1,490 research outputs found

    Radio Pulse Properties of the Millisecond Pulsar PSR J0437-4715. I. Observations at 20cm

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    We present a total of 48 minutes of observations of the nearby, bright millisecond pulsar PSR J0437-4715 taken at the Parkes radio observatory in Australia. The data were obtained at a central radio frequency of 1380 MHz using a high-speed tape recorder that permitted coherent Nyquist sampling of 50 MHz of bandwidth in each of two polarizations. Using the high time resolution available from this voltage recording technique, we have studied a variety of single-pulse properties, most for the first time in a millisecond pulsar. We find no evidence for "diffractive" quantization effects in the individual pulse arrival times or amplitudes as have been reported for this pulsar at lower radio frequency using coarser time resolution (Ables et al. 1997). Overall, we find that the single pulse properties of PSR J0437-4715 are similar to those of the common slow-rotating pulsars, even though this pulsar's magnetosphere and surface magnetic field are several orders of magnitude smaller than those of the general population. The pulsar radio emission mechanism must therefore be insensitive to these fundamental neutron star properties.Comment: 24 Postscript pages, 11 eps figures. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. Abbreviated abstract follow

    Astrometric Detection of Terrestrial Planets in the Habitable Zones of Nearby Stars with SIM PlanetQuest

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    SIM PlanetQuest (Space Interferometry Mission) is a space-borne Michelson interferometer for precision stellar astrometry, with a nine meter baseline, currently slated for launch in 2015. One of the principal science goals is the astrometric detection and orbit characterization of terrestrial planets in the habitable zones of nearby stars. Differential astrometry of the target star against a set of reference stars lying within a degree will allow measurement of the target star's reflex motion with astrometric accuracy of 1 micro-arcsecond in a single measurement. We assess SIM's capability for detection (as opposed to characterization by orbit determination) of terrestrial planets in the habitable zones of nearby solar-type stars. We compare SIM's performance on target lists optimized for the SIM and Terrestrial Planet Finder Coronograph (TPF-C) missions. Performance is quantified by three metrics: minimum detectable planet mass, number and mass distribution of detected planets, and completeness of detections in each mass range. Finally, we discuss the issue of confidence in detections and non-detections, and show how information from SIM's planet survey can enable TPF to increase its yield of terrestrial planets.Comment: Minor corrections to figures and tables. 46 pages, 27 figures. To appear in PASP (Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific), May 200

    Multi-Epoch Observations of Survey Sources

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    Five objects mapped as part of a VLBI survey have been re-observed at 5 GHz, and four of them have also been observed at 10 GHz. Three of the objects show no substantial structural variations: an upper limit of 2c can be placed on the apparent relative velocities of the components. One object (0711+356) shows structural variations which are mostly simply described in terms of a superluminal contraction. The remaining object (3C371, 1807+698) shows substantial structural variations which suggest that it probably is a superluminal source. The source 0710+439 is especially interesting as it consists of a central flat-spectrum core component straddled by two compact steep-spectrum components

    Space VLBI Observations of 3C 279 at 1.6 and 5 GHz

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    We present the first VLBI Space Observatory Programme (VSOP) observations of the gamma-ray blazar 3C 279 at 1.6 and 5 GHz. The combination of the VSOP and VLBA-only images at these two frequencies maps the jet structure on scales from 1 to 100 mas. On small angular scales the structure is dominated by the quasar core and the bright secondary component `C4' located 3 milliarcseconds from the core (at this epoch). On larger angular scales the structure is dominated by a jet extending to the southwest, which at the largest scale seen in these images connects with the smallest scale structure seen in VLA images. We have exploited two of the main strengths of VSOP: the ability to obtain matched-resolution images to ground-based images at higher frequencies and the ability to measure high brightness temperatures. A spectral index map was made by combining the VSOP 1.6 GHz image with a matched-resolution VLBA-only image at 5 GHz from our VSOP observation on the following day. The spectral index map shows the core to have a highly inverted spectrum, with some areas having a spectral index approaching the limiting value for synchrotron self-absorbed radiation of 2.5. Gaussian model fits to the VSOP visibilities revealed high brightness temperatures (>10^{12} K) that are difficult to measure with ground-only arrays. An extensive error analysis was performed on the brightness temperature measurements. Most components did not have measurable brightness temperature upper limits, but lower limits were measured as high as 5x10^{12} K. This lower limit is significantly above both the nominal inverse Compton and equipartition brightness temperature limits. The derived Doppler factor, Lorentz factor, and angle to the line-of-sight in the case of the equipartition limit are at the upper end of the range of expected values for EGRET blazars.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, emulateapj.sty, To be published in The Astrophysical Journal, v537, Jul 1, 200

    Terrestrial Planet Finder: science overview

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    The Terrestrial Planet Finder (TPF) seeks to revolutionize our understanding of humanity's place in the universe - by searching for Earth-like planets using reflected light, or thermal emission in the mid-infrared. Direct detection implies that TPF must separate planet light from glare of the nearby star, a technical challenge which has only in recent years been recognized as surmountable. TPF will obtain a low-resolution spectra of each planet it detects, providing some of its basic physical characteristics and its main atmospheric constituents, thereby allowing us to assess the likelihood that habitable conditions exist there. NASA has decided the scientific importance of this research is so high that TPF will be pursued as two complementary space observatories: a visible-light coronagraph and a mid-infrared formation-flying interferometer. The combination of spectra from both wavebands is much more valuable than either taken separately, and it will allow a much fuller understanding of the wide diversity of planetary atmospheres that may be expected to exist. Measurements across a broad wavelength range will yield not only physical properties such as size and albedo, but will also serve as the foundations of a reliable and robust assessment of habitability and the presence of life

    Zero modes, entropy bounds and partition functions

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    Some recent finite temperature calculations arising in the investigation of the Verlinde-Cardy relation are re-analysed. Some remarks are also made about temperature inversion symmetry.Comment: 12 pages, JyTe

    Dietary strategies for remission of type 2 diabetes: A narrative review

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    Type 2 diabetes (T2DM) is a growing health issue globally, which, until recently, was considered to be both chronic and progressive. Although having lifestyle and dietary changes as core components, treatments have focused on optimising glycaemic control using pharmaceutical agents. With data from bariatric surgery and, more recently, total diet replacement (TDR) studies that have set out to achieve remission, remission of T2DM has emerged as a treatment goal. A group of specialist dietitians and medical practitioners was convened, supported by the British Dietetic Association and Diabetes UK, to discuss dietary approaches to T2DM and consequently undertook a review of the available clinical trial and practice audit data regarding dietary approaches to remission of T2DM. Current available evidence suggests that a range of dietary approaches, including low energy diets (mostly using TDR) and low carbohydrate diets, can be used to support the achievement of euglycaemia and potentially remission. The most significant predictor of remission is weight loss and, although euglycaemia may occur on a low carbohydrate diet without weight loss, which does not meet some definitions of remission, it may rather constitute a ‘state of mitigation’ of T2DM. This technical point may not be considered as important for people living with T2DM, aside from that it may only last as long as the carbohydrate restriction is maintained. The possibility of actively treating T2DM along with the possibility of achieving remission should be discussed by healthcare professionals with people living with T2DM, along with a range of different dietary approaches that can help to achieve this

    Evidence for two classes of parsec-scale radio double source in active galactic nuclei

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    There is a group of powerful compact radio sources which have two almost equal flux density components on parsec scales. On the basis of multifrequency, multiepoch Very Long Base Interferometry (VLBI) observations, we conclude that there are two physically distinct classes among such sources. In one class the two components are probably 'minilobes' where oppositely directed jets terminate. Because of their intrinsic symmetry we believe the new name 'compact symmetric objects' best describes this class of object. We present detailed observations of the source 0108+388, showing that this source has properties consistent with this class, including a very small limit on relative internal motions of is ≀ 0.18/h^(-1) (c) (using H_0 = 100 h km s^(-1) Mp c^(-1) and q_0 = 0.5). We also detect a weak feature between the two main components which may be associated with the central engine in this source. We believe there exists another class of double source composed of core-jet sources in which a component in the jet is as bright as the component associated with the central engine. These sources are distinct from those of the first class in showing systematic differences in the properties of the two components. All these sources have small relative motions between the two main components (e.g., in 2021+614 we detect a motion of 0.13 h^(-1)(c) and in 0711+356 an upper limit of 0.4 h^(-1)(c)). The combination of large relative brightness for the secondary and the low velocities might be explained if the secondary is due to a bright standing shock in the jet. Alternatively, the bright secondary component might be due to a relativistic flow close to the line of sight at a point along a curving parsec-scale channel (as has been proposed for 4C 39.25)

    Variability in the X-ray Flux of Quasar 3C345: Inverse-Compton Emission from the Parsec-Scale Jet?

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    We present the results of the first systematic study of variability in the X-ray emission from the 'superluminal' quasar 3C 345. Its power-law 1-keV X-ray emission varies by a factor of two on a timescale of years, but with no change in spectral index, closely following the high-frequency radio flux. Using VLBI images, we show that one of the superluminal 'knots' in the jet (at a distance of ≈ 15 pc from the nucleus), rather than the nucleus, produces most of the observed X-rays, via the synchrotron self-Compton process. We show that this knot accelerates as it moves away from the nucleus, along along a path at ≈ 10° from the line of sight
