2,502 research outputs found

    On certain arithmetic properties of Stern polynomials

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    We prove several theorems concerning arithmetic properties of Stern polynomials defined in the following way: B0(t)=0,B1(t)=1,B2n(t)=tBn(t)B_{0}(t)=0, B_{1}(t)=1, B_{2n}(t)=tB_{n}(t), and B2n+1(t)=Bn(t)+Bn+1(t)B_{2n+1}(t)=B_{n}(t)+B_{n+1}(t). We study also the sequence e(n)=\op{deg}_{t}B_{n}(t) and give various of its properties.Comment: 20 page

    Rational points on certain hyperelliptic curves over finite fields

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    Let KK be a field, a,bKa, b\in K and ab0ab\neq 0. Let us consider the polynomials g1(x)=xn+ax+b,g2(x)=xn+ax2+bxg_{1}(x)=x^n+ax+b, g_{2}(x)=x^n+ax^2+bx, where nn is a fixed positive integer. In this paper we show that for each k2k\geq 2 the hypersurface given by the equation \begin{equation*} S_{k}^{i}: u^2=\prod_{j=1}^{k}g_{i}(x_{j}),\quad i=1, 2. \end{equation*} contains a rational curve. Using the above and Woestijne's recent results \cite{Woe} we show how one can construct a rational point different from the point at infinity on the curves Ci:y2=gi(x),(i=1,2)C_{i}:y^2=g_{i}(x), (i=1, 2) defined over a finite field, in polynomial time.Comment: Revised version will appear in Bull. Polish Acad. Sci. Mat

    Rational points on certain del Pezzo surfaces of degree one

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    Let f(z)=z5+az3+bz2+cz+dZ[z]f(z)=z^5+az^3+bz^2+cz+d \in \Z[z] and let us consider a del Pezzo surface of degree one given by the equation Ef:x2y3f(z)=0\cal{E}_{f}: x^2-y^3-f(z)=0. In this note we prove that if the set of rational points on the curve Ea,b:Y2=X3+135(2a15)X1350(5a+2b26)E_{a, b}:Y^2=X^3+135(2a-15)X-1350(5a+2b-26) is infinite, then the set of rational points on the surface Ef\cal{E}_{f} is dense in the Zariski topology.Comment: 8 pages. Published in Glasgow Mathematical Journa

    Rational solutions of certain Diophantine equations involving norms

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    In this note we present some results concerning the unirationality of the algebraic variety Sf\cal{S}_{f} given by the equation \begin{equation*} N_{K/k}(X_{1}+\alpha X_{2}+\alpha^2 X_{3})=f(t), \end{equation*} where kk is a number field, K=k(α)K=k(\alpha), α\alpha is a root of an irreducible polynomial h(x)=x3+ax+bk[x]h(x)=x^3+ax+b\in k[x] and fk[t]f\in k[t]. We are mainly interested in the case of pure cubic extensions, i.e. a=0a=0 and bkk3b\in k\setminus k^{3}. We prove that if \op{deg}f=4 and the variety Sf\cal{S}_{f} contains a kk-rational point (x0,y0,z0,t0)(x_{0},y_{0},z_{0},t_{0}) with f(t0)0f(t_{0})\neq 0, then Sf\cal{S}_{f} is kk-unirational. A similar result is proved for a broad family of quintic polynomials ff satisfying some mild conditions (for example this family contains all irreducible polynomials). Moreover, the unirationality of Sf\cal{S}_{f} (with non-trivial kk-rational point) is proved for any polynomial ff of degree 6 with ff not equivalent to the polynomial hh satisfying the condition h(t)h(ζ3t)h(t)\neq h(\zeta_{3}t), where ζ3\zeta_{3} is the primitive third root of unity. We are able to prove the same result for an extension of degree 3 generated by the root of polynomial h(x)=x3+ax+bk[x]h(x)=x^3+ax+b\in k[x], provided that f(t)=t6+a4t4+a1t+a0k[t]f(t)=t^6+a_{4}t^4+a_{1}t+a_{0}\in k[t] with a1a40a_{1}a_{4}\neq 0.Comment: submitte

    Some experiments with Ramanujan-Nagell type Diophantine equations

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    Stiller proved that the Diophantine equation x2+119=152nx^2+119=15\cdot 2^{n} has exactly six solutions in positive integers. Motivated by this result we are interested in constructions of Diophantine equations of Ramanujan-Nagell type x2=Akn+Bx^2=Ak^{n}+B with many solutions. Here, A,BZA,B\in\Z (thus A,BA, B are not necessarily positive) and kZ2k\in\Z_{\geq 2} are given integers. In particular, we prove that for each kk there exists an infinite set S\cal{S} containing pairs of integers (A,B)(A, B) such that for each (A,B)S(A,B)\in \cal{S} we have gcd(A,B)\gcd(A,B) is square-free and the Diophantine equation x2=Akn+Bx^2=Ak^n+B has at least four solutions in positive integers. Moreover, we construct several Diophantine equations of the form x2=Akn+Bx^2=Ak^n+B with k>2k>2, each containing five solutions in non-negative integers. %For example the equation y2=1303n+5550606y^2=130\cdot 3^{n}+5550606 has exactly five solutions with n=0,6,11,15,16n=0, 6, 11, 15, 16. We also find new examples of equations x2=A2n+Bx^2=A2^{n}+B having six solutions in positive integers, e.g. the following Diophantine equations has exactly six solutions: \begin{equation*} \begin{array}{ll} x^2= 57\cdot 2^{n}+117440512 & n=0, 14, 16, 20, 24, 25, x^2= 165\cdot 2^{n}+26404 & n=0, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12. \end{array} \end{equation*} Moreover, based on an extensive numerical calculations we state several conjectures on the number of solutions of certain parametric families of the Diophantine equations of Ramanujan-Nagell type.Comment: 14 pages, to appear in Galsnik Matematick

    Rational points on certain elliptic surfaces

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    Let Ef:y2=x3+f(t)x\mathcal{E}_{f}:y^2=x^3+f(t)x, where f\in\Q[t]\setminus\Q, and let us assume that \op{deg}f\leq 4. In this paper we prove that if \op{deg}f\leq 3, then there exists a rational base change tϕ(t)t\mapsto\phi(t) such that on the surface Efϕ\cal{E}_{f\circ\phi} there is a non-torsion section. A similar theorem is valid in case when \op{deg}f=4 and there exists t_{0}\in\Q such that infinitely many rational points lie on the curve Et0:y2=x3+f(t0)xE_{t_{0}}:y^2=x^3+f(t_{0})x. In particular, we prove that if \op{deg}f=4 and ff is not an even polynomial, then there is a rational point on Ef\cal{E}_{f}. Next, we consider a surface Eg:y2=x3+g(t)\cal{E}^{g}:y^2=x^3+g(t), where g\in\Q[t] is a monic polynomial of degree six. We prove that if the polynomial gg is not even, there is a rational base change tψ(t)t\mapsto\psi(t) such that on the surface Egψ\cal{E}^{g\circ\psi} there is a non-torsion section. Furthermore, if there exists t_{0}\in\Q such that on the curve Et0:y2=x3+g(t0)E^{t_{0}}:y^2=x^3+g(t_{0}) there are infinitely many rational points, then the set of these t0t_{0} is infinite. We also present some results concerning diophantine equation of the form x2y3g(z)=tx^2-y^3-g(z)=t, where tt is a variable.Comment: 16 pages. Submitted for publicatio

    A note on Diophantine systems involving three symmetric polynomials

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    Let Xˉn=(x1,,xn)\bar{X}_{n}=(x_{1},\ldots,x_{n}) and σi(Xˉn)=xk1xki\sigma_{i}(\bar{X}_{n})=\sum x_{k_{1}}\ldots x_{k_{i}} be ii-th elementary symmetric polynomial. In this note we prove that there are infinitely many triples of integers a,b,ca, b, c such that for each 1in1\leq i\leq n the system of Diophantine equations \begin{equation*} \sigma_{i}(\bar{X}_{2n})=a, \quad \sigma_{2n-i}(\bar{X}_{2n})=b, \quad \sigma_{2n}(\bar{X}_{2n})=c \end{equation*} has infinitely many rational solutions. This result extend the recent results of Zhang and Cai, and the author. Moreover, we also consider some Diophantine systems involving sums of powers. In particular, we prove that for each kk there are at least kk nn-tuples of integers with the same sum of ii-th powers for i=1,2,3i=1,2,3. Similar result is proved for i=1,2,4i=1,2,4 and i=1,1,2i=-1,1,2.Comment: to appear in J. Number Theor