13 research outputs found

    Processes of tree stem regeneration after wounding

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    The review of regeneration processes after tree stem wounding is given. The wounds can be caused by various abiotic and biotic factors and also by human activities. The regeneration processes differ between shallow and deep wounds. Regeneration of deep stem wounds involves both filling the cavity and regeneration of the cambial surface. The pattern of cambial activity and differentiation xylem tissues are modified at various distances from the wound edges. Involvement of mechanical stress in the regeneration processes is discussed

    Tree architecture in the context of biomechanics and auxin activity

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    Tree architecture is the result of morphogenetic processes at different levels of plant body organization. These phenomena are under endogenous and environmental control and also depend also the internal plant biomechanics. This paper reviews the problem of various aspects of tree architecture development with respect hormonal control and plant biomechanics. The role of morphogenetic field associated with auxin polar transport, formation of reaction wood and the biomechanical aspects with respect to various environmental conditions are discussed

    Thermal methods of water flow measurements in stems of woody plants

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    Water flow in woody plant depends on many endogenous and environmental factors. Results of water flow measurements are frequently used in the research on physiology of woody plants and, ecophysiology to describe tree condition, water utilization and connected with these various theoretical and practical matters. Among the techniques of water flow measurements, the thermal methods are most widely used. It is because of easy installation of the system, possibility of continuous measurement with fast final results. The paper reviews various thermal methods of water flow measurements in woody plants with emphasis on the accuracy of measurements and potential sources of errors

    Applying the time-lapse imaging technique for the studies of stem gravitropic kinetics in the changed gravimorphic conditions

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    White willow (Salix alba L.) dormant shoots were collected in March and cut into 30 cm segments. The basal ends were placed in containers with sand and kept in dispersed sunlight and the halogen light after dark. To induce the gravimorphic reaction the segments were oriented at the angle of 30 degrees with respect to horizontal line (stage I). After two weeks of culture the segments were turned at the angle of 150 degrees in such a way that the segments were in horizontal position and the newly formed lateral shoots were oriented according to the gravity vector (fig. 1). They were kept in such position for another 2 weeks (stage II). The growth kinetics of newly formed shoots was studied using time lapse technique. It was found that during stage I the most intensive development of lateral buds growth occurred on the upper side at apical part of the shoot segment. During stage II, the newly formed shoots started to reorient opposite to the gravity vector. The latateral shoots close to the apical end responded faster as compared to the shoots located at farther distances. The site of gravitropic response during 2−week−long experiment was moving and located always below apical part of the lateral shoot in the non−lignified zone. Microscopic observations of the newly formed lateral shoots revealed formation of secondary xylem typical for willow and in some regions the structure newly formed xylem was similar to that of tension wood. The possibility of application of 3D digital Image Correlation method for the studies of growth trajectory was tested in the preliminary experiment performed on the seedlings of Cucumis sativus (fig. 2). The preliminary results (fig. 3) indicate that the method could be applied also for the of growth trajectory of woody plants

    Diversity of needles structure of the selected Polish populations of Pinus sylvestris L. on the experimental plots in the Forest Experimental Station in Rogów

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    The anatomical and morphological diversity of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) needles was investigated in nine Polish populations grown on the experimental plots at the Forest Experimental Station of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW (Rogów, Central Poland). The experiment started in 1966 and the needle samples were collected from the trees cut down during the thinning treatment in 2016. The following needle traits were measured: (1) length, (2) width, (3) thickness, (4) cross−sectional area of the transfusion tissue, (5) epidermis thickness, (6) width to thickness of the needle cross section ratio, (7) distance between the vascular bundles, (8) number of resin ducts, and (9) length of the needle scales. The results showed that trees from the provenances differ with respect to the studied needle features, however, the differences, for individual traits, are relatively small and in most cases are statistically insignificant as measured by the Kruskal−Wallis test. Statistically significant differences (p<0.05) were found only in case of such features as the number of resin ducts and the length of needle scales. The results may suggest that the environmental conditions of the Polish lowland are not sufficiently diversified to induce clear differences between the individual morphological and anatomical traits of pine needles. However, despite the relatively small differences between the studied populations regarding individual traits, the use of the UPGMA (Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic mean) dendrogram, taking into consideration the combined effect of all the examined traits of needles, allowed to separate geographically the tested Polish provenances into three groups: I – mid−western (Rogów, Bolewice, Spała, Karsko, Gubin, Tabórz), II – north−eastern (Rospuda, Starzyna) and III – south−eastern (Janów Lubelski). It is suggested that this may be related both to the ability of Scots pine to adapt to local conditions as well as the possibility that the geographical groups of tested populations originated from three different main glacial refugia