267 research outputs found

    Vincoli e prospettive degli investimenti per la produzione di energia da fonti rinnovabili

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    2009-03-12Sala anfiteatro, Via Roma 253, CagliariInvestire nel biogas in Sardegna: risorse, problematiche e opportunit

    Organic Farming in Latin America and the Caribbean

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    In Latin America, 220’000 producers managed 6.4 million hectares of agricultural land organically in 2007. This constitutes 20 percent of the world’s organic land. The leading countries are Argentina (2'777'959 hectares), Brazil (1'765'793 hectares) and Uruguay (930'965 hectares). The highest shares of organic agricultural land are in the Dominican Republic and Uruguay with more than six percent and in Mexico and Argentina with more than two percent. Most organic production in Latin America is for export. Important crops are tropical fruits, grains and cereals, coffee and cocoa, sugar and meats. Most organic food sales in the domestic markets of the countries occur in major cities, such as Buenos Aires and São Paulo. Fifteen countries have legislation on organic farming, and four additional countries are currently developing organic regulations. Costa Rica and Argentina have both attained third country status according to the EU regulation on organic farming. In recognition of the growing importance of the organic sector to Latin America’s agricultural economy, governmental institutions have begun to take steps towards increasing involvement; governments are beginning to play a central role in the promotion of organic agriculture. The types of support in Latin American countries range from organic agriculture promotion programs to market access support by export agencies. In a few countries, limited financial support is being given to pay certification cost during the conversion period. An important process underway in many Latin America countries is the establishment of regulations and standards for the organic sector

    ¿Qué es Organic Eprints?

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    La Sociedad Científica Latinoamericana de Agroecología – SOCLA, e IFOAM América Latina (Federación Internacional de Movimientos de Agricultura Orgánica – Grupo Regional de América Latina), en ocasión de realizarse el IV Congreso Latinoamericano de Agroecología, pone a disposición de la comunidad científica, miembros y colaboradores del movimiento agroecológico en la región; el servicio que brinda Organic Eprints con la finalidad de difundir y poner disponible en la internet, los trabajos presentados y aprobados por la comisión de evaluación de artículos del Congreso. Los invitamos a utilizar este práctico y útil repositorio de documentos científicos y de investigación, así como trabajos basados en las experiencias agroecológicas

    Effect of Working Capital Management on Firm’ Financial Performance: A Survey of Water Processing Firms in Puntland

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    The study aimed to establish the effect of working capital management on financial performance of water processing firms in Puntland state of Somalia. The study period of 2011 to 2015 was divided into financial quarters with working capital and financial performance variables determined for each of these quarters. There were four specific objectives for the study relating to the effect of firstly cash management, secondly inventory management, thirdly receivables management and lastly payables management on financial performance of the water processing firms. Three theories used in the study are the agency theory, transactional cost theory and working capital management cycle theory. The study used descriptive survey to accomplish the objectives. The study focused on a convenient sample of four companies located in Garowe. It used multiple linear regression of return on assets (ROA) on the four independent variables of cash conversion cycle ratio (CCR), stock turnover ratio (STR), receivables turnover ratio (RTR) and payables turnover ratio (PTR). The findings from descriptive statistics indicated that all the variables are very volatile given the high values of coefficient of variation for each of the variables. From inferential statistics, the study found out that CCR and STR have a positive effect on return on assets of the water companies in Garowe. Receivables turnover, the indicator of receivables management had however a negative effect of ROA. The last working capital variable, payables turnover ratio had no effect on financial performance of water companies as indicated by ROA. The study concludes that the findings which in some cases are not similar to findings from elsewhere could be because of the unstable nature of the business environment in Puntland state of Somalia and Somalia in general. Because of the study limitations, the study makes two recommendations for further study that is there should be studies to cover a wider population of water companies in Somalia to check the effect of working capital on financial performance will remain the same after adjusting for the increased population. A similar study could be done for other types of companies outside of the water processing firms in Puntland. Keywords: Cash management, Inventory management, Receivables management, Payables management & financial performance.

    Preliminary Results Of The Global Comparative Study On Interactions Between PGS and Social Processes

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    Participatory Guarantee Systems (PGS) are viable organic verification systems complementary alternative to third party certification. This paper evaluates the interactions between PGS and social processes (e.g. seed management) and identifies how both PGS and social processes can play a trigger role to improve livelihoods of rural communities worldwide and particularly in the Peruvian Andes. It draws from in-depth interviews with 84 PGS women and men farmers from eight selected PGS initiatives in India, Philippines, South Africa, Peru, Mexico, Brazil and France, as well as 24 stakeholders involved in the development of PGS. Preliminary results show that PGS is an important platform for the development of social processes and that social processes positively impact PGS initiatives in different ways, thereby improving the sustainability of the PGS. Moreover, the results demonstrate so far that the entry into PGS offers farmers, farm families and their communities a range of benefits: improved social bonds at the local level; farmer empowerment; reduction in the costs of farming; better market access and regular sales; increased farm incomes; enhanced food security; improved management of local natural resources. The final detailed research report will be available November 2013 and will include guidance on conditions under which a PGS is likely to become successful and recommendations for farmers, policy makers, researchers and the organic movement

    Mesures de regularitat per a polígons convexos

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    Aquest ítem conté el treball original, defensat públicament amb data de juny de 2010, així com una versió millorada del mateix amb data de 21 de març de 2011. Els canvis introduïts a la segona versió són 1) millores en la normalització de les mesures i 2) millores en el tractament de casos degenerats en alguns dels algorismes. Totes les millores han estat motivades per la utilització del software en casos pràctics, duta a terme com a part d'un treball de recerca amb posterioritat a la lectura. Més informació sobre el projecte a http://www-ma2.upc.es/~vera/RegMeas/L'objectiu d'aquest projecte ha estat fer un pas més i portar la teoria a la pràctica, per poder verificar les mesures descrites, comparar-les i així concloure quines mesures són més eficients per diferents tipus de polígons convexos. La memòria es divideix en quatre grans blocs. En el primer bloc, s'hi descriuen les implementacions realitzades dels algoritmes esmentats. En el segon bloc, s'obtenen paràmetres normalitzats a partir dels algoritmes implementats, per així disposar de mesures amb les quals descriure com de regulars són els polígons i amb les quals comparar els diferents algorismes. El tercer bloc analitza les qüestions relatives al software desenvolupat. Finalment, el darrer bloc recull les experimentacions dutes a terme amb les mesures i les conclusions extretes sobre elles

    Podcast: abogado del diablo

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    El proyecto consiste en la realización de la tercera temporada —compuesta por cuatro episodios— del podcast Abogado del Diablo, es cuál ofrece entrevistas a invitados diversos sobre sus opiniones más controversiales, buscando ponerlas a prueba y bajo escrutinio. Esta temporada buscó tratar temas de relevancia en la coyuntura nacional y mundial del 2020-2021, por lo que se seleccionaron invitados con opiniones marginales sobre la pandemia, al igual que sobre otros temas de interés —en este caso la vida extraterrestre y la ideología de género—. Con estas temáticas en consideración se buscó alcanzar un balance entre opiniones radicales y escandalosas, y opiniones simplemente polémicas. Adicionalmente se buscó renovar y reestructurar los estándares técnicos y de producción detrás de escenas del podcast

    Estudio y análisis de prestaciones de redes móviles Ad Hoc mediante simulaciones NS-2 para validar modelos analíticos

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    El objetivo principal de este Proyecto Final de Carrera es validar mediante simulaciones un modelo matemático desarrollado dentro del Grupo de Servicios Telemáticos de esta Universidad, en concreto los modelos pretenden constituir una herramienta de soporte al diseño, implementación y evaluación de arquitecturas de red basadas en redes inalámbricas Ad Hoc. Así, el ingeniero o ingeniera dispondrá de una herramienta flexible, económica y fácilmente modificable sin tener que realizar simulaciones costosas en tiempo. Además, le será muy útil en la fase de diseño, antes de proceder a extender implementaciones reales en testbeds, que además son costosos económicamente. Es objetivo de este PFC el validar dicho modelos analíticos, mediante simulaciones. Este paso es necesario para poder utilizar la herramienta analítica con total confianza
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