14 research outputs found

    Breathing Spots in a Reaction-Diffusion System

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    A quasi-2-dimensional stationary spot in a disk-shaped chemical reactor is observed to bifurcate to an oscillating spot when a control parameter is increased beyond a critical value. Further increase of the control parameter leads to the collapse and disappearance of the spot. Analysis of a bistable activator-inhibitor model indicates that the observed behavior is a consequence of interaction of the front with the boundary near a parity breaking front bifurcation.Comment: 4 pages RevTeX, see also http://chaos.ph.utexas.edu/ and http://t7.lanl.gov/People/Aric

    Breathing Current Domains in Globally Coupled Electrochemical Systems: A Comparison with a Semiconductor Model

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    Spatio-temporal bifurcations and complex dynamics in globally coupled intrinsically bistable electrochemical systems with an S-shaped current-voltage characteristic under galvanostatic control are studied theoretically on a one-dimensional domain. The results are compared with the dynamics and the bifurcation scenarios occurring in a closely related model which describes pattern formation in semiconductors. Under galvanostatic control both systems are unstable with respect to the formation of stationary large amplitude current domains. The current domains as well as the homogeneous steady state exhibit oscillatory instabilities for slow dynamics of the potential drop across the double layer, or across the semiconductor device, respectively. The interplay of the different instabilities leads to complex spatio-temporal behavior. We find breathing current domains and chaotic spatio-temporal dynamics in the electrochemical system. Comparing these findings with the results obtained earlier for the semiconductor system, we outline bifurcation scenarios leading to complex dynamics in globally coupled bistable systems with subcritical spatial bifurcations.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures, 70 references, RevTex4 accepted by PRE http://pre.aps.or

    Ion-conductivity and Young's modulus of the polymer electrolyte PEO-ammonium perchlorate

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    We present a study of impedance spectroscopy (IS) under varying loads. An equivalent circuit is proposed taking the deformability and the effect of change in free volume into account, which yields the dc ion-conductivity as well as the Young's modulus from these results. Independent measurements of elastic properties are done and the result is compared with Young's modulus predicted from IS. The sample we studied is PEO-NH4ClO4 with a salt fraction of 0.19 by weight, with frequencies varying in the range of 40 Hz to 3 MHz and loads varying from 400 to 1600 g