4 research outputs found

    Application of Integrated Soil Fertility Approach in the Improvement of Soil Fertility in Semi-Arid Ecology

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    Nutrient level and moisture status are low in major soils of the tropical and semi arid ecology. This ecological region, to buttress the facts of its inadequacy in soil fertility and crop production, and do to these results, the soil suffers from inherent soil or land degradation, overgrazing, lack of adequate use of modern facing technologies, continuous cultivation, annual bush burning, moistures stress, and related erosion problems. Innovational practices in the management of organic matters in semi-arid soil, emphasizes, that farmers should engage in the act of recycling of organic matters, ensure that conservative tillage is operated, practice of irrigation, mulching and Alley farming are encouraged. Additionally, the use of organic and inorganic fertilizer in an integrated programme will play a major role in the solving of low nutrient level associated problems, improvement of soil texture and structure, thus boosters food production in the ecological region

    Impediments to efficient fertilizer application among small holder farmers on marginal soils of Aba Agricultural Zone, Nigeria: Implication for extension

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    The study investigated the impediments to efficient fertilizer application amongst small holder farmers on marginal soils of Aba Agricultural zone, Abia State. Five blocks were randomly selected out of thirteen existing blocks. Fifty respondents were randomly sampled from each block for data collection using structured questionnaire. Analysis of data was carried out using descriptive statistical tools. The results showed that farmers apply fertilizers at the appropriate time (mean = 4.34), farmers do not apply appropriate rate of fertilizers to attract a yield response (mean = 2.83), farmers do not adopt proper application methods (mean = 3.20). It was therefore recommended that extension services should be intensified in the rural communities through establishment of demonstration plots, regular agricultural extension agents’ visits, workshops and training for small-holder farmers on efficient fertilizer use

    The Efficacy of Xylopia Aethiopica and Piper Guineense Seeds Powder on Sitophilus Oryzae Mortality

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    Efficacy of Xylopia aethiopica and Piper guineense seeds powders in the control of Sitophilus oryzae was investigated. In the laboratory experiment, the Xylopia aethiopica and Piper guineense seeds powders were applied at rates of 0gm (control), 10gm, 25gm, 50gm, 100gm kg-1 respectively for the control of Sitophilus oryzae. Xylopia aethiopica and Piper guineense seeds powders at the rates of 100gm kg-1 respectively were found to having effective potentials in the control of Sitophilus oryzae. Piper guineense seed powder from the experiments conducted were generally more efficacious as having the potentials in the control of insect pests as seen in tables 1-3 of this study

    Promoting urban agriculture for sustainable poverty alleviation in Nigeria: Issues for appropriate extension policy

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    The increasing spate of rural-urban migration has remained a critical issue with far-reaching consequences on the agricultural and national development. Several policies guiding extension service delivery have focused primarily on the rural sector since agriculture has been recognized as a rural industry. This paper takes a look at promoting urban agriculture for sustainable poverty alleviation in Nigeria with special focus on appropriate policy to enhance extension service delivery for urban agriculture. It examined the roles agriculture is expected to play in poverty alleviation in Nigeria and further identified workable ways of promoting urban agriculture through effective extension service, tailored to attract the interest and patronage of Nigerian urban poor. It was therefore recommended among others that extension agencies should organize an effective urban extension services that guides and assists smallholder urban farmers with needed information on what types of food products in demand in urban areas so that they can respond appropriately