19 research outputs found

    Spin Dynamics in the Magnetic Chains Arrays of Sr14Cu24O41: a Neutron Inelastic scattering Investigation

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    Below about 150 K, the spin arrangement in the chain arrays of Sr14Cu24O41 is shown to develop in two dimensions (2D). Both the correlations and the dispersion of the observed elementary excitations agree well with a model of interacting dimers. Along the chains, the intra- and inter-dimer distances are equal to 2 and about 3 times the distance (c) between neighboring Cu ions. While the intra-dimer coupling is J about 10 meV, the inter-dimer couplings along and between the chains are of comparable strenght, J// about -1.1 meV and Jperp about 1.7 meV, respectively. This remarkable 2D arrangement satisfies the formal Cu valence of the undoped compound. Our data suggest also that it is associated with a relative sliding of one chain with respect to the next one, which, as T decreases, develops in the chain direction. A qualitative analysis shows that nearest inter-dimer spin correlations are ferromagnetic, which, in such a 2D structure, could well result from frustration effects.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Phys.Rev.B, date of receipt 29 June 199

    Evidence for structural and electronic instabilities at intermediate temperatures in κ\kappa-(BEDT-TTF)2_{2}X for X=Cu[N(CN)2_{2}]Cl, Cu[N(CN)2_{2}]Br and Cu(NCS)2_{2}: Implications for the phase diagram of these quasi-2D organic superconductors

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    We present high-resolution measurements of the coefficient of thermal expansion α(T)=lnl(T)/T\alpha (T)=\partial \ln l(T)/\partial T of the quasi-twodimensional (quasi-2D) salts κ\kappa-(BEDT-TTF)2_2X with X = Cu(NCS)2_2, Cu[N(CN)2_2]Br and Cu[N(CN)2_2]Cl. At intermediate temperatures (B), distinct anomalies reminiscent of second-order phase transitions have been found at T=38T^\ast = 38 K and 45 K for the superconducting X = Cu(NCS)2_2 and Cu[N(CN)2_2]Br salts, respectively. Most interestingly, we find that the signs of the uniaxial pressure coefficients of TT^\ast are strictly anticorrelated with those of TcT_c. We propose that TT^\ast marks the transition to a spin-density-wave (SDW) state forming on minor, quasi-1D parts of the Fermi surface. Our results are compatible with two competing order parameters that form on disjunct portions of the Fermi surface. At elevated temperatures (C), all compounds show α(T)\alpha (T) anomalies that can be identified with a kinetic, glass-like transition where, below a characteristic temperature TgT_g, disorder in the orientational degrees of freedom of the terminal ethylene groups becomes frozen in. We argue that the degree of disorder increases on going from the X = Cu(NCS)2_2 to Cu[N(CN)2_2]Br and the Cu[N(CN)2_2]Cl salt. Our results provide a natural explanation for the unusual time- and cooling-rate dependencies of the ground-state properties in the hydrogenated and deuterated Cu[N(CN)2_2]Br salts reported in the literature.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figure

    Symmetrized mean-field description of magnetic instabilities in k-(BEDT-TTF)_2Cu[N(CN)]_2 Y salts

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    We present a novel and convenient mean-field method, and apply it to study the metallic/antiferromagnetic interface of k-(BEDT-TTF)_2Cu[N(CN)]_2 Y organic superconductors (BEDT_TTF is bis-ethylen-dithio-tetrathiafulvalene, Y=Cl, Br). The method, which fully exploits the crystal symmetry, allows one to obtain the mean-field solution of the 2D Hubbard model for very large lattices, up to 6x10^5 sites, yielding a reliable description of the phase boundary in a wide region of the parameter space. The metal/antiferromagnet transtion appears to be second order, except for a narrow region of the parameter space, where the transition is very sharp and possibly first order. The cohexistence of metallic and antiferromagnetic properties is only observed for the transient state in the case of smooth second order transitions. The relevance of the present resaults to the complex experimental behavior of centrosymmetric k-phase BEDT-TTF salts is discussed.Comment: 9 pages in PS format, 7 figures (included in PS), 1 tabl

    Superconductivity mediated by charge fluctuations in layered molecular crystals

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    We consider the competition between superconducting, charge ordered, and metallic phases in layered molecular crystals with the theta and beta" structures. Applying slave-boson theory to the relevant extended Hubbard model, we show that the superconductivity is mediated by charge fluctuations and the Cooper pairs have d(xy) symmetry. This is in contrast to the kappa-(BEDT-TTF)(2)X family, for which theoretical calculations give superconductivity mediated by spin fluctuations and with d(x)2(-y)2 symmetry. We predict several materials that should become superconducting under pressure

    Influence of internal disorder on the superconducting state in the organic layered superconductor kappa-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu[N(CN)2]Br

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    We report high-sensitivity AC susceptibility measurements of the penetration depth in the Meissner state of the layered organic superconductor kappa-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu[N(CN)2]Br. We have studied nominally pure single crystals from the two different syntheses and employed controlled cooling procedures in order to minimize intrinsic remnant disorder at low temperatures associated with the glass transition, caused by ordering of the ethylene moieties in BEDT-TTF molecule at T_G = 75 K. We find that the optimal cooling procedures (slow cooling of -0.2 K/h or annealing for 3 days in the region of T_G) needed to establish the ground state, depend critically on the sample origin indicating different relaxation times of terminal ethylene groups. We show that, in the ground state, the behavior observed for nominally pure single crystals from both syntheses is consistent with unconventional d-wave order parameter. The in-plane penetration depth lambda_in(T) is strongly linear, whereas the out-of-plane component lambda_out(T) varies as T^2. In contrast, the behavior of single crystals with long relaxation times observed after slow (-0.2 K/h) cooling is as expected for a d-wave superconductor with impurities (i.e. lambda_in(T) propto lambda_out(T) propto T^2) or might be also reasonably well described by the s-wave model. Our results might reconcile the contradictory findings previously reported by different authors.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Low Temperature Penetration depth of \kappa-(ET)_2Cu[N(CN)_2]Br and \kappa-(ET)_2Cu(NCS)_2

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    We present high precision measurements of the penetration depth \lambda of single crystals of \kappa-(ET)_2Cu[N(CN)2]Br and \kappa-(ET)_2Cu(NCS)_2 at temperature down to 0.4 K. We find that, at low temperatures, the in-plane penetration depth varies as a fractional power law, \lambda\sim T^1.5. W hilst this may be taken as evidence for novel bose excitation processes, we show that the data are also consistent with a quasi-linear variation of the superfluid density, as is expected for a d-wave superconductor with impurities. Our data for the interplane penetration depth show similar features and give a direct measurement of the absolute value, \lambda(0)=100\pm 20 \mu m.Comment: 4 pages, 4 postscript figure