160 research outputs found
Os imigrantes japoneses no Brasil- O processo de integração na sociedade brasileira
Dissertação de Mestrado em Relações InternacionaisEm 1908, os primeiros imigrantes japoneses chegaram ao Brasil. Desde então, as relações bilaterais entre esses atores têm sido tornadas cada vez mais intensas, sobretudo através de imigrantes japoneses e posteriormente por via dos descendentes nipônicos. Assim, a presença dos nipo-brasileiros tem facilitado a proximidade entre o Japão e o Brasil, pois são eles que transmitem a imagem do Japão. O objetivo da presente dissertação é investigar a influência dos nipo-brasileiros na política externa do Japão. Assim, o ponto de partida reside na análise da influência da presença dos nipo-brasileiros na recente política externa japonesa para o Brasil, analisando a expectativa de mudança desta política externa japonesa através do avanço da miscigenação da comunidade nipônica. Com relação aos resultados encontrados, notou-se que a comunidade nipônica na região da América Latina e Caribe e em específico no Brasil, contribuiu significamente para a formação de uma política externa japonesa específica para a região. Outro ponto relevante encontrado como resultado na investigação é que com a tendência da miscigenação e o envelhecimento da população, as comunidades nipônicas enfrentam um desafio à sobrevivência, nesse sentido o governo japonês tem pensado em políticas específicas como forma de incorporar mais descendentes japoneses da nova geração e difundir a sua língua e cultura entre os cidadãos não-nikkeis para que o Japão continue a ter as relações especiais com os países da região.In 1908, the first Japanese immigrants arrived in Brazil. Since then, bilateral relations between these actors have become increasingly intense, mainly through Japanese immigrants and, later, by Japanese descendants. Thus, the presence of JapaneseBrazilians facilitated the proximity between Japan and Brazil, since they are the ones who transmit the image of Japan. The purpose of this dissertation is to investigate the influence of Japanese-Brazilians in Japan's foreign policy. The starting point resides in the analysis of the influence of the presence of Japanese-Brazilians in the recent Japanese foreign policy for Brazil, analyzing the expectation of change of this Japanese foreign policy through the advancement of the miscegenation of the Japanese community. Regarding the results found, it was noted that the Japanese community in the region of Latin America and the Caribbean and specifically in Brazil, contributed significantly to the formation of a Japanese foreign policy specific to the region. Another relevant point found as a result of the investigation is that with the tendency of miscegenation and the aging of the population, Japanese communities face a challenge to survival, in this sense the Japanese government has been thinking about specific policies as a way to incorporate more Japanese descendants of the new generation and to spread its language and culture among non-Nikkei citizens so that Japan continues to have special relations with the countries of the region.N/
A new heterozygous compound mutation in the CTSA gene in galactosialidosis
Galactosialidosis is an autosomal recessive lysosomal storage disease caused by the combined deficiency of lysosomal β-galactosidase and neuraminidase due to a defect in the protective protein/cathepsin A. Patients present with various clinical manifestations and are classified into three types according to the age of onset: the early infantile type, the late infantile type, and the juvenile/adult type. We report a Japanese female case of juvenile/adult type galactosialidosis. Clinically, she presented with short stature, coarse facies, angiokeratoma, remarkable action myoclonus, and cerebellar ataxia. The patient was diagnosed with galactosialidosis with confirmation of impaired β-galactosidase and neuraminidase function in cultured skin fibroblasts. Sanger sequencing for CTSA identified a compound heterozygous mutation consisting of NM_00308.3(CTSA):c.746 + 3A>G and c.655-1G>A. Additional analysis of her mother’s DNA sequence indicated that the former mutation originated from her mother, and therefore the latter was estimated to be from the father or was a de novo mutation. Both mutations are considered pathogenic owing to possible splicing abnormalities. One of them (c.655-1G>A) is novel because it has never been reported previously
Patient-derived ovarian cancer organoids capture the genomic profiles of primary tumours applicable for drug sensitivity and resistance testing
The use of primary patient-derived organoids for drug sensitivity and resistance testing could play an important role in precision cancer medicine. We developed expandable ovarian cancer organoids in<3 weeks; these organoids captured the characteristics of histological cancer subtypes and replicated the mutational landscape of the primary tumours. Seven pairs of organoids (3 high-grade serous, 1 clear cell, 3 endometrioid) and original tumours shared 59.5% (36.1-73.1%) of the variants identified. Copy number variations were also similar among organoids and primary tumours. The organoid that harboured the BRCA1 pathogenic variant (p.L63*) showed a higher sensitivity to PARP inhibitor, olaparib, as well as to platinum drugs compared to the other organoids, whereas an organoid derived from clear cell ovarian cancer was resistant to conventional drugs for ovarian cancer, namely platinum drugs, paclitaxel, and olaparib. The overall success rate of primary organoid culture, including those of various histological subtypes, was 80% (28/35). Our data show that patient-derived organoids are suitable physiological ex vivo cancer models that can be used to screen effective personalised ovarian cancer drugs
Soluble matrix from osteoblastic cells induces mineralization by dental pulp cells
Dental pulp cells have a capacity to differentiate into mineralization-inducing cells. To clarify the molecular mechanism, we established an in vitro mineralization-inducing system by rat clonal dental pulp cell line, RPC-C2A, and tried to purify a mineralizationinducing factor in conditioned medium (CM) from preosteoblastic MC3T3-E1 cells. The active factor was impermeable to an ultrafiltrating membrane, and sedimented by ultracentrifugation. The sedimented factor was found as a needle-like structure about 1.3 μm in average length as observed by transmission electron microscopy. The factor contained type I collagen, suggesting not a matrix vesicle, but a soluble matrix. The mineralizationinducing activity was also detected in CM from primary culture of rat calvaria (RC) cells. These results suggested that the soluble matrices from osteoblastic cells serve, at least in part, as differentiation-inducing agents
Direction-sensitive dark matter search results in a surface laboratory
We developed a three-dimensional gaseous tracking device and performed a
direction-sensitive dark matter search in a surface laboratory. By using 150
Torr carbon-tetrafluoride (CF_4 gas), we obtained a sky map drawn with the
recoil directions of the carbon and fluorine nuclei, and set the first limit on
the spin-dependent WIMP (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles)-proton cross
section by a direction-sensitive method. Thus, we showed that a WIMP-search
experiment with a gaseous tracking device can actually set limits. Furthermore,
we demonstrated that this method will potentially play a certain role in
revealing the nature of dark matter when a low-background large-volume detector
is developed.Comment: 9 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Lett.
Effects of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation on physical symptoms in advanced cancer patients receiving palliative care
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) is primarily used for pain, butmight be useful for various other physical symptoms, including nausea, fatigue,dyspnea, and constipation. However, few studies have used TENS for treating thephysical symptoms of patients with advanced cancer. In this crossover trial, we assessthe effects of TENS on pain and other physical symptoms in 20 in-patients withadvanced cancer receiving palliative care. For 5-day phases between wash out periodsof 5 days, patients received TENS or non-TENS. TENS was delivered at four points: thecenter of the back for mainly nausea and dyspnea, on the back at the same dermatomallevel as the origin of the pain (100 Hz), and on both ankle joints for constipation (10Hz). The intensity of pain and the total opioid dose used during phases were recorded.Physical symptoms were evaluated using the European Organization for Research andTreatment of Cancer (EORTC) Quality of Life Questionnaire Core 15 Palliative Care(QLQ-C15-PAL). Hematological and biochemical data were recorded before and afterthe TENS phase. The average pain and total number of opioid rescue doses weresignificantly reduced by TENS. TENS tended to improve nausea and appetite loss, butnot constipation. There were no effects on hematological and biochemical parameters.Use of TENS could safely improve pain, nausea, and appetite loss in patients withadvanced cancer. Although it cannot be used as a substitute for opioids and otherpharmaceutical treatment, it may be useful to support palliative care
Performance of a Time-Projection-Chamber with a Large-Area Micro-Pixel-Chamber Readout
A micro time-projection-chamber (micro-TPC) with a detection volume of
23*28*31 cm^3 was developed, and its fundamental performance was examined. The
micro-TPC consists of a micro pixel chamber with a detection area of 31*31 cm^2
as a two-dimensional imaging device and a gas electron multiplier with an
effective area of 23*28 cm^2 as a pre-gas-multiplier. The micro-TPC was
operated at a gas gain of 50,000, and energy resolutions and spatial
resolutions were measured.Comment: 4 pages, 7 figures, proceedings of IWORID
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