2 research outputs found


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    Pendahuluan: Sekitar 52 juta perempuan dari 220 juta penduduk Indonesia terancam kanker serviks. Diperkirakan ditemukan 40 ribu kasus baru kanker serviks setiap tahunnya. Pasien kanker serviks merasakan ketakutan terhadap hubungan seksual akibat efek samping pengobatan dalam jangka panjang. Tujuan: Mengidentifikasi dan membandingkan fungsi seksual pasien kanker serviks dengan terapi operatif dan non-operatif. Metode: Jenis penelitian adalah observasional analitik komparatif menggunakan desain cross-sectional dengan teknik sampling konsekutif. Pasien kanker serviks di POSA (Poli Ongkologi Satu Atap) RSUD Dr. Soetomo bulan Maret 2014 diminta untuk mengisi kuisioner FSFI (Female Sexual Function Index) dengan inklusi pasien kanker servik yang menjalani rawat jalan serta eksklusi pasien yang tidak mampu mengisi kuisioner (KU lemah, kesadaran rendah), tidak bersedia mengisi kuisioner, dan belum mendapatkan terapi kanker. Dibandingkan skor fungsi seksual dua kelompok pasien yaitu kelompok terapi operatif dan kelompok terapi non-operatif. Analisis data menggunakan uji statistik Mann-Whitney. Hasil: Subyek penelitian yang terlibat 69 orang yaitu 19 orang pasien operatif dan 50 orang pasien non-operatif. Perbandingan median dari skor kelompok operatif dan non-operatif domain Arousal (1,2; 0,0; p=0,002), Lubrikasi (3,0; 0,0; p=0,001), Orgasme (1,2; 0,0; p=0,001), Kepuasan seksual (4,8; 3,2; p=0,001), Nyeri (4,0; 0,0; p=0,001) dan Skor total (16,05; 5,0; p=0,014). Skor total kelompok operatif dan kelompok non-operatif adalah kurang dari cut off skor fungsi seksual (20,25). Kesimpulan: Pasien kanker serviks kelompok operatif dan kelompok non-operatif mengalami disfungsi seksual. Fungsi seksual pasien kanker serviks dengan terapi operatif lebih baik dari pasien kanker serviks dengan terapi non-operatif

    Borax Risk Assessment in Meatball That Circulating Around Vocational School Darussalam Martapura

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    Meatball is one of the snack that are often found in schools in South Kalimantan. There are indications of Borax contamination to preserve food. Such conditions actually make students consume unhealthy food. The use of borax is only allowed as a detergent and antiseptic making agent. Exposure to borax can have an effect on the central nervous system, kidneys and liver. Given the importance of studying the risk of these hazardous substances to health, a Borax risk assessment is needed. This method is a way to predict the health impacts that occur from exposure to harmful substances. The impact in question is the estimated magnitude of non-carcinogenic risk and carcinogenic risk expressed by RQ (Risk Quotient) and ECR (Excess Cancer Risk). The research sample consisted of meatball samples extracted from 4 (four) merchant locations around the school. The respondents of the study were students of SMK Darussalam Martapura class X and XI with Purposive Sampling techniques with inclusion criteria. The research instruments consist of borax examination tools, UV vis spectrophotometers, anthropometric measuring instruments and interview fill sheets. The average Borax concentration on meatball was 0.0875 mg / g. The intake value of non-carcinogenic effects is still below the reference dose value (RfD<0.2 mg/kg/day), as well as the intake value of carcinogenic effects is still below the NOAEL value (<0.113 (mg/kg/day)1). The non-carcinogenic risk level is categorized as safe (RQ≤1), but the carcinogenic risk level (ECR) value is >1/10,000 meaning that the risk level is unsafe so that it can cause carcinogenic effects. Risk management is needed through decreasing the concentration of exposure and limiting the amount of consumption so that students avoid the health effects caused. The suggestions from this study focus on the need for supervision, guidance and policies that prevent the emergence of negative food safety issues. Keywords: Intake, risk level, non-carcinogen, carcinogen, risk management DOI: 10.7176/JEES/13-9-01 Publication date: November 30th 202