7 research outputs found

    Fetal growth, birth size and energetic cost of gestation in southern right whales

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    The cost of reproduction greatly affects a species’ life history strategy. Baleen whales exhibit some of the fastest offspring growth rates in the animal kingdom. We quantified the energetic cost of gestation for southern right whales (Eubalaena australis) by combining whaling catch records of pregnant females with photogrammetry data on southern right whale mothers and calves from two breeding grounds in Argentina and Australia. The relationship between calf birth size and maternal length was determined from repeated measurements of individual females before and after giving birth. Fetal growth was determined from generalized linear models fitted to fetal length data from whaling operations between 1961 and 1967. Fetal length was converted to volume and mass, using the volume-to-length relationship of newborn southern right whales calves, and published tissue composition and energy content estimates. Fetal maintenance costs (heat of gestation) and the energy content of the placenta were predicted from published relationships and added to the fetal growth cost to calculate the total cost of gestation. Our findings showed that fetal growth rates and birth size increased linearly with maternal length, with calves being born at ∌35% maternal length. Fetal length increased curvilinearly through gestation, which resulted in an exponential increase in fetal volume and mass. Consequently, the cost of gestation was very low during the first (0.1% of total cost) and second trimester (4.9%), but increased rapidly during the last trimester (95.0%). The heat of gestation incurred the highest cost for pregnant females (73.8%), followed by fetal growth (21.2%) and the placental energy content (5.0%)

    Stakeholders in One Health

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    Les ramasseurs d'ordures de Ghazipur, Inde Petit reportage sur la dĂ©charge de Ghazipur et de son bidonville, commentĂ©e par S. Kajichew de l’association environnementale Chintan. DĂ©couverte du quotidien de ces ramasseurs d'ordures qui ont organisĂ© un vĂ©ritable marchĂ© informel, indispensable Ă  leur survie. Voir la vidĂ©o en ligne ..

    Acute and chronic behavioral effects of kelp gull micropredation on southern right whale mother-calf pairs off Península Valdés, Argentina

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    Kelp gulls Larus dominicanus (KG) feed on the skin and blubber of living southern right whales Eubalaena australis (SRWs) off Península Valdés (PV), Argentina. The whales respond strongly to KG micropredation by changing their immediate (acute) behavior during attacks and their overall (chronic) surfacing pattern and body posture to minimize gull exposure. The energetic and large-scale behavioral consequences of these attacks are unknown. To address this knowledge gap, we quantified the effect size of both acute (during attacks) and chronic (not during attacks) responses by comparing the respiration rates, swim speed, and nursing behavior of PV SRWs to undisturbed (control) SRW mother-calf pairs in Head of Bight, Australia, using unmanned aerial vehicle focal follows. Even when gulls were not attacking, PV SRW mothers and calves demonstrated ~50 and ~25% higher respiration rates, respectively, than whales in Australia. During attacks, PV calf respiration rates increased by an additional 10%. PV SRW mothers also frequently (>76% of respirations) exhibited irregular breathing postures, causing the whales to potentially expend extra energy by working against their natural buoyancy. Despite no significant increase in average maternal swim speed, 76 and 90% of gull attacks elicited strong behavioral reactions from mothers and calves, respectively. Overall, PV calves spent less time nursing during individual bouts compared to those in Australia but entered suckling position more frequently. Furthermore, kelp gulls seemed to show a preference for attacking previously wounded calves and at a higher rate. These chronic and acute behavioral effects may carry energetic costs, which could have long-term consequences for SRW survival and reproduction

    Estimating body mass of free‐living whales using aerial photogrammetry and 3D volumetrics

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    Body mass is a key life‐history trait in animals. Despite being the largest animals on the planet, no method currently exists to estimate body mass of free‐living whales. We combined aerial photographs and historical catch records to estimate the body mass of free‐living right whales (Eubalaena sp.). First, aerial photogrammetry from unmanned aerial vehicles was used to measure the body length, width (lateral distance) and height (dorso‐ventral distance) of free‐living southern right whales (Eubalaena australis; 48 calves, seven juveniles and 31 lactating females). From these data, body volume was estimated by modelling the whales as a series of infinitely small ellipses. The body girth of the whales was next calculated at three measurement sites (across the pectoral fin, the umbilicus and the anus) and a linear model was developed to predict body volume from the body girth and length data. To obtain a volume‐to‐mass conversion factor, this model was then used to estimate the body volume of eight lethally caught North Pacific right whales (Eubalaena japonica), for which body mass was measured. This conversion factor was consequently used to predict the body mass of the free‐living whales. The cross‐sectional body shape (height–width ratio) of the whales was slightly flattened dorso‐ventrally at the anterior end of the body, almost circular in the mid region, and significantly flattened in the lateral plane across the posterior half of the body. Compared to a circular cross‐sectional model, our body mass model incorporating body length, width and height improved mass estimates by up to 23.6% (mean = 6.1%, SD = 5.27). Our model had a mean error of only 1.6% (SD = 0.012), compared to 9.5% (SD = 7.68) for a simpler body length‐to‐mass model. The volume‐to‐mass conversion factor was estimated at 754.63 kg/m3 (SD = 50.03). Predicted body mass estimates were within a close range of existing body mass measurements. We provide a non‐invasive method to accurately estimate body mass of free‐living whales while accounting for both their structural size (body length) and relative body condition (body width). Our approach can be directly applied to other marine mammals by adjusting the model parameters (body mass model script provided)