32 research outputs found

    South-Africa (Goodstart III) trial: community-based maternal and newborn care economic analysis

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    In light of South Africa’s generalized HIV/AIDS epidemic coupled with high infant mortality, we undertook a cluster Randomized Control Trial (2008–10) assessing the effect of Community Health Worker (CHW) antenatal and postnatal home visits on, amongst other indicators, levels of HIV-free survival, and exclusive and appropriate infant feeding at 12 weeks. Cost and time implications were calculated, by assessing the 15 participating CHWs, using financial records, mHealth and interviews. Sustainability and scalability were assessed, enabling identification of health system issues. The majority (96%) of women in the community received an average of 4.1 visits (target seven). The paid, single purpose CHWs spent 13 h/week on the programme. The financial cost per mother amounted to 94(94 (23 per home visit). Modelling target coverage (95% mothers, seven visits) and increased efficiency showed that if CHWs spent 25h/week on the programme, the number of CHWs required would decrease from 15 to 12. The intervention almost doubled exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) at 12 weeks and showed a 6% relative increase in EBF with each additional CHW visit. Home visit programmes improve access and prevention but are not an inexpensive alternative: the observed cost per home visit is twice that of a clinic visit and in target/efficiency scenario decreases to 70% of the cost of a clinic visit. Ensuring sustainability requires optimizing the design of programmes and deployment of human resources, whilst maintaining impact. However, low remuneration of CHWs leads to shorter working hours, low motivation and sub-optimal coverage even in a situation with well-resourced supervision. The communitybased care programme in South-Africa is based on multi-purpose CHWs, its cost and impact should be compared with results from this study. Quality of support for multi-purpose CHWs may be the biggest challenge to address to achieving higher efficiency of community-based services.IBSS, ISI & Scopu

    Barriers and incentives to orphan care in a time of AIDS and economic crisis: a cross-sectional survey of caregivers in rural Zimbabwe

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    BACKGROUND: Africa is in an orphan-care crisis. In Zimbabwe, where one-fourth of adults are HIV-positive and one-fifth of children are orphans, AIDS and economic decline are straining society's ability to care for orphans within their extended families. Lack of stable care is putting thousands of children at heightened risk of malnourishment, emotional underdevelopment, illiteracy, poverty, sexual exploitation, and HIV infection, endangering the future health of the society they are expected to sustain. METHODS: To explore barriers and possible incentives to orphan care, a quantitative cross-sectional survey in rural eastern Zimbabwe asked 371 adults caring for children, including 212 caring for double orphans, about their well-being, needs, resources, and perceptions and experiences of orphan care. RESULTS: Survey responses indicate that: 1) foster caregivers are disproportionately female, older, poor, and without a spouse; 2) 98% of non-foster caregivers are willing to foster orphans, many from outside their kinship network; 3) poverty is the primary barrier to fostering; 4) financial, physical, and emotional stress levels are high among current and potential fosterers; 5) financial need may be greatest in single-orphan AIDS-impoverished households; and 6) struggling families lack external support. CONCLUSION: Incentives for sustainable orphan care should focus on financial assistance, starting with free schooling, and development of community mechanisms to identify and support children in need, to evaluate and strengthen families' capacity to provide orphan care, and to initiate and support placement outside the family when necessary

    How much can we gain from improved efficiency? An examination of performance of national HIV/AIDS programs and its determinants in low- and middle-income countries

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The economic downturn exacerbates the inadequacy of resources for combating the worldwide HIV/AIDS pandemic and amplifies the need to improve the efficiency of HIV/AIDS programs.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We used data envelopment analysis (DEA) to evaluate efficiency of national HIV/AIDS programs in transforming funding into services and implemented a Tobit model to identify determinants of the efficiency in 68 low- and middle-income countries. We considered the change from the lowest quartile to the average value of a variable a "notable" increase.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Overall, the average efficiency in implementing HIV/AIDS programs was moderate (49.8%). Program efficiency varied enormously among countries with means by quartile of efficiency of 13.0%, 36.4%, 54.4% and 96.5%. A country's governance, financing mechanisms, and economic and demographic characteristics influence the program efficiency. For example, if countries achieved a notable increase in "voice and accountability" (e.g., greater participation of civil society in policy making), the efficiency of their HIV/AIDS programs would increase by 40.8%. For countries in the lowest quartile of per capita gross national income (GNI), a notable increase in per capita GNI would increase the efficiency of AIDS programs by 45.0%.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>There may be substantial opportunity for improving the efficiency of AIDS services, by providing more services with existing resources. Actions beyond the health sector could be important factors affecting HIV/AIDS service delivery.</p

    Number and timing of antenatal HIV testing: Evidence from a community-based study in Northern Vietnam

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>HIV testing for pregnant women is an important component for the success of prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV (PMTCT). A lack of antenatal HIV testing results in loss of benefits for HIV-infected mothers and their children. However, the provision of unnecessary repeat tests at a very late stage of pregnancy will reduce the beneficial effects of PMTCT and impose unnecessary costs for the individual woman as well as the health system. This study aims to assess the number and timing of antenatal HIV testing in a low-income setting where PMTCT programmes have been scaled up to reach first level health facilities.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A cross-sectional community-based study was conducted among 1108 recently delivered mothers through face-to-face interviews following a structured questionnaire that focused on socio-economic characteristics, experiences of antenatal care and HIV testing.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The prevalence of women who lacked HIV testing among the study group was 10% while more than half of the women tested had had more than two tests during pregnancy. The following factors were associated with the lack of antenatal HIV test: having two children (aOR 2.1, 95% CI 1.3-3.4), living in a remote rural area (aOR 7.8, 95% CI 3.4-17.8), late antenatal care attendance (aOR 3.6, 95% CI 1.3-10.1) and not being informed about PMTCT at their first antenatal care visits (aOR 7.4, 95% CI 2.6-21.1). Among women who had multiple tests, 80% had the second test after 36 weeks of gestation. Women who had first ANC and first HIV testing at health facilities at primary level were more likely to be tested multiple times (OR 2.9 95% CI 1.9-4.3 and OR = 4.7 95% CI 3.5-6.4), respectively.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Not having an HIV test during pregnancy was associated with poor socio-economic characteristics among the women and with not receiving information about PMTCT at the first ANC visit. Multiple testing during pregnancy prevailed; the second tests were often provided at a late stage of gestation.</p

    Access to antiretroviral therapy and survival in eastern Europe and central Asia: a case study in Armenia

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    INTRODUCTION: Antiretroviral therapy (ART) substantially improves the health of people living with HIV and contributes to preventing new infections. While HIV incidence is decreasing in most regions, the epidemic in eastern Europe continues to rise, as new infections currently outnumber the rate of ART initiation. In this study, we assess ART use in Armenia and its impact on the number of AIDS diagnoses and mortality. METHODS: National surveillance data were obtained from the National Centre for AIDS Prevention, Armenia. Cox-proportional hazard models were used to determine the effect of demographic and clinical risk factors, including access to ART, on AIDS and mortality. RESULTS: Among people diagnosed with HIV since 2005, approximately 40% per year were diagnosed with CD4<200 cells per mL. Overall, 232 people (57.1%) with AIDS or a low CD4 count had not received ART by the end of 2010. Mortality was 34.1% among people living with HIV who did not initiate ART, and 0.3% among people who received ART. Among people diagnosed with HIV from 1996 to 2010, age at diagnosis, no use of ART, likely mode of transmission, likely place of transmission, low baseline CD4 count and no STI diagnosis at last contact are significantly associated with death. DISCUSSION: In Armenia, HIV is frequently diagnosed at a late stage of disease, indicating low testing rates. Of people diagnosed with HIV and in need of ART, a large proportion (approximately 60%) either do not provide consent for treatment, or are who migrants who cannot be located. CONCLUSIONS: Globally, the scale-up of ART has resulted in substantial reductions in mortality among individuals initiating therapy. However, in an era of momentum for treatment as prevention, treatment levels are not at adequate levels for preventing morbidities and mortality in some settings. Particular focus should be placed on key at-risk subgroups.Kylie‐Ann Mallitt, Samvel R Grigoryan, Arshak S Papoyan, Handan C Wand, David P Wilso