289 research outputs found

    Textual study of translation equivalents in English and Polish

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    We do not claim to give an orderly and complete presentation of all the problems concerning translation equivalents. No attempt has been made to solve all the difficulties which crop up in the process of translation and to attempt to include everything would have been impossible in this restricted study. However, those who will find this work useful will have enough knowledge to find the answers to the questions themselves.Perhaps the greatest problem here has been to decide what sort of difficulties do arise in the translation process and to raise the point for further investigation.In this work, we classified the uses of prepositions under categories based on principles of more or less scope, from the commonest, or standard translation, to limited uses, sometimes in connection with a single "key word". Unless a specific statement is made to the effect, it should be assumed that the preposition given in an example is always the only correct one. It must be remembered that nothing in language is more variable than the use of prepositions. Even if we supplemented this work with all the grammars and dictionaries ever published, many prepositional difficulties would be left unsolved. No amount of rules and examples can provide against all sorts of contingencies and guard against all sorts of pitfalls in translation and, of course, this is particularly true of prepositions

    Values present in state requirements in the Polish educational system and their perception by teachers : a report from research

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    The author's article takes up the subject of values in the Polish educational system. State requirements relating to the Polish education system include all kinds of values. Reviewing and analyzing these values, the authors asked teachers how they themselves understood them, whether they were implemented, and to what extent they were internalized, and did these values affect professional development? The research was conducted using the survey method developed by the authors. It was conducted among primary school teachers. Answers to these questions were provided on the basis of preliminary research. The results provided the basis for reflection and discussion on the values present in state requirements and their perception and realization by teachers. The authors also considered the importance of the research results for the (already) developed model of educational leadership in Poland

    Application of Linguistics to Treatment of Aphasia

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    Making stories: The aphasia experience

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    Language used for expressing opinions and feelings – so-called evaluative language – is essential to the expression of the individual’s identity. In this paper, we will discuss different types of evaluative language and ways in which they are relatively impaired or preserved in aphasia. We will illustrate this with examples from stroke recounts of 3 aphasic speakers analysed from the perspectives of both the nature of evaluative language in aphasia, and its role in the expression and construction of identity. We will discuss implications of the use of emotive recounts in the clinical situation for facilitating language and working through identity issues

    Pulmonary arteriovenous malformations in children and young adults

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    Authors observed five cases of lung arteriovenousmalformations in children and young adults. Clinical data and morphological pictures of these lesions were presented

    Microvascular density and mast cells in benign and malignant pheochromocytomas

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    Pheochromocytomas, uncommon adrenal tumors, have an uncertain behavior. Recently, PASS criteria were proposed for differentiating between benign and malignant cases. These are not perfect, however. The aim of the study was to investigate angiogenesis and mast cell density in context of the clinical behavior and morphologic characteristics of pheochromocytomas. Mean intratumoral chymase positive cell count was 14.50 for malignant, 15.73 for benign cases; mean subcapsular chymase positive cell count was 12.50 for malignant, 11.27 for benign cases.Mean intratumoral tryptase positive cell count was 17.50 for malignant and 17.91 for benign cases; mean subcapsular tryptase positive cell count was 15.25 for malignant and 15.73 for benign cases.Mean intratumoral CD31 positive vessel count was 46.98 for malignant and 51.02 for benign cases; mean subcapsular CD31 positive vessel count was 44.86 for malignant and 39.81 for benign cases. Mean intratumoral CD105 positive vessel count was 37.84 for malignant and 35.95 for benign cases; mean subcapsular CD105 positive vessel count was 26.36 for malignant and 22.03 for benign cases. The differences between benign and malignant cases were not significant. All the vascular counts were correlated with mast cells counts. PASS index was inversely correlated with mast cell counts

    Differentiation of the facial-vestibulocochlear ganglionic complex in human embryos of developmental stages 13–15

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    A study was made on 18 embryos of developmental stages 13–15 (5th week). Serial sections made in horizontal, frontal, and sagittal planes were stained with routine histological methods and some of them were treated with silver. In embryos of stage 13, the otic vesicle is at the rhombomere 5, and close to the vesicle is the facial-vestibulocochlear ganglionic complex in which the geniculate, vestibular, and cochlear ganglion may be discerned. These ganglia are well demarcated in embryos of stage 14. In the last investigated stage (15th) the nerve fibres of the ganglia reach the common afferent tract