14 research outputs found

    Out-of-Core Streamline Visualization on Large Unstructured Meshes

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    It's advantageous for computational scientists to have the capability to perform interactive visualization on their desktop workstations. For data on large unstructured meshes, this capability is not generally available. In particular, particle tracing on unstructured grids can result in a high percentage of non-contiguous memory accesses and therefore may perform very poorly with virtual memory paging schemes. The alternative of visualizing a lower resolution of the data degrades the original high-resolution calculations. This paper presents an out-of-core approach for interactive streamline construction on large unstructured tetrahedral meshes containing millions of elements. The out-of-core algorithm uses an octree to partition and restructure the raw data into subsets stored into disk files for fast data retrieval. A memory management policy tailored to the streamline calculations is used such that during the streamline construction only a very small amount of data are brought into the main memory on demand. By carefully scheduling computation and data fetching, the overhead of reading data from the disk is significantly reduced and good memory performance results. This out-of-core algorithm makes possible interactive streamline visualization of large unstructured-grid data sets on a single mid-range workstation with relatively low main-memory capacity: 5-20 megabytes. Our test results also show that this approach is much more efficient than relying on virtual memory and operating system's paging algorithms

    A Distance-Field-Based Pipe-Routing Method

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    Pipes are commonly used to transport fuels, air, water, gas, hydraulic power, and other fluid-like materials in engine rooms, houses, factories, airplanes, and ships. Thus, pipe routing is essential in many industrial applications, including ship construction, machinery manufacturing, house building, laying out engine rooms, etc. To be functional, a pipe system should be economical while satisfying spatial constraints and safety regulations. Numerous routing algorithms have been published to optimize the pipe length and the number of elbows. However, relatively few methods have been designed to lay out pipes which strictly meet the spatial constraints and safety regulations. This article proposes a distance-field-based piping algorithm to remedy this problem. The proposed method converts the workspace into a 3D image and computes a distance field upon the workspace first. It then creates a feasible space out of the workspace by peeling the distance field and segmenting the 3D image. The resultant feasible space is collision-free and satisfies the spatial constraints and safety regulations. In the following step, a path-finding process, subjected to a cost function, is triggered to arrange the pipe inside the feasible space. Consequently, the cost of the pipe is optimized, and the pipe path rigidly meets the spatial constraints and safety regulations. The proposed method works effectively even if the workspace is narrow and complicated. In three experiments, the proposed method is employed to lay out pipes inside an underwater vehicle, a machinery room, and a two-story house, respectively. Not only do the resultant pipes possess minimal costs, but they also meet the spatial constraints and safety regulations, as predicted. In addition to developing the routing procedure, we also design a visualization subsystem to reveal the progression of the piping process and the variation of the workspace in the run time. Based on the displayed images, users can therefore evaluate the quality of the pipes on the fly and tune the piping parameters if necessary

    Scientific visualization for finite element analysis data sets

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    technical reportThe research is focused on developing new techniques for visualizing FEA data sets. In this thesis, new parallel volume rendering algorithms are outlined to speed up scalar field visualization. Strreamlines, streamribbons and streamtubes are the most fundamental tools for exploring vector field data sets. New methods will be introduced to construct them efficiently


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    It's advantageous for computational scientists to have the capability to perform interactive visualization on their desktop workstations. For data on large unstructured meshes, this capability is not generally available. In particular, particle tracing on unstructured grids can result in a high percentage of non-contiguous memory accesses and therefore may perform very poorly with virtual memory paging schemes. The alternative of visualizing a. lower resolution of the data degrades the original high-resolution calculations. This paper presents an out-of-core approach for interactive streamline construction on large unstructured tetrahedral meshes containing millions of elements. The out-of-core algorithm uses an octree to partition and restructure the raw data. into subsets stored into disk files for fast data retrieval. A memory management policy tailored l.o the streamline calculations is used such that during the streamline construction only a very small amount of data are brought into the main memory on demand. By carefully scheduling computation and data fetching, the overhead of reading data from the disk is significanlly reduced and good memory performance results. This out-of-core algorithm makes possible interactive streamline visualization of large unstructured-grid data sets on a single mid-range worksta

    Radar return reduction for wind turbines using bump structures

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    Wind turbines are massive electrical structures. They produce large returns when illuminated by radar waves. These scatterings have a great impact on the operation of surveillance, air traffic control and weather radars. This paper presents two geometric modelling methods for reshaping wind turbine towers so that the Radar Cross Section (RCS) of wind turbines is reduced. In the proposed reshaping methods, bump structures are created on the surface of the conventional cylinder wind turbine tower. When a reshaped tower is illuminated by radar waves, the bump structures scatter incident radar waves into insignificant directions so that the strength of back-scattering is declined and the RCS of the wind turbine is decreased. The test results confirmed that the proposed methods significantly reduce bi-static RCS values of wind turbines. The proposed reshaping methods are practical, flexible and effective in alleviating the scatterings of wind turbines

    A Voxel-Based Watermarking Scheme for Additive Manufacturing

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    Digital and analog contents, generated in additive manufacturing (AM) processes, may be illegally modified, distributed, and reproduced. In this article, we propose a watermarking scheme to enhance the security of AM. Compared with conventional watermarking methods, our algorithm possesses the following advantages. First, it protects geometric models and printed parts as well as G-code programs. Secondly, it embeds watermarks into both polygonal and volumetric models. Thirdly, our method is capable of creating watermarks inside the interiors and on the surfaces of complex models. Fourth, the watermarks may appear in various forms, including character strings, cavities, embossed bumps, and engraved textures. The proposed watermarking method is composed of the following steps. At first, the input geometric model is converted into a distance field. Then, the watermark is inserted into a region of interest by using self-organizing mapping. Finally, the watermarked model is converted into a G-code program by using a specialized slicer. Several robust methods are also developed to authenticate digital models, G-code programs, and physical parts. These methods perform virtual manufacturing, volume rendering, and image processing to extract watermarks from these contents at first. Then, they employ similarity evaluation and visual comparison to verify the extracted signatures. Some experiments had been conducted to validify the proposed watermarking method. The test results, analysis, discussion, and comparisons are also presented in this article

    A G-Code Generator for Volumetric Models

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    In layered manufacturing (LM), slicers are employed to convert input geometric models into G-codes. Conventional slicers accept only surface models as input data. Thus, volumetric models have to be converted into polygonal representations to fit the data format of the slicers. This results in extra computational costs and geometric errors. In this article, we present an efficient slicer aiming to generate G-codes for volumetric models. At first, our slicer computes the printing direction by exploring the inertia tensor of the input model to enhance the stability of the printed part and to decrease the build time. Then, it detects and classifies overhangs in the input model and generates necessary support structures by using a pattern-based method. Thirdly, the proposed slicer divides the input model into the skin and internal regions and cuts the model into 2D images. Subsequently, these images are transformed into toolpaths by utilizing texture mapping and graph traversal methods. Finally, the resultant toolpaths are smoothed to reduce staircases and encoded into G-codes. Test results verify that the proposed slicer produces decent G-codes for volumetric models. Scanned objects hidden in volume data can be directly manufactured without generating intermediate polygonal representations. LM processes become more efficient