16 research outputs found

    CryoEM structure and Alphafold molecular modelling of a novel molluscan hemocyanin

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    Hemocyanins are multimeric oxygen transport proteins present in the blood of arthropods and molluscs, containing up to 8 oxygen-binding functional units per monomer. In molluscs, hemocyanins are assembled in decamer ‘building blocks’ formed of 5 dimer ‘plates’, routinely forming didecamer or higher-order assemblies with d5 or c5 symmetry. Here we describe the cryoEM structures of the didecamer (20-mer) and tridecamer (30-mer) forms of a novel hemocyanin from the slipper limpet Crepidula fornicata (SLH) at 7.0 and 4.7 Å resolution respectively. We show that two decamers assemble in a ‘tail-tail’ configuration, forming a partially capped cylinder, with an additional decamer adding on in ‘head-tail’ configuration to make the tridecamer. Analysis of SLH samples shows substantial heterogeneity, suggesting the presence of many higher-order multimers including tetra- and pentadecamers, formed by successive addition of decamers in head-tail configuration. Retrieval of sequence data for a full-length isoform of SLH enabled the use of Alphafold to produce a molecular model of SLH, which indicated the formation of dimer slabs with high similarity to those found in keyhole limpet hemocyanin. The fit of the molecular model to the cryoEM density was excellent, showing an overall structure where the final two functional units of the subunit (FU-g and FU-h) form the partial cap at one end of the decamer, and permitting analysis of the subunit interfaces governing the assembly of tail-tail and head-tail decamer interactions as well as potential sites for N-glycosylation. Our work contributes to the understanding of higher-order oligomer formation in molluscan hemocyanins and demonstrates the utility of Alphafold for building accurate structural models of large oligomeric proteins

    Structural insights in cell-type specific evolution of intra-host diversity by SARS-CoV-2

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    As the global burden of SARS-CoV-2 infections escalates, so does the evolution of viral variants with increased transmissibility and pathology. In addition to this entrenched diversity, RNA viruses can also display genetic diversity within single infected hosts with co-existing viral variants evolving differently in distinct cell types. The BriSΔ variant, originally identified as a viral subpopulation from SARS-CoV-2 isolate hCoV-19/England/02/2020, comprises in the spike an eight amino-acid deletion encompassing a furin recognition motif and S1/S2 cleavage site. We elucidate the structure, function and molecular dynamics of this spike providing mechanistic insight into how the deletion correlates to viral cell tropism, ACE2 receptor binding and infectivity of this SARS-CoV-2 variant. Our results reveal long-range allosteric communication between functional domains that differ in the wild-type and the deletion variant and support a view of SARS-CoV-2 probing multiple evolutionary trajectories in distinct cell types within the same infected host

    The Free Fatty Acid-Binding Pocket is a Conserved Hallmark in Pathogenic β-Coronavirus Spike Proteins from SARS-CoV to Omicron

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    As coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) persists, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) variants of concern (VOCs) emerge, accumulating spike (S) glycoprotein mutations. S receptor binding domain (RBD) comprises a free fatty acid (FFA)–binding pocket. FFA binding stabilizes a locked S conformation, interfering with virus infectivity. We provide evidence that the pocket is conserved in pathogenic β-coronaviruses (β-CoVs) infecting humans. SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV, SARS-CoV-2, and VOCs bind the essential FFA linoleic acid (LA), while binding is abolished by one mutation in common cold–causing HCoV-HKU1. In the SARS-CoV S structure, LA stabilizes the locked conformation, while the open, infectious conformation is devoid of LA. Electron tomography of SARS-CoV-2–infected cells reveals that LA treatment inhibits viral replication, resulting in fewer deformed virions. Our results establish FFA binding as a hallmark of pathogenic β-CoV infection and replication, setting the stage for FFA-based antiviral strategies to overcome COVID-19

    Structural studies on proteins involved in human telomere maintenance

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    In order to sustain genomic stability and cellular viability, the ends of linear eukaryotic chromosomes are capped and protected by telomeres. The mechanism by which the length of telomeric DNA is maintained involves a specialized reverse transcriptase, called telomerase. This thesis focuses on the structural investigation of two proteins that play essential roles in the regulation of different stages of telomerase activity: TCAB1 and the CST complex. TCAB1 participates in the maturation process of the telomerase RNA subunit and is critical for telomerase trafficking in vivo. Mutations in TCAB1 lead to defects in telomere maintenance and give rise to severe forms of dyskeratosis congenita (DC). The CST complex, consisting of Ctc1, Stn1 and Ten1, limits telomerase activity in the late stages of telomere elongation. CST also initiates the fill-in synthesis of the complementary strand by recruiting the Polα/Primase complex. Mutations in CST are associated with Coat Plus, DC and related diseases. In this thesis, I present various strategies for the expression and purification of TCAB1 and the CST complex and structural analysis using negative stain electron microscopy (EM). Using primary sequence analysis and computational methods, I demonstrated that TCAB1 contains seven putative WD40 repeats within its central domain rather than the five published. Using various strategies for expression of TCAB1 in E.coli, that lead to aggregated protein, it was published that TCAB1 folding requires an elaborate machinery including the TCP-Ring Complex (TRiC) that is only present in higher eukaryotes. For the CST complex, I found that expression of full length Ctc1 in E.coli was not feasible and that it necessitated co-expression with Stn1 and Ten1. This was achieved by setting up MultiBac expression in insect cells. Results are presented for a purification strategy for obtaining a pure complex that contains stoichiometric amounts of the three proteins in mg quantities. As an initial stage to determining the cryo-EM structure, I present a low-resolution threedimensional structure (25Å) of the CST complex obtained using negative stain EM and single-particle reconstruction. Finally, I describe strategies to obtain a higher resolution structure bound to telomeric DNA.Doctor of Philosophy (SBS

    Molecular architecture of the autoinhibited kinesin-1 lambda particle

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    Despite continuing progress in kinesin enzyme mechanochemistry and emerging understanding of the cargo recognition machinery, it is not known how these functions are coupled and controlled by the α-helical coiled coils encoded by a large component of kinesin protein sequences. Here, we combine computational structure prediction with single-particle negative-stain electron microscopy to reveal the coiled-coil architecture of heterotetrameric kinesin-1 in its compact state. An unusual flexion in the scaffold enables folding of the complex, bringing the kinesin heavy chain–light chain interface into close apposition with a tetrameric assembly formed from the region of the molecule previously assumed to be the folding hinge. This framework for autoinhibition is required to uncover how engagement of cargo and other regulatory factors drives kinesin-1 activation

    CryoEM structure and Alphafold molecular modelling of a novel molluscan hemocyanin

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    Hemocyanins are multimeric oxygen transport proteins present in the blood of arthropods and molluscs, containing up to 8 oxygen-binding functional units per monomer. In molluscs, hemocyanins are assembled in decamer ‘building blocks’ formed of 5 dimer ‘plates’, routinely forming didecamer or higher-order assemblies with d5 or c5 symmetry. Here we describe the cryoEM structures of the didecamer (20-mer) and tridecamer (30-mer) forms of a novel hemocyanin from the slipper limpet Crepidula fornicata (SLH) at 7.0 and 4.7 Å resolution respectively. We show that two decamers assemble in a ‘tail-tail’ configuration, forming a partially capped cylinder, with an additional decamer adding on in ‘head-tail’ configuration to make the tridecamer. Analysis of SLH samples shows substantial heterogeneity, suggesting the presence of many higher-order multimers including tetra- and pentadecamers, formed by successive addition of decamers in head-tail configuration. Retrieval of sequence data for a full-length isoform of SLH enabled the use of Alphafold to produce a molecular model of SLH, which indicated the formation of dimer slabs with high similarity to those found in keyhole limpet hemocyanin. The fit of the molecular model to the cryoEM density was excellent, showing an overall structure where the final two functional units of the subunit (FU-g and FU-h) form the partial cap at one end of the decamer, and permitting analysis of the subunit interfaces governing the assembly of tail-tail and head-tail decamer interactions as well as potential sites for N-glycosylation. Our work contributes to the understanding of higher-order oligomer formation in molluscan hemocyanins and demonstrates the utility of Alphafold for building accurate structural models of large oligomeric proteins