261 research outputs found

    Photodynamic therapy using intravenous delta-aminolaevulinic acid-induced protoporphyrin IX sensitisation in experimental hepatic tumours in rats.

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    The efficacy of photodynamic therapy (PDT) using delta-aminolaevulinic acid (ALA)-induced protoporphyrin IX (PpIX) sensitisation and laser light at 635 nm was investigated in the treatment of experimental hepatic tumours. The model of liver tumours was induced either by local inoculation or by administration of tumour cells through the portal vein in rats. ALA at a dose of 60 mg kg(-1) b.w. was intravenously administered 60 min before PDT. PpIX accumulation in tumour, normal liver and abdominal wall muscle was detected by means of laser-induced fluorescence (LIF). Laser Doppler imaging (LDI) was used to determine changes in the superficial blood flow in connection with PDT. Histopathological examinations were performed to evaluate the PDT effects on the tumour and the surrounding liver tissue, including pathological features in the microvascular system. The accumulation of PpIX, as monitored by LIF, showed high fluorescence intensities at about 635 nm in both the hepatic tumour tissue and normal liver and low values in the abdominal wall. LDI demonstrated that the blood flow in the treated tumour and its surrounding normal liver tissue decreased immediately after the PDT, indicating an effect on the vascular system. A large number of thrombi in the irradiated tumour were found microscopically 3 h after the PDT. The tumour growth rate showed a marked decrease when evaluated 3 and 6 days after the treatment. These results show that the ALA-PDT is effective in the inhibition of growth of experimental hepatic tumours

    Frequency-modulation spectroscopy with blue diode lasers

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    Frequency-modulation spectroscopy provides ultrasensitive absorption measurements. The technique is especially adaptable to diode lasers, which can be modulated easily, and has been used extensively in the near-infrared and infrared spectral regions. The availability of blue diode lasers now means that the accessible wavelength region can be increased. We successfully demonstrate wavelength-modulation spectroscopy and two-tone frequency-modulation spectroscopy for the weak second resonance line of potassium at 404.8 nm and for the transition at 405.8 nm in lead, starting from the thermally populated 6p(2) P-3(2) metastable level, information on the modulation parameters is obtained with a fitting procedure. Experimental signal-to-noise ratios: at different absorption levels are compared with theoretical signal-to-noise ratios and show good agreement. Detection sensitivities of 2 x 10(-6) and 5 x 10(-6) for wavelength and two-tone frequency-modulation spectroscopy, respectively, for a 120-Hz bandwidth are demonstrated. (C) 2000 Optical Society of America

    Long-path monitoring of NO2 with a 635 nm diode laser using frequency-modulation spectroscopy

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    In situ monitoring of traffic-generated nitrogen dioxide (NO2) emissions using long-path absorption spectroscopy is reported. High-sensitivity detection of NO2 is achieved by employing two-tone frequencymodulation spectroscopy at a visible absorption band using a tunable high-power diode laser operated around 635 nm. A real-time absorption spectrometer is accomplished by repetitively applying a rectangular current pulse to the diode-laser operating current, allowing detection of isolated NO2 absorption lines. A detection limit of 10 mu g/m(3) for NO2 at atmospheric pressure using a 160 m absorption path is demonstrated. Continuous monitoring of NO2 over a road intersection at peak traffic is performed

    The FERRUM project: radiative lifetimes of the 3d(5)(S-6)4s4p(P-3)y P-6 degrees states of FeII measured with time-resolved vacuum ultra-violet laser spectroscopy

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    We report on lifetime measurements of the 3d(5)(S-6)4s4p(P-3)y P-6 degrees states of Fe II using time-resolved vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) laser spectroscopy. A laser-produced plasma has been used as the source of free Fe+ ions. The tunable VUV radiation was obtained employing resonantly enhanced sum-difference four-wave-mixing of short laser pulses. We obtained tau((6)P(3/2)degrees) = 3.90(20) ns, tau((6)P(5/2)degrees) = 3.80(20) ns and tau((6)P(7/2)degrees) = 3.65(20) ns

    Interstitial photodynamic therapy - diagnostic measurements and treatment in rat malignant experimental tumours

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    A recently developed multiple fibre system for treating malignant tumours with interstitial photodynamic therapy was used in studies on rats with colon adenocarcinoma inoculated into the muscles of the hind legs. The animals were intraperitonially administrated delta -aminolevulinic acid (ALA), which is metabolised to protoporphyrin IX (PpIX) in the tissue. The treatment system consists of a laser light source, a beam-splitting system dividing the light into three or six output fibres and a dosimetry programme calculating the optimal fibre position within the tumour as well as the treatment time needed to obtain a given threshold value of the light dose. One aim of the study was to compare the treatment outcome with the modelled dosimetry predictions. Tumour reduction was examined three days post treatment. A volume decrease was found in 85\% of the treated tumours. The mean volume reduction was 44\%, with one tumour completely disappearing. Histopathological examination three days post treatment showed substantial necrotic parts which, however, to a smaller extent were present also for non-treated tumours. These results indicated that the tumours have been under treated and the light dose has to be increased. Measurements of the build-up and photo-induced bleaching of PpIX using laser-induced fluorescence were also performed during the experiments

    Atomic spectroscopy with violet laser diodes

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    Experimental Pd II oscillator strengths and the palladium abundance in the HgMn-type star chi Lupi

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    Experimental oscillator strengths for 19 ultraviolet lines of Pd II have been derived from measurements of line intensities in calibrated Fourier transform spectra, combined with picosecond-pulse laser measurements of radiative lifetimes. Five of these 19 lines, in addition to other Pd nr lines, are present in Hubble Space Telescope/Goddard High-Resolution Spectrograph echelle spectra of the chemically peculiar HgMn star chi Lupi, yielding a palladium abundance of log (N-Pd) = +5.0, which is 3.3 dex above the solar abundance. Theoretical oscillator strengths have been calculated for all strong ultraviolet transitions associated with the lowest odd-parity configuration of Pd II