11 research outputs found

    A literature review of South African schools for the blind and their use of educational sexual models in comprehensive sexuality education

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    Internationally, educational sexual models (ESMs) have been gradually incorporated within comprehensive sex education (CSE) in schools for the blind (SFB). However, there is limited evidence that this has been taking place in South African SFB. The review sought to establish how these models are perceived by teachers and whether South African teachers receive any training or exposure to use these models during their teacher education. The review not only established that limited training and exposure is taking place, but that teachers state that they need these models but feel constrained by parental censorship. This meant that crucial information was lacking from these lessons (e.g., a real-life demonstration of the difference between an erect versus a flaccid penis). The review suggests that teachers need to be capacitated with appropriate pedagogy, competencies, and resources to respond to controversial areas of teaching and learning, such as the place of ESMs in CSE lessons.&nbsp

    Analysing the hegemonic discourses on comprehensive sexuality education in South African schools

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    Despite the mixed public responses, the South African Department of Basic Education decided to issue its detailed comprehensive sexuality education scripted lesson plans for testing in schools. A desktop review was conducted by searching for digital newspapers on the online archive Sabinet References using 6 key terms such as ‘comprehensive sexuality education’, ‘schools’ and ‘South Africa’. In total, 128 newspaper articles were retrieved, but 83 were selected for a Foucauldian discourse analysis underpinned by governmentality theory. The newspapers reported on marches, letters and press conferences from various stakeholders such as parents, learners, teachers, and other social figures. Some stakeholders took the position of in favour of or against the rollout. Of interest was the seemingly neutral position where the reporting was presented in a balanced, non-biased manner. The current paper aims to make sense of this neutrality from both a newsroom reporting stance and from the public’s point of view

    Using governmentality and performativity theory to understand the role of social attitudes in young people with visual impairment access to sexual and reproductive health services

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    This exploratory study investigates how governmentality enforced by societal attitudes influences performativity of young people with visual impairment (PVI) to/not access sexual and reproductive health services (SRH). To explore this phenomenon, existing data was utilised from a focus group around the sexuality of young PVI with three experts in the field of visual impairment as a starting point. A thematic analysis revealed various challenges that might be encountered by young PVI as they access SRH, e.g. stigma. A Foucauldian discourse analysis builds on these challenges by suggesting that governmentality construed by institutional, macro-level structures (e.g. social attitudes) should not be taken as the only barriers to/not accessing SRH, but young PVI might also employ individual, micro-level decision-making processes (e.g. socially-negotiated rationalities) to/not access SRH. The final theorisation here remains unsettled; actual voices of young PVI need to be located in this ongoing conversation.http://www.journals.co.za/ej/ejour_genbeh.htmlpm2021Educational Psycholog

    The sexuality of disabled bodies and individuals with disability in South Africa's comprehensive sexuality education scripted lesson plans

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    Local research has utilized both practical (youth with disabilities accessing sexual and reproductive health services) and theoretical knowledge (decoloniality, disability and sexuality) to understand the sexuality of persons living with disabilities. However, this knowledge has not been utilized to examine the visibility of disability and sexuality in South Africa's comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) scripted lesson plans (SLPs). A content analysis was conducted of all the Department of Basic Education's CSE SLPs (Grades 4–12). The study indicated that only in Grade 10 is disability and sexuality discussed in 3 activities. Within these activities, some attempt has been made to demystify certain misconceptions about the sexuality of disabled bodies (i.e. as celibate, asexual beings, with no romantic or sexual interests). The activities further debunk how various types of disabled bodies are sexual beings (i.e. not just those in wheelchairs). However, the fact that these discourses only emerge and left in Grade 10, raises concerns about the inclusivity of the CSE curriculum for disabled youth (e.g. CSE not acknowledging issues of power and consent amongst youth living with disabilities). A critical discussion is provided of the gaps identified and recommendations provided by existing practical and theoretical knowledge to inform the current CSE SLPs.http://link.springer.com/journal/11195hj2022Educational Psycholog

    De/coloniality, disabled sexualities, and anti-oppressive education : a review of Southern African literature

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    This review seeks to establish the current body of knowledge on the intersection of de/coloniality and the sexuality of disabled individuals. It suggests that few studies problematise the lack of such intersections in Southern Africa. The review locates this dearth of knowledge within the recent rollout of comprehensive sexuality education in schools, which remains silent to intersections of de/coloniality, disability, and sexuality. This analysis builds on the recommendation of Kumashiro to consider marginalised and post-structural theories in developing anti-oppressive education for disabled groups in terms of their sexualities. This becomes relevant as the sexuality of disabled individuals has been subject to institutional oppression based on colonial ideologies of health, beauty, and sexuality, since socio-medical discourses portray disabled individuals as infertile, non-sexual, and degendered. Given the shortage of relevant studies, the review uses the available local and international literature to locate the complex, interconnected structures and actors that perpetuate repressive colonial systems such as ableism, compulsory able-bodiedness, and heteronormativity within sexuality education. It suggests alternative ways of looking at these intersections within the diverse scope of comprehensive sexuality education. It does not claim that decoloniality is the panacea to erase the consequences of coloniality towards disabled sexualities, but suggests that it is one of the modalities that can redress the complex, interconnected systems of post-colonial oppression. The review recommends that future authors consider other marginalised and post-structural theories in conceptualising anti-oppressive education, like Foucauldian theories.http://journals.sagepub.com/home/saphj2022Educational Psycholog

    Queering South Africa’s protective school policy for LGBT+ youth : the Nare Mphale case

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    The transphobic abuse of the transgender youth, Nare Mphale, within the schooling environment has called into question protective school policy for South African lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and other non-conforming (LGBT+) youth. Nare, who has since passed, was harassed after her school principal instructed her classmates to feel her crotch to “find out what is there”. This violation called for the identification, analysing, and queering (disrupting compulsory heterosexuality) within South Africa’s protective school polices for LGBT+ youth. This study also asked, which protective school policies recognize gender and sexuality diversity and teaching of inclusive curricula such as comprehensive sexuality education? What accommodations do these policies provide in terms of admission requirements, preferred pronouns, sex description change, dress code, and reporting procedures following instances of abuse? A critical analysis of 7 protective school policies using queer theory was conducted to establish how these policies protect LGBT+ youth. Results suggest that despite national policies (e.g., the country’s Constitution and the Alteration of Sex Description Act) making provision for the protection and realisation of the listed accommodations for LGBT+ youth, schools may fail to implement such policy implications based on their own interpretation of policies as evidenced within each school’s code of conduct.This was a self-funded study without external resources.http://www.journals.co.za/content/journal/jedsam2022Educational Psycholog

    A comparative analysis between the religious and comprehensive sexuality education policies in South African schools

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    With the dawn of a constitutional democracy, South Africa has enacted contentious policies, such as outlawing capital punishment and legalizing same-sex marriage. Within the educational environment, the religious education (RE) and comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) polices remain the most controversial to date. A comparative analysis of their overriding objectives suggests the two policies coincide in terms of their purpose (e.g. protecting the rights of religious and sexual minority groups), reform (conscientizing learners about the oppression of othered groups), and action (instilling inclusivity and diversity in religious and sexuality education). Yet, despite the two policies’ corresponding position toward oppression encountered by minorities, the analysis shows some schools privilege the implementation of one policy over another. For example, the orthodox position taken by some faith-based schools in removing the teaching of sexuality diversity, and replacing it with religious studies. On the other hand, the analysis also shows that learners from both religious and sexual minority groups (e.g. queer Muslim youth), outside of faith-based schools, may face compounded forms of oppression based on religious, gender and sexual minority status. The analysis explores this sometimes conflicting intersection of religion, gender and sexuality, while suggesting new directions for future studies in RE and CSE.https://www.tandfonline.com/loi/wjly20hj2023Educational Psycholog

    Intersections of gender and sexual diversity in the career trajectories of LGBTQIA+ individuals

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    Background: In searching, entering and adapting into a career, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and other non-conforming (LGBTQIA+) individuals must consider how an organisation’s cultural norms will not only affect their work but also their gender and sexual identity. This includes actively seeking welcoming workspaces, employing coping strategies against minority stressors or having to exit a work environment because of prolonged homophobia. However, it is not constructive to immediately assume that this will be the career trajectory of all LGBTQIA+ individuals. Objectives: This review sought to explore how LGBTQIA+ individuals navigate intersections of gender and/or sexuality diversity in varied work environments. Methods: A desktop review of qualitative and quantitative studies was conducted to search for publications to answer the following question, what are LGBTQIA+ individuals’ experiences of gender and sexuality diversity within various work environments? Results: Given limited scholarship in this area in South Africa, local and international studies were consulted to further the body of knowledge. Evidence suggests that while LGBTQIA+ individuals have found much visibility and accommodation within most organisations, they still encounter discriminatory practices including minority stressors, such as racism, queerphobia and marginalisation. Conclusion: As such, it is suggested that most LGBTQIA+ individuals will either exit or risk experiencing strain or burnout under such conditions of multiple oppressions. Contribution: An immediate call for mental health services is required to buffer adverse wellbeing for LGBTQIA+ individuals in the work environment. Anti-discriminatory guidelines are recommended to promote gender and sexual diversity for LGBTQIA+ individuals in the work environment

    Teaching Learners with Visual Impairment

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    This book, Teaching Learners with Visual Impairment, focuses on holistic support to learners with visual impairment in and beyond the classroom and school context. Special attention is given to classroom practice, learning support, curriculum differentiation and assessment practices, to mention but a few areas of focus covered in the book. In this manner, this book makes a significant contribution to the existing body of knowledge on the implementation of inclusive education policy with learners affected by visual impairment

    Teaching Learners with Visual Impairment

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    This book, Teaching Learners with Visual Impairment, focuses on holistic support to learners with visual impairment in and beyond the classroom and school context. Special attention is given to classroom practice, learning support, curriculum differentiation and assessment practices, to mention but a few areas of focus covered in the book. In this manner, this book makes a significant contribution to the existing body of knowledge on the implementation of inclusive education policy with learners affected by visual impairment