110 research outputs found

    Improving Reliability and Availability of IaaS Services in Hybrid Clouds

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    This paper investigates into IaaS service provisioning in hybrid cloud which comprises private and public clouds. It proposes a hybrid cloud framework in order to improve reliability and availability of IaaS services by taking into account alternative services which are available through public clouds. However, provisioning of alternative services in hybrid cloud involves complex processing, intelligent decision making and reliability and consistency issues. In the proposed framework, we develop an agent-based system using cloud ontology in order to identify and rank alternative cloud services which users can acquire in the event of failures or unavailability of desired services. The proposed framework also exploits transactional techniques in order to ensure the reliability and consistency of the service acquisition process. The proposed framework is evaluated through various experiments which show that it improves service availability and reliability in hybrid cloud

    Geometry and Internal Structures of Flexural Folds (Ⅰ) Folding of a Single Competent Layer Enclosed in Thick Incompetent Layer

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    Some problems on folding of a single competent layer enclosed in thick incompetent layer, with regard to the variation in competency difference between the related rocks, have been examined on natural flexural folds, i. e., folds of quartz-rich layers in pelitic schist in the Kune district and the Oboke district, folds of quartz-rich layers in psammitic schist in the Oboke district, and folds of psammitic schist in pelitic schist in the Oboke district. Shape and orientation of the strain ellipsoid of mean strain of small domain in the Oboke and the Kune district, at the time when the buckle folding of competent layers and the cleaving (the formation of strain-slip cleavage) of incompetent matrix in that domain occurred, have been determined. The strain-slip cleavage in the incompetent matrix is correlated with the plane normal to the direction of maximum shortening, i. e., the principal plane XY of the mean strain ellipsoid. Geometric relationships between the strain ellipsoid of mean strain of a domain and geometric elements of buckle folds have been examined, especially where the enveloping surfaces of folded competent layers are inclined at angles of between 50° and 60° to the principal plane XY. At the initial stage of folding the axial surface shows a tendency to be normal to the layer being folded. For some folds the axial surfaces are completely rotated toward the principal plane XY when the interlimb angle becomes 90°-100°, but for some other folds they remain normal to the layer even when the interlimb angle becomes 700-80°. When the interlimb angle becomes smaller than 70-80°, the axial surfaces of all folds tend to rotate toward the principal plane XY. Although geometric relationship between the fold axes and the mean strain ellipsoid has not been strictly determined, the former does not appear to lie on the principal plane XY. The intensity of folding of competent layers, which is estimated by interlimb angle, is maximum for the layers parallel to the schistosity of the incompetent matrix and to the principal axis Z, and minimum for those normal to the schistosity and parallel to the axis Z, that showing the competency difference between different directions in the incompetent matrix, that is, the maximum competency in a direction parallel to the schistosity and the minimum in a direction normal to it. It has been clarified that for the folds of quartz-rich layers in pelitic schist of the Kune district and the Oboke district and those in psammitic schist of the Oboke district a linear relationship exists between the length of arc (L) and the thickness of the quartz-rich layer (T). In the former cases, the average L/T ratios are 14.9 (Kune) and 16.2 (Oboke), and the minimum L/T ratios are 9.1 and 11.6, while in the latter case the average L/T ratio is 11.6 and the minimum L/T ratio 5.8, respectively. Folds of psammitic layers in pelitic schist show frequently L/T ratios smaller than 1.00. On the assumption that during the folding pelitic schist, psammitic schist and quartz-rich layer behaved mechanically as Newtonian substance, the ratios of viscosity coefficient between those rocks have been esti-mated by using the average L/T ratios according to the wavelength equation of BIOT (1961). In the Oboke district, the viscosity ratio between the quartz-rich layer and the psammitic schist is ca. 38, that between the quartz-rich layer and the pelitic schist ca. 102, and that between the psammitic schist and the pelitic schist ca. 3 (indirectly estimated). In the Kune district, the viscosity ratio between the quart-rich layer and the pelitic schist is ca. 80. The relationship between the mechanisms of buckle folding and the internal structures, between the folding mechanisms and the viscosity ratios of the related rocks and between the folding mechanisms and the orientational relation of the buckled layer to the mean strain ellipsoid of the domain concerned have also been examined. Internal structure of buckle fold appears to be commonly characterized by the cleavage which is correlated with the principal plane XY of mean strain ellipsoid at any position of the fold. When buckled competent layer is a schistose rock, the cleavage is referred to the type of strain-slip cleavage, while for non-schistose rock it is referred to the type of flow cleavage. The strain pictures developed during the buckle folding of competent layers which arc parallel or subparallel to the principal axis Y (the intermediate axis = constant) have been classified into the following five types; Type I — the neutral axis is located at or near the middle part of fold knee, and the part of no-distortion is further developed at the inflection point and on the outermost side of the limbs. The principal axes X (the maximum extension axis) and Z(the maximum contraction axis) arc oriented normal to the fold axis. Type II — the neutral axis is developed at the outermost part of fold knee, and the part of no-distortion is rarely developed on the limbs. The principal axes X and Z are oriented normal to the fold axis, and the principal axis X is radially arranged through the fold. Type III — the neutral axis is not developed within the layer. The principal axes X and Z are oriented normal to the fold axis, though at the outermost part of fold knee X = Y. The principal axis X is radially arranged through the fold. Type IV— the neutral axis is not developed within the layer. At any position of the fold the mean strain ellipsoid is of the triaxial type. The principal axes X and Z arc oriented normal to the fold axis. The principal axis X is radially arranged through the fold. Type V —although the strain picture of this type may be essentially the same as that of Type IV, the angle β (angular deviation of the principal axis X beween both limbs) for the former is much smaller than that for the latter. The change of the strain picture from Type I to Type V corresponds to the decrease of the angle β. The strain pictures of Type I, Type II, Type III, Type IV and Type V are never the end member. The folds of quartz-rich layers in politic schist of the Kune district show the strain pictures of Type I, Type II and Type III, while those in psammitic schist show the strain pictures of Type II, Type III and Type IV. The folds of psammitic layers in pelitic schist show the strain picture of Type V. A definite relationship exists between the mechanisms of folding and the viscosity ratios of the related rocks, that is, the change of the strain picture from Type I to Type V corresponds to the decrease in the viscosity ratio, that showing a good agreement with RAMBERG'S theory (1964). Namely, the decrease of viscosity ratio of the related rocks corresponds to the increase of distance of between the neutral axis and the bottom surface of fold knee of the competent layer, and to the decrease of the angle β, when compared between the folds with the same inter-limb angle and the same initial thickness of layer. It has been pointed out that, if any fold is characterized the fan-like arrangement of cleavage with downward convergence, buckling instability played in general the by important role in the development of the fold. The nature of change of layer-thickness due to buckling has also been examined. For folds which show orthorhombic or near orthorhombic symmetry and larger interlimb angles, the competent layers show generally a tendency to be thickened at all positions of the folds and the amount of thickening appears to be maximum at the fold knee and minimum at the inflection point. The nature of change of layer-thickness due to buckling appears to be closely related to the type of strain picture (Type I to Type V) which is controlled by the viscosity ratio of the related rocks: with respect to the whole amount of layer shortening, the amount of layer thickening at the fold knee and the inflection point, and the difference in the amount of layer thickening between these two positions, Type I <Type II<Type III <Type IV <Type V, when compared between the folds with the same interlimb angle. Roughly speaking, the layer shortening due to the folding (interlimb angle = ca. 65°), which is characterized by the formation of the strain picture of Type I, may be less than ca. 10 per cent. That due to the folding for the strain picture of Type II may be between ca. 10 per cent and ca. 15 per cent. And, that due to the folding for the strain picture of Type IV—Type V may be larger than ca. 15 per Cent. For the fold of competent layer, therefore, the present length of arc is not always equal to the initial fold wavelength. From the measurement of the layer shortening for the folds of quartz-rich layers in the Kune district and the Oboke district, the average L/T ratios and the viscosity ratios between the related rocks have been re-estimated


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    金沢大学医学部・附属病院1.鶏卵法を用いたヒト尿路悪性腫瘍に対する抗癌剤単独、温熱単独または温熱併用抗癌剤感受性試験において、抗腫瘍効果判定法の一つとして腫瘍塊の重量測定は有効な方法と考えられた。しかし腫瘍内での壊死部分の占める割合が大きい症例においては、この判定法では正確な結果が得られなかった。生細胞の指標としてのMTT法を用いた判定では、壊死巣の占める割合が大きい場合には重量測定法により抗腫瘍効果が認められない症例においても、MTT法によりその抗腫瘍効果を定量化することが可能となった。以上より、受精鶏卵漿尿膜法の判定法としてMTT法を用いることで、より精度の高い定量性を特つ判定結果が得られる可能性が示唆された。2.鶏卵胎児の漿尿膜上の血管内に線維肉腫細胞、腎癌由来培養細胞株を移植し、その肝への転移能につき特異的DNA増幅法(PCR法)およびサザンブロット法による検討を行なった。その結果線維肉腫細胞では多数の転移細胞が検出された。鶏卵胎児肝転移巣に対する各種抗癌剤および温熱治療の効果についての検討では、各種治療法による抗腫瘍効果の判定が定量的に可能であることが証明された。以上より受精鶏卵漿尿膜を用いた抗癌剤および温熱感受性試験の臨床応用への有用性が示唆された。In sensitivity tests of chemotherapy alone, hyperthermia alone, or a combination of the two against human urinary tract malignancies making use of the chick embryo method using chorioallantoic membrane, measurement of the weight of the tumor mass was considered to be an effective method of evaluating the antitumor effect. However, in cases in whicha a large part of the tumor is necrotic, this evaluation method did not provide reliable results. At present, using the the MTT method, more accurate quantitative results have been obtained. As a sensitivity test for metastatic tumors using continuously cultured cell lines, DNA is extracted from the metastatic organs of a fertilized chick embryo, specific DNA amplification and immuno-electro-phoresis are performed, and the DNA content is measured. By this method, it was shown that is possible to quantitatively evaluate the anti-tumor effect of various treatment methods.研究課題/領域番号:01570882, 研究期間(年度):1989 – 1990出典:研究課題「尿路悪性腫瘍における受精鶏卵漿尿膜を用いた抗癌剤および温熱感受性試験に関する研究」課題番号01570882(KAKEN:科学研究費助成事業データベース(国立情報学研究所)) (https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/ja/report/KAKENHI-PROJECT-01570882/015708821990kenkyu_seika_hokoku_gaiyo/)を加工して作


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    金沢大学医学部・附属病院鶏卵法によりヒト腎癌・膀胱癌由来細胞の鶏卵胎児での肺・肝への転移形成能や、転移巣に対する温熱化学療法およびTNF投与の抗腫瘍効果について検討した。アドリアマイシン投与およびTNF投与群において、温熱併用により相加効果以上の転移巣縮小効果が得られた。腎摘除術にて得られた腎癌臨床材料23例を対象として、C-myc、C-fosおよびHarvey ras遺伝子のmRNAの発現状況を検討した。C-myc遺伝子は23例中11例に、C-fos遺伝子は6例に、Harvey ras遺伝子は1例に正常組織mRNAと比較し3倍以上の過剰発現がみられた。臨床的に得られた腎癌24例、前立腺癌18例、腎血移行上皮癌11例を対象に制限酵素切断多型性分析により検討した。Harvey ras、C-myc、C-fos、EGFRいずれの癌遺伝子もDNAコピー数の過剰増加は認められなかった。一方腎癌では、3pに68%、18qに33%、Y染色体に29%、17pに27%の頻度で座位欠失が認められた。前立腺癌では16qに67%、8pに50%、18qに43%、10pに40%、10qに38%の頻度で座位欠失が認められ、腎血癌では17pに73%、11pに64%、9pに40%の座位欠失が認められた。前立腺癌患者を対象に、画像診断で検出される以前に血行性転移の出現を予測しうるか否かについて検討した。逆転写PCR法によりPSAmRNAを指標として、血中前立腺癌細胞の検出を試みた。基礎的研究により特異的分子マーカーとなりうる可能性が示唆された。臨床的研究にて女性5人および前立腺肥大症患者5人をコントロールとし、36症例の前立腺癌患者におけるPSAmRNAの検出を行なった。その結果36例中16例で陽性に検出された。We applied restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis to 24 cases of renal cell carcinomas (RCC) , 18 cases of prostate adenocarcinoma (PC) , and 11 cases of transitional cell carcinomas (TCC) in renal pelvis to study the oncogene amplification and inactivation of tumor suppresor genes. All of the cases showed no amplification nor gross rearrangements of the Harvey ras, c-myc, c-fos, EGFR and PDGFR.In contrast, RFLP analyzes demonstrated allelic losses interpreted as inactivational events of TSGs among the tumor forms studied. RCC had allelic losses on the short arm of chromosome 3 (3p) (68%) , the long arm of chromosome 18 (18q) (33%) , Y chromosome (29%) , and 17p (27%) at high frequencies. PC showed frequent allelic losses on 16q (67%) , 8p (50%) , 18q (43%) , 10p (40%) , and 10q (38%) . TCC had allelic losses on 17p (73%) , 11p (64%) , and 9q (40%) . It was likely that the cases with the more malignant grade tumor had the more allelic losses.We tried to identify prostate cancer cells by detecting messenger RNA (mRNA) of prostate specific antigen (PSA) amplified using reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) assay. A panel of cell lines derived from diverse human neoplastic tumors were investigated, resulting that no cell lines tested were positive by the assay except for prostate cancer cell line, LNCaP cells. Sensitivity of the assay was tested using a serial dilution of PSA-positive LNCaP cells with PSA-negative human embryonic lung fibroblast (HEL) cells. Only 10^ mg RNA of LNCaP cells in 1 mg RNA of HEL cells was detected on the a agarose gel under ultraviolet illumination. Therefore, the PSA-directed RT-PCR assay could be sensitive and specific molecular marker for prostate cancer cells.The positivities of this assay in a spectrum of stages of prostate cancer patients were as follows ; 0 of 1 stage A1 : 0 of 2 stage A2 : 2 of 5 stage B : 2 of 8 stage C : 3 of 3 stage D0 : 1 of 4 stage D1 : 7 of 11 stage D2.totally, 16 of 36 patients with prostate cancer (44.4%) were positive. The clinical usefulness of the PSA-based RT-PCR assay is under assessment in terms of earlier staging diagnosis of prostate cancer in an individual case.The p53 gene is known to be one of the frequently altered tumor suppressor genes, and involved in the oncogenesis of a wide spectrum of human malignant tumors. We investigated mutational event of the p53 gene in 18 clinically untreated prostate cancers. Direct sequencing analysis demonstrated that 1 of 18 cases harbored point mutation in the highly conserved transcript region. The case showed CAT at codon 273 instead of wild type CGT,substituting the encoded amino acid from histidine to arginine. The case had previously revealed homozygous loci on 17p, including the p53 locus, by restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis. Other 17 cases harbored no mutation nor small deletion. It is concluded that point mutation of the p53 gene is a infrequent event in the oncogenesis of untreated prostate cancer.研究課題/領域番号:04670955, 研究期間(年度):1992 – 1994出典:研究課題「泌尿器科領域悪性腫瘍における癌関連遺伝子群の異常に関する研究」課題番号04670955(KAKEN:科学研究費助成事業データベース(国立情報学研究所)) (https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/ja/report/KAKENHI-PROJECT-04670955/046709551994kenkyu_seika_hokoku_gaiyo/)を加工して作

    Diagnostic dilemmas of squamous differentiation in prostate carcinoma case report and review of the literature

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    We report a case of pure squamous cell carcinoma involving the prostate and urinary bladder and describe the diagnostic dilemmas that we faced in trying to determine its origin. The patient was diagnosed ten years ago with prostatic adenocarcinoma treated with radioactive seed implantation. During the last year he also underwent a TURP procedure for urinary obstruction complicated by multiple infections. Postsurgery, the patient developed colo-urethral fistula and decision to perform cystprostatectomy was taken. Excision illustrated a tumor mass replacing the entire prostate that microscopically proved to be squamous cell carcinoma. The challenge that we encountered was to determine its origin, the possibilities being divergent differentiation from adenocarcinoma post radiation therapy, de novo neoplasm or urothelial carcinoma with extensive squamous differentiation. Our literature review showed also that the etiology of prostatic squamous carcinoma is still unclear. We present our approach in an attempt to solve this dilemma