291 research outputs found

    Gas Stripping of Dwarf Galaxies in Clusters of Galaxies

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    Many clusters of galaxies contain an appreciable amount of hot gas, the intracluster medium. As a consequence, gas will be stripped from galaxies that move through the inter cluster medium, if the ram pressure exceeds the internal gravitational force. We study the interaction between the intracluster medium and an extended gas component of dwarf galaxies confined by a surrounding cold dark matter halo analytically and numerically, using axisymmetric two-dimensional hydrodynamical simulations at high resolution. The results show that the gas within the dark matter halo is totally stripped in a typical galactic cluster. The process of ram pressure stripping therefore must have played an important role during the chemo-dynamical evolution of dwarf galaxies in galactic clusters. Our results predict that most of the chemical evolution of dwarf galaxies must have occurred at high redshift, before the virialized cluster had formed.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures; accepted for publication in Ap

    JHKJHK' Imaging Photometry of Seyfert 1 AGNs and Quasars II: Observation of Long-Term Variability

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    Observations of 226 AGNs in the near-infrared JJ, HH, and KK' bands are presented along with the analysis of the observations for variability. Our sample consists mainly of Seyfert 1 AGNs and QSOs. About a quarter of the objects in each category are radio loud. The AGNs in the entire sample have the redshifts spanning the range from z=0z=0 to 1, and the absolute magnitudes from MB=29M_B=-29 to -18. All the objects were observed twice and their variability was measured by differential photometry. A reduction method of differential photometry, optimized to the analysis of extended images, has been developed. The systematic error in variability arising from AGNs of highly extended images is estimated to be less than 0.01 mag in each of the JJ, HH, and KK' bands. The systematic error arising from the flat fielding is negligible for most AGNs, although it is more than 0.1 mag for some particular cases. The overall average flat fielding error is 0.03 mag for the image pairs. We find that these systematic errors are superseded by statistical errors, and the overall average total systematic and statistical errors amounts to 0.05 mag in the measured variability in each band. We find that 58% of all the AGNs in the entire sample show variability of more than 2σ2\sigma, and 44% of more than 3σ3\sigma. This result holds independent of the JJ, HH, and KK' bands. The detection rate of variability is higher for a subsample of higher photometric accuracy, and there appears no limit to this tendency. In particular, when we consider a subsample with small photometric errors of σ<0.03\sigma<0.03 mag, the rate of 2σ2\sigma detection is 80%, and 64% for 3σ3\sigma detection. This suggests that most AGNs are variable in the near-infrared

    HE 0557-4840 - Ultra-Metal-Poor and Carbon-Rich

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    We report the discovery and high-resolution, high S/N, spectroscopic analysis of the ultra-metal-poor red giant HE 0557-4840, which is the third most heavy-element deficient star currently known. Its atmospheric parameters are T_eff = 4900 K, log g = 2.2, and [Fe/H]= -4.75. This brings the number of stars with [Fe/H] < -4.0 to three, and the discovery of HE 0557-4840 suggests that the metallicity distribution function of the Galactic halo does not have a "gap" between [Fe/H] = -4.0, where several stars are known, and the two most metal-poor stars, at [Fe/H] ~ -5.3. HE 0557-4840 is carbon rich - [C/Fe] = +1.6 - a property shared by all three objects with [Fe/H] < -4.0, suggesting that the well-known increase of carbon relative to iron with decreasing [Fe/H] reaches its logical conclusion - ubiquitous carbon richness - at lowest abundance. We also present abundances (nine) and limits (nine) for a further 18 elements. For species having well-measured abundances or strong upper limits, HE 0557-4840 is "normal" in comparison with the bulk of the stellar population at [Fe/H] ~ -4.0 - with the possible exception of Co. We discuss the implications of these results for chemical enrichment at the earliest times, in the context of single ("mixing and fallback") and two-component enrichment models. While neither offers a clear solution, the latter appears closer to the mark. Further data are required to determine the oxygen abundance and improve that of Co, and hence more strongly constrain the origin of this object.Comment: Submitted to Astrophysical Journal. 52 pages (41 text, 11 figures

    Radial Profiles of Star Formation in the Far Outer Regions of Galaxy Disks

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    Star formation in galaxies is triggered by a combination of processes, including gravitational instabilities, spiral wave shocks, stellar compression, and turbulence compression. Some of these persist in the far outer regions where the column density is far below the threshold for instabilities, making the outer disk cutoff somewhat gradual. We show that in a galaxy with a single exponential gas profile the star formation rate can have a double exponential with a shallow one in the inner part and a steep one in the outer part. Such double exponentials have been observed recently in the broad-band intensity profiles of spiral and dwarf Irregular galaxies. The break radius in our model occurs slightly outside the threshold for instabilities provided the Mach number for compressive motions remains of order unity to large radii. The ratio of the break radius to the inner exponential scale length increases for higher surface brightness disks because the unstable part extends further out. This is also in agreement with observations. Galaxies with extended outer gas disks that fall more slowly than a single exponential, such as 1/R, can have their star formation rate scale approximately as a single exponential with radius, even out to 10 disk scale lengths. Halpha profiles should drop much faster than the star formation rate as a result of the rapidly decreasing ambient density.Comment: To appear in ApJ. Available from ftp.lowell.edu/pub/dah/papers/sfouterdisks

    The Peculiar Type Ib Supernova 2006jc: A WCO Wolf-Rayet Star Explosion

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    We present a theoretical model for Type Ib supernova (SN) 2006jc. We calculate the evolution of the progenitor star, hydrodynamics and nucleosynthesis of the SN explosion, and the SN bolometric light curve (LC). The synthetic bolometric LC is compared with the observed bolometric LC constructed by integrating the UV, optical, near-infrared (NIR), and mid-infrared (MIR) fluxes. The progenitor is assumed to be as massive as 40M40M_\odot on the zero-age main-sequence. The star undergoes extensive mass loss to reduce its mass down to as small as 6.9M6.9M_\odot, thus becoming a WCO Wolf-Rayet star. The WCO star model has a thick carbon-rich layer, in which amorphous carbon grains can be formed. This could explain the NIR brightening and the dust feature seen in the MIR spectrum. We suggest that the progenitor of SN 2006jc is a WCO Wolf-Rayet star having undergone strong mass loss and such massive stars are the important sites of dust formation. We derive the parameters of the explosion model in order to reproduce the bolometric LC of SN 2006jc by the radioactive decays: the ejecta mass 4.9M4.9M_\odot, hypernova-like explosion energy 105210^{52} ergs, and ejected 56^{56}Ni mass 0.22M0.22M_\odot. We also calculate the circumstellar interaction and find that a CSM with a flat density structure is required to reproduce the X-ray LC of SN 2006jc. This suggests a drastic change of the mass-loss rate and/or the wind velocity that is consistent with the past luminous blue variable (LBV)-like event.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    HE0107-5240, A Chemically Ancient Star.I. A Detailed Abundance Analysis

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    We report a detailed abundance analysis for HE0107-5240, a halo giant with [Fe/H]_NLTE=-5.3. This star was discovered in the course of follow-up medium-resolution spectroscopy of extremely metal-poor candidates selected from the digitized Hamburg/ESO objective-prism survey. On the basis of high-resolution VLT/UVES spectra, we derive abundances for 8 elements (C, N, Na, Mg, Ca, Ti, Fe, and Ni), and upper limits for another 12 elements. A plane-parallel LTE model atmosphere has been specifically tailored for the chemical composition of {\he}. Scenarios for the origin of the abundance pattern observed in the star are discussed. We argue that HE0107-5240 is most likely not a post-AGB star, and that the extremely low abundances of the iron-peak, and other elements, are not due to selective dust depletion. The abundance pattern of HE0107-5240 can be explained by pre-enrichment from a zero-metallicity type-II supernova of 20-25M_Sun, plus either self-enrichment with C and N, or production of these elements in the AGB phase of a formerly more massive companion, which is now a white dwarf. However, significant radial velocity variations have not been detected within the 52 days covered by our moderate-and high-resolution spectra. Alternatively, the abundance pattern can be explained by enrichment of the gas cloud from which HE0107-5240 formed by a 25M_Sun first-generation star exploding as a subluminous SNII, as proposed by Umeda & Nomoto (2003). We discuss consequences of the existence of HE0107-5240 for low-mass star formation in extremely metal-poor environments, and for currently ongoing and future searches for the most metal-poor stars in the Galaxy.Comment: 60 pages, 16 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Chemical Inhomogeneities in the Milky Way Stellar Halo

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    We have compiled a sample of 699 stars from the recent literature with detailed chemical abundance information (spanning -4.2 < [Fe/H] < +0.3), and we compute their space velocities and Galactic orbital parameters. We identify members of the inner and outer stellar halo populations in our sample based only on their kinematic properties and then compare the abundance ratios of these populations as a function of [Fe/H]. In the metallicity range where the two populations overlap (-2.5 < [Fe/H] < -1.5), the mean [Mg/Fe] of the outer halo is lower than the inner halo by ~0.1 dex. For [Ni/Fe] and [Ba/Fe], the star-to-star abundance scatter of the inner halo is consistently smaller than in the outer halo. The [Na/Fe], [Y/Fe], [Ca/Fe], and [Ti/Fe] ratios of both populations show similar means and levels of scatter. Our inner halo population is chemically homogeneous, suggesting that a significant fraction of the Milky Way stellar halo originated from a well-mixed ISM. In contrast, our outer halo population is chemically diverse, suggesting that another significant fraction of the Milky Way stellar halo formed in remote regions where chemical enrichment was dominated by local supernova events. We find no abundance trends with maximum radial distance from the Galactic center or maximum vertical distance from the Galactic disk. We also find no common kinematic signature for groups of metal-poor stars with peculiar abundance patters, such as the alpha-poor stars or stars showing unique neutron-capture enrichment patterns. Several stars and dSph systems with unique abundance patterns spend the majority of their time in the distant regions of the Milky Way stellar halo, suggesting that the true outer halo of the Galaxy may have little resemblance to the local stellar halo.Comment: Accepted for publication in AJ. Full tables available upon reques

    Exponential Stellar Disks in Low Surface Brightness Galaxies: A Critical Test of Viscous Evolution

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    Viscous redistribution of mass in Milky Way-type galactic disks is an appealing way of generating an exponential stellar profile over many scale lengths, almost independent of initial conditions, requiring only that the viscous timescale and star formation timescale are approximately equal. However, galaxies with solid-body rotation curves cannot undergo viscous evolution. Low surface brightness (LSB) galaxies have exponential surface brightness profiles, yet have slowly rising, nearly solid-body, rotation curves. Because of this, viscous evolution may be inefficient in LSB galaxies: the exponential profiles, instead would give important insight into initial conditions for galaxy disk formation. Using star formation laws from the literature, and tuning the efficiency of viscous processes to reproduce an exponential stellar profile in Milky Way-type galaxies, I test the role of viscous evolution in LSB galaxies. Under the conservative and not unreasonable condition that LSB galaxies are gravitationally unstable for at least a part of their lives, I find that it is impossible to rule out a significant role for viscous evolution. This type of model still offers an attractive way of producing exponential disks, even in LSB galaxies with slowly-rising rotation curves

    A dust-parallax distance of 19 megaparsecs to the supermassive black hole in NGC 4151

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    The active galaxy NGC 4151 has a crucial role as one of only two active galactic nuclei for which black hole mass measurements based on emission line reverberation mapping can be calibrated against other dynamical methods. Unfortunately, effective calibration requires an accurate distance to NGC 4151, which is currently not available. Recently reported distances range from 4 to 29 megaparsecs (Mpc). Strong peculiar motions make a redshift-based distance very uncertain, and the geometry of the galaxy and its nucleus prohibit accurate measurements using other techniques. Here we report a dust-parallax distance to NGC 4151 of DA=19.02.6+2.4D_A = 19.0^{+2.4}_{-2.6} Mpc. The measurement is based on an adaptation of a geometric method proposed previously using the emission line regions of active galaxies. Since this region is too small for current imaging capabilities, we use instead the ratio of the physical-to-angular sizes of the more extended hot dust emission as determined from time-delays and infrared interferometry. This new distance leads to an approximately 1.4-fold increase in the dynamical black hole mass, implying a corresponding correction to emission line reverberation masses of black holes if they are calibrated against the two objects with additional dynamical masses.Comment: Authors' version of a letter published in Nature (27 November 2014); 8 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl