12,212 research outputs found

    Ambient Literature: Textuality and Narratology

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    In 1964 Marshall McLuhan wrote ‘the medium is the message’ in The Extensions of Man in order to argue that the medium is not just a channel in which communication takes place but an extension of human consciousness. The reliance on digital devices that is evinced across much of the world today demonstrates the insight of McLuhan’s aphoristic observation: humans and media work in coordination with one another, manipulating our perception of time and space. Set within this context of hybridization, Ambient Literature: Towards a New Poetics of Situated Writing and Reading Practices (2020) carves out a niche for itself by discussing literature in which the fictional element is governed and mediated by technology, while the medium controls and creates the progress of the narrative

    Redox supercapacitor performance of nanocrystalline molybdenum nitrides obtained by ammonolysis of chloride- and amide-derived precursors

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    Reactions of MoCl5 or Mo(NMe2)4 with ammonia result in cubic ?-Mo2N or hexagonal ?1-MoN depending on reaction time and temperature. At moderate temperatures the cubic product from Mo(NMe2)4 exhibits lattice distortions. Fairly high surface areas are observed in the porous particles of the chloride-derived materials and high capacitances of up to 275 F g?1 are observed when electrodes made from them are cycled in aqueous H2SO4 or K2SO4 electrolytes. The cyclic voltammograms suggest charge is largely stored in the electrochemical double layer at the surface of these materials. Amide-derived molybdenum nitrides have relatively low surface areas and smaller capacitances, but do exhibit strong redox features in their cyclic voltammograms, suggesting that redox capacitance is responsible for a significant proportion of the charge stored

    Dysphagia in hereditary sensory autonomic neuropathy type IV

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    The discovery laboratory – A student-centred experiential learning practical: Part I – Overview

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    Chemical Engineering’s Discovery Laboratory at Imperial College London is a practical teaching programme designed specifically to support student-centred learning at an advanced level, bridging the gap between instructions driven lab experiments and fully open ended research. In the first part of this article we present an overview of this programme with particular attention given to the design of the pedagogical framework and the execution of teaching. The teaching goal is delivered by in-depth experiential learning, where students are assigned a specific subject area to conduct their own research within a set timeframe and boundary conditions that guarantee a successful learning outcome. Academic supervisors and teaching assistants play an important role in this process, where they provide students with continuing guidance throughout. The use of research or industrial grade equipment ensures the students’ preparation for their final year research project as well as their post-graduation careers. In addition to summative assessments, students also receive formative feedback periodically from academic supervisors and teaching assistants. The Discovery Laboratory has received positive feedback from both teachers and students since its inauguration in 2011 and here we share some useful insights for the execution of such a practical teaching programme

    Prevalence of helminthic infection among primary school children in some selected primary schools in municipal local government area, Kano state, Nigeria

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    The research was conducted to study the prevalence of helminthic infection among primary school children in some selected primary schools in municipal   local government area, Kano state. A total of 100 hundred school children between the ages group of 6-12 years old were examined for intestinal helminth infections using direct wet method and formol-ether concentration technique. The samples were collected from both sexes and were processed. Of the 100 pupils examined, 72.0% were infected with one or a combination of the worms with Ascaris having the highest prevalence rate (31.0%) followed by hookworm (19.0%), Schistosoma (8.0%), Enterobius (8.0%), Strongyloides (6.0%) had the least rate of infection as shown in table 3. The prevalence of infection of helminth parasite among schools ranged between (A) 17(23.62%), (B) 14(19.4%), (C) 12(16.67%), (D) 15(20.83%), and (E) 14(19.44%) with no significant  difference in the prevalence of infection between schools (p>0.05). Table 1 shows that out of 100 pupils examined, 40(40.0%) males and 60(60.0%) females respectively, of these 27(67.5%) males and 45(75.0) females were infected, the difference not significant (p>0.05). Of the 72 infected subject 17(23.6%) have multiple infection with 11(15.3%) and 6(8.4%) having double and triple infections respectively. Ascaris occur mostly with other helminth, Ascaris lumbricoides+ hookworm and Ascaris +enterobius vermicularis+ hookworm mostly were more common occurring combinations.         

    Islam in China seas: Islam and Muslims in Myanmar

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    In China seas, Malakka strait has been a center of trade zone for Asian countries today. It has been a strategic maritime root where kingdoms of Majapahit, Tiriwizara, Malakka Kingdom, Pagan, Hantawaddy and Konbong Kingdoms of Myanmar benefited tremendously. Trade and diplomatic relationship Between China and Burma has been traditionally excellent till date for they are connected by land as well as sea. Burma, presently called Myanmar has been an important country from the perspective of geo-politics in the region, but the history of Muslims with the population of 5 million in this country beyond the Second World War II has been worse to the extent, they are struggling for survival. Muslims have been living in Myanmar for the last few thousand years. The previous Buddhist rulers of the country and the British administration that followed, provided full rights of citizenship to them without discrimination. Thus, they enjoyed every segment of life, business, the community, society, educational institutions and politics. In the light of these welcoming circumstances, Muslims were happy to contribute to the nation by joining the army, the police force, government institutions such as health care, education, trade, business, agriculture as well as in politics and as legislators in the parliament of Myanmar. Nevertheless, their unfortunate history began when military rule came into power in 1962. All the rights and responsibilities they had enjoyed over the years became restricted. Discrimination policies were applied in every segment of national institutions even their citizenship rights were threatened. The discrimination continued to the extent that their racial status as one of the 145 races of Myanmar was removed. Consequently, frequent riots, afflictions and violence against Muslim minorities became the norm, resulting in a peaceful coexistence between Muslim minorities and the majority Buddhists becoming impossible. The objective of this paper was to research the historical existence and identification of Muslims in Myanmar. It is hoped that the findings of this work will support a theory of peaceful coexistence between Muslims and Buddhists in Myanmar

    Empowering youth: developing spiritual and intellectual enhancement in youth

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    In this era of information and technology engaging around us, knowledge has been made the essential foundation to build a modern and dynamic generation of a country. Even our holy book of guidance, the Quran, has repeatedly called believers to continue to seek knowledge as a way to transform ourselves as vicegerents of the Almighty. Chapter 45, verse 13 of the Quran, emphasized that knowledge is the perfect medium for us to reflect and understand the attributes of Allah through his creations. Thus, as the generation of this modernized era, we should consistently seek the opportunity to increase our knowledge in various aspects, be it spiritually or otherwise. To this, it cannot be denied that most of our knowledge is attained through a formal educational institution, specifically schools. Such an institution provides convenient learning space, ambiance, and facilities to mould the students into a figure that is well equipped with concrete facts and information, as well as the fundamental communication skills needed. The assistance of schools in shaping these students give out great importance since they are considered to be future leaders. Focus and emphasis should be channelled to improvise the characteristics of the youth of today, as we know by nurturing them to become successful leaders of tomorrow should be carried out at a young age. Through this study, we get to witness first-hand the situation that the students nowadays are going through at school. The prerequisites to a good education, which are the school facilities and the school environment must be taken care of, to establish a quality learning process. However, the standard of youth in our society is not up to the mark as anticipated. The background of this study is to highlight the decay of morality, lack of discipline, deterioration of healthcare, and its system in schools, weakening the mental strength of our youth, which is rampant in our community. Hence, the objective of this paper is to observe the five main attributes of the students, discipline, physical strength, spiritual power, mental quality, and behaviour change, which are the primary key to determine whether our youths are on the right track in configuring leaders of tomorrow. The methodology applied in this research is quantitative, for that, questionnaires will be prepared, interviews with school children from targeted primary and secondary schools in Gombak area will be conducted, analysis of interviews’ reports will be conducted consequently, and finally, the publication of the polished paper is planned at the end