572 research outputs found

    Semi-classical Characters and Optical Model Description of Heavy Ion Scattering, Direct Reactions, and Fusion at Near-barrier Energies

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    An approach is proposed to calculate the direct reaction (DR) and fusion probabilities for heavy ion collisions at near-Coulomb-barrier energies as functions of the distance of closest approach D within the framework of the optical model that introduces two types of imaginary potentials, DR and fusion. The probabilities are calculated by using partial DR and fusion cross sections, together with the classical relations associated with the Coulomb trajectory. Such an approach makes it possible to analyze the data for angular distributions of the inclusive DR cross section, facilitating the determination of the radius parameters of the imaginary DR potential in a less ambiguous manner. Simultaneous χ2\chi^{2}-analyses are performed of relevant data for the 16^{16}O+208^{208}Pb system near the Coulomb-barrier energy

    Extended Optical Model Analyses of Elastic Scattering and Fusion Cross Section Data for the 7Li+208Pb System at Near-Coulomb-Barrier Energies using the Folding Potential

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    Simultaneous χ2\chi^{2} analyses previously made for elastic scattering and fusion cross section data for the 6^{6}Li+208^{208}Pb system is extended to the 7^{7}Li+208^{208}Pb system at near-Coulomb-barrier energies based on the extended optical model approach, in which the polarization potential is decomposed into direct reaction (DR) and fusion parts. Use is made of the double folding potential as a bare potential. It is found that the experimental elastic scattering and fusion data are well reproduced without introducing any normalization factor for the double folding potential and that both the DR and fusion parts of the polarization potential determined from the χ2\chi^{2} analyses satisfy separately the dispersion relation. Further, we find that the real part of the fusion portion of the polarization potential is attractive while that of the DR part is repulsive except at energies far below the Coulomb barrier energy. A comparison is made of the present results with those obtained from the Continuum Discretized Coupled Channel (CDCC) calculations and a previous study based on the conventional optical model with a double folding potential. We also compare the present results for the 7^7Li+208^{208}Pb system with the analysis previously made for the 6^{6}Li+208^{208}Pb system.Comment: 7 figures, submitted to PR

    Trimer classical spin liquid from interacting fractional charges

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    We study a problem of interacting fractional charges with the J(1)-J(2)-J(3) Ising model on a checkerboard lattice under magnetic field. As a result of the interplay between repulsive interactions and particle density tuning by a magnetic field, the fractional charges form a classical spin liquid (CSL) phase. The CSL phase is composed of degenerate spin configurations, which can be mapped to the trimer covering of dual square lattice. The CSL state shows macroscopic ground-state entropy, implying the emergence of a novel quantum spin liquid phase when quantum fluctuations are turned on. In addition to the CSL phase, the system exhibits multiple magnetization plateaus, reflecting the fertile screening processes of dimer-monomer mixtures

    A Novel Method for the Solution of the Schroedinger Eq. in the Presence of Exchange Terms

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    In the Hartree-Fock approximation the Pauli exclusion principle leads to a Schroedinger Eq. of an integro-differential form. We describe a new spectral noniterative method (S-IEM), previously developed for solving the Lippman-Schwinger integral equation with local potentials, which has now been extended so as to include the exchange nonlocality. We apply it to the restricted case of electron-Hydrogen scattering in which the bound electron remains in the ground state and the incident electron has zero angular momentum, and we compare the acuracy and economy of the new method to three other methods. One is a non-iterative solution (NIEM) of the integral equation as described by Sams and Kouri in 1969. Another is an iterative method introduced by Kim and Udagawa in 1990 for nuclear physics applications, which makes an expansion of the solution into an especially favorable basis obtained by a method of moments. The third one is based on the Singular Value Decomposition of the exchange term followed by iterations over the remainder. The S-IEM method turns out to be more accurate by many orders of magnitude than any of the other three methods described above for the same number of mesh points.Comment: 29 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Extended Optical Model Analyses of Elastic Scattering and Fusion Cross Sections for 6Li + 208Pb System at Near-Coulomb-Barrier Energies by using Folding Potential

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    Based on the extended optical model approach in which the polarization potential is decomposed into direct reaction (DR) and fusion parts, simultaneous χ2\chi^{2} analyses are performed for elastic scattering and fusion cross section data for the 6^{6}Li+208^{208}Pb system at near-Coulomb-barrier energies. A folding potential is used as the bare potential. It is found that the real part of the resultant DR part of the polarization potential is repulsive, which is consistent with the results from the Continuum Discretized Coupled Channel (CDCC) calculations and the normalization factors needed for the folding potentials. Further, it is found that both DR and fusion parts of the polarization potential satisfy separately the dispersion relation.Comment: 6 figure

    Acoustic Microscope Image from Round Shape Specimen

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    Due to high frequency of applying ultrasonics up to 1GHz, acoustic microscope has estimate microstructural features with higher resolving power comparing other acoustic methods in laboratories[1]~[5]. However in industrial fields, acoustic microscope have not widely applied now. One of the reason of it is that acoustic microscope can’t be measure round surface specimen because it has been developed as flat surface specimen measurement system which requires high accurate linear scanning of acoustic lens[5]

    Development of Wide Band Pulser with Step-Function Waveform

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    The broad band transducer has generalized in the ultrasonic non-destructive testing these days. A received waveform of 1.5 cycles has widely been used, and a received waveform of one cycle is near completion for practical use. The market demands a higher resolution and a wider band transmitted and received pulse than they are. Under these circumstances, this development was carried out for the purpose of generation and receiving of a 0.5 cycle or shorter pulse
