16 research outputs found

    Sociodemographic Determinants of Librarians’ Psychological Wellbeing: An Ex-Post Facto Research

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    Considering the enormous responsibilities placed on school librarians, this study explored the sociodemographic determinants of school librarians’ psychological wellbeing in Nigeria. This study used an ex-post facto research design. Drawing from the scientific research paradigm and quantitative research approach, data were obtained on 145 school librarians using the Psychological wellbeing scale (α = .82). The 145 librarians were sampled from both Federal and state Universities in southeast Nigeria. The data were analysed using the mean and analysis of variance. The study found that, while age had no significant (p \u3e .05) influence on librarians\u27 psychological wellbeing, qualification had a significant (p \u3c .05) influence on librarians\u27 psychological wellbeing. As a result, librarians\u27 qualifications are a crucial driver of their psychological wellbeing. Thus, it was suggested that librarians\u27 qualifications be prioritized during their employment

    Evaluating the Effectiveness of Internet Library Resources on Students’ Achievement in Physics

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    Because the face-to-face form of learning was temporarily suspended at the start of the pandemic, the way learners learned prior to the appearance of coronavirus 2019 (Covid-19) was severely impacted. When the pandemic was at its worst, most developed countries switched to online education, while most developing countries\u27 schools were shut down entirely. A lack of web resources in those developing countries was one of the reasons for this. Internet library resources have been found to have the potential to improve teaching and learning, according to the literature. However, no empirical research has been done in Nigeria to examine the impact of internet library resources on the achievement of grade three students in Physics. As a result, this study was necessitated. A quantitative research strategy drove this study, which used a simple repeated measures research design. The study included 53 senior secondary two physics students who were chosen at random from secondary schools in Igbo-Eze North Local Government Area. Data were collected using a Physics Achievement Test (PAT) that had been face and content validated as well as trial tested. The internal consistency dependability of the PAT items was .88. Mixed design repeated analysis of variance was used to analyze the data. It was discovered that learners\u27 exposure to electronic library materials had a substantial impact (p \u3c .05) on their Physics achievement. As a result, it was suggested that secondary school students should be given enough exposure to internet library resources

    Evaluating Preschool Librarians’ Information and Communication Technology Competency Level for Online Teaching

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    For adequate teaching and learning, twenty-first-century classrooms, combined with the needs of the new normal in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic, have mandated the effective use of online education platforms. This begs the question of how well-versed in information and communication technologies Nigerian Preschool Librarians are (ICT). Because there is a scarcity of studies on the subject, this is the case. As a result, the researchers were in a good position to determine or measure the level of ICT expertise of Preschool Librarians in order to embrace online education during and after the Covid-19 pandemic. The descriptive survey research design was used in this study, which was based on the scientific research paradigm and quantitative research technique. The survey included 165 Preschool Librarians from the Nsukka Education Zone in Enugu State, Nigeria. Data was collected using an ICT competency questionnaire that has been adequately validated and trial-tested. Using the Cronbach Alpha reliability method, the questionnaire\u27s internal consistency reliability index was assessed to be 0.87. The data was analyzed using the mean statistical method to produce a response to the research question. Preschool librarians were found to have a low level of ICT expertise for the use of online instruction. It was also discovered that preschool librarians\u27 level of ICT skills was significantly (p \u3c .05) influenced by their age. As a result, it was suggested that the Local Government Education Authority provide in-service ICT training opportunities for teachers to ensure proper ICT use in the classroom

    Evaluating Preschool Librarians’ Utilisation of Information and Communication Technology for Virtual Library Services

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    Information and communication technology (ICT) has become vital in twenty-first-century classrooms. In a similar vein, the pandemic of coronavirus 2019 (Covid-19) has prompted most countries to emphasize the use of ICT resources to build an online teaching platform. This development has prompted questions about Nigeria\u27s educational system, as it is unknown how well-prepared instructors are to use ICT in the classroom. In this regard, there is a scarcity of research on how preschool librarians in Nigeria use ICT in their instruction. Thus, this research explored preschool librarians’ utilisation of information and communication technology for virtual library services. A descriptive survey research design was adopted using 157 preschool librarians sampled from primary schools in Enugu State, Nigeria. The researchers developed and validated an information and communication technology usage questionnaire for this study. Using the Cronbach alpha approach, the internal consistency reliability index of the instrument\u27s items was estimated to be 0.76. The data was gathered during the researchers\u27 visits to the study\u27s schools. The data were quantitatively analyzed using a mean and bar chart. It was discovered that preschool librarians use ICT for virtual library services in a very limited way. This means that unless immediate effort is made to encourage preschool librarians to use ICT to provide virtual library services, effective virtual library deployment would be impossible. As a result, it was suggested that preschool librarians be encouraged to use ICT to provide virtual library services through in-service training

    South African Academics’ Perception of the Impact of Work From Home (WFH) on Effective Teaching and Learning in Universities

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    This study utilized a qualitative research approach using specifically phenomenological case study research design in a sample of 28 university lecturers in Gauteng, Free State, and Eastern Cape Provinces of South Africa. Qualitative data were collected using a validated interview schedule. Data collected were analysed using thematic analysis. The findings of the study showed that faculty of education academics perceived working from home orchestrated by COVID-19 as a negative development for the fact that it drained them mentally and thus affected negatively their teaching and learning. Besides, the research participants reported that working from home stalled their academic productivity due to distractions arising from home demands. Conclusively, WFH impacted negatively on effective teaching and learning in universities in South Africa. It was thus recommended that an adequate online learning platform should be put in place always to avoid the repeat of this negative impact of WFH in the future

    Information and communication technology tool and children’s achievement in Basic Science: Implication for Evaluation of Library and Information Resources

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    The mode of teaching shifted from the traditional face-to-face to the remote or online mode of teaching in most countries of the world due to the emergence of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Thus, the new normal demands the use of information and communication tool for instructional delivery across the levels of education. On this premise, the study sought the efficacy of information and communication tool (flipped classroom) on the children’s achievement in Basic Science. Adopting simple repeated measures design, 31 primary three children participated in the treatment session. Basic Science Achievement Test (BSAT) that was properly validated and trial-tested was used to collect data for the study. The children were exposed to two different pretests prior to the treatment and two posttests after the treatment. A mixed-design repeated-measures analysis of variance was used to analyse the data. The finding revealed that information and communication technology tool (flipped classroom) significantly (p = 000) improved the achievement of children in Basic Science. This finding implicates evaluation of library and information resources to come up with best practices in online information resources to propere instructional delivery. Based on this finding, the adoption of information and communication technology (flipped classroom) in teaching and learning Basic Science was recommende

    Influence of Preschool Librarians’ Demographic Characteristics on their Library Discipline Practices: An Ex-post Facto Research

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    The success of various discipline practices in controlling children\u27s behavior in the classroom has been a major source of concern among preschool librarians. Despite the relevance of library discipline in managing disruptive conduct in children, there appears to be a knowledge gap regarding the impact of preschool librarians\u27 demographic features on their discipline practices. As a result, this study measured the influence/impact of preschool librarians\u27 demographic factors on their library disciplinary practices using authoritarian behavioural theory. With a sample of 156 preschool librarians in Enugu State\u27s Nsukka Education Zone, the study used an ex-post facto research design. The researchers developed and validated a preschool librarians\u27 discipline practices questionnaire, which was used to collect data. The internal consistency reliability index of the questionnaire items was found to be 0.89 using the Cronbach alpha method. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data collected. The study\u27s findings revealed that the age and marital status of preschool librarians had significant (p = .05) impacts on their library discipline practices. As a result, it was suggested that the Local Government Education Authority prioritize librarians\u27 age and marital status while recruiting preschool librarians

    Enhancing Leaners’ Motivation and Academic Achievement in Basic Science Using Printed Library Resources

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    In Enugu State, Nigeria, the researchers investigated the effects of printed library resources on students\u27 motivation and academic achievement in basic science. The study used a quasi-experimental research design using 58 primary 5 pupils in public primary schools in Enugu State. Purposive sampling was used to select a sample size for the study. The achievement exams Basic Science Achievement Test (BSAT) and Motivation Scale were used to collect data (BSMS). Using Kuder-Richardson\u27s formula 20 and the Cronbach Alpha technique, the instruments\u27 reliability indices were judged to be 0.81 and 0.76, respectively. To answer the study questions, bar charts were used, while analysis of variance was used to test the null hypotheses at the 0.05 level of significance. Printed library resources improved significantly learners\u27 motivation and achievement in basic science according to the findings. The researchers advised that the government should make available printed library resources for use by the primary school teachers

    Validation of coronavirus-2019 phobia scale using preschool practitioners in urban and rural communities in Nigeria Implication for educational sociologists

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    Coronavirus-2019 (COVID-19) emerged in December 2019, causing significant changes in people’s social lives and other human activities. The outbreak halted educational activities throughout the world. The Nigerian experience was unique in that most people were skeptical about the pandemic’s existence. This practice contributed to the Nigerian people’s fear of the COVID-19 outbreak. However, in Nigeria, there has never been a validated or established Covid-19 phobia scale, necessitating this study. This study was a pure validation study on COVID-19 phobia scale (C19PS). The study area was south-east states and a sample of 386 preschool practitioners in urban and rural communities of South East States, Nigeria participated in the study. The eligibility criteria include being a preschool teacher and demonstrating signs of COVID-19 phobia. The validation of the C19PS was done by subjecting the data gathered to principal axis factoring analysis with varimax rotation. The model fit for the data was tested using root mean square error of approximation and comparative fit index. It was found that the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin value of .845 for the measure of the adequacy of the sample size. There was also a significant Bartlett’s test of sphericity (P<.05). This implies that the correlation matrix for the C19PS is not an identity matrix. It was revealed that C19PS had good overall reliability (a=.896) and model fit (Root mean square error of approximation=.042, comparative fit index=.943) in a sample of Nigerian preschool practitioners. As a result, C19PS was recommended as a trustworthy tool for identifying persons who suffer from COVID-19 phobia.https://www.journals.elsevier.com/medicineam2023Science, Mathematics and Technology Educatio

    The effect of marital status and qualifications on the dangers of psychological work of plant science and science education lecturers

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    Because of the multicultural nature of Nigerian schools, most employees, particularly teachers, are exposed to one or more psychological hazards at work. In Nigeria, psychosocial work hazards are frequent, but no research has been done to see how lecturers' demographics affect their psychosocial work hazards. As a result, the impact of marital status and qualification on the psychological work hazards of plant science and science education lecturers was investigated in this study. The study used a quantitative research approach and an ex-post fact research design with a sample of 87 teachers from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. The researchers adapted a 28-item questionnaire on work deviant behaviour to collect data for the study. The questionnaire items have internal consistency reliability of 0.76. Mean and analysis of variance were used to analyze the data. The study's findings demonstrated that lecturers' marital status and qualifications had no bearing on their psychological work hazards. This suggests that the marital status and qualification of lecturers are not significant factors in their psychosocial work hazards. As a result, it was recommended that university authorities be equitable in their handling of psychosocial work hazards of lectures, taking into account their marital status and qualification