13 research outputs found

    Slavery: A Mark of Underdevelopment and Its Dent on A Modern World

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    It is worrisome that till today, slavery which has been abolished since the 19th century is still thriving with the appellation “Human Trafficking.”The young people are usually the target. And one of the major factors influencing its business is the mindset about greener pasture, financial gain or building a future devoid of poverty. But the result is usually sadness, pain, regrets and death in many of the cases. The woes of the journey across borders are almost daily news. Examples are still taken from the traditional slave Ports. There are examples of its damage in history. The Caribbean Island is a culture case as this study reveals. The concept of greener pasture is not usually where the victims think. In many occasions where they were before they left is usually greener. The less privileged forms a background victim both in practice and use. A majority are deceived with fake promises of work or better life. This study examines how it has affected the society especially the less privileged and suggestions on how it can be reduced to a minimal level. It is a community affair in today’s world and everyone is responsible for its practice

    Drug Abuse, A Social Ill Among Youths Especially School Children

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    The use of hard drugs or substance abuse among the youths is growing both in arithmetic and geometric proportions especially among school children. One of the major reasons is exposure to the drugs. Examples have been sited with cases in the media. It is alarming that the very young age, the minors are involved. It is gruesome when a child of eight, nine or ten years do or discuss hard drugs. It runs across the three stages of the educational systems: the primary, secondary and the tertiary schools. This article looks at the implications, medical realities in drug abuse and ways of reducing or maintaining a school atmosphere without narcotics, with tips on quitting and recommendations

    COVID-19, Culture and Public Health Conditions in Developing Countries: Prevention Is Better Than Cure

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    The virus that is spreading worldwide today has made every society to be cautious about their public health system. Death reports and infection from the virus come in everyday from many parts of the world. But a signal is obvious about the outbreak of this disease which points to modern food culture. The alert focuses on sub-Saharan Africa as of today, given that it did not appear for the first time in any these countries. The worry is that these societies may not have adequate facilities to contain the scourge. The nature of the society and their response to the outbreak, first of all depends on the reality of information communication method. The reaction often exposes the culture and characteristics of the people’s perception, quality of education and development. Public health concern should be the utmost in these regions by the international health institutions to help prevent its spread in such regions. It started from an environment to spread. The concern points to public health conditions. Health institutions and medical experts have provided approaches to detection, symptoms and treatment .As at the time of this writing, no cure has been determined scientifically. Thus this exposé encourages sustenance through preventive measures coupled with suggestions that have already been stated by WHO and other world health experts with the conclusion that modern culture can be guaranteed or determined by scientific screening

    Cultures in Nigeria That Still Keeps the Female Gender in the Dark: An Igbo Example

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    Most women still hold to such traditions that have been adjudged inadequate by most modern society. They want to protect and preserve it no matter how one want to free their conscience from it. Many womenmay feel it is an invasion of their values. They still prefer it to changes or modern trends. They want to resist such changes by all means no matter the education against it. Such traditions have been studied as a failure of women “empowerment” or modern feminism.  Suggestions are made on methods that could help change this preference for unusual tradition that modernity can no longer entertain because of their uncomfortable and embarrassing appearance on modern free world.

    The Influence of Globalization on the Female Gender: The Igbo Example

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    Gender issues, as contemporary discourse, may be said to be relative according to the understanding of its studies with emphasis on the meaning attached to it by those who study them. Nevertheless, it will be relevant to examine how globalization has effected or influenced the environment in which they exist. For example, gender issues in Europe may or may not be the same as in other countries due to a lot of factors. But looking at the universal nature of globalization and the subject of female gender, differences are bound to occur without disparaging the universal nature of basic human traits that make us ethnic, traditional or tribal men and women; the existence or disappearance of racial differences is paramount to interaction and relationships.This study looks at Igbo female gender and its relationship with proponents in the outside world. It scores the global female environment and the possible barriers faced by some cultural groups and how it helps to form new groups: that make social change positive towards cultural growth. Suggestions are made on how globalization could promote culture and positive governance without sacrificing traditional traits, status or values.

    Adequate Mental Health, a Prerequisite for Effective Administration

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    Mentality as well as Mental imbalance is a possible cause of crime and maladministration in most societies. Mental state is one important factor that can condition one’s mind to act one way or the other. This is why mental health is significant in one’s life. But it seems it is often neglected in health care considerations in most societies. Mentality and Mental health often condition the performance of an individual in a position of authority or public service. In most societies, credible governance or leadership seems to be taken for granted thus arbitrary selection or imposition of leaders, usurpation or violent coveting of offices, crime, domination or other forms of headship responsibilities without consideration on the mental states of individuals involved. Leadership is an important aspect of human organization. In an egalitarian society hegemony can make or mare a people. The thrust of this article is on mental health provisions and who should lead. One aspect of consideration, which this paper emphasizes, as a major discourse is Mentality and mental health as basic qualifications or prerequisite for leadership because of its varied consequences if not checked and certified in an individual before a leadership selection is made and also the ability to detect a misnomer by possible inference in an individual leader and the need for replacement or rehabilitation until one is proved fit. By observation, the paper exposes the many dangers of having a mentally indisposed personality as the leader with suggestions on how or who should be selected to run or lead a public office. At the end we suggested that people who should lead should be of sound mind, positive mentality showing positive character and must be tested mentally before they assume public office. Criteria for test has been subsequently and tentatively prescribed

    The Concept of “Nne” in the Igbo World View as is Expatiated in Igbo Women August

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    The term “Nne” often sound as mere term to denote motherhood in Igbo society but it goes beyond the very term. It is a one word sentence that is a name. Some use it as a slogan or as slang. It has traditional undertone in the Igbo socio-cultural life and development. Now that the very term seems to embrace a modern identity of the Igbo, it is being re-emphasized in the features of Igbo Women August Meeting, as a symbol that retains its cultural value as well as embracing the reality of the changes that have enveloped the very term in modern times out of inevitable realities where new responsibilities tend to outweigh its relevance. It is used irrespective of gender although its original etymology stems from female gender. This study recapitulates its responsibilities through its aesthetic manifestation in August Meeting in line with modern realities. The study evaluated its implications for who would be a mother. Literature has been examined and interviews taken to determine the efficacy and efficiency of its responsibilities. This helped give insight to the nature, value and character of these Igbo women, cultural orientation and role in modern society through the association. It has been observed that modern womanhood seems to underrate or undermine its very term. Suggestion have been made on why the revitalization of value is necessary irrespective of modern challenges.

    Igbo Leadership Through the Visual Arts: Back to the Future

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    The lgbo leadership systems had been fraught with concepts that often make the society seem egalitarian in nature. The reality seems to contain variants that could be analyzed as such. But modernity and the inherent traditions of social change have also created its variants according to the local groups that practice them. The structure of the autochthonous Igbo leadership shows a credible democratic cum republican dispensation. But most of the adherent’s positions are titular. Hegemony as it suggests in the Igbo society is a relative term that needs Classification and clarification. Through Visual arts and some empirical investigation this study explains the modal changes that have affected the Igbo leadership system in Nigeria through Visual Art. Abatete, Nri, Ufuma, Npkor, Umuoji, Nnewi in Anambra state, all core Igbo towns are used as examples. The reality at leadership influence in the changes and development of the Igbo society in Nigeria and elsewhere is a relevant factor to the characterization of relationships between the Igbo’s and their neighbours. Although the introduction of warrant chief’s by the Colonial Masters seem to have distabilised the leadership structure of the people, they still hold strictly to traditions, but are flexible to changes that they consider viable to the development of the society. The Visual Art is given attention because it helps to define and identify the influence and changes that make Igbo leadership structure contemporary; for example in the regal regalia, greeting, breaking of kolanuts, the use of materials and the general life-style, transformations that have given new meaning to genealogy or pedigree. Lineages, kinship or kingship may no more accord adherent’s rights to heraldry or recruitment of political leadership. Chiefdom ceases to be hereditary. These and other trajectories and provocative themes are features of this study

    Human Rights: An Overview Perspectives and Conditions That Create Problems of Human Rights and Why It Is Often Ignored by Authorities

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    Despite the declaration of Human Rights by the United Nations (UNO) which was to involve all human race as much as it is universal and logical, to ensuring Freedom, Peace, Security and right to live anywhere you are or make a living, the abuses of human rights tends to have escalated progressively, especially in African societies. In this study many factors have been considered prevalent notwithstanding the programmes, campaigns, education and the wealth of resources that have been put in place for human rights to be observed in all nations. It has been observed that colonization in the African continent is still ongoing. Progress has been slow in achieving complete democratic process. Examples have been taken from life experiences: practical witnesses and documented evidences, reports, publications on abuses. Culture, ethnicity, subjective poverty, colonial “mind set or mentality”, hypocrisy, politics, lack of education, educated illiterates and lack of adequate Human Rights campaign have been seen as factors. Human Right Education is not yet a subject under Universal Basic Education (UBE) curriculum in a majority of African societies school systems. It is only done indirectly in social and cultural studies, civic education rights and responsibilities. The children need education on this with a laboratory practice so that they grow with it – respecting the rights of the other person. Until this is done Human Rights protection, practice or observation will continue to elude many societies, especially peoples of modern Africa