409 research outputs found

    Tmb in nsclc: A broken dream?

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    none3noAlthough immune checkpoint inhibitors have changed the treatment paradigm of a variety of cancers, including non-small-cell lung cancer, not all patients respond to immunotherapy in the same way. Predictive biomarkers for patient selection are thus needed. Tumor mutation burden (TMB), defined as the total number of somatic/acquired mutations per coding area of a tumor genome (Mut/Mb), has emerged as a potential predictive biomarker of response to immune checkpoint inhibitors. We found that the limited use of TMB in clinical practice is due to the difficulty in its detection and compounded by several different biological, methodological and economic issues. The incorporation of both TMB and PD-L1 expression or other biomarkers into multivariable predictive models could result in greater predictive power.openBravaccini S.; Bronte G.; Ulivi P.Bravaccini, S.; Bronte, G.; Ulivi, P

    Pressure-tuning of the electron-phonon coupling: the insulator to metal transition in manganites

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    A comprehensive understanding of the physical origin of the unique magnetic and transport properties of A_(1-x)A'^xMnO_3 manganites (A = trivalent rare-earth and A' = divalent alkali-earth metal) is still far from being achieved. The complexity of these systems arises from the interplay among several competing interactions of comparable strength. Recently the electron-phonon coupling, triggered by a Jahn-Teller distortion of the MnO_6 octahedra, has been recognised to play an essential role in the insulator to metal transition and in the closely related colossal magneto-resistance. The pressure tuning of the octahedral distortion gives a unique possibility to separate the basic interactions and, at least in principle, to follow the progressive transformation of a manganite from an intermediate towards a weak electron-phonon coupling regime. Using a diamond anvil cell, temperature and pressure-dependent infrared absorption spectra of La_(0.75)Ca_(0.25)MnO_3 have been collected and, from the spectral weight analysis, the pressure dependence of the insulator to metal transition temperature T_IM has been determined for the first time up to 11.2 GPa. The T_IM(P) curve we proposed to model the present data revealed a universality character in accounting for the whole class of intermediate coupling compounds. This property can be exploited to distinguish the intermediate from the weak coupling compounds pointing out the fundamental differences between the two coupling regimes.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Cerebral venous thrombosis: a practical guide

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    All neurologists need to be able to recognise and treat cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT). It is difficult to diagnose, partly due to its relative rarity, its multiple and various clinical manifestations (different from ‘conventional’ stroke, and often mimicking other acute neurological conditions), and because it is often challenging to obtain and interpret optimal and timely brain imaging. Although CVT can result in death or permanent disability, it generally has a favourable prognosis if diagnosed and treated early. Neurologists involved in stroke care therefore also need to be aware of the treatments for CVT (with varying degrees of supporting evidence): the mainstay is prompt anticoagulation but patients who deteriorate despite treatment can be considered for endovascular procedures (endovascular thrombolysis or thrombectomy) or neurosurgery (decompressive craniotomy). This review summarises current knowledge on the risk factors, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of CVT in adults, and highlights some areas for future research

    Role of liquid biopsy in oncogene-addicted non-small cell lung cancer

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    none7noThe discovery of actionable oncogene in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) allowed the identification of a subgroup of patients who benefit from targeted tyrosine kinase inhibitors more than others. Mutations in the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), translocations in the anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) and rearrangements in the ROS proto-oncogene 1 (ROS1) must be identified in tumor tissue to guide the proper treatment choice. Liquid biopsy is based on the analysis of tumor materials released in the circulation. Liquid biopsy can be complementary to tissue biopsy, both at baseline and at progression, especially in the detection of somatic gene alterations emerging during the treatment with tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs). Particularly, circulating DNA is used to find mutations in driver oncogenes, while circulating tumor cells, extracellular vesicles (EVs) and cell-free microRNAs (cfmiRNAs) are still under investigation. To help the unbiased use of liquid biopsy in the choice of the appropriate therapy, some recommendations were delivered by expert panels. Currently, analysis of EGFR mutations in cell-free DNA (cfDNA) is recommended at baseline when tissue biopsy harbors scarce tumor cells, and at progression before performing tissue biopsy; liquid biopsy analysis for other oncogenic drivers is not indicated in the clinical practice.openCanale M.; Pasini L.; Bronte G.; Delmonte A.; Cravero P.; Crino L.; Ulivi P.Canale, M.; Pasini, L.; Bronte, G.; Delmonte, A.; Cravero, P.; Crino, L.; Ulivi, P

    The S0_0(0) structure in highly compressed hydrogen and the orientational transition

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    A calculation of the rotational S0_0(0) frequencies in high pressure solid para-hydrogen is performed. Convergence of the perturbative series at high density is demonstrated by the calculation of second and third order terms. The results of the theory are compared with the available experimental data to derive the density behaviour of structural parameters. In particular, a strong increase of the value of the lattice constant ratio c/ac/a and of the internuclear distance is determined. Also a decrease of the anisotropic intermolecular potential is observed which is attributed to charge transfer effects. The structural parameters determined at the phase transition may be used to calculate quantum properties of the rotationally ordered phase.Comment: accepted Europhysics Letter

    New generation anaplastic lymphoma kinase inhibitors

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    Anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) gene translocations are pro-tumoral driver alterations that encompass 3*7% of non-squamous non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) with specific, clinic and histologic features. The therapeutic strategy depends on anti-ALK tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) of which crizotinib was the first approved for clinical use. Despite its use improved significantly progression-free survival, overall response rate and duration of response of this illness, after a median period of 10.9 months all patients progress due to the development of acquired resistance mutations in the ALK tyrosine kinase domain in approximately one third of patients. Moreover, 60-90% of patients treated with crizotinib has a progression in the central nervous system (CNS) in absence of extracranial worsening of the disease. This is primarily attributed to poor CNS penetration by crizotinib as many pre-clinical and clinical models suggest. For instance, in order to overtake acquired resistance to crizotinib, prolong the control of the disease and manage CNS localizations, several II and III generation TKIs have been developed. Some of them were approved after the failure of crizotinib (ceritinib, alectinib, brigatinib and lorlatinib) and in first line setting (ceritinib, alectinib and brigatinib) while others are still under evaluation for TKI-naive patients such as lorlatinib, ensartinib and entrectinib. In this review we will discuss the most recent results of new TKIs in order to describe a fast growing therapeutic landscape in this setting

    Hippocampal neurons with stable excitatory connectivity become part of neuronal representations

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    Experiences are represented in the brain by patterns of neuronal activity. Ensembles of neurons representing experience undergo activity-dependent plasticity and are important for learning and recall. They are thus considered cellular engrams of memory. Yet, the cellular events that bias neurons to become part of a neuronal representation are largely unknown. In rodents, turnover of structural connectivity has been proposed to underlie the turnover of neuronal representations and also to be a cellular mechanism defining the time duration for which memories are stored in the hippocampus. If these hypotheses are true, structural dynamics of connectivity should be involved in the formation of neuronal representations and concurrently important for learning and recall. To tackle these questions, we used deep-brain 2-photon (2P) time-lapse imaging in transgenic mice in which neurons expressing the Immediate Early Gene (IEG) Arc (activity-regulated cytoskeleton-associated protein) could be permanently labeled during a specific time window. This enabled us to investigate the dynamics of excitatory synaptic connectivity-using dendritic spines as proxies-of hippocampal CA1 (cornu ammonis 1) pyramidal neurons (PNs) becoming part of neuronal representations exploiting Arc as an indicator of being part of neuronal representations. We discovered that neurons that will prospectively express Arc have slower turnover of synaptic connectivity, thus suggesting that synaptic stability prior to experience can bias neurons to become part of representations or possibly engrams. We also found a negative correlation between stability of structural synaptic connectivity and the ability to recall features of a hippocampal-dependent memory, which suggests that faster structural turnover in hippocampal CA1 might be functional for memory

    Advances in molecular mechanisms and immunotherapy involving the immune cell-promoted epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition in lung cancer

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    none8noImmunotherapy has offered a new opportunity for the treatment of many malignancies. In patients with lung cancer, immune checkpoint inhibitors have significantly improved survival. However, little is known about predictive factors or primary and acquired resistance mechanisms. Epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) is a complex of phenotypic changes involved in carcinogenesis and resistance to cancer treatments. Specifically, immune cells in the tumor microenvironment can promote EMT, and mesenchymal phenotype acquisition negatively regulates the anticancer immune response. EMT is associated with higher expression of PD-L1 and other immune checkpoints. In this review, we focused on the role of EMT in the interplay between tumor cells and the immune system, with particular emphasis on lung cancer. On the basis of our findings, we hypothesize that the effects of EMT on immune cells could be overcome in this disease by a new combination of immune checkpoint inhibitors.openDe Matteis S.; Canale M.; Verlicchi A.; Bronte G.; Delmonte A.; Crino L.; Martinelli G.; Ulivi P.De Matteis, S.; Canale, M.; Verlicchi, A.; Bronte, G.; Delmonte, A.; Crino, L.; Martinelli, G.; Ulivi, P
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