13,022 research outputs found

    Quadrupole-scissors modes and nonlinear mode coupling in trapped two-component Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We theoretically investigate quadrupolar collective excitations in two-component Bose-Einstein condensates and their nonlinear dynamics associated with harmonic generation and mode coupling. Under the Thomas-Fermi approximation and the quadratic polynomial ansatz for density fluctuations, the linear analysis of the superfluid hydrodynamic equations predicts excitation frequencies of three normal modes constituted from monopole and quadrupole oscillations, and those of three scissors modes. We obtain analytically the resonance conditions for the second harmonic generation in terms of the trap aspect ratio and the strength of intercomponent interaction. The numerical simulation of the coupled Gross-Pitaevskii equations vindicates the validity of the analytical results and reveals the dynamics of the second harmonic generation and nonlinear mode coupling that lead to nonlinear oscillations of the condensate with damping and recurrence reminiscent of the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam problem.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, revtex

    Dilute-Bose-Gas Approach to ground state phases of 3D quantum helimagnets under high magnetic field

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    We study high-field phase diagram and low-energy excitations of three-dimensional quantum helimagnets. Slightly below the saturation field, the emergence of magnetic order may be mathematically viewed as Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) of magnons. The method of dilute Bose gas enables an unbiased quantitative analysis of quantum effects in three-dimensional helimagnets and thereby three phases are found: cone, coplanar fan and an attraction-dominant one. To investigate the last phase, we extend the usual BEC approach so that we can handle 2-magnon bound states. In the case of 2-magnon BEC, the transverse magnetization vanishes and long-range order occurs in the quadrupolar channel (spin-nematic phase). As an application, we map out the phase diagram of a 3D helimagnet which consists of frustrated J1-J2 chains coupled by an interchain interaction J3.Comment: 4pages, 3figures, International Conference on Magnetism (ICM) 2009 (Karlsruhe, Germany, July 26-31, 2009)

    Symmetry Breaking and Enhanced Condensate Fraction in a Matter-Wave Bright Soliton

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    An exact diagonalization study reveals that a matter-wave bright soliton and the Goldstone mode are simultaneously created in a quasi-one-dimensional attractive Bose-Einstein condensate by superpositions of quasi-degenerate low-lying many-body states. Upon formation of the soliton the maximum eigenvalue of the single-particle density matrix increases dramatically, indicating that a fragmented condensate converts into a single condensate as a consequence of the breaking of translation symmetry.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, revised versio

    Topological defect formation in quenched ferromagnetic Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We study the dynamics of the quantum phase transition of a ferromagnetic spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensate from the polar phase to the broken-axisymmetry phase by changing magnetic field, and find the spontaneous formation of spinor domain walls followed by the creation of polar-core spin vortices. We also find that the spin textures depend very sensitively on the initial noise distribution, and that an anisotropic and colored initial noise is needed to reproduce the Berkeley experiment [Sadler et al., Nature 443, 312 (2006)]. The dynamics of vortex nucleation and the number of created vortices depend also on the manner in which the magnetic field is changed. We point out an analogy between the formation of spin vortices from domain walls in a spinor BEC and that of vortex-antivortex pairs from dark solitons in a scalar BEC.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figure

    Spin textures in rotating two-component Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We investigate two kinds of coreless vortices with axisymmetric and nonaxisymmetric configurations in rotating two-component Bose-Einstein condensates. Starting from the Gross-Pitaevskii energy functional in a rotating frame, we derive a nonlinear sigma model generalized to the two-component condensates. In terms of a pseudospin representation, an axisymmetric vortex and a nonaxisymmetric one correspond to spin textures referred to as a "skyrmion" and a "meron-pair", respectively. A variational method is used to investigate the dependence of the sizes of the stable spin textures on system parameters, and the optimized variational function is found to reproduce well the numerical solution. In the SU(2) symmetric case, the optimal skyrmion and meron-pair are degenerate and transform to each other by a rotation of the pseudospin. An external rf-field that couples coherently the hyperfine states of two components breaks the degeneracy in favor of the meron-pair texture due to an effective transverse pseudomagnetic field. The difference between the intracomponent and intercomponent interactions yields a longitudinal pseudomagnetic field and a ferromagnetic or an antiferromagnetic pseudospin interaction, leading to a meron-pair texture with an anisotropic distribution of vorticity.Comment: 14 pages, 15 figure

    Finite-Size Scaling Analysis of the Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis in a One-Dimensional Interacting Bose gas

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    By calculating correlation functions for the Lieb-Liniger model based on the algebraic Bethe ansatz method, we conduct a finite-size scaling analysis of the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis (ETH) which is considered to be a possible mechanism of thermalization in isolated quantum systems. We find that the ETH in the weak sense holds in the thermodynamic limit even for an integrable system although it does not hold in the strong sense. Based on the result of the finite-size scaling analysis, we compare the contribution of the weak ETH to thermalization with that of yet another thermalization mechanism, the typicality, and show that the former gives only a logarithmic correction to the latter.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Oscillons: an encounter with dynamical chaos in 1953?

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    We present evidences that Ben F. Laposky (1914-2000) might have been the first person who created a family of nonlinear analog circuits that allowed him to observe chaotic attractors and other trademarks of nonlinear science as early as 1953.Comment: accepted to Chao

    Suzaku Confirms NGC~3660 is an Unabsorbed Seyfert 2

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    An enigmatic group of objects, unabsorbed Seyfert 2s may have intrinsically weak broad line regions, obscuration in the line of sight to the BLR but not to the X-ray corona, or so much obscuration that the X-ray continuum is completely suppressed and the observed spectrum is actually scattered into the line of sight from nearby material. NGC 3660 has been shown to have weak broad optical/near infrared lines, no obscuration in the soft X-ray band, and no indication of "changing look" behavior. The only previous hard X-ray detection of this source by Beppo-SAX seemed to indicate that the source might harbor a heavily obscured nucleus. However, our analysis of a long-look Suzaku observation of this source shows that this is not the case, and that this source has a typical power law X-ray continuum with normal reflection and no obscuration. We conclude that NGC 3660 is confirmed to have no unidentified obscuration and that the anomolously high Beppo-SAX measurement must be due to source confusion or similar, being inconsistent with our Suzaku measurements as well as non-detections from Swift-BAT and RXTE.Comment: Accepted to PAS

    X-ray Dust Scattering at Small Angles: The Complete Halo around GX13+1

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    The exquisite angular resolution available with Chandra should allow precision measurements of faint diffuse emission surrounding bright sources, such as the X-ray scattering halos created by interstellar dust. However, the ACIS CCDs suffer from pileup when observing bright sources, and this creates difficulties when trying to extract the scattered halo near the source. The initial study of the X-ray halo around GX13+1 using only the ACIS-I detector done by Smith, Edgar & Shafer (2002) suffered from a lack of sensitivity within 50'' of the source, limiting what conclusions could be drawn. To address this problem, observations of GX13+1 were obtained with the Chandra HRC-I and simultaneously with the RXTE PCA. Combined with the existing ACIS-I data, this allowed measurements of the X-ray halo between 2-1000''. After considering a range of dust models, each assumed to be smoothly distributed with or without a dense cloud along the line of sight, the results show that there is no evidence in this data for a dense cloud near the source, as suggested by Xiang et al. (2005). Finally, although no model leads to formally acceptable results, the Weingartner & Draine (2001) and nearly all of the composite grain models from Zubko, Dwek & Arendt (2004) give poor fits.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Ap