175 research outputs found

    Pengurangan Emisi Co2 melalui Pengelolaan Energi Listrik di Ruang Publik Hotel (Studi Kasus di Hotel ABC Jakarta)

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    Hotels commonly still use electric energy inefficiently. One kWh consumption equals to 5,2041x10-4 mtCO2 emission. This research discusses about reduction of CO2 emission through electric energy management in hotel\u27s public spaces. The design was a survey with 90 respondents in 4-star hotel ABC Jakarta. The kWh measurements were conducted in Lobby Hotel ABC. The research was done in 2012 and it showed correlation between workers\u27 knowledge, attitude and behavior to the quality of electric energy management. The hotel showed low quality of electric energy management. Electric energy use for illumination in Hotel ABC was 3,232.8 kWh/year equals to1.68 mtCO2/year. The experiment was done by using LED lamps with reduction of CO2 results for Lobby Hotel ABC was 55.90% equals to 0.94 mtCO2/year. In conclusion, worker\u27s behavior gives influence to the quality of electric energy management. To improve the quality of electric energy management, it is recommended to determine electric energy efficiency policy and program, relevant training and working procedures, implementation of best practices and if necessary use LED lamps to replace incandescent and CFL lamps

    Forms, Development and the Application of Music Media in the Kindergartens: a Comparative Study of Two Kindergartens

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    This study was aimed at investigating the form of music media employed in the teaching and learning process (TLP) in the kindergartens, and the teachers' effort to develop and apply music media in the TLP. The researchers used a qualitative approach. The research was conducted in TK Hj. Isriati Baiturahman and TK Negeri Pembina Semarang. The subjects of the study were principals, teachers, staffs and students. In collecting the data, the researchers used three different techniques: interview, observation and documentation. Then, the researchers used data reduction, categorization and data interpretation to analyse the data. The result shows that the teachers in both schools have utilized varied music media in the TLP. In TK Hj. Isriati, the teachers used music media in the form of music composition and electronic equipment; and the new music instruments were used by the teachers in extracurricular activities. Meanwhile, the teachers in TK Negeri Pembina utilized music media including music composition, music instruments and electronic equipment. The development of music media by the teachers was done by modifying lyrics, composing simple songs, utilizing rhitmical music instruments and employing electronic equipment in the TLP

    Developing an Instrument Model to Assess Teachers\u27 Creativity in Designing and Teaching Music Subject

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    This paper aims at developing an instrument model to assess teacher\u27s creativity in designing and teaching music at school. The study was conducted by adapting the approach of Research and Development (R&D) from the model designed by Borg and Gall and the cycle model design developed by Cenamo & Kalk. The development comprises two stages; the model development and dissemination. The model development encompassed of model planning, model designing, as well as the try out. While, the dissemination stage was done by presenting the research result at a conference. At the end of the study, it was proven that the assessment instrument model used to assess teachers\u27 creativity in designing and teaching music subject at school had met with the research aim. It was shown from the try out test on the assessment instrument model development that: (1) the assessment material, assessment technique, rater criteria, assessment object, units of observation, competence test process, time allotment, observation process, measurement criteria, as well as the measurement rubric had been considered appropriate and had provenly matched from one to another so that it can be applied well; (2) the reliability of the assessment instrument based on Intraclass Correlation Coefficients/ICC test on consistency and absolute agreement definition type as well as the Generalizability Coefficient had met the criteria

    Identifikasi Struktur Bawah Permukaan Menggunakan Metode Geolistrik Konfigurasi Schlumberger di Area Panasbumi Desa Diwak dan Derekan Kecamatan Bergas Kabupaten Semarang

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    Diwak and Derekan is one of geothermal manifest which exist in geothermal system of Ungaran. Geoelectric method schlumberger configuration is one of the geophysical methods that used in the exploration of natural resources below the surface. The purpose of researching is to know layer of subsurface structure which control Diwak and Derekan geothermal manifest.Field measurement data in the field are potential differences and currents which can be used to calculate apparent resistivity value. After apparent resistivity value is created then processed using IPI2WIN program to know resistivity value in each layer with geology information validation.The results of the study showed six geoelectric layer of rock that is composed of layers of mudstone, siltstone, tuff, sandstone brecia and pasirtuf with resistivity values and different thicknesses. Interpretation of manually indicate the presence of two down faults that are weak zone where the fluid surface discharg

    Interpretasi Bawah Permukaan Sistem Panas Bumi Diwak dan Derekan Berdasarkan Data Gravitasi

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    Research has been carried out using a gravity method that aims to interpret the subsurface structure of the Diwak - Derekan hot springs area based on the Bouguer anomaly data. It also aims to investigate the geothermal system in the area. The data aquisition was taken using gravitymeter Lacoste & Romberg.Data processing had been done with high correction tool, tidal correction, drift correction, gravity absolute correction, gravity theoretical correction, free air correction, Bouguer correction, terrain correction to get the complete Bouguer anomaly. Bouguer anomolay is projected to flat plane and upward continuation is used to separate the regional and residual anomaly. For 2D modelling interpretation by Grav2DC software.The results of study showed the complete Bouguer anomaly contour pair of positive and negative contour indicate a fault zone below the surface. Interpretation is strengthened by the results of the modeling showed a fault of Diwak - Derekan areas trending southwest- northeast. This fault zone is used as a media outlet fluid to the surface of geothermal systems
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