19 research outputs found

    Soft-bed experiments beneath Engabreen, Norway: regelation infiltration, basal slip and bed deformation

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    To avoid some of the limitations of studying soft-bed processes through boreholes, a prism of simulated till (1.8 m × 1.6 m × 0.45 m) with extensive instrumentation was constructed in a trough blasted in the rock bed of Engabreen, a temperate glacier in Norway. Tunnels there provide access to the bed beneath 213 m of ice. Pore-water pressure was regulated in the prism by pumping water to it. During experiments lasting 7–12 days, the glacier regelated downward into the prism to depths of 50– 80 mm, accreting ice-infiltrated till at rates predicted by theory. During periods of sustained high pore water pressure (70–100% of overburden), ice commonly slipped over the prism, due to a water layer at the prism surface. Deformation of the prism was activated when this layer thinned to a sub-millimeter thickness. Shear strain in the till was pervasive and decreased with depth. A model of slip by ploughing of ice-infiltrated till across the prism surface accounts for the slip that occurred when effective pressure was sufficiently low or high. Slip at low effective pressures resulted from water-layer thickening that increased non-linearly with decreasing effective pressure. If sufficiently widespread, such slip over soft glacier beds, which involves no viscous deformation resistance, may instigate abrupt increases in glacier velocity

    An action for the exact string black hole

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    A local action is constructed describing the exact string black hole discovered by Dijkgraaf, Verlinde and Verlinde in 1992. It turns out to be a special 2D Maxwell-dilaton gravity theory, linear in curvature and field strength. Two constants of motion exist: mass M>1, determined by the level k, and U(1)-charge Q>0, determined by the value of the dilaton at the origin. ADM mass, Hawking temperature T_H \propto \sqrt{1-1/M} and Bekenstein-Hawking entropy are derived and studied in detail. Winding/momentum mode duality implies the existence of a similar action, arising from a branch ambiguity, which describes the exact string naked singularity. In the strong coupling limit the solution dual to AdS_2 is found to be the 5D Schwarzschild black hole. Some applications to black hole thermodynamics and 2D string theory are discussed and generalizations - supersymmetric extension, coupling to matter and critical collapse, quantization - are pointed out.Comment: 41 pages, 2 eps figures, dedicated to Wolfgang Kummer on occasion of his Emeritierung; v2: added ref; v3: extended discussion in sections 3.2, 3.3 and at the end of 5.3 by adding 2 pages of clarifying text; updated refs; corrected typo

    Alternative lengthening of telomeres in childhood neuroblastoma from genome to proteome

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    Telomere maintenance by telomerase activation or alternative lengthening of telomeres (ALT) is a major determinant of poor outcome in neuroblastoma. Here, we screen for ALT in primary and relapsed neuroblastomas (n = 760) and characterize its features using multi-omics profiling. ALT-positive tumors are molecularly distinct from other neuroblastoma subtypes and enriched in a population-based clinical sequencing study cohort for relapsed cases. They display reduced ATRX/DAXX complex abundance, due to either ATRX mutations (55%) or low protein expression. The heterochromatic histone mark H3K9me3 recognized by ATRX is enriched at the telomeres of ALT-positive tumors. Notably, we find a high frequency of telomeric repeat loci with a neuroblastoma ALT-specific hotspot on chr1q42.2 and loss of the adjacent chromosomal segment forming a neo-telomere. ALT-positive neuroblastomas proliferate slowly, which is reflected by a protracted clinical course of disease. Nevertheless, children with an ALT-positive neuroblastoma have dismal outcome

    Hydrological controls on patterns of surface, internal and basal motion during three "spring events": Haut Glacier d'Arolla, Switzerland

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    Three early-melt-season high-velocity events (or ''spring events'') occurred on Haut Glacier d'Arolla, Switzerland, during the melt seasons of 1998 and 1999. The events involve enhanced glacier velocity during periods of rapidly increasing bulk discharge in the proglacial stream and high subglacial water pressures. However, differences in spatial patterns of surface velocity, internal ice deformation rates, the spatial extent of high subglacial water pressures and in rates of subglacial sediment deformation suggest different hydrological and mechanical controls. The data from two of the events suggest widespread ice-bed decoupling, particularly along a subglacial drainage axis creating the highest rates of basal motion and ''plug flow'' in the overlying ice. The other event showed evidence of less extensive ice-bed decoupling and sliding along the drainage axis with more mechanical support for ice overburden transferred to areas adjacent to decoupled areas. We suggest that: (1) plug flow may be a common feature on glaciers experiencing locally induced reductions in basal drag; (2) under certain circumstances, enhanced surface motion may be due in part to non-locally forced enhanced bed deformation; and (3) subglacial sediment deformation is confined to a depth of the order of centimetres to decimetres