59 research outputs found

    The efects of land use and land cover changes (LULCC) in Kuseyr plateau of Turkey on erosion

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    Erosion is one of the important problems in degradation of agricultural lands and other natural lands. Te most dynamic factor in controlling erosion is land cover, and this factor has been anthropogenically manipulated for ages. Tis study investigates the efect of land use and land cover changes (LULCC) on erosion at Kuseyr Plateau, which is situated in the southernmost part of the eastern Mediterranean basin, Turkey. A geographical information systems-based method using the revised universal soil loss equation (3D) was employed to identify the amount of annual soil loss, erosion risk classes, and distribution generated by LULCC. Landsat satellite images were used to analyze LULCC from 1987 to 2010. Te implementations of both land cover and management factors were made possible by satellite image analysis performed throughout the years. Te results obtained from the study show that there is a rather severe erosion risk covering as much as 30% of the land within the scope of the study for 1987; this rate corresponds to 22% in 2010. Maximum annual soil loss in the plateau was as high as 59.81 t ha 1 per year in 1987 and 48.33 t ha 1 per year in 2010. Te average soil losses in the plateau were 6.19 and 5.00 t ha 1 per year for 1987 and 2010, respectively. Te related processes causing erosion from the past to present have slowed down, and reclamation of the land cover (with the intended purpose of decreasing erosion sensitivity) has always been the key factor in this regard. Despite a considerable decrease in severe erosion, as much as 22% of the study area still requires immediate measures in order to reduce soil loss

    Quantification of evaporation from bare soils in a changing climate

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    Anomalous origin of left internal mammary artery from distal subclavian artery

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    The internal mammary artery arises from the first part of the subclavian artery. The left internal mammary artery (LIMA) is an excellent graft for myocardial revascularization of the left anterior descending artery. In this article, we describe a quite important variation of an anomalous origin of LIMA, which is rarely seen. In our case, LIMA was arising from the distal of the third part of the subclavian artery. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to perform LIMA angiography before coronary artery bypass grafting surgery

    Determination of normal splenic volume in relation to age, gender and body habitus: a stereological study on computed tomography

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    Background: The aim of this study is to assess and document the dimensions of the normal spleen measured on computed tomography (CT) images with the normal splenic volume measured by Cavalieri principle on CT images and thereby serve as a baseline for comparison in cases of splenomegaly using abdominal CT. To investigate the relationship between these changes and body mass index, gender, abdominal diameters. Materials and methods: We retrospectively reviewed abdominal CT examinations of 212 adults between the ages of 20 and 88 years. There were seven groups of patients. The spleen volume (SV) measurements using abdominal CT images of each patient on the Image Information Systems were performed with Cavalieri principle. Results: The mean SV and splenic length (SL), width (SW), and thickness (ST) for the total study population of 212 patients was 198 +/- 88 cm(3), 9.96 +/- 2.1 cm, 8.87 +/- +/- 1.6 cm and 4.58 +/- 0.8 cm, respectively. There was a strong correlation between SV and ST (r = 0.752, p < 0.001), SL (r = 0.735, p < 0.001), SW (r = 0.681, p < 0.001) mean values of total study population. Comparison between mean splenic dimension parameters for males and females showed a statistically significant difference (p = 0.032 for SV, p = 0.04 for ST) but no statistically significant difference with SL and SW. Also there was a positive correlation between SV and body height, sagittal abdominal diameter and transvers abdominal diameter in mean of total groups and female groups, there was no correlation in males. Conclusions: The normal reference ranges for SV and size given in this study can serve as a standard to judge whether splenomegaly is present in patients

    Sol internal torasik arterin proksimalinden çıkan gelişmiş aksesuar yan dal ve klinik önemi

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    İnternal torasik arter İTA subklavyan arterin birinci bölümünün alt yüzünden ayrılır. Sol ventrikül revaskülarizasyonunda, sol left İTA’nın LİTA sol ön inen koroner artere LAD anastomozu yapılmaktadır. Koroner arter hastalığı nedeniyle LİTA ve LAD arasında aorta-koroner bypass ameliyatı yapılan hasta egzersize bağlı göğüs ağrısı şikayeti ile başvurdu. Anjiografide LAD’ye anastomozu ya- pılan LİTA’nın hemen çıkış yerine yakın olmak üzere gelişmiş bir aksesuar yan dala sahip olduğu görüldü. Bu aksesuar yan dalın steal çalma fenomenine neden olduğu ve göğüs ağrısı yaptığı tespit edildi. Koroner arter bypass greftleme planlanan hastalarda LİTA ve dallarındaki olası varyasyonların değerlendirilmesi cerrahi sonrası problemleri önleyebili

    A rare anomaly: Double right coronary artery

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    Koroner arter anomalileri nadir görülen anomalilerdir. Bunlar genellikle semptom vermezler ve tesadüfen sap tanırlar. Çift sağ koroner arter (SKA) oldukça nadir görü len bir koroner arter anomalisidir. Çift SKA tanımlaması ve sınıflaması tartışmalı bir konu olmasına rağmen çoğu zaman benign bir durumdur. Ancak aterosklerozla komp like olup miyokart enfarktüsü (MI) gibi ciddi durumlara da sebep olabilir ve başka anomalilere de eşlik edebilir. Bi zim vakamızda akut anterior MI için yapılan koroner anji ografide çift SKA tespit edildi ve sonraki seansta başarılı perkütan koroner girişim uygulandı.Coronary artery anomalies are rare anomalies. These are usually asymptomatic and are discovered inciden tally. Double right coronary artery (RCA) is a rare coro nary artery anomaly. Although there is controversy about identification and classification of double RCA, it is often a benign condition, but it can be complicated by ath erosclerosis and can lead to serious conditions such as myocardial infarction (MI) and may be accompanied by other anomalies. In our case, double RCA were detected in coronary angiography for acute anterior MI, and in the next session successful percutaneous coronary interven tion was performed

    The Assessment of the Students’ Opinions about Anatomy Education

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    AimIn our study, it was aimed to investigate views of second grade students on the current state of anatomy education in the Anatomy Department of the Namik Kemal University Faculty of Medicine by means of a survey.Materials and Methods79 second grade students taking anatomy courses in Faculty of Medicine, Namik Kemal University, in the academic year of 2012-2013 were enrolled in the study. Students' opinions on anatomy education were determined using a questionnaire.ResultsWe found that students’ decision to apply for medical school was their own choice, and they were satisfied with anatomy education. Students want class sizes to be smaller, the number of cadavers and models to be increased. They want smaller student groups and more time for laboratory courses. They think the number and format of the anatomy exams are appropriate, they are also pleased with learning clinical anatomy. It was determined that students who got higher grades in the anatomy course were the ones who showed greater interest in the subject, did not skip lessons and studied regularly. Same students could use relevant anatomical knowledge when needed.ConclusionOpinions of students can be helpful and may contribute to improvement of anatomy education

    Farklı kabak türlerinin ve karpuzun tuz stresi altında bitki gelişimi ve element içerikleri

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    Crimson Tide karpuz [Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. and Nakai] çeşidi ve karpuza anaçlık potansiyeli olan 7 farklı kabak genotipi [Cucurbita maxima, C. moschata, Luffa cylindrica, Benincasa hispida, Lagenaria siceraria (Skp ve Birecik) köy çeşidi ve L. siceraria melezi (FRGold)] 30 gün tuzlu (0, 4, 8, 12 ve 16 dS m-1) koşullarda yetiştirilerek tuz stresine tepkileri belirlenmiştir. Bitki ana gövde uzunluğu, kök kuru ağırlığı, yaprak ve gövde kuru ağırlığı, bitki kuru ağırlığındaki azalma, yapraklardaki Na+, Ca2+ ve K+ konsantrasyonu, Ca2+/Na+ ve K+/Na+ oranları belirlenmiştir. Kabak genotipleri tuzlu koşullarda incelenen bütün parametrelere farklı tepkiler vermişlerdir. L. cylindrica ve B. hispida hariç bütün kabak genotipleri tuz stresinden karpuza göre bitki gelişimi açısından daha az etkilenmişlerdir. İyon regülasyonu bakımından kabak genotipleri ve karpuz arasında önemli farklılıklar tespit edilmiştir. Tuz uygulaması ile birlikte yapraktaki Na+ konsantrasyonu yükselmiştir. L. cylindrica’nın yapraklarında Na+ birikimi önemli bir artış gösterirken, en düşük Na+ içeriği Birecik ve C. maxima’da belirlenmiştir. Tuz stresi altında, B. hispida ve L. cylindrica, karpuz ve diğer kabak genotiplerinden daha fazla Na+ biriktirmişlerdir. Ca2+/Na+ and K+/Na+ oranları tuz uygulaması ile birlikte önemli derecede azalmıştır. Azalma genotipe göre değişmiştir. Yüksek bitki kuru ağırlığına sahip olan genotipler, yüksek Ca2+/Na+ ve K+/Na+ oranlarına sahip olmuşlardır. Bitki büyüme parametreleri ile Ca2+/Na+ ve K+/Na+ oranları arasında önemli pozitif korelasyonlar bulunurken, Na+ içeriği ile önemli negatif korelasyon tespit edilmiştir. Cucurbita ve Lagenaria türleri tuz stresine, L. cylindrica, B. hispida ve karpuza göre daha yüksek tolerans göstermiştir.The watermelon [Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. and Nakai] cultivar Crimson Tide and 7 different gourd genotypes [Cucurbita maxima, C. moschata, Luffa cylindrica, Benincasa hispida, Lagenaria siceraria landraces (Skp and Birecik), and L. siceraria hybrid (FRGold)] with rootstock potential for watermelon were grown under saline conditions (0, 4, 8, 12, and 16 dS m&amp;#8211;1) to investigate the responses of the gourd genotypes and watermelon to 30 days of salt stress. Plant main stem length, shoot dry weight, root dry weight, reduction in shoot dry weight, concentration of Na+, Ca2+, and K+ in the leaves of the genotypes, and Ca2+/Na+ and K+/Na+ ratios were investigated. Plant length, and shoot and root dry weight of the plants significantly decreased as salinity stress increased. Gourd genotypes responded significantly differently to all investigated parameters under saline conditions. All genotypes had better growth performance than watermelon, except for L. cylindrica and B. hispida. The gourd genotypes and watermelon showed significant differences under saline conditions, with respect to ion regulation. Sodium concentration in the leaves of all the genotypes increased in response to salt application. There was a remarkable increase in Na+ concentration in the leaves of L. cylindrica, whereas the lowest Na+ concentration was observed in Birecik, and C. maxima, B. hispida, and L. cylindrica accumulated more Na+ than watermelon and the other gourd genotypes did under saline conditions. Ca2+/Na+ and K+/Na+ ratios were significantly reduced by salt treatment and the degree of decrease was dependent on genotype. Genotypes with higher Ca2+/Na+ and K+/Na+ ratios produced more dry weight. Significant positive correlations were observed between plant biomass parameters, and Ca2+/Na+ and K+/Na+ ratios, whereas strong negative correlations were observed between Na+ concentrations and shoot and root dry weight of the genotypes. Cucurbita and Lagenaria species were more tolerant to salinity stress than L. cylindrica, B. hispida, and watermelon

    Effects of Rootstocks on Some Growth Parameters, Phosphorous and Nitrogen Uptake Watermelon under Salt Stress

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    The uptake of phosphorous (P) and nitrogen (N) and some growth parameters of watermelon [Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum and Nakai] cultivar 'Crimson Tide', grafted on gourd rootstock (Lagenaria siceraria) landraces and Cucurbita maxima, grown under five different saline conditions for 30 days were investigated. Salinity stress was induced by continuous irrigation with saline water having electrical conductivity (EC) of 0.5, 4, 8, 12, and 16 dS/m. Grafted watermelons showed better growth performance than non-grafted ones. Nutrient uptake was significantly affected by rootstocks and salinity levels. Salinity stress has resulted in an increase in P content of shoots as much as two fold. Total N uptake by shoots of both non-grafted and grafted watermelon on gourds gradually decreased above 8 dS/m salinity. This investigation showed that grafted plants had a better performance than the non-grafted watermelon cultivar. Therefore, gourds, especially those of Lagenaria type, may be used as a rootstock for watermelon under saline conditions