34 research outputs found

    PrečiŔćavanje semena lucerke na magnetnom prečistaču

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    The paper analyzes alfalfa seed cleaning using a magnetic separator, and the influence of the dodder seed amount on the cleaned seed amount. Seed cleaning was performed at the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad and three alfalfa seed lots were cleaned after passing through the primary cleaning process (selector, gravity table and roll mill). After cleaning, the quantity of pure seed (kg), waste (kg) and the time used for cleaning (h) was measured. The input quantity of all three seed lots was 1000 kg, whereas the waste ranged from 7.8 to 9.8 kg after cleaning. The purpose of this study is to monitor the operation of a magnetic separator in order to determine the amount of waste after cleaning. On the basis of the results obtained, an insight into the influence of the dodder seed amount on the cleaning rate and the required number of cleaning repetitions was obtained.Pri doradi semena lucerke veoma je važno dobiti čisto seme bez prisutva karantinskih korova. U radu je analiziran proces dorade semena lucerke na magnetnom prečistaču (dekuskutoru) tipa Emceka Gompper i uticaj količine semena viline kosice (Cuscuta spp.) na dobijenu količinu prečiŔćenog semena. Po zakonu o čistoći semena, u dorađenom semenu lucerke nije dozvoljeno prisustvo ni jednog semena viline kosice. Dorada semena lucerke urađena je u Zavodu za krmno bilje u Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo u Novom Sadu, a dorađivane su tri partije semena koje je proÅ”lo primarni proces dorade (selektor, gravitacioni sto i rol maÅ”inu). Partije su imale različitu količinu semena viline kosice. Nakon procesa dorade je merena količina čistog semena (kg), otpada (kg) i vremena potrebnog za prečiŔćavanje (h). Ulazna količina sve tri prečiŔćavanje partije semena lucerke je iznosila 1000 kg a nakon prečiŔćavanja otpad je iznosio od 7,8 do 9,8 kg. Cilj ispitivanja je bio praćenje rada maÅ”ine Emceka Gompper kako bi se ustanovila količina izdvojenog otpada, tj gubitaka semena u procesu prečiŔćavanja. Na osnovu rezultata dobija se uvid u uticaj količine semena viline kosice na brzinu prečiŔćavanja i potreban broj ponavljanja prečiŔćavanja semena lucerke

    Phenotypic and Genotypic Characterization and Correlation Analysis of Pea ( Pisum sativum L.) Diversity Panel

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    Phenotypic and genotypic characterization were performed to assess heritability, variability, and seed yield stability of pea genotypes used in breeding to increase the pea production area. A European pea diversity panel, including genotypes from North America, Asia, and Australia consisting of varieties, breeding lines, pea, and landraces was examined in 2019 and 2020 in Serbia and Belgium using augmented block design. The highest heritability was for thousand seed weight; the highest coefficient of variation was for seed yield. The highest positive correlation was between number of seeds per plant and number of pods per plant; the highest negative correlation was between seed yield and protein content. Hierarchical clustering separated pea germplasm based on use and type. Different Principal component analysis grouping of landraces, breeding lines, and varieties, as well as forage types and garden and dry peas, confirms that there was an apparent decrease in similarity between the genotypes, which can be explained by their different purposes. Pea breeding should be focused on traits with consistent heritability and a positive effect on seed yield when selecting high-yielding genotypes, and on allowing for more widespread use of pea in various agricultural production systems

    Operating pressure as a factor of distribution uniformity of nozzle for special purpose

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    Za pravilnu i uspeÅ”nu primenu pesticida od posebnog je značaja izvrÅ”iti izbor odgovarajućih rasprskivača. Takođe, rad sa odgovarajućim pritiskom ima veliki uticaj na efikasnost tretiranja. Koliko će tretiranje biti uspeÅ”no direktno zavisi od poprečne distribucije pesticida. Dobra poprečna distribucija znači: ujednačen oblik i veličinu kapi, smanjenje odnoÅ”enja kapljica vetrom (drift), ujednačena količina sredstva i ravnomerna raspodela kapi, a sve u cilju manje potroÅ”nje koriŔćenog pesticida i manjih troÅ”kova tretiranja. Rasprskivači se, uglavnom, izrađuju za definisan radni pritisak, koji može da obezbedi potrebnu dezintegraciju kapljica. Da bi kvalitet zaÅ”tite bio dobar i vek rasprskivača duži, pritisak tečnosti mora da se održava u tolerantnim granicama. Sa povećanjem pritiska veličina kapljica se smanjuje. Poprečna distribucija unutar celookupnog posmatranog područja mora biti jednaka, te se izražava pomoću koeficijenta varijacije koji ne sme biti veći od 10%. U području potpunog prekrivanja povrÅ”ine tečnoŔću, izbačena količina tečnosti ne sme da odstupa viÅ”e od 10%. Navedeno je od posebnog značaja u tretiranju uljane repice, kao kultura sa velikom ali tankom biljnom masom u zavrÅ”nim fazama razvoja. Dobijeni razultati trebalo bi da prikažu koji od četiri testirana tipa rasprskivača daje najbolje rezultate rada pri promeni pritiska.For the proper and successful use of pesticides it is especially important to select the appropriate sprayers. Also, working with appropriate pressure has a major impact on the effectiveness of treatment. How much treatment will be successfully done, directly depends on the transverse distribution of pesticides. Good cross distribution means: uniform shape and size of drops, drift reduction, uniform quantity of the product and even distribution of drops in order to reduce the consumption of pesticides and smaller treatments. Sprayers are mainly made for the defined operating pressure, which can provide the necessary disintegration of droplets. In order for the quality of protection to be good and the life of the sprayer longer, the pressure of the liquid must be maintained within tolerant limits. With the increase in pressure, the droplet size decreases. The transverse distribution within the entire observed area must be the same, expressed by the coefficient of variation, which must not be greater than 10%. In the area of total overlapping of the surface with liquid, the discharge of the liquid must not deviate more than 10%. The obtained results should show which of the four tested type of sprayer produces the best results in changing pressure

    Influence of growth regulators on soybean morphology depending on weather conditions during the vegetation period

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    The aim of the research was to test the effect of application of plant growth regulators ascorbic acid (AsA), glycine betaine (GB) salicylic acid (SA), and water (H2O) on morphological characteristics of soybean plant (plant height, number of lateral branches, total number of nodules, number of fertile nodules, number of pods and weight of 1000 seeds). The field trial was conducted at an experimental field of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad, Serbia in 2016ā€“2017. The plant of the soybean cultivar ā€˜Savaā€™ was treated twice. The first treatment was done in the R1 reproductive stage and the second treatment was done in the R3 reproductive stage. Research has shown that in a favorable year (2016), the application of GB had the best effect on the number of lateral branches and fertile nodules. The use of SA achieved a significantly higher 1000 seed weight in relation to the control, but also water, regardless of the weather conditions during the vegetation. In 2016, compared to the control, the 1000 seeds weight increased by 10.36%, while in 2017 the effect was slightly higher by 12.92%. However, studies have shown that the use of growth regulators can also have a negative effect on the morphological characteristics of soybean plants, depending on the year and the weather conditions during the growing season

    Effect of row spacing on morphological traits and yield of forage sorghum and sudan grass

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    Krmni sirak i sudanska trava predstavljaju značajnu ugljenohidratnu komponentu u ishrani preživara. Za postizanje visokih prinosa zelene krme važno je primeniti kvalitetnu agrotehniku, pre svega izvrÅ”iti setvu na odgovarajući međuredni razmak. Cilj rada je da se odredi uticaj međurednog razmaka na morfoloÅ”ke osobine i prinos sorti krmnog sirka i sudanske trave. Ispitivane morfoloÅ”ke osobine nisu se značajno razlikovale pod uticajem međurednog razmaka, dok je na prinos zelene krme i suve materije razmak veoma značajno uticao. Na međurednom razmaku od 12,5 cm sorte su ostvarile prosečno najveći prinos zelene krme (70,1 t ha-1) i prinos suve materije (21,0 t ha-1 ). Za proizvodnju ovih useva preporučuje se uskoredna setva.Forage sorghum and Sudan grass represent a significant carbohydrate component in ruminant nutrition. In order to achieve high yield of green forage, it is important to apply quality agro-technology, mainly to seed at the appropriate row spacing. The aim of the paper is to determine the effect of row spacing on the morphological traits and yield of forage sorghum and Sudan grass varieties. Tested morphological traits did not differ significantly due to the effect of the row spacing, while green forage and dry matter yield were significantly different. At row spacing of 12.5 cm, the average green forage and dry matter yields were the highest (70.1 t ha-1 and 21.0 t ha-1). Seeding at the narrow rows is recommended for the production of these crops

    How long can primed soybean (Glycine max L.) seeds be stored in natron paper bags?

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    Priming of legume seeds before sowing was performed by Roman farmers in order to increase the germination rate and synchronize germination, as reported by the Roman naturalist Gaius Plinius Secundus. Several centuries later, this technique is still used for a wide range of species. However, in order for this measure to be used successfully in production, it is necessary to find a solution for the successful storage of primed seeds. The storage potential of primed soybean seeds was determined by a temperature of 25 Ā°C during the period of 90 days. Soybean seeds were primed with KNO3 (1%), AsA (100 mg L-1) and KCl (1%) solutions, and then stored in natron paper bags, and their quality was tested every 15 days. The results showed that a reduction in the quality of primed seeds was considerably faster than in non-primed seeds. Primed soybean seeds were successfully stored at a temperature of 25 Ā°C for 60 days after priming, and then a significant reduction in their quality occurred. One of the causes of seed quality reduction was an increase in MDA content, especially after 75 and 90 days of storage. Also, free proline concentration was reduced while the content of vitamin C increased after 15 days primarily in seeds primed in AsA and KCl solutions, and decreased after 45 days.Rimski prirodnjak Gaj Plinije Sekund ističe da su joÅ” Rimljani potapali seme manunarki u cilju poboljÅ”anja klijavosti i ujednačenog nicanja biljaka. Nekoliko vekova kasnije, potapanje se i dalje koristi kod velikog broja biljnih vrsta. Međutim, da bi se ova predsetvena mera uspeÅ”no koristila u proizvodnji, neophodno je da se pronađe reÅ”enje za uspeÅ”no čuvanje potapanog semena. Mogućnost čuvanja potapanog pa osuÅ”enog semena utvrđena je njegovim skladiÅ”tenjem na temperaturi od 25Ā°S u trajanju od 90 dana. Seme soje je potapano u rastvore: kalijum-nitrat ā€“ KNO3 (1%), askorbinska kiselina ā€“ AsA (100 mg l-1) i kalijum-hlorid ā€“ KCl (1%), čuvano je u natron (papirnim) vrećama i svakih 15 dana ispitivan je njegov kvalitet. Rezultati su pokazali da se kvalitet potapanog semena brže smanjuje nego nepotapanog. Potapano seme soje može uspeÅ”no da se čuva na temperaturi od 25Ā°S tokom 60 dana, a potom dolazi do značajnog smanjenja njegovog kvaliteta. Jedan od uzroka smanjenja kvaliteta semena je povećanje sadržaja MDA, posebno nakon 75 i 90 dana skladiÅ”tenja. Takođe, smanjena je koncentracija slobodnog prolina, dok je sadržaj vitamina C povećan nakon 15 dana, pre svega u semenu potapanom u rastvore AsA i KCl. Nakon 45 dana doÅ”lo je do smanjenja sadržaja vitamina C

    Uticaj električnog napona na klijavost semena leguminoza

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    The aim of this paper was to examine the influence of the electrostatic field on seeds of soybean (Glycine max L), vetch (Vicia spp. L.), pea (Pisum sativum L.), grass pea (Lathyrus sativus L.) and chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) which were selected at the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad. The DC voltage of 9V was used. The durations of seed treatment were 0 (control), 1, 2 and 3 minutes. The trial was set up as a randomized block design with four replications. 4x100 seeds of each variant and control (untreated seed) were treated. After treatment, seed quality was examined using a germination test (optimal temperature) and a cold test (low temperature). The results of the study showed that the effect of the electrostatic field on seed quality depended on the plant species, the time of seed treatment and the temperature conditions in which the seed germinated after treatment. The increase in germination energy ranged up to 18.18% in vetch, and a decrease of up to 12% was observed in chickpea. The application of the electrostatic field had a significantly greater impact on seeds that were exposed to low temperatures in the germination process after treatment. The increase in seed germination ranged up to 82.35% in chickpeas, and the decrease amounted to 92.68% in peas. In addition, the obtained results indicate that it is not possible to talk about the universal application of a certain duration of seed treatment.Cilj rada je bio ispitivanje uticaja elektrostatičkog polja na seme soje (Glycine max L.), grahorice (Vicia spp. L.), graÅ”ka (Pisum sativum L.), sastrice (Lathyrus sativus L.) i nauta (Cicer arietinum L.) koji su selekcionisani na Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo u Novom Sadu. Za tretiranje je koriŔćen jednosmerni napon jačine 9 V. Vreme tretiranja semena iznosilo je 0 (kontrola), 1, 2 i 3 minuta. Nakon tretiranja, ispitan je kvalitet semena primenom standardnog testa klijavosti (optimalna temperatura) i hladnog testa (niska temperatura). Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da je efekat elektrostatičkog polja na kvalitet semena zavisio od biljne vrste, vremena tretiranja semena i temperaturnih uslova u kojima je seme klijalo nakon tretiranja. Povećanje energije klijanja se kretalo do 18,18% kod grahorice, a smanjenje do 12% kod nauta. Značajno veći uticaj primena elektrostatičkog polja imala je na semenu koje je posle tretiranja izloženo niskoj temperaturi u procesu klijanja. Povećanje klijavosti semena se kretalo do 82,35% kod nauta, a smanjenje do 92,68% kod graÅ”ka. Takođe, dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na to da se ne može govoriti o univerzalnoj primeni određenog vremena tretiranja, jer se može dogoditi da ono ne odgovara određenoj biljnoj vrsti, pa može doći do pogorÅ”anja kvaliteta semena

    Isoflavones profiles of some diploid and tetraploid red clover cultivars (Trifolium pratense L.) at flowering stage

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    Isoflavones are one of the best studied groups of phytoestrogens. Phytoestrogens are plant compounds that can exhibit a biological effect similar to the reproductive hormone estrogen. From nutritive and pharmaceutical aspect, red clover is one of the most important sources of these compounds, and they are often used as a raw material for production of dietary supplements used for alleviation of menopausal symptoms. The objective of this study was to determine the concentrations of isoflavones in 11 diploid (2n) and 10 tetraploid (4n) cultivars of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) from different origine, in a whole plant and separately: in stems, leaves and flowers at the stage of full flowering. Herbage samples from whole and different parts of plant were dried at 60ĖšC for about 48 hours, homogenized and grounded to a particle size of Ӕ = 0.8 mm as well as mixed with 2 ml of water on 37Ā°C. After that, HCl and ethanol are added and mixture is heated to boiling. Obtained extract are purified by solid phase extraction on HLB cartridges and analyzed on HPLC after filtration. Zorbax SB C 18 reversed phase HPLC column is used for separation of main isoflavones present in red clover: formononetin, biochanin A, genistein and daidzein. Isoflavones are identified by comparing the retention times in HPLC chromatograms and UV spectral patterns with those of standard compounds. Isoflavone concentrations are quantified by external standard method using five-point regression curves of formononetin, biochanin A, genistein, and daidzein standard compounds. The content of total isoflavones ranged from 3.83 (Marieta -2n cultivar) to 17.11 mg g-1 DM (Margot-4n cultivar). Red clover plant parts were significantly different according to isoflavone content. The leaf was the richest source of isoflavones (6.54 mg g-1 DM), followed by flowers (1,96 mg g-1 DM) and stem (1.16 mg g-1 DM). Biochanin A and formononetin were the predominant isoflavones in leaves, while genistein was mostly present in flowers. Tetraploid red clover cultivars (4n) had significantly higher isoflavones content compared to diploids (2n). On average, the content of isoflavones in tetraploids (11.0 mg g-1 DM) is statistically significantly higher than in diploids (8.44 mg g-1 DM)

    Grain yield potential of spring dry pea varieties

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    Field peas are mostly used for animal nutrition in the Balkan region and in the countries of the former USSR, while in the countries of Western Europe, Canada, the USA and the Middle East they are mostly used for human nutrition. Over three years (2010-2012), the yield and grain yield components of the most widespread field pea varieties were examined. The lowest number of plants was determined in 'NS Junior' intended for combined use (65 plants/m2), while 'Dukat' and 'Partner' had 88 and 85 plants/m2 on average, respectively. The average stem height was 158 cm for 'NS Junior', and 65 and 70 cm for 'Dukat' and 'Partner', respectively. 'Dukat' (4846 kg/ha) and 'Partner' (4521 kg/ha) had significantly higher grain yields compared with 'NS Junior' (2717 kg/ha). The content of crude protein in the grain was highest in 'NS Junior' (27.6%), while 'Dukat' and 'Partner' had lower contents (23-25%).Proteinski graÅ”ak se uglavnom koristi za ishranu životinja u naÅ”em regionu i u zemljama bivÅ”eg SSSR-a, dok se u zemljama zapadne Evrope, Kanade, SAD-a i Bliskog istoka najviÅ”e koristi za ishranu ljudi. Tokom tri godine (2010-2012) ispitivane su komponente prinosa i prinos zrna najrasprostranjenijih sorti proteinskog graÅ”ka. Najmanji broj biljaka utvrđen je kod sorte NS Junior, namenjene za kombinovanu upotrebu (65 biljaka / m2), dok su sorte Dukat i Partner imale u proseku 88 i 85 biljaka / m2. Prosečna visina stabljike za sortu NS Junior iznosila je 158 cm, a za sorte Dukat i Partner 65 i 70 cm. Sorte Dukat (4846 kg / ha) i Partner (4521 kg / ha) imale su znatno veći prinos zrna u poređenju sa sortom NS Junior (2717 kg / ha). Sadržaj sirovih proteina u zrnu bio je najveći kod sorte NS Junior (27,6%), dok su sorte Dukat i Partner imale između 23 i 25%

    Calibration model for near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) for assessment of forage pea (Pisum sativum L.) composition

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    Bliska infracrvena spektroskopija (NIRS) se koristi za analizu hemijskih svojstava poljoprivrednih proizvoda bez prethodne pripreme uzorka. U ovom radu razvijen je kalibracioni model za merenje proteina i vlage za celo zrno i braÅ”no stočnog graÅ”ka. Dobijeni spektri obrađeni su kombinovanjem matematičkih modela (PLSR, MSC, prvog i drugog izvoda) i računate kalibracione greÅ”ke. GreÅ”ke pri merenju vlage celog zrna su u granicama (od -0,8 do 0,8) i braÅ”na (od -0,7 do 0,8); pri merenju proteina celog zrna greÅ”ke su (od -1,6 do 1,8) i braÅ”na (od -2 do 2). Ovim ispitivanjem se dokazalo da je moguće odrediti količine proteina i vlage pomoću NIRS metode a dobijene greÅ”ke se toleriÅ”u i kalibracioni model je primenjiv u praksi.Near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is used to analyze the chemical properties of agricultural products with no sample prepation. In this paper, a calibration model was developed to measure protein and moisture of forage pea in the whole seed and flour. The obtained spectra were processed by combining mathematical models (PLSR, MSC, first and second derivative) and calculating calibration errors. Measuring errors of the whole seed moisture are from (-0.8 to 0.8) and flour from (-0.7 to 0.8); measuring errors of the whole seed protein are from (-1.6 to 1.8) and flour from (-2 to 2). This test proves the possibility to determine protein and moisture via NIRS, errors are tolerated and the calibration model is applicable