6 research outputs found

    Evaluation of some selected haemorrheological profile during different phases of menstrual cycle: A study on apparently healthy females in Ekpoma, Edo - Nigeria

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    Various changes during pregnancy and lactation have been extensively documented. However, there is still a need for more extensive studies on menstruation -an important reproductive phenomenon. Considering the clinical relevance of hematological parameters, this study therefore, investigates some selected haemorrheological parameters at different phases of menstrual cycle. Involved in the study are 50 apparently healthy female subjects who met the inclusion criteria and resident in Ekpoma, Edo State- Nigeria. The parameters in focus were analysed using standard laboratory procedures and the data obtained, were subjected to statistical analysis. Results showed variations in the studied parameters before, during and after menses. Specifically, whole blood and plasma viscosity were significantly reduced during menses when compared to the values before and after menses. Erythrocytes sedimentation rate was significantly higher after menses than the values obtained before and during menses. Also, the changes observed for pack-cell volume remained statistically insignificant at the different phases of menstrual cycle with age having no significant influence on the parameters before, during and after menses. Thus, in reproductive females, there are fluctuations in haemorrheological parameters before, during and after menses and this is of clinical relevance to physicians and medical laboratory scientists.Keywords: Menstrual cycle, Reproductive life, Female, Haemorrheological parameters

    Antibacterial activities of bitter kola (Garcinia kola) on upper respiratory tract isolates from students of Ambrose Alli University students, Ekpoma, Nigeria

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    Concerns about the alarming cases of antimicrobial resistance have in recent times, prompted the search for therapeutic alternatives including herbal options. This study therefore, assesses the antibacterial potentials of Garcinia kola extracts on bacterial isolates from the upper respiratory tract of young adult undergraduates. The disc diffusion method was adopted, while phytochemical screening tests (PCST) was performed on the aqueous and ethanol extracts of Garcinia kola to ascertain their active components. The PCST revealed the presence of tanin and steroids, whilesaponin, flavanoids and cardiac glycosides were present only in the ethanol extract. Resin alkaloids were absent in both extracts. A comparative sensitivity test was also performed between Garcinia kola extracts and some conventional antibiotics (Ciprofloxacin and Augumentin). The results revealed that Garcinia kola extracts had inhibitory effect on the test isolates-Staphylococcus, Streptococcus and Klebsiella species; probably due the high tannin and flavanoid contents of the extrcts. Above all, our  findings supports several claims that Garcinia kola has antimicrobial potentials and in turn, suggests that a regulated ingestion of Garcinia kola may to an extent, useful against bacterial infections since it is cheap and readily available.Key words: Antibacterial activities, Bacteria, Garcinia Kola, Upper Respiratory trac

    The prevalance of salmonella species among poultry birds in Ekpoma Edo-state, Nigeria.

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    Fowl typhoid is acute infectious enteritis causing heavy mortality in growers or adult birds; though chicks can be affected. It is caused by the bacterium salmonella enteric Serovars Gallinarum, a member of the family enterobacteriaceae. This research was designed to determine the prevalence of salmonella species among poultry birds in Esan West Local Government Area, Ekpoma, Edo state, Nigeria. A total of 160 faecal samples were collected from Cockerels, Layers, Broilers and Chicks (n=40 each). The samples were then subjected to microbiological analysis using standard biological and biochemical procedures, while the susceptibility patterns of the isolates was determined using the disc diffusion method. Of all the samples examined 6 (3.75%) were positive for Salmonella species, 142 (88.75%) were positive for Escherichia coli and 12 (7.5%) were positive for Staphylococus species. The results showed that the prevalence of Salmonella species was relatively lower than envisaged owing to routine vaccination, but more prevalent among cockerels and chicks. Although, susceptibility pattern of fowl typhoid varies with season, type of poultry bird, immunization status and level of hygiene, it is our recommendation that prompt vaccination of poultry birds is important, while basic hygiene practices should be strengthened.Keywords: Prevalence and poultry Birds, Salmonella species in Ekpoma community

    Urinary tract infection among apparently healthy commercial transport workers in Ekpoma and its environs within Edo State, Nigeria.

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    This study was designed to establish the prevalence of Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) among healthy-male commercial transport workers (taxi drivers and motor-cycle riders) in Ekpoma and its environs within Edo State, Nigeria. Eighty (80) urine samples were collected and using standard laboratory procedures, the prevalence of asymptomatic UTI was determined. The results showed that out of the 80 samples investigated, only 9 (11.3%) of them had asymptomatic UTI with a higher occurrence in samples obtained from taxi drivers and those within the age range of 35 - 45 years. None of the 29 motorcycle riders within the age range of 25 – 34 had UTI while 2 out of the 18 taxi drivers with age 25 – 34 had UTI. For those within the age range of 35 – 45, only 3 out of the 21 motorcycle riders and 4 out of the 12 taxi drivers had UTI respectively. In addition, Klebsiella auregenes and Pseudomonas auruginosa were the predominant isolates; with age playing a prominent factor. Therefore, as road safety campaigns are encouraged for transport workers, concerted efforts must also be made to enlighten them on the need to avoid risky sexual behaviours including drug and alcohol abuse. Keywords: Urinary Tract Infections, Asymptomatic UTI, Personal hygiene, Transport workers

    The Incidence and Pattern of Puerperal Pyrexia Amongst Post-Natal Women in Benin City, Nigeria

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    Based on the fact that statistically, Nigeria contributes significantly to all recorded cases of preventable maternal morbidity and mortality, this study was designed to evaluate the incidence pattern of puerperal illness amongpostnatal women. It was carried out at the post-natal ward of the University of Benin Teaching Hospital, Benin City, Nigeria, over a period of 6 months (March to August, 2011). A total of 135 patients with illness secondary todelivery, and who gave an informed consent, were recruited for the study. Their demographic details as well as clinical histories were documented. They were also examined for malaria parasite and urogenital infections using standard laboratory procedures. The results showed that the  incidence of puerperal pyrexia was 64.44% and common among patients between the ages of 18–25 years (33 out of 41), low educational status (12 out of 12) and low socioeconomic status (5 out of 6). Although puerperal pyrexia is preventable, the incidence level remains a public health concern if the global Millennium Development Goals (MDG) of reducing maternal mortality by 75% is to be achieved by 2015.Keywords: Puerperal pyrexia, Postnatal, Maternal morbidity and mortality, Millennium Development Goal

    Electrolytes profile of sickle-cell disease patients visiting the Central Hospital, Benin City, Nigeria

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    Serum contents of sodium (Na+), potassium (K+), chloride (Cl-) and bicarbonate (HCO3-) ions were determined in 50 children (5-15 years of age) having sickle-cell disease (SCD) and visiting the Central Hospital , Benin City, Nigeria. Twenty (20) were asymptomatic and 30 symptomatic. Another 40 served as control and were apparently healthy children age–matched, without any evidence of any haemoglobinopathies. Analysis of the results showed a statistically (p<0.05) increase in the K+ in the patients, but not Na+, Cl- and HCO3. The asymptomatic group showed Na+ Cl- and HCO3- that correlated more closely to the control group. However, the overall changes bear no statistical significance (p>0.05). The results are in support of the theory of red blood cell membrane dysfunction in sickle-cell disease with cation leakage across the cell membrane especially of K+ from the intercellular into the extracellular space. Keywords: Sickle-cell disease, electrolytes, potassium, chloride, sodium, bicarbonate, Nigeria International Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, 5(4): 385-387, 200