12 research outputs found

    Потенціал веб-служби Google Classroom для викладачів вищих навчальних закладів під час пандемії

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    Researches and publications on using Google Classroom web service for lecturers of higher educational establishments under pandemic conditions are analysed. The current state of higher education under pandemic conditions is characterised. Features of Google Classroom web service have been identified. The methodical development for lecturers of higher educational establishments “Potential of using Google Classroom web service” is described. Criteria and levels of using Google Classroom web service are defined. Initial diagnostic of the levels of using Google Classroom web service was conducted. During the diagnostic was revealed that most respondents have insufficient levels of theoretical knowledge and practical skills. In order to increase the level of using Google Classroom web service, the methodological development was implemented. As a result, positive dynamics in the levels of theoretical knowledge and practical skills of using Google Classroom web service was revealed. The effectiveness of the obtained results was confirmed by Fisher’s criterion.У публікації досліджується використання веб-сервісу Google Classroom для викладачів вищих закладів освіти в умовах пандемії. Характеризується сучасний стан вищої освіти під час пандемії. Визначено особливості веб-служби Google Classroom. Розроблено методику для викладачів вищих закладів освіти "Потенціал використання Веб-сервіс Google Classroom". Визначено критерії та рівні використання веб-сервісу Google Classroom. Проведена первинна діагностика рівнів використання веб-сервісу Google Classroom. За результатами діагностики виявлено, що більшість респондентів мають недостатній рівень теоретичних знань і практичних навичок. З метою підвищення рівня використання веб-сервісу Google Classroom була реалізована методична розробка. Як результат, була отримана позитивна динаміка на рівні теоретичних знань і було виявлено практичні навички користування веб-сервісом Google Classroom. Ефективність отриманих результатів були підтверджені критерієм Фішера

    Cloud calculations within the optional course Optimization Problems for 10th-11th graders

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    The article deals with the problem of introducing cloud calculations into 10th-11th graders’ training to solve optimization problems in the context of the STEM-education concept. After analyzing existing programmes of optional courses on optimization problems, the programme of the optional course Optimization Problems has been developed and substantiated implying solution of problems by the cloud environment CoCalc. It is a routine calculating operation and not a mathematical model that is accentuated in the programme. It allows considering more problems which are close to reality without adapting the material while training 10th-11th graders. Besides, the mathematical apparatus of the course which is partially known to students as the knowledge acquired from such mathematics sections as the theory of probability, mathematical statistics, mathematical analysis and linear algebra is enough to master the suggested course. The developed course deals with a whole class of problems of conventional optimization which vary greatly. They can be associated with designing devices and technological processes, distributing limited resources and planning business functioning as well as with everyday problems of people. Devices, processes and situations to which a model of optimization problem is applied are called optimization problems. Optimization methods enable optimal solutions for mathematical models. The developed course is noted for building mathematical models and defining a method to be applied to finding an efficient solution

    Use of YouTube on lessons of practical course of German language as the first and second language at the pedagogical university

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    Integration of ICT significantly increases the possibilities of the educational process and extends the boundaries of the educational sphere as a whole. Publicly available resources, such as e-mail, blogs, forums, online applications, video hosting sites, can serve as the basis for building open learning and education. Informational educational technologies of learning foreign languages are in the focus of this study.The article represents the results of theoretical analysis of content on the subject of its personal- and didactic-definite orientation, as well as some aspects of the practical use of commonly used YouTube video materials in the process of teaching German as the first or second foreign language in higher education, namely at the pedagogical university. Taking into account the practical experience of using the materials of several relevant thematic YouTube channels with a fairly wide constant audience, a concise didactic analysis of their product is presented and recommendations on converting video content into methodological material in the framework of practical course of German language by future teachers are offered.Due to the suggested recommendations, the following tasks can be solved: enrichment of the vocabulary; semantization of phraseological units, constant figures of speech, cliché; development of pronunciation skills; expansion of linguistic competence; improving listening and speaking skills; increasing motivation to learn, etc

    Technology of forming future journalists’ social information competence in Iraq based on the use of a dynamic pedagogical site

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    The article reveals scientific approaches to substantiating and developing technology to form social information competence of future Iraqi journalists based on using a dynamic pedagogical site. After pre-interviewing students of the Journalism Faculty at Al-Imam Al-Kadhim University College for Islamic Sciences in Baghdad, the authors came to the conclusion there are issues on defining the essence of social information competences. It is established that the majority of respondents do not feel satisfied with the conditions for forming these competences in the education institutions. At the same time, there were also positive trends as most future journalists recognized the importance of these professional competences for their professional development and had a desire to attend additional courses, including distance learning ones. Subsequently, the authors focused on social information competence of future journalists, which is a key issue according to European requirements. The authors describe the essence of this competence as an integrative quality of personality, which characterizes an ability to select, transform information and allows to organize effective professional communication on the basis of the use of modern communicative technologies in the process of individual or team work. Based on the analysis of literary sources, its components are determined: motivational, cognitive, operational and personal. The researchers came to the conclusion that it is necessary to develop a technology for forming social information competence of future journalists based on the use of modern information technologies. The necessity of technology implementation through the preparatory, motivational, operational and diagnostic correction stages was substantiated and its model was developed. The authors found that the main means of technology implementation should be a dynamic pedagogical site, which, unlike static, allows to expand technical possibilities by using such applications as photo galleries, RSS modules, forums, etc. Technically, it can be created using Site builder. Further research will be aimed at improving the structure of the dynamic pedagogical site of the developed technology

    Theoretical and methodical aspects of the organization of students’ independent study activities together with the use of ICT and tools

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    In the article the possibilities and classification of ICTs and tools that can be used in organizing students’ independent study activities of higher education institutions has been explored.It is determined the students’ independent study activities is individual, group, collective activity and is implemented within the process of education under the condition of no pedagogy’s direct involvement. It complies with the requirements of the curriculum and syllabus and is aimed at students’ acquisition of some social experiences in line with the learning objectives of vocational training.The analysis of the latest information and technological approaches to the organization of students’ independent study activities made it possible to determine the means of realization of the leading forms of organization for this activity (independent and research work, lectures, consultations and non-formal education), to characterize and classify the ICTs and tools that support presentation of teaching materials, electronic communication, mastering of learning material, monitoring of students’ learning and cognitive activity, such as ones that serve for the sake of development and support of automated training courses, systems of remote virtual education with elements of artificial intelligence, which implement the principle of adaptive management of learning and the organization of students’ independent study activities. The paper provides the insight into the essence of the conducted investigation on the assesses of the effectiveness of ICTs and tools in the process of organizing students’ independent study activities

    Modeling the training system of masters of public service using Web 2.0

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    The article concerns grounding the technology of training masters of public service with the use of Web 2.0. This technology is based on the concept of sign-contextual learning, the positions of the laboratory-brigade method, the concept of Web 2.0, case technology, project method, problem learning. The main features of this technology are changes in the correlation between theoretical and practical training, in-class and individual studying; changing teachers’ functions; extensive use of information technology capabilities in learning

    The students’ brainwork intensification via the computer visualization of study materials

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    The paper the approaches to the intensification of the students’ brainwork by means of computer visualization of study material have been disclosed. In general, the content of students’ brainwork has been presented as a type of activity providing the cognitive process, mastering the techniques and ways of thinking, developing the capabilities and abilities of the individual, the product of which is a certain form of information, as a result of the brainwork the outlook of the subject of work is enriched. It is shown the visualization is the process of presenting data in the form of an image with the aim of maximum ease of understanding; the giving process of visual form to any mental object. In the paper the content, techniques, methods and software for creating visualization tools for study material has exposed. The essence and computer tools for creating such types of visualization of educational material like mind maps, supporting notes and infographics have been illustrated; they have been concretized from the point of view of application in the course of studying the mathematical sciences. It is proved the use of visualization tools for study materials helps to increase the intensity and effectiveness of students’ brainwork. Based on the results of an empirical study, it has been concluded the visualization of study materials contributes to the formation of students’ key intellectual competencies and forming their brainwork culture