15 research outputs found

    Two-step pyrolysis of safflower oil cake

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    19th International Symposium on Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis (PYROLYSIS) -- MAY 21-25, 2012 -- Johannes Kepler Univ, Linz, AUSTRIAWOS: 000323852400046The thermal and catalytic pyrolysis of safflower oil cake was studied in a dual reactor system over catalyst; the first reactor containing no catalyst whereas the second reactor containing catalyst to upgrade the thermally cracked products. For comparison, pyrolysis experiments were also carried out in a single reactor system. The aim was to study the effect of catalyst and temperature on the product yields and composition of the bio-oil. The used catalysts are fluid catalytic cracking catalyst, red mud and activated red mud. The pyrolysis experiments were carried out at varying temperatures between 300 and 600 degrees C in thermal reactor and 300-500 degrees C in catalytic reactor. Although, the catalysts had no considerable effect on the yield of the pyrolysis product, they affected the bio-oil composition. It was very important observation that the amount of pyrolytic lignin compounds (11.8-27.5 wt%) was significantly lower and extractives (50.0-65.1 wt%) were higher in case of catalytic experiments. The H/C-eff ratio of bio-oils indicated that used catalysts had effective on deoxygenation. The gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis showed that the phenols were the dominant species in all bio-oils and their relative amounts, ranging from 26 to 35 wt%, did not significantly changed with the pyrolysis conditions. The spent fluid catalytic cracking catalyst was successfully regenerated to achieve their original activity. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Bruker, CDS Analyt, Frontier Lab, Gerstel, JKU Chem Serv, Linz Tourism, Syreta, Shimadzu, Thermo Sc

    Co-pyrolysis of pine cone with synthetic polymers

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    WOS: 000278135400017Biomass from pine cone (Pinus pinea L.) was co-pyrolyzed with synthetic polymers (PE, PP and PS) in order to investigate the effect of biomass and plastic nature on the product yields and quality of pyrolysis oils and chars. The pyrolysis temperature was of 500 degrees C and it was selected based on results from thermogravimetric analysis of the studied samples. Co-pyrolysis products namely gases, aqueous and tar fraction coming from biomass, oils from synthetic polymers and residual char were collected and analyzed. Due to the synergistic effect in the pyrolysis of the biomass/polymer mixtures, higher amounts of liquid products were obtained compared to theoretical ones. To investigate the effect of biomass content on the co-pyrolysis, the co-pyrolysis of pure cellulose as model natural polymer for biomass with polymer mixture was also carried out. In the presence of cellulose, degradation reaction leading to more gas formation and less char yield was more advanced than in the case of co-pyrolysis with pine cone. Co-pyrolysis gave polar oxygenated compounds distributed between tar and aqueous phase and hydrocarbon oils with composition depending on the type of synthetic polyolefin. Co-pyrolysis chars had higher calorific values compared to pyrolysis of biomass alone. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Influence of oily wastes on the pyrolysis of scrap tire

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    WOS: 000326661400051The co-pyrolysis of scrap tires with oily wastes from ships (bilge water oil and oily sludge) was studied to investigate the effect of oily wastes on the pyrolysis of scrap tire. Co-pyrolysis experiments were carried out in a fixed bed reactor in the absence and the presence of catalyst at 500 degrees C. The catalysts used in the pyrolysis were a commercial refinery catalyst and an industrial by-product containing iron. The fuel characteristics and chemical compositions of pyrolysis products were characterized by means of chromatographic, spectroscopic and standard ASTM methods. Although, the oily wastes did not affect the product yields from the pyrolysis of scrap tire, they improved the fuel characteristics of scrap tire derived oils. The fuel characteristics of co-pyrolysis oils (except flash point and sulfur content) had similar fuel characteristic with the commercial diesel. It was also found that the amounts of metal impurities in all pyrolytic oils were smaller than 0.3 ppm, which was a significantly low amount compared with those in the original oily wastes. Gross calorific values of pyrolysis gases were found to be in the range of 20.4-26.4 MJ Nm(-3). It was concluded that co-pyrolysis of scrap tire with oily wastes could be an environmentally friendly way for the conversion of disposable and hazardous wastes such as scrap tires, bilge water oil and oily sludge into fuels. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Ege UniversityEge University [2010-CSUM-002]The financial support from Ege University under contract 2010-CSUM-002 is gratefully acknowledged

    Conversion of poultry wastes into energy feedstocks

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    WOS: 000383827700058PubMed ID: 27440220In this study, conversion of wastes from poultry farming and industry into biochar and bio-oil via thermochemical processes was investigated. Fuel characteristics and chemical structure of biochars and bio-oils have been investigated using standard fuel analysis and spectroscopic methods. Biochars were produced from poultry litter through both hydrothermal carbonization (sub-critical water, 175-250 degrees C) and pyrolysis over a temperature range between 250 and 500 degrees C. In comparison to hydrothermal carbonization, pyrolysis at lower temperatures produced biochar with greater energy yield due to the higher mass yield. Biochars obtained by both processes were comparable to coal. Hydrothermal liquefaction of poultry meal at different temperatures (200-325 degrees C) was conducted and compared to optimize its process conditions. Higher temperatures favored the formation of bio-crude oil, with a maximum yield of 35 wt.% at 300 degrees C. The higher heating values of bio-oils showed that bio-oil could be a potential source of synthetic fuels. However, elemental analysis demonstrated the high nitrogen content of bio-oils. Therefore, bio-oils obtained from hydrothermal liquefaction of poultry meal should be upgraded for utilization as a transport and heating fuel. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.TUBITAK by National/International Research Projects Supporting Program [BIDEB 2209-A]We would like to thank TUBITAK for financial support by BIDEB 2209-A National/International Research Projects Supporting Program for University Students

    Comparative evaluation of dry and wet carbonization of agro industrial wastes for the production of soil improver

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    WOS: 000436927400183This study examined the influence of process variables on the hydrochar production from wet biomasses and compared the agronomic value of hydrochars with that of the biochars produced by dry carbonization. Response surface methodology was used to investigate the effect of each three process variables (temperature, biomass: water ratio and reaction time) in hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) as well as their combined interactive effect on the mass yield and stable-C content of hydrochars. The results showed that the temperature and reaction time were significant factors affecting the stable-C content in HTC of the orange pomace, whereas the effect of all process variables is evident on stable-C content in HTC of grape pomace. For orange pomace, the effect of interaction between temperature and reaction time on mass yield was significant. However, in case of grape pomace, there existed no interaction effect between process variables on stable-C and mass yield. Findings from this work showed that char properties related to soil amendment are essentially determined by the type of carbonization process. Compared to the biochars produced by dry carbonization, the hydrochars had higher CEC and lower EC but more acidic pH values and lower stable-C content. Although chars have almost similar nitrogen content, the amount of water soluble nitrogen compounds in biochars were found to be significantly higher compared to the hydrochars. This result suggests that N-containing structures in the biomasses during HTC process were probably condensed to form N-heterocyclic aromatic structures, while much of nitrogen in biochars was present as available nitrate and amine N.TUBITAKTurkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu (TUBITAK) [114M001, 2014/FEN/055]The financial supports from TUBITAK under contract 114M001 and 2014/FEN/055 are gratefully acknowledged. The authors would like to acknowledge the contribution of the COST Action TD1107 (Biochar as option for sustainable resource management)

    Effects of feedstock type and pyrolysis temperature on potential applications of biochar

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    WOS: 000381534200021In this study, the effect of feedstock type and pyrolysis temperature on the properties of biochar samples relating to their utilization as energy feedstock and soil amendment was investigated. For this purpose, four different types of biomasses (vine pruning (VP), poultry litter (PL), orange pomace (OP) and seaweed (AB)) were pyrolyzed at different temperatures between 250 and 600 degrees C. The pyrolysis temperature of 350 degrees C was found as critical upper temperature in the production of biochar used as fuel. The VP and OP were seen to be more suitable than PL and AB for solid fuel production. The stable carbon contents of biochars produced at 500 degrees C and 600 degrees C were over than 98%. With increasing of pyrolysis temperature, plant nutrients (except K) in biochars become less available to plants. Although the carbon exchange capacity was the highest in AB and PL biochars, they had extremely high electrical conductivity values. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.TUBITAK (THE SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL OF TURKEY)Turkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu (TUBITAK) [114M001, 2015/BIL/007]The financial supports from TUBITAK (THE SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL OF TURKEY) under contract 114M001 and 2015/BIL/007 are gratefully acknowledged. The authors would like to acknowledge the contribution of the COST ActionTD1107 (Biochar as option for sustainable resource management)

    Influence of Co-Pyrolysis of Waste Tetra Pak with Waste Motor Oil on Product Distribution and Properties for Fuel Application

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    In this work, waste tetra pak (WTP) and waste motor oil (WMO), with different blend ratios of WTP/WMO (4:1, 2:1, 1:1, 1:2, 1:4) were subjected to co-pyrolysis at 500 degrees C. For the purpose of comparison, individual pyrolysis of WTP and WMO was conducted under identical conditions. Pyrolysis/co-pyrolysis products were collected as liquids (containing an oil phase and an aqueous phase), solid residue, and gaseous products. The highest oil yield was 72.14 wt % and was obtained at a blend ratio of 1:4 (WTP/WMO). Synergistic effects on oil yields were observed in all blends. Heating values of the oils from blends ranged from 45.2 to 46.1 MJ kg(-1). The heating value of the gas product obtained from the co-pyrolysis of WTP with WMO at a blend ratio of 1:1 (WTP/WMO) was 24.5 MJ Nm(-3). Heating values of the solid residue ranged from 24.2 to 26.7 MJ kg(-1), comparable to that of sub-bituminous coal. These results suggest that WTP could be co-pyrolyzed with WMO to produce liquid, solid, and gaseous fuels

    The influence of the waste ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer on the thermal degradation of the waste polypropylene

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    WOS: 000261281600027The Pyrolysis of the waste polypropylene (PP), the waste ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer (EVA) and their blends has been carried out in a fixed bed reactor at 500 degrees C. The effect of different ratios of the waste EVA in the waste PP/EVA blends on the thermal degradation of the waste PP was investigated in terms of both product distributions and liquid fuel properties. The compositions of pyrolysis products were characterized in detail. The liquid products from the pyrolysis of the waste PP, the waste EVA and their blends were analyzed using different analytical techniques and fuel properties of pyrolytic liquids were investigated in comparison with commercial diesel. There were no synergistic effects between products from the waste PP and products from the waste EVA. While the ratio of the waste EVA increased in the waste PP/EVA blends, aromatic content of the pyrolytic liquids increased and subsequently paraffinic content of the pyrolytic liquids decreased. In addition, the boiling point distributions of pyrolytic liquids derived from the waste PP/EVA blends were found to be similar for all tested ratios of the waste PP/EVA blends. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Dokuz Eylul UniversityDokuz Eylul UniversityThis work was supported by Dokuz Eylul University

    Production of fungicidal oil and activated carbon from pistachio shell

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    WOS: 000290779600015The main objective of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of pistachio shell as a biomass feedstock for the production of fungicidal oil and a precursor for the production of activated carbon by physical activation. For this purpose, pistachio shell was pyrolyzed in a fixed bed reactor at the different temperatures (300-600 degrees C). The pyrolysis products were identified as gas, bio-oil, aqueous solution and char. The product distribution from pyrolysis process did not significantly change when the pyrolysis temperature was above 300 degrees C. The pyrolysis gas product had low calorific value since it contained the high proportion of carbon oxides. Because of their high oxygen content, the bio-oils were found not to be used as a fuel. Thus, the bio-oil was tested again four different types of fungi (pathogenetic. wood decaying and saprophyting). It was shown fungicidal activity again all tested fungi at the concentration of 10-50 mg ml(-1). The pyrolysis char was evaluated as a precursor for the production of activated carbon. The surface area and micropore volume of the activated carbon produced from the char by CO2 activation at 900 degrees C were found to be 708 m(2) g(-1) and 0.280 cm(3) g(-1), respectively. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Ege UniversityEge University [2009-FEN-037]The financial support from Ege University under contract 2009-FEN-037 is highly appreciated