNA integrity (damage). Daily sperm production was measured in the testis, and testosterone levels were measured in blood plasma by ELISA. Results Neutrophil numbers in the bronchoalveolar fluid showed sustained inflammatory response in the nanoparticle-exposed groups one week after the last instillation. No significant changes in epididymal sperm parameters, daily sperm production or plasma testosterone levels were found. Conclusion Despite the sustained pulmonary inflammatory response, an eight week exposure to graphene oxide, Flammruss 101, Printex 90 and the diesel particle SRM1650b in the present study did not appear to affect semen parameters, daily sperm production or testosterone concentration in male NMRI mice

    Polymorphisms in NF-kappa B, PXR, LXR, PPAR gamma and risk of inflammatory bowel disease

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    AIM: To investigate the contribution of polymorphisms in nuclear receptors to risk of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). METHODS: Genotypes of nuclear factor (NF)-kappa B (NFKB1) NF kappa B -94ins/del (rs28362491); peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)-gamma (PPAR gamma) PPAR gamma Pro12Ala (rs 1801282) and C1431T (rs 3856806); pregnane X receptor (PXR) (NR1I2) PXR A-24381C (rs1523127), C8055T (2276707), and A7635G (rs 6785049); and liver X receptor (LXR) (NR1H2) LXR T-rs1405655-C and T-rs2695121-C were assessed in a Danish case-control study of 327 Crohn's disease patients, 495 ulcerative colitis (UC) patients, and 779 healthy controls. Odds ratio (OR) and 95% CI were estimated by logistic regression models. RESULTS: The PXR A7635G variant, the PPAR gamma Pro12Ala and LXR T-rs2695121-C homozygous variant genotypes were associated with risk of UC (OR: 1.31, 95% CI: 1.03-1.66, P = 0.03, OR: 2.30, 95% CI: 1.04-5.08, P = 0.04, and OR: 1.41, 95% CI: 1.00-1.98, P = 0.05, respectively) compared to the corresponding homozygous wild-type genotypes. Among never smokers, PXR A7635G and the LXR T-rs1405655-C and T-rs2695121-C variant genotypes were associated with risk of IBD (OR: 1.41, 95% CI: 1.05-1.91, P = 0.02, OR: 1.63, 95% CI: 1.21-2.20, P = 0.001, and OR: 2.02, 95% CI: 1.36-2.99, P = 0.0005, respectively) compared to the respective homozygous variant genotypes. PXR A7635G (rs6785049) variant genotype was associated with a higher risk of UC diagnosis before the age of 40 years and with a higher risk of extensive disease (OR: 1.34, 95% CI: 1.03-1.75 and OR: 2.49, 95% CI: 1.24-5.03, respectively). CONCLUSION: Common PXR and LXR polymorphisms may contribute to risk of IBD, especially among never smokers. (C) 2011 Baishideng. All rights reserved
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