21 research outputs found

    The Z--> l^+ l^- and W--> nu_l l^+ decays in the noncommutative standard model}}

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    We study Z--> l^+ l^- and W--> nu_l l^+ decays in the standard model including the noncommutative effects. We observe that these effects appear in the flavor dependent part of the decay widths of the processes under consideration and therefore, they are more effective for the heavy lepton decays.Comment: 8 pages, 5 Figure

    Single-port Laparoscopic Surgery by Use of a Surgical Glove Port: Initial Experience with 25 Cases

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    Rezumat Chirurgie laparoscopicã cu un singur port folosind "port mãnuaeã chirurgicalã": primul studiu pe 25 de cazuri Premize: chirurgia laparoscopicã cu un singur port a câştigat popularitate în ultimii zece ani. Aceastã tehnicã este folositã în unele proceduri chirurgicale. Acest articol descrie o metodã nouã şi mai ieftinã, cunoscutã sub numele de "portul mãnuşã chirurgicalã (PMC)" sau "port improvizat" şi explicã studiul efectuat pe 25 de cazuri. Metodã: s-au efectuat unsprezece colecistectomii, reparaåia la opt hernii inghinale prin procedeu total extraperitoneal, trei splenectomii, douã rezecåii gastrice şi o procedurã anti-reflux. Rezultate: Douãzeci şi patru de proceduri din douãzeci şi cinci, au fost finalizate fãrã sã fie convertite la intervenåie deschisã sau multi-port. La un pacient care prezenta atât litiaza biliarã cât şi tumora gastrointestinalã stromalã, s-au efectuat în aceeaşi sesiune şi colecistectomie şi rezecåie gastricã parcelarã prin tehnica laparoscopicã cu un singur port "mãnuşa chirurgicalã". La un alt caz, au fost efectuate douã incizii suplimentare de câte 5 mm pentru hemostazã. Pentru cazul de reparaåie a herniei hiatale, a fost necesarã o intervenåie chirurgicalã suplimentarã pentru hemoragie postoperatorie, care a fost efectuatã prin aceeasi tehnicã cu port mãnuşã chirurgicalã. Concluzie: Chirurgia laparoscopicã cu un singur port este o tehnicã care poate fi aplicatã în cazul multor proceduri chirurgicale. PMC este o tehnicã mai nouã, pentru care unele experiente preliminare sunt deja publicate în întreaga lume. Tehnica PMC are unele avantaje cum ar fi: cost-eficienåã, implantare uşoarã şi sigurã a portului şi extracåia uşoarã a pieselor chirurgicale. De asemenea poate fi utilizatã şi pentru tratamentul complicaåiilor postoperatorii. Cuvinte cheie: laparoscopie cu un singur port, laparoscopie cu port mãnuşã chirurgicalã, depãrtãtor Alexis Abstract Background: single-port laparoscopic surgery has gained popularity over the last decade. This technique is used for several surgical procedures. This paper documents a new and cheaper access method known as "surgical glove port" or "homemade single-port", and describes our initial experience with 25 cases. Method: Eleven cholecystectomies, eight totally extraperitoneal inguinal hernia repairs, three splenectomies, two gastric wedge resections, and one anti-reflux procedure were performed. Results: Twenty-four procedures out of twenty-five were completed without conversion to open or multiple port techniques. An individual patient who had both cholelithiasis and gastrointestinal stromal tumor underwent both cholecystectomy and gastric wedge resection in the same session with surgical glove port technique. In another case two additional 5-mm incisions were made for hemostasis. The additional operation was required and performed by using surgical glove port for a hiatal hernia repair case, because of postoperative hemorrhage. Conclusion: Single-port laparoscopic surgery is an applicable technique for plenty of surgical procedures. Also, surgical Corresponding author: Atil Cakmak, MD Ankara Universitesi Tıp Fakultesi Ibni Sina Hastanesi Akademik Yerleske K4 06100 Sıhhıye Ankara Turkey E-mail: [email protected] glove port is a newer technique and some initial experiences have already published all over the world. Surgical glove port has advantages such as cost-effectiveness, easy and safe port implantation and specimen extraction. SGP can also be used for treating post-operative complications


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    Abstract Sub-atomic physics at the energy frontier probes the structure of the fundamental quanta of the Universe. The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN opens for the first time the 'terascale' (TeV energy scale) to experimental scrutiny, exposing the physics of the Universe at the subattometric (∼ 10 −19 m, 10 −10 as) scale. The LHC will also take the science of nuclear matter to hitherto unparalleled energy densities. The hadron beams, protons or ions, in the LHC underpin this horizon, and also offer new experimental possibilities at this energy scale. A Large Hadron electron Collider, LHeC, in which an electron (positron) beam of energy 60 to 140 GeV is in collision with one of the LHC hadron beams, makes possible terascale leptonhadron physics. The LHeC is presently being evaluated in the form of two options, 'ring-ring' and 'linac-ring', either of which operate simultaneously with pp or ion-ion collisions in other LHC interaction regions. Each option takes advantage of recent advances in radio-frequency, in linear acceleration, and in other associated technologies, to achieve ep luminosity as large as 10 33 cm −2 s −1