115 research outputs found

    Genetic characterization of Theileria equi infecting horses in North America: evidence for a limited source of U.S. introductions

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    Background: Theileria equi is a tick-borne apicomplexan hemoparasite that causes equine piroplasmosis. This parasite has a worldwide distribution but the United States was considered to be free of this disease until recently. Methods: We used samples from 37 horses to determine genetic relationships among North American T. equi using the 18S rRNA gene and microsatellites. We developed a DNA fingerprinting panel of 18 microsatellite markers using the first complete genome sequence of T. equi. Results: A maximum parsimony analysis of 18S rRNA sequences grouped the samples into two major clades. The first clade (n= 36) revealed a high degree of nucleotide similarity in U.S. T. equi, with just 0–2 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) among samples. The remaining sample fell into a second clade that was genetically divergent (48 SNPs) from the other U.S. samples. This sample was collected at the Texas border, but may have originated in Mexico. We genotyped T. equi from the U.S. using microsatellite markers and found a moderate amount of genetic diversity (2–8 alleles per locus). The field samples were mostly from a 2009 Texas outbreak (n= 22) although samples from five other states were also included in this study. Using Weir and Cockerham’s FST estimator (ξ) we found strong population differentiation of the Texas and Georgia subpopulations (ξ= 0.414), which was supported by a neighbor-joining tree created with predominant single haplotypes. Single-clone infections were found in 27 of the 37 samples (73%), allowing us to identify 15 unique genotypes. Conclusions: The placement of most T. equi into one monophyletic clade by 18S is suggestive of a limited source of introduction into the U.S. When applied to a broader cross section of worldwide samples, these molecular tools should improve source tracking of T. equi outbreaks and may help prevent the spread of this tick-borne parasite

    Assessment of Babesia bovis 6cys A and 6cys B as components of transmission blocking vaccines for babesiosis

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    Background: Babesia bovis reproduces sexually in the gut of its tick vector Rhipicephalus microplus, which involves expression of 6cys A and 6cys B proteins. Members of the widely conserved 6cys superfamily are candidates for transmission blocking vaccines (TBV), but intricacies in the immunogenicity of the 6cys proteins in the related Plasmodium parasites required the identification of transmission blocking domains in these molecules for vaccine design. Hereby, the immunogenic efficacy of recombinant (r) B. bovis 6cys A and B proteins as a TBV formulation was studied. Methods: The immunogenicity of r6cys A and 6cys B proteins expressed in a eukaryotic system was evaluated in a cattle immunization trial (3 immunized and 3 control calves). A B. bovis sexual stage induction in vitro inhibition assay to assess the ability of antibodies to block the production of sexual forms by the parasite was developed. Results: Immunized cattle generated antibodies against r6cys A and r6cys B that were unable to block sexual reproduction of the parasite in ticks. Additionally, these antibodies also failed in recognizing native 6cys A and 6cys B and peptides representing 6cys A and 6cys B functional domains and in inhibiting the development of sexual forms in an in vitro induction system. In contrast, rabbit antibodies generated against synthetic peptides representing predicted B-cell epitopes of 6cys A and 6cys B recognized recombinant and native forms of both 6cys proteins as well as peptides representing 6cys A and 6cys B functional domains and were able to neutralize development of sexual forms of the parasite in vitro. Conclusions: These data, combined with similar work performed on Plasmodium 6cys proteins, indicate that an effective 6cys protein-based TBV against B. bovis will require identifying and targeting selected regions of proteins containing epitopes able to reduce transmission

    Vaccination with an in vitro culture attenuated Babesia bovis strain safely protects highly susceptible adult cattle against acute bovine babesiosis

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    IntroductionLive in vivo attenuated Babesia bovis vaccines produced by sequential passages in splenectomized calves have historically been used to control acute bovine babesiosis in endemic areas worldwide. However, several constraints prevent the widespread use of these vaccines, including the need for several splenectomized calves to produce vaccine batches, and potential inconsistent parasite attenuation, which contraindicates their use for highly Babesia-susceptible adult cattle. Thus, the use of vaccines based on well-defined in vitro culture attenuated B. bovis strains emerges as a more sustainable and efficient alternative. Previous work demonstrated that the culture attenuated strain Att-S74-T3Bo is non-tick transmissible and able to safely protect calves against needle challenge with a B. bovis virulent strain.Methods and resultsHerein we evaluated safety and efficacy of Att-S74-T3Bo in preventing acute babesiosis in adult (>1.5 year of age) cattle. Results demonstrated that Att-S74-T3Bo vaccination of adult animals (n=5) induced self-limiting signs of acute infection and protected the vaccinated animals against challenge with the homologous virulent B. bovis strain Vir-S74-T3Bo. Att-S74-T3Bo-vaccinated adult cattle developed significant (P<0.05) monocytosis, with concomitant neutropenia and CD4+ leukopenia, in peripheral blood early after vaccination. Also, vaccinated animals developed a specific signature of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokine expression in peripheral blood and significant levels of IgM, total IgG, IgG1, and IgG2 against the B. bovis immunodominant antigen RAP-1 CT. Strikingly, none of the vaccinated animals showed any signs of acute babesiosis after challenge with Vir-S74-T3Bo. In contrast, control adult cattle (n=5) showed pathognomonic symptoms of acute babesiosis, and significant decrease (P<0.05) in lymphocytes, monocytes, and neutrophils, starting on day 7 post-challenge. All control animals developed severe acute disease and were euthanized on days 10 through 12 days post-challenge.Discussion and conclusionEvidence from this study indicates that Att-S74-T3Bo safely protects highly susceptible adult cattle against challenge with a homologous virulent strain of B. bovis. In conclusion, Att-S74-T3Bo may be considered as a potential efficient and sustainable attenuated candidate vaccine strain to control acute bovine babesiosis in highly susceptible adult cattle. Future studies should focus on increasing the number of animals vaccinated, duration of immunity, and efficacy of this attenuated strain against heterologous virulent parasite strains

    Comprovação da variabilidade patogĂȘnica dentro da raça 65 do agente causal da antracnose do feijoeiro.

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    A ampla variabilidade patogĂȘnica entre e dentro de raças de Colletotrichum lindemuthianum, agente causal da antracnose, tem dificultado a obtenção de cultivares resistentes de feijĂŁo. No Brasil, mais de cinquenta raças deste patĂłgeno foram identificadas [1], dentre estas, a raça 65 tem sido relatada como a mais estĂĄvel e amplamente distribuĂ­da nas Ășltimas trĂȘs dĂ©cadas...1 CD-ROM

    Comparative efficacy of buparvaquone and imidocarb in inhibiting the in vitro growth of Babesia bovis

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    Introduction:B. bovis is an apicomplexan parasite responsible for bovine babesiosis, a tick-borne disease with a worldwide impact. The disease remains inefficiently controlled, and few effective drugs, including imidocarb dipropionate (ID), are currently available in endemic areas. The objective of this study was to evaluate whether buparvaquone (BPQ), a drug currently used to treat cattle infected with the Babesia-related Theileria spp. parasites, could be active against Babesia parasites. Herein, we compared the effect of ID and BPQ on B. bovis growth in vitro erythrocyte culture.Methods:We compared the effect of ID and BPQ on the culture-adapted Texas T2Bo strain of B. bovis. In vitro cultured parasites were incubated with ID and BPQ at two starting parasitemia levels (PPE), 0.2% and 1%. In vitro cultured parasites were treated with ID or BPQ at concentrations ranging from 10 to 300 nM, during 4 consecutive days. Parasitemia levels were daily evaluated using microscopic examination. Data was compared using the independent Student’s t-test.Results and discussion:Both ID and BPQ significantly inhibited (p < 0.05) the growth of B. bovis, regardless of the initial parasitemia used. At 1% parasitemia, BPQ had lower calculated inhibitory concentration 50 (IC50: 50.01) values than ID (IC50: 117.3). No parasites were found in wells with 0.2% starting parasitemia, treated previously with 50 nM of BPQ or ID, after 2 days of culture without drugs. At 1% parasitemia, no parasite survival was detected at 150 nM of BPQ or 300 nM of ID, suggesting that both drugs acted as babesiacidals.Conclusion:Overall, the data suggests that BPQ is effective against B. bovis and shows a residual effect that seems superior to ID, which is currently the first-line drug for treating bovine babesiosis globally

    Unraveling the complexity of the Rhomboid Serine Protease 4 Family of Babesia bovis using bioinformatics and experimental studies.

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    Babesia bovis, a tick-transmitted apicomplexan protozoon, infects cattle in tropical and subtropical regions around the world. In the apicomplexans Toxoplasma gondii and Plasmodium falciparum, rhomboid serine protease 4 (ROM4) fulfills an essential role in host cell invasion. We thus investigated B. bovis ROM4 coding genes; their genomic organization; their expression in in vitro cultured asexual (AS) and sexual stages (SS); and strain polymorphisms. B. bovis contains five rom4 paralogous genes in chromosome 2, which we have named rom4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4 and 4.5. There are moderate degrees of sequence identity between them, except for rom4.3 and 4.4, which are almost identical. RT-qPCR analysis showed that rom4.1 and rom4.3/4.4, respectively, display 18-fold and 218-fold significantly higher (p < 0.01) levels of transcription in SS than in AS, suggesting a role in gametogenesis-related processes. In contrast, transcription of rom4.4 and 4.5 differed non-significantly between the stages. ROM4 polymorphisms among geographic isolates were essentially restricted to the number of tandem repeats of a 29-amino acid sequence in ROM4.5. This sequence repeat is highly conserved and predicted as antigenic. B. bovis ROMs likely participate in relevant host?pathogen interactions and are possibly useful targets for the development of new control strategies against this pathogen
