2,326 research outputs found

    Augmenting Numerical Stability of the Galerkin Finite Element Formulation for Electromagnetic Flowmeter Analysis

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    The magnetic flow meter is one of the best possible choice for the measurement of flow rate of liquid metals in fast breeder reactors. Due to the associated complexities in the measuring environment, theoretical evaluation of their sensitivity is always preferred. In order to consider the 3D nature of the problem and the general flow patterns, numerical field computational approach is inevitable. When classical Galerkin's finite element formulation is employed for the solution, it is known to introduce numerical oscillations at high flow rates. The magnetic field produced by the flow induced currents circulate within the fluid and forms the source of this numerical problem. To overcome this, modified methods like stream-line upwind Petrov-Galerkin schemes are generally suggested in the allied areas like fluid dynamics, in which a similar dominance of advective (curl or circulation) component occurs over diffusion (divergence) component. After a careful analysis of the numerical instability through a reduced one dimensional problem, an elegant stable approach is devised. In this scheme, a pole-zero cancellation approach is adopted. The proposed scheme is shown to be absolutely stable. However, at lower flow rates numerical results exhibits small oscillation, which can be controlled by reducing the element size. The source of stability at higher flow rates, as well as, oscillations at lower flow rates are analysed using analytical solution of the associated difference equation. Finally the proposed approach is applied to the original flow meter problem and the solution is shown to be stable.Comment: IET Science, Measurement & Technology, 201

    Sonic Layer Depth estimated from XBT temperatures and climatological salinities

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    Sonic layer depth (SLD) plays an important role in antisubmarine warfare in terms of identifying the shadow zones for submarine safe parking. SLD is estimated from sound velocity profiles (SVP) which is in turn obtained from temperature and salinity (T/S) profiles. Given the limited availability of salinity data in comparison to temperature, SVPs need to be obtained from alternate methods. In the present work, to make use of voluminous temperature data sets from XBT, CTD and other source for estimating SLD, we propose a method of utilizing XBT measurements and World Ocean Atlas climatological salinities to compute SVP and then extract SLD. This approach is demonstrated by utilizing T/S data from Argo floats in the Arabian Sea (40° – 80° E and 0 – 30° N). SLD is estimated from SVP obtained from Argo T/S profiles first and again by replacing the Argo salinity with climatological salinity. It is found that in more than 90% of cases, SLD matched exactly, with the root mean square deviation ranging from 3 – 12 m with an average of 7 m

    A Framework of Constructions of Minimal Storage Regenerating Codes with the Optimal Access/Update Property

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    In this paper, we present a generic framework for constructing systematic minimum storage regenerating codes with two parity nodes based on the invariant subspace technique. Codes constructed in our framework not only contain some best known codes as special cases, but also include some new codes with key properties such as the optimal access property and the optimal update property. In particular, for a given storage capacity of an individual node, one of the new codes has the largest number of systematic nodes and two of the new codes have the largest number of systematic nodes with the optimal update property.Comment: Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    High INR on warfarin

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    The bottom line Clarify the warfarin dose that the patient is taking, and check for co-existing problems (such as liver disease or cancer), dietary changes, and intake of alcohol and other drugs that may increase risk of bleeding or affect international normalised ratio control. Urgently refer all patients with suspected intracranial or gastrointestinal bleeding to secondary care

    KINERJA PURNA PRAJA SEKOLAH TINGGI PEMERINTAHAN DALAM NEGERI (STPDN) : Studi Pengkajian Pengaruh Hubungan Proses Pendidikan STPDN Terhadap Kinerja Purna Praja Di Kabupaten Gowa Propinsi Sulawesi Selatan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji sejaumana pengaruh hubungan variabel proses pendidikan STPDN yang mencakup dimensi materi, metode, evaluasi, dan laporan tahunan pengajaran, pelatihan dan pengasuhan terhadap variabel kinerja Puma Praja yang meliputi dimensi pemahaman tugas pokok dan fungsi, kualitas dan kuantitas pekerjaan, dan kedisiplinan di Kabupaten Gowa Propinsi Sulawesi Selatan. Desain yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah verifikafif. Unit analisis penelitian adalah seluruh Purna Praja/alumni STPDN tahun 1992 sampai dengan tahun 2000 yang bertugas di wilayah pemerintahan Kabupaten Gowa yang jumlahnya 35 orang. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini menggunakan sampling jenuh. Selain Purna Praja, responden juga berasal dari atasan langsung dan mitra kerja di unit kerja Purna Praja. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner sebagai instrumen utama, wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi juga digunakan untuk memperoleh data pendukung. Teknik analisa data dilakukan dengan teknik analisa jalur dengan menggunakan skala interval dan uji hipotesisnya (hipotesa 1,2, dan 3) memakai analisis korelasi Pearson Product Moment untuk menghitung koefisien korelasi, regresi, dan determinasi. Sedangkan untuk hipotesa 4 menggunakan analisa regresi tiga prediktor. Hasil analisis secara kuantitatif memberikan indikasi bahwa pertama, terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara sub sistem pengajaran terhadap kinerja. Kedua, ada pengaruh yang signifikan antara sub sistem pelatihan temadap kinerja. Ketiga, tei dapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara sub sistem pengasuhan terhadap kinerja. Keempat pengaruh proses pendidikan STPDN terhadap kinerja Puma Praja sebesar 38,316%. Hasil analisis memberikan suatu kesimpulan bahwa hipotesa yang diajukan dalam penelitian ini, teruji dan dapat diterima walaupun tingkat hubungannya bervariasi. Oleh karena itu perubahan kurikulum STPDN mutlak harus dilakukan guna mengantisipasi dinamika perkembangan masyarakat dan kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi