204 research outputs found

    Endometriosis of the appendix presenting as acute appendicitis: A case report and literature review

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    Endometriosis is a common disease generally, but appendiceal endometriosis causing acute appendicitis is a very uncommon clinical phenomenon and a few cases have been reported. The authors aim to highlight the rarity of such clinical entity in Nigeria. A 29 year old nulliparous woman presented with severe right iliac fossa pains, tenderness and rebound tenderness on her second day of menstruation. She subsequently had appendicectomy and a histopathological diagnosis of appendiceal endometriosis causing acute appendicitis. Appendiceal endometriosis causing acute appendicitis is rare, and definitive diagnosis is performed through histopathological evaluation. Post-operative gynaecological follow-up is highly recommended.KEY WORDS: Appendix, Endometriosis, Appendiciti

    Towards Utilization of E-Learning in Preparing Business Education Students for the World of Work

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    The study was carried out to determine the perception of Business Studies educators towards the utilization of e-learning in preparing business education students for the world of work. The study was conducted in colleges of education in Anambra state. The population of the study consisted of 80 Business Studies educators in the two colleges of education in the state. Two research questions and two null hypotheses guided the study. A structured questionnaire duly validated by experts was used for data collection. The mean statistics and standard deviation were used to answer the research questions while t-test was used to test the hypotheses. The findings of the study revealed that e-learning facilities are needed in preparing business education students for world of work and also some challenges facing the use of e-learning facilities were identified. Based on the findings, it was recommended among others that tertiary institutions offering Business Education programmes need to be provided with e-learning facilities by the appropriate authorities to enhance the preparation of Business Education students in other to make them relevant in the world of work.Key words: Business Education, e-learning and Benefits of e-learnin

    Oral health knowledge, perceptions and behaviour among nursing students in a Nigerian tertiary hospital

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    Aim: The purpose of the study was to investigate oral health knowledge, perceptions and behaviour amongst nursing students in a Nigerian tertiary hospital. Materials and methods: The study was conducted at University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital on 244 respondents aged 17 to 40 years, using self administered structured questionnaire. Result: Respondents showed high level of oral health knowledge. Most of them (68.3%), had never visited a dentist with females accounting for 144 (67.7%) (P > 0.05). About 58.0% of the respondents brushed once a day. Majority, 155 (70.5%), of females perceived their oral health as good as against 14 (58.3%) males. Conclusion: The respondents had good oral health knowledge, but poor oral health behaviour. Importance of regular dental visit, frequent tooth brushing, should be stressed. Keywords: Oral health, knowledge, behaviour, Nursing students, tertiary hospital. Tanzania Dental Journal Vol. 14 (1) 2007: pp. 26-2

    Problems and Prospects of Pineapple Production in Enugu State, Nigeria

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    The study identified problems and prospects of pineapple production in Enugu State of Nigeria. Purposive sampling technique was used to select eighty (80) pineapple farmers from two agricultural zones. Data were analyzed using percentage and mean score. Results showed that greater proportion of the farmers was male (56.2%), had no formal education (47.5%) and had their farm located far from their residence (68.8%) while many of the farmers cultivated improved pineapple variety (43.8%) and a greater proportion (55.0%) sourced planting materials from their farms. All the respondents (100%) harvested their produce manually. Respondents indicated that the major potentials of the area for pineapple production included: availability of fertile land for pineapple production (x̅=2.78), ready market for the sale of the crop produce (x̅=2.72), a good source of income (x̅=2.62), and good health through consumption among farmers/inhabitants (x̅=2.78). The major constraints of pineapple production identified by the respondents were poor access road for transportation of produce (x̅=2.56), and lack of technical knowledge on the use of improved technology (x̅=2.56). It was concluded that pineapple had good prospects for production in the area. However, issues of infrastructure and technical knowledge should be tackled in order to harness those potentials.Key words: pineapple production in Enugu Stat

    Benign breast lesions in Bayelsa State, Niger Delta Nigeria: a 5 year multicentre histopathological audit

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    Introduction: there has been no previous study to classify benign breast lesions in details based on histopathologically confirmed diagnosis in Bayelsa State, Nigeria. This study therefore aims to review all cases of benign breast lesions seen in all the three centres in Bayelsa State with histopathology services over a five year period for a comprehensive baseline data in our community for management, research and education. Methods: this is a multicentre retrospective descriptive study based on histopathological diagnosed benign breast lesions from January 2009 to December 2013.Archival results and slides on benign breast lesions were retrieved and analysed using simple statistical methods. Results: a total of 228 benign breast lesions (68.3%) were seen among 334 histopathologically diagnosed breast diseases. The male to female ratio was 19.7:1.Peak age incidence was the third decade (43%) with a mean age of 29.1years. Fibroadenoma was the most common benign breast disease (BBD) accounting for 45.6% of all the cases followed by fibrocystic change (23.1%). The mean ages of fibroadenoma and fibrocystic change were 23.1years and 31.1years respectively. Inflammatory breast lesions constituted 8.3%. We recorded only 2 cases (0.9%) of atypical ductal hyperplasia (ADH) with no case of atypical lobular hyperplasia (ALH) within the study period. Gynaecomastia (4%) was the main male breast lesion in the study. Conclusion: benign breast diseases are the most common breast lesions in Bayelsa State. Fibroadenoma is the most common lesion followed by fibrocystic change. The incidence of atypical hyperplasia recorded was rather low in the state

    Retinoblastoma in a 12 year old girl: A case report

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    Retinoblastoma, although a common ocular childhood tumour is rare in the older age groups. It present commonly as leucocoria and strabismus especially in the younger age groups. However in older children, its presentation may be atypical. We report a case of retinoblastoma in a 12 year old girl who initially presented with features of non specific inflammatory external ocular disease and later with proptosis and weight loss. Non response to ealier treatment prompted an enucleation whose specimen reveal a histological diagnosis of retinoblastoma

    Laboratory Request Forms- How Well do Doctors Fill Them? A Look at the Practice at the Niger Delta University Teaching Hospital, Okolobiri, Bayelsa State, Nigeria

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    Background: Laboratory investigations are often required to manage patients in the hospital. Laboratory request forms serve as a medium between the pathologists and the clinician. Improperly filled laboratory forms may result in misdiagnosis and inadvertent mix-up of patients results. We therefore undertook to document the extent to which Doctors properly fill laboratory request forms at the Niger Delta University Teaching Hospital, Okolobiri.Methods: One thousand two hundred laboratory request forms which had already been filled out by various Doctors in the hospital between January and June, 2013 were randomly selected and analysed. The forms were evaluated to assess the completeness of information entered by the requesting Clinician.Results: The patients' names and investigations requested were entered on all forms. 3.0% of forms did not state the gender of the patient, while 11.5% did not even give the age of the patient. 9.6% did not specify the patient's location and 34.0% did not have the patient's hospital number. 25.5% of forms also did not have the name of the attending Consultant and 15.5% did not have the name of the requesting Doctor, while 27.1% of all forms were not signed by the requesting Doctor. A working diagnosis was not stated on 16.5% of forms. Also, the date of collection and nature of the specimen were not stated on 21.5% and 11.0% of forms respectively.Conclusion: Laboratory request forms are not always properly filled by Clinicians. Only the patients' names and the requested investigations were filled on all forms. There is the need to remind Clinicians of the importance of carefully filling laboratory request forms.Keywords: Laboratory request; form completion; Doctors documentation; Nigeri

    Endodontic flare-ups: comparison of incidence between single and multiple visit procedures in patients attending a Nigerian teaching hospital

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    BACKGROUND: Until recently the most accepted technique of doing root canal treatment stresses multiple visit procedure. Most schools also concentrated upon teaching the multi-visit concept. However, it has now been reported that the procedure of single visit treatment is advocated by at least 70% of schools in all geographical areas. It was therefore the aims of the present study to find the incidence of post-obturation flare-ups following single and multiple visit endodontic treatment procedures, and to establish the relationship between pre-operative and post-obturation pain in patients referred for endodontic therapy in a Nigerian teaching Hospital. METHODS: Data collected included pulp vitality status, the presence or absence of pre-operative, inter-appointment and post-obturation pain. Pain was recorded as none, slight, or moderate/severe. Flare-ups were defined as either patient's report of pain not controlled with over the counter medication or as increasing swelling. The patients were recalled at three specific post-obturation periods, 1(st), 7(th )and 30(th )day. The presence or absence of pain, or the appropriate degree of pain was recorded for each recall visits and the interval between visits. The compiled data were analysed using chi-square where applicable. P level ≤ 0.05 was taken as significant. RESULTS: Ten endodontic flare-ups (8.1%) were recorded in the multiple visit group compared to 19 (18.3%) flare-ups for the single visit group, P = 0.02. For both single and multiple visit procedures, there were statistically significant correlations between pre-operative and post-obturation pain (P = 0.002 and P = 0.0004 respectively). Teeth with vital pulps reported the lowest frequency of post-obturation pain (48.8%), while those with nonvital pulps were found to have the highest frequency of post-obturation pain (50.3%), P = 0.9. CONCLUSION: The present study reported higher incidences of post-obturation pain and flare-ups following the single visit procedures. However, single visit endodontic therapy has been shown to be a safe and effective alternative to multiple visit treatment, especially in communities where patients default after the first appointment at which pain is relieved

    Factors that Hinder E-Learning among Igbo Language Teachers: Implication for National Consciousness

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    The world has become a global village and everything is fast becoming technologically based including the teaching of indigenous languages. Information and  Communication Technological (ICT) has advanced the teaching and learning from the traditional method of teaching like the talk and chalk board to a more sophiscated, exciting and resourceful method  through the use of internet, CD-ROMS and computers. The paper sought to present issues which hinder successful adoption of e-learning among Igbo language teachers at secondary school level and the need for national consciousness in language teaching. Data were collected using interview method. Findings reveal  that most indigenous language teachers are not conversant with e-learning. Based on the findings, few recommendations were made