63 research outputs found

    Depressive Symptomatik bei Erwachsenen in Deutschland

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    Eine depressive Symptomatik ist mit BeeintrĂ€chtigungen von LebensqualitĂ€t, erhöhter MorbiditĂ€t und MortalitĂ€t sowie vermehrter Inanspruchnahme des Gesundheitssystems assoziiert. Informationen zur HĂ€ufigkeit und Verteilung von depressiver Symptomatik in der Bevölkerung sind bedeutsam fĂŒr die Planung von PrĂ€vention und Gesundheitsversorgung. In der Studie GEDA 2014/2015-EHIS wurde eine aktuelle depressive Symptomatik bei Erwachsenen in Deutschland mit dem Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-8) erhoben. Die GesamtprĂ€valenz von insgesamt 10,1 % belegt die weite Verbreitung von depressiver Symptomatik – auch jenseits des Vorliegens einer klinischen Depressionsdiagnose. Bei Frauen besteht eine depressive Symptomatik mit 11,6 % hĂ€ufiger als bei MĂ€nnern mit 8,6 %. Es zeigen sich weitere Unterschiede nach Alter und Bildungsstatus sowie regionale Unterschiede. Die Ergebnisse werden im Kontext der bisherigen Datenlage diskutiert

    Depressive symptoms in a European comparison – Results from the European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) 2

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    Depression is associated with a significant individual and social burden of disease. The European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) provides data that can be used to compare the situation in Germany to that of other European countries. Data was evaluated from 254,510 interviewees from Germany and 24 additional Member States of the European Union (EU). Depressive symptoms as defined by the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-8) were used as an indicator of depression. The prevalence in Germany (9.2%) is higher than the European average (6.6%). However, when the severity of depression is taken into account, only the prevalence of mild depressive symptoms is higher (6.3% versus 4.1%). In Germany, young people display depressive symptoms more frequently (11.5% versus 5.2%) than older people (6.7% versus 9.1%). These results should be discussed against the backdrop of differences in age and social structure and point toward a need for prevention and provision of care targeting younger people in Germany, in particular

    Depressive symptoms in the general population before and in the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic: Results of the GEDA 2019/2020 study

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    Background: Study results on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health in the first year of the pandemic are contradictory. The GEDA 2019/2020 study makes it possible to examine changes in depressive symptoms in the population. Methods: A standardised telephone interview was used to survey a random sample of the population in Germany aged 15 and older. To exclude seasonal effects, 10,220 interviewees from the period April 2019 to January 2020 were compared with 11,900 from the period April 2020 to January 2021. Depressive symptoms were assessed with the internationally established 8-item Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-8). Results: The prevalence of depressive symptoms decreased from 9.2% to 7.6% in the first year of the pandemic. Changes differ between women and men as well as between age and education groups. The analysis of individual symptoms suggests that it is not about a reduction of mental disorders of the depressive type in the narrower sense, but rather a decrease in stress-associated individual symptoms. Conclusions: The decrease in stress-associated depressive symptoms in parts of the population can be interpreted as an indication that pandemic-related changes in everyday life and the working environment may have had a positive effect on individual areas of mental health in certain groups, at least temporarily in the first year of the pandemic. The continuing strong social inequality in depressive symptoms to the disadvantage of low education groups confirms that the need for social situation-related health promotion and prevention with regard to the living and working conditions of socially disadvantaged people must not be lost sight of in times of pandemic. For groups in the population that partly showed a worsening of symptoms in this phase of the pandemic, e.g. the diminished ability to concentrate of very old men, targeted support options should be created in the future

    Depressive Symptomatik in der Allgemeinbevölkerung vor und im ersten Jahr der COVID-19-Pandemie: Ergebnisse der GEDA-Studie 2019/2020

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    Hintergrund: Studienergebnisse zu Auswirkungen der COVID-19-Pandemie auf die psychische Gesundheit im ersten Jahr der Pandemie sind widersprĂŒchlich. Die Studie GEDA 2019/2020 ermöglicht, VerĂ€nderungen hinsichtlich der depressiven Symptomatik in der Bevölkerung zu untersuchen. Methode: Mit einem standardisierten telefonischen Interview wurde eine Zufallsstichprobe der Bevölkerung in Deutschland ab 15 Jahren befragt. Um saisonale Effekte auszuschließen, wurden 10.220 Interviewte des Zeitraums April 2019 bis Januar 2020 mit 11.900 des Zeitraums April 2020 bis Januar 2021 verglichen. Das Vorliegen einer depressiven Symptomatik wurde mit dem international etablierten 8-Item Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-8) erfasst. Ergebnisse: Die PrĂ€valenz der depressiven Symptomatik reduzierte sich im hier betrachteten ersten Jahr der Pandemie von vorher 9,2 % auf 7,6 %. VerĂ€nderungen fallen bei Frauen und MĂ€nner sowie Alters- und Bildungsgruppen unterschiedlich aus. Die Analyse von Einzelsymptomen legt nahe, dass es sich nicht um eine Verringerung von psychischen Störungen des depressiven Formenkreises im engeren Sinne handelt, sondern um einen RĂŒckgang stressassoziierter Einzelsymptome. Schlussfolgerungen: Der RĂŒckgang von stressassoziierten depressiven Symptomen in Teilen der Bevölkerung lĂ€sst sich als Hinweis darauf werten, dass pandemiebedingte VerĂ€nderungen in Alltag und Arbeitswelt sich in bestimmten Gruppen positiv auf einzelne Bereiche psychischer Gesundheit ausgewirkt haben könnten, zumindest temporĂ€r im ersten Jahr der Pandemie. Die weiterhin stark ausgeprĂ€gte soziale Ungleichheit in der depressiven Symptomatik zuungunsten unterer Bildungsgruppen bekrĂ€ftigt, dass der Bedarf an soziallagenbezogener Gesundheitsförderung und PrĂ€vention mit Blick auf die Lebens- und Arbeitsbedingungen sozial benachteiligter Menschen in Pandemiezeiten nicht aus dem Blickfeld geraten darf. FĂŒr Gruppen in der Bevölkerung, die in dieser Phase der Pandemie teilweise eine Verschlechterung der Symptomlage zeigten, z. B. die geminderte KonzentrationsfĂ€higkeit hochaltriger MĂ€nner, sollten zukĂŒnftig gezielte UnterstĂŒtzungsmöglichkeiten geschaffen werden

    Health of people with selected citizenships: results of the study GEDA Fokus

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    Background: The health situation of people with a history of migration is influenced by a variety of factors. This article provides an overview of the health of people with selected citizenships using various indicators. Methods: The analyses are based on the survey ‘German Health Update: Fokus (GEDA Fokus)’, which was conducted from November 2021 to May 2022 among people with Croatian, Italian, Polish, Syrian and Turkish citizenship. The prevalence for each health outcome is presented and differentiated by sociodemographic and migration-related characteristics. Poisson regressions were performed to identify relevant factors influencing health situation. Results: Self-assessed general health, the presence of depressive symptoms, prevalence of current smoking and the utilisation of general and specialist healthcare differed according to various factors considered here. In addition to sociodemographic determinants, the sense of belonging to society in Germany and self-reported experiences of discrimination were particularly associated with health outcomes. Conclusions: This article highlights the heterogeneity of the health situation of people with a history of migration and points to the need for further analyses to identify the reasons for health inequalities

    Health situation in Germany during the COVID-19 pandemic. Developments over time for selected indicators of GEDA 2019/2020 – An update

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    The spread of the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 in 2020 and the containment measures associated therewith have changed many aspects of daily life. An impact on health even beyond infections itself is assumed as well. The health situation of the population in the first phase of the pandemic was thus analysed using data from the German Health Update (GEDA 2019/2020-EHIS). By continuing the survey, the analyses for 2020 are completed (n=26,507 participants), whereby the focus is now on the third phase of the pandemic (second wave of infection, gradual reintroduction of containment measures). The health indicators are presented on a monthly basis. As in the first phase of the pandemic, no pandemic-related changes were observed for tobacco smoking/ second-hand smoke exposure and for received/lack of/provided support. In contrast to the first phase of the pandemic, declines in utilisation of medical services and depressive symptoms are not observed in the third phase. The increase in body weight/body mass index after the first phase of the pandemic did not continue. The survey period allows for a comparison of the periods before and as of the pandemic situation. A decrease in the medical services utilisation and depressive symptoms as well as an increase in the body weight/body mass index is observed in the period from March 2020 to January 2021 compared to the pre-pandemic period from April 2019 to March 2020

    Care for the chronically ill in Germany – The challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    The COVID-19 pandemic is posing major challenges to the health care sector. This scoping review compiles evidence concerning changes to health care service availability and utilisation as well as possible impacts on health for selected groups of chronically ill people in Germany. The focus is on cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus and mental disorders. Most empirical data available concerned inpatient care and showed a clear decline in the utilisation of inpatient treatments in March and April 2020 in the areas of oncology and cardiology as well as in mental health. For cardiovascular emergencies such as heart attack and stroke, a decline was observed especially regarding less serious cases. Although there were indications of treatment delays, there was no evidence thus far that emergency care had been generally compromised due to adjustments to inpatient care capacities. In the outpatient setting, extensive adjustments to health care services availability were observed for all disease groups considered. Overall, very limited empirical data were available. In particular, hardly any data were available on how changes in care impacted population health. There is an urgent need for continuous surveillance and evaluation based on health care and epidemiological data.Peer Reviewe

    Care for the chronically ill in Germany – The challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    The COVID-19 pandemic is posing major challenges to the health care sector. This scoping review compiles evidence concerning changes to health care service availability and utilisation as well as possible impacts on health for selected groups of chronically ill people in Germany. The focus is on cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus and mental disorders. Most empirical data available concerned inpatient care and showed a clear decline in the utilisation of inpatient treatments in March and April 2020 in the areas of oncology and cardiology as well as in mental health. For cardiovascular emergencies such as heart attack and stroke, a decline was observed especially regarding less serious cases. Although there were indications of treatment delays, there was no evidence thus far that emergency care had been generally compromised due to adjustments to inpatient care capacities. In the outpatient setting, extensive adjustments to health care services availability were observed for all disease groups considered. Overall, very limited empirical data were available. In particular, hardly any data were available on how changes in care impacted population health. There is an urgent need for continuous surveillance and evaluation based on health care and epidemiological data.Peer Reviewe

    Gesundheit von Menschen mit ausgewĂ€hlten Staatsangehörigkeiten in Deutschland – Ergebnisse der Studie GEDA Fokus

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    Hintergrund: Die gesundheitliche Lage von Menschen mit Migrationsgeschichte wird durch eine Vielzahl von Faktoren beeinflusst. Dieser Beitrag gibt anhand verschiedener Indikatoren einen Überblick zur Gesundheit von Menschen mit ausgewĂ€hlten Staatsangehörigkeiten. Methode: Die Auswertungen basieren auf der Befragungsstudie „Gesundheit in Deutschland aktuell: Fokus“ (GEDA Fokus), die von November 2021 bis Mai 2022 unter Menschen mit italienischer, kroatischer, polnischer, syrischer und tĂŒrkischer Staatsangehörigkeit durchgefĂŒhrt wurde. Dargestellt werden die PrĂ€valenzen der jeweiligen Gesundheitsoutcomes, differenziert nach soziodemografischen sowie migrationsbezogenen Merkmalen. Zur Identifikation relevanter Einflussfaktoren auf die gesundheitliche Lage wurden Poisson-Regressionen durchgefĂŒhrt. Ergebnisse: Der selbsteingeschĂ€tzte allgemeine Gesundheitszustand, das Vorliegen einer depressiven Symptomatik, die PrĂ€valenz des aktuellen Rauchens und die Inanspruchnahme allgemein- sowie fachĂ€rztlicher Leistungen variieren nach den hier betrachteten Merkmalen. Neben den soziodemografischen Determinanten sind insbesondere das ZugehörigkeitsgefĂŒhl zur Gesellschaft in Deutschland sowie die subjektiv wahrgenommenen Diskriminierungserfahrungen mit den Gesundheitsoutcomes assoziiert. Schlussfolgerungen: Der Beitrag zeigt die HeterogenitĂ€t der gesundheitlichen Lage von Menschen mit Migrationsgeschichte auf und verweist auf den Bedarf weiterer Analysen, um GrĂŒnde fĂŒr gesundheitliche Ungleichheiten sichtbar zu machen

    Health of people with selected citizenships: results of the study GEDA Fokus

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    Background: The health situation of people with a history of migration is influenced by a variety of factors. This article provides an overview of the health of people with selected citizenships using various indicators. Methods: The analyses are based on the survey ‘German Health Update: Fokus (GEDA Fokus)’, which was conducted from November 2021 to May 2022 among people with Croatian, Italian, Polish, Syrian and Turkish citizenship. The prevalence for each health outcome is presented and differentiated by sociodemographic and migration-related characteristics. Poisson regressions were performed to identify relevant factors influencing health situation. Results: Self-assessed general health, the presence of depressive symptoms, prevalence of current smoking and the utilisation of general and specialist healthcare differed according to various factors considered here. In addition to sociodemographic determinants, the sense of belonging to society in Germany and self-reported experiences of discrimination were particularly associated with health outcomes. Conclusions: This article highlights the heterogeneity of the health situation of people with a history of migration and points to the need for further analyses to identify the reasons for health inequalities
