153 research outputs found

    Podwyższony poziom greliny w stanie przedrzucawkowym: czy grelina jest przyjacielem czy wrogiem?

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    Objectives: To investigate maternal serum ghrelin levels in pregnancies complicated by preeclampsia and to explore the relationship between ghrelin level and disease severity. Materials and methods: This case-control study included 40 healthy pregnant women, 42 women with mild preeclampsia, and 40 women with severe preeclampsia. The groups were matched in terms of maternal and gestational age and body mass index. Serum ghrelin levels were measured via enzyme immunoassay. Results: Serum ghrelin levels were significantly higher in women with mild and severe preeclampsia than in healthy controls (p < 0.001). Although serum ghrelin levels were somewhat higher in the severe compared to the mild preeclampsia group, the difference was not statistically significant (p > 0.05). In the control group, no significant correlation was observed between ghrelin level and any other parameter, but in the preeclampsia group, serum ghrelin levels were negatively correlated with uterine artery Doppler index values and both systolic and diastolic blood pressure (all p-values < 0.05). Multivariate stepwise linear regression analysis revealed that systolic blood pressure (β = 0.493, p = 0.023) was independently associated with serum ghrelin level. Conclusion: Elevated blood ghrelin levels were correlated with disease severity in pregnancies complicated by preeclampsia.Cel pracy: Ocena poziomu greliny w surowicy kobiet w ciąży powikłanej stanem przedrzucawkowym i określenie związku między poziomem greliny a ciężkością choroby. Materiał i metoda: Do badania włączono 40 zdrowych kobiet w ciąży, 42 z łagodnym stanem przedrzucawkowym i 40 z ciężkim stanem przedrzucawkowym. Grupy były dobrane pod względem wieku ciążowego, wieku matek i wskaźnika masy ciała. Poziom greliny w surowicy był mierzony metodą immunoenzymatyczną. Wyniki: Poziom greliny w surowicy był istotnie wyższy u kobiet z łagodnym i ciężkim stanem przedrzucawkowym niż w grupie kontrolnej (p < 0,001). Chociaż poziom greliny w surowicy był wyższy w grupie z ciężkim stanem przedrzucawkowym niż w grupie z łagodnym stanem przedrzucawkowym, to ta różnica nie była istotna statystycznie (p > 0,05). W grupie kontrolnej nie obserwowano żadnych istotnych związków pomiędzy poziomem greliny a jakimkolwiek innym parametrem, ale w grupie ze stanem przedrzucawkowym poziom greliny w surowicy był ujemnie skorelowany z indeksami przepływów Dopplera w tętnicy macicznej oraz ciśnieniem krwi skurczowym i rozkurczowym (all p-values < 0,05). Wieloczynnikowa analiza regresji liniowej wykazała, że skurczowe ciśnienie krwi było niezależnym czynnikiem związanym z poziomem greliny w surowicy (β = 0,493, p = 0,023). Wnioski: Podwyższony poziom greliny we krwi był związany z ciężkością choroby w ciążach powikłanych stanem przedrzucawkowym

    Coagulation factor V gene mutation increases the risk of venous thrombosis in Behcet's disease

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    We investigated the prevalence of the coagulation factor V gene G1691A mutation in 64 patients with Behcet's disease (BD) and in 107 apparently healthy individuals. The mutation was present in the heterozygous state in 37.5% of the patients with a history of deep vein thrombosis (12/32) and in 9.4% of the patients without any thrombotic event (3/32). Eleven healthy individuals were also heterozygous for the mutation (10.3%). The prevalence of the mutation in BD patients with and without thrombosis was significantly different (P = 0.0079). We conclude that the factor V gene mutation may play a major role in the development of venous thrombosis in BD

    Asymptotics of the Farey Fraction Spin Chain Free Energy at the Critical Point

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    We consider the Farey fraction spin chain in an external field hh. Using ideas from dynamical systems and functional analysis, we show that the free energy ff in the vicinity of the second-order phase transition is given, exactly, by ftlogt12h2tforh2t1. f \sim \frac t{\log t}-\frac1{2} \frac{h^2}t \quad \text{for} \quad h^2\ll t \ll 1 . Here t=λGlog(2)(1ββc)t=\lambda_{G}\log(2)(1-\frac{\beta}{\beta_c}) is a reduced temperature, so that the deviation from the critical point is scaled by the Lyapunov exponent of the Gauss map, λG\lambda_G. It follows that λG\lambda_G determines the amplitude of both the specific heat and susceptibility singularities. To our knowledge, there is only one other microscopically defined interacting model for which the free energy near a phase transition is known as a function of two variables. Our results confirm what was found previously with a cluster approximation, and show that a clustering mechanism is in fact responsible for the transition. However, the results disagree in part with a renormalisation group treatment

    Strategy revision opportunities and collusion

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    This paper studies whether and how strategy revision opportunities affect levels of collusion in indefinitely repeated two-player games. Consistent with standard theory, we find that such opportunities do not affect strategy choices, or collusion levels, if the game is of strategic substitutes. In games of strategic complements, by contrast, revision opportunities lead to more collusion. We discuss alternative explanations for this result

    Genital ulcer severity score and genital health quality of life in Behçet's disease

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    Background: Behçet's Disease (BD) is a chronic auto-inflammatory, multisystem relapsing/remitting disorder of unknown aetiology. Oro-genital ulceration is a key feature of the disease and has a major impact on the patients' quality of life. Other clinical manifestations include ocular inflammation, rheumatologic and skin involvement, while CNS and vascular complications can lead to considerable morbidity. The availability of a valid monitoring tool for BD activity is crucial in evaluating the impact of the disease on daily life activity. The aims of this study were to validate a novel tool for monitoring genital ulceration severity in BD and to assess the impact of genital ulcers on the Genital Health Quality of Life (GHQoL). Methods: Genital Ulcer Severity Score (GUSS) was developed using six genital ulcer characteristics: number, size, duration, ulcer-free period, pain and site. A total of 207 BD patients were examined, (137 females: mean age∈±∈SD: 39.83∈±∈13.42 and 70 males: mean age∈±∈SD: 39.98∈±∈11.95) from the multidisciplinary Behçet's Centre of Excellence at Barts Health NHS Trust. GUSS was used in conjunction with Behçet's Disease Current Activity Form (BDCAF). Results: The over-all score of GUSS showed a strong correlation with all genital ulcer characteristics, and the strongest correlation was with the pain domain (r∈=∈0.936; P∈2: 0.600; P∈<∈0.0001). Conclusions: This study established the practicality of GUSS as a severity monitoring tool for BD genital ulcers and validated its use in 207 patients. Genital ulcers of BD have a considerable impact on the patients GHQoL